CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs

how did it save your job, exactly?

The first time home buyers tax incentive.

It saved the real estate industry.

Just the auto industry was more than a million jobs.

Funny how the GObP/Repubs were all kinds of critical right up until it was time to take credit. Then, there they'd be, holding a shovel or a big pair of scissors to cut that ribbon and get their pictures taken.

Yes it was successful but it wasn't big enough. Neither was the second one. And, yes, it was tax cuts which the pub/bag voter took but won't acknowledge.

Difference between this time and last is that President Obama saved the world market from collapse the first time. This time, the world collapse could take us with it.

Won't the GObP/Repubs be thrilled. They'll be able to keep right on lying and hang it Obama. The 99% will be hurt bad but that's not their problem because their owned by the 1%.
Let us know when you intend on singing "we are the world".
Oh yes..The Obama saved us all.
Both stimulus were a huge fail. If there were a lick of success, The Obama would not be asking for another one.
The only thing that increased with each stimulus was the federal deficit.
Of course you lefties don't want to talk about THAT....
No one is attempting to convince you to not vote for Obama. The purpose of the debate is to inform you on how wrong your side is.


He is an apologist for Papa Obama

Well, the stimulus did create 5 to 25 million jobs.

Oh wait...it saved that many. Until it ran out.

I noticed that filings for unemployment are up.

The original premise of this thread is all make believe. Every economist has said there is absolutely NO way to measure "jobs saved". "Jobs saved" isn't an economic measure of any kind, there is no way to set up a way to measure such a thing and there is no way to even estimate such a thing. So all government claims about what a rousing success that colossal waste of money really was by trying to change the debate from one of JOB CREATION which is how it was sold to us, to one of "jobs saved" is all bullshit. They pulled the numbers they thought would sound pretty impressive -right out of their :ahole-1: It is nothing more than trying to lay the groundwork for Obama's platform for re-election which we already know is nothing more than "it coulda been worse, huh". Because there is absolutely no way to even estimate or attempt to measure "jobs saved", it means all claims by Obama apologists about the number of jobs saved by the so-called stimulus bill are nothing but made up BULLSHIT.

I guarantee you if any Republican President had made this identical lying ass claim pulling an "official claim" out of their ass that it had saved millions and MILLIONS and MILLIONS of jobs -suddenly every single Kool-Aid drinking liberal would suddenly remember that is actually something that can't be measured at all and start screeching LIAR -and the liberal media would immediately start booking them all to debate whether a lie of that magnitude is an impeachable offense or not! But when it's a Democrat one, the standards are instantly changed and much, MUCH lower. Because after all, they are all just so....noble-y and all, it means their ends justifies their means. And if it means a Democrat President wants to deceive and try to manipulate the public like the dumb cattle Democrats believe them to be anyway -they have no problem with it. And we can see for ourselves who is giving us their best MOOO -right Chris?
how did it save your job, exactly?

The first time home buyers tax incentive.

It saved the real estate industry.

Just the auto industry was more than a million jobs.

Funny how the GObP/Repubs were all kinds of critical right up until it was time to take credit. Then, there they'd be, holding a shovel or a big pair of scissors to cut that ribbon and get their pictures taken.

Yes it was successful but it wasn't big enough. Neither was the second one. And, yes, it was tax cuts which the pub/bag voter took but won't acknowledge.

Difference between this time and last is that President Obama saved the world market from collapse the first time. This time, the world collapse could take us with it.

Won't the GObP/Repubs be thrilled. They'll be able to keep right on lying and hang it Obama. The 99% will be hurt bad but that's not their problem because their owned by the 1%.

Yeah Obama bailed out his unions because they vote democrat....

You fagots imply trickle down economics does not work yet you employ the same philosophy then claim it works.
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This time, the world collapse could take us with it.

Let's hope it does.

Becaues then, everyone living off the government is going to find out what it means to work.

And, under the circumstance of the worldwide economic meltdown (like that which might have happened in 2007) everybody living off their own labors would have to find out what it means not to have a job.

What you are hoping for (the removal of what you percieve as social parasites) isn't what will happen.

...for thine economy maketh the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
For the left

Father forgive them, for they know not what they do

Who is this "left" you speak of, Neo?

The movers and shakers in the central and sovereign banks?

The 6 major shadow Banksters controlling 98% of all derivative debt?

ARE those people the "lefties" of which you speak?

Those folks are, after all, the people in charge.

I ask this because it seems rather silly to think of the world leading capitalistic banksters as socialists.

But if that's who you mean when you speak of members of the left, then I join you in chiding "the LEFT" for fucking up the world.'
This time, the world collapse could take us with it.

Let's hope it does.

Becaues then, everyone living off the government is going to find out what it means to work.

And, under the circumstance of the worldwide economic meltdown (like that which might have happened in 2007) everybody living off their own labors would have to find out what it means not to have a job.

What you are hoping for (the removal of what you percieve as social parasites) isn't what will happen.

...for thine economy maketh the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

There may not be jobs as we know them. And there may not be property as we know it.

But, everyone who wants to exist.....will work.
For the left

Father forgive them, for they know not what they do

Who is this "left" you speak of, Neo?

The movers and shakers in the central and sovereign banks?

The 6 major shadow Banksters controlling 98% of all derivative debt?

ARE those people the "lefties" of which you speak?

Those folks are, after all, the people in charge.

I ask this because it seems rather silly to think of the world leading capitalistic banksters as socialists.

But if that's who you mean when you speak of members of the left, then I join you in chiding "the LEFT" for fucking up the world.'

Derivatives are not debt.
it is not like he knows what he is talking about
He did not know the Soviet Union was socialist


He'll ink off and post another one of those stupid graphs.

:lmao: :rofl: :lol:

Oh wow -graphs and charts to try and convince me this awful Jimmy Carter-style economy is actually one of the best we have ever had in our HISTORY! ROFLMAO !

What a crock of shit!

THIS is the very basic economics the left just can't come to grips with by posting these STUPID graphs and charts thinking they are somehow proving our economy has actually done well and we just never knew it! We all know EXACTLY what happened -but you dumb liberals don't understand what fools you look like posting these stupid charts and graphs like its a bragging point of some kind!

Let's see if you can get it if its broken down a little differently for you.

If you tank the economy and let it sit down there for a year and then it FINALLY ekes out a bit of growth -that growth is coming from the BOTTOM. Ok, so it finally grew one quarter at 1.5%. It hasn't been added on TOP of where GDP was under the previous President. It didn't grow an additional 1.5% from where it was BEFORE it tanked. It grew a piddly 1.5% from where it bottomed out. See if I can get you to understand it in simple terms.

Say I have two trees in my yard and both are 50 feet tall -until that point both trees grew at a rate of 4 inches every quarter. Maximum height of these trees is around 55 feet and as it nears its full height, growth is expected to be slower. I hire two different people for a two year trial after which I will give the job to whomever does the best job. One is a trained arborist who knows what he is doing and does it. The arborist takes excellent care of the tree, it suffers no diseases, has no parasites, its leaves are lush and beautiful - and at the end of the first year his tree is now 51' 4" tall and nearly fully grown. The growth rate slows to 2" every quarter now and at the end of the second year that tree is 52' tall.

The other guy is a lawyer. He got busy suing people for real and imaginary insults and forgot to water the tree, didn't bother to prevent or treat the diseases that afflicted it and and allowed the infestation of parasites. The tree became terribly sick and the the top half died and fell off halfway through his first year. At the end of his first year, the tree is still 25' tall and still hovering between life and death. Then FINALLY the next quarter it grows 2.5 inches. And for the next three quarters after that it ekes out a wobbly growth rate that averages 2.5 inches a quarter after that. At the end of his second year the tree is 25' 10" tall. The contracts of the arborist and the lawyer are up and it is time to decide which of them has earned the job.

The arborist says I should re-hire him because he kept my tree healthy, lush and beautiful and it now nearly fully grown. The lawyer says I should hire him because even though he let half my tree die, and even though it just sat there hovering near death for months more -it is now growing back at a faster rate in his second year than the growth rate seen in the arborist's tree during his second year. In spite of the fact the growth rate of this tree when it was 25 feet before he was hired -was actually at 4" a quarter -and even taking into consideration the fact the additional height of the tree grown by the arborist is 24" and that of the lawyer only 10" -the lawyer still insists he did the superior job.

This is what liberals are trying to convince others to believe about lawyer Obama! ROFLMAO And want us to believe that not only did the lawyer Obama do the better job, but that we should kick the arborist Republican to curb. AND insult the arborist on his way out! It would be hilarious if it weren't just so........pathetic.

You are going to lose your democrat party membership.
You insist on being a hypocrite by posting charts you believe make Obama look good. All the while, and here comes the hypocrisy, you lefties vilify capitalism, abhor business for it's evil pursuit of profit and of course blame all of your perceived woes on "Wall Street"
Yeah, it's ok if the DJIA is up in value over the last 4 years as long as you can give Obama credit.
Meanwhile you buddies who occupy public property are protesting those very same things.
This is called wanting to have it both ways.
I've seen these graphs about 25 times thanks to Chris. One thing he has never done is debunked my argument that the economy was already bottoming out when Obama took office.

Tell me, how on earth can you attribute that "growth" to Obama when had been in office barely a month? An economy the size and scope of ours does not turn on a dime. It was also months before the stimulus could have had any meaningful impact.

I never get an answer, usually just more red-herring arguments and more graphs. I don't think that even he understands the graphs he posts.
I've seen these graphs about 25 times thanks to Chris. One thing he has never done is debunked my argument that the economy was already bottoming out when Obama took office.

Tell me, how on earth can you attribute that "growth" to Obama when had been in office barely a month? An economy the size and scope of ours does not turn on a dime. It was also months before the stimulus could have had any meaningful impact.

I never get an answer, usually just more red-herring arguments and more graphs. I don't think that even he understands the graphs he posts.

The stimulus stopped the deflationary spiral and created the growth.

Basic economics.
I've seen these graphs about 25 times thanks to Chris. One thing he has never done is debunked my argument that the economy was already bottoming out when Obama took office.

Tell me, how on earth can you attribute that "growth" to Obama when had been in office barely a month? An economy the size and scope of ours does not turn on a dime. It was also months before the stimulus could have had any meaningful impact.

I never get an answer, usually just more red-herring arguments and more graphs. I don't think that even he understands the graphs he posts.

The stimulus stopped the deflationary spiral and created the growth.

Basic economics.

Wait wait wait, I thought you were going to make a point to back up your graph. Tell me how on earth the stimulus could have had an affect on these numbers in the early months of 2009 when the economy was stabilizing?
I've seen these graphs about 25 times thanks to Chris. One thing he has never done is debunked my argument that the economy was already bottoming out when Obama took office.

Tell me, how on earth can you attribute that "growth" to Obama when had been in office barely a month? An economy the size and scope of ours does not turn on a dime. It was also months before the stimulus could have had any meaningful impact.

I never get an answer, usually just more red-herring arguments and more graphs. I don't think that even he understands the graphs he posts.

The stimulus stopped the deflationary spiral and created the growth.

Basic economics.

Wait wait wait, I thought you were going to make a point to back up your graph. Tell me how on earth the stimulus could have had an affect on these numbers in the early months of 2009 when the economy was stabilizing?

The economy wasn't stabilizing.
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