CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs

Yes communism and socialism are failed socioeconomic models...

If they weren't then the USSR would still be alive and the Wall would have never fell.

I suppose my opinions are just another brick in the wall...
But Nick us been bankrupt for genarations:cuckoo:
Yes communism and socialism are failed socioeconomic models...

If they weren't then the USSR would still be alive and the Wall would have never fell.

I suppose my opinions are just another brick in the wall...

Communism failed.

Socialism actually works quite well....

Hey Chris,

Looking forward to the well thought out analysis you are going to provide to refute this rather engaging post.

Or....will we just see another ink-graph ?

I'm preparing myself for something way out of left field from him, like abortion or crime stats.

His post is kind of a waste, since we are talking about liberalism, not the Republican or Democratic parties.

The Southern Dixiecrats of the 1960's were more conservative than the Republicans.

And now who are the inheriters of the bigotry of the Old South? The Republicans.

They hate women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gay people, etc....

Women's rights, civil rights, gay rights, and the rights of working people are all liberal ideas.

And they succeeded because the world is becoming more liberal every day.

Nice try, though.

More ink;

Republicans hate blacks.....? How does Herman Cain do so well (minus the women issues) if they hate blacks ?

The state of Wyoming (a real liberal bastion) granted women the right to vote in local elections some 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th. You are so foolish.

But, in it's entirety, your post is nothing but an admission you don't have an answer or the mental capability of dealing with it.

Liberals are the ones who hate. They hate liberty.

They also hate the idea that people can do things without them.
His post is kind of a waste, since we are talking about liberalism, not the Republican or Democratic parties.

The Southern Dixiecrats of the 1960's were more conservative than the Republicans.

And now who are the inheriters of the bigotry of the Old South? The Republicans.

They hate women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gay people, etc....

Women's rights, civil rights, gay rights, and the rights of working people are all liberal ideas.

And they succeeded because the world is becoming more liberal every day.

Nice try, though.

I think you proved my point. Totally off topic once again.

But since you went there...

Republicans do not hate gay people, blacks, women, civil rights. Go outside once in a while. Dems want to keep this lie going for as long as possible because they need "victims" to support their party. Yes, there are exceptions. But I know plenty of liberals who are also the biggest bigots you will ever know, just come to California.

I nailed it.

Yes, Republicans love gay people.

Just look at Michelle Bachman's husband.

The only thing you nailed was your pillow.

Michelle Bachman is fading and it exactly for this reason. You totally ignore the fact that blacks and hispanics are not real fond of gay people either. They were a huge reason that prop 8 in CA got where it got.
Yes communism and socialism are failed socioeconomic models...

If they weren't then the USSR would still be alive and the Wall would have never fell.

I suppose my opinions are just another brick in the wall...

Communism failed.

Socialism actually works quite well....


By all means turn Virginia into a socialst state.

If you like looking like CA or NY......
I'm preparing myself for something way out of left field from him, like abortion or crime stats.

His post is kind of a waste, since we are talking about liberalism, not the Republican or Democratic parties.

The Southern Dixiecrats of the 1960's were more conservative than the Republicans.

And now who are the inheriters of the bigotry of the Old South? The Republicans.

They hate women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gay people, etc....

Women's rights, civil rights, gay rights, and the rights of working people are all liberal ideas.

And they succeeded because the world is becoming more liberal every day.

Nice try, though.

Still re-writing that history, huh? The southern Democrats broke away to form the segregationist Dixiecrat Party. ANY clue where they went when that party collapsed? They were welcomed back with open arms to the Democrat Party where they remained until the day they died. Very few Dixiecrats did NOT go back to the Democrat Party -and the few who ended up Republican like Strom Thurmond, chose to be independents for years before first RENOUNCING their previous racist beliefs and then becoming Republicans. On top of which you seem to think demographics haven't changed in the south? Are you for real? The south underwent a massive influx of northerners -who were largely Republicans. But this notion that Democrats suddenly abandoned their racist views and the very premise of their party platform AT THE VERY SAME TIME Republicans totally abandoned their founding principle of anti-slavery and pro-women's suffrage in order to adopt the principles they DESPISED about the Democrat Party -can only make sense to a fucking liberal. THAT isn't what happened but it is part and parcel of that nice bedtime story Democrats like to tell as they desperately try to re-write their own disgusting history.

Chris you clearly have NO clue what socialism even is if you want to pretend that police and fire departments and public schools are "socialism". No they aren't -they are social contracts. (Aside from which government should not be the education of our citizens business whatsoever. Inevitably control of it is grabbed by those who want to use the system as a political indoctrination center and social engineering instead of just EDUCATING our kids so they can get and hold a job and become productive, contributing members of society. The examples of public schools being used for political indoctrination and social engineering or too numerous to list and anyone with a double digit IQ knows it.)

Social contracts are NOT "socialism". Socialism is a system where the means of production and the distribution of such is "owned" by the community -which in practice is impossible and therefore is actually owned by government.

Police and fire departments don't PRODUCE any goods and therefore are not "owned" by the community. Socialism isn't a community hiring someone to provide a service. Police and firemen are merely HIRED to provide a service.

The fact they have been hired by the community to provide that service doesn't magically turn it into "socialism" any more than electing someone mayor -essentially hiring that person to be mayor -represents socialism. Don't be silly. Also let's not be silly pretending a community can ever own the means of production of some good, ok? It is just a touchy-feely way of denying it is actually government owning it. Oh, always in the NAME of the people -but just try laying claim to your share of it. Under socialism it is always government that owns the means of production and it is always government that regulates it, monitors it, administers it. Not members of the community coming in and doing their time in their jointly owned production of some good -as they would be if it were a community that really owned it and not the government.

That is just one side of socialism which also involves the redistribution of wealth by confiscating it from those who worked to earn and create that wealth in order to hand it over to those who didn't. A lovely formula that encourages a parasitic mentality among citizens instead of one of independence and self-sufficiency. It is one that pits groups of citizens against each other and speeds up the inevitable collapse of the system because socialism and communism both have a built-in fatal flaw.

Let's review a couple of terms. Leftwing extremism is totalitarianism -total state control over the individual who exists as a government owned slave. Rightwing extremism is anarchy -no state control over the individual and pure freedom. Some leftwing extremists have glommed onto the word "anarchist" (and thereby dirtying the word as they did "liberal") but a leftwing anarchist is fake. A leftwing extremist believes in creating dissension, unrest and violence as a political tool to grab greater power -in the belief that when the population becomes frightened by the rising unrest and violence it will demand government "do something" about it, and allow it to grab powers it did not previously have. A leftwing "anarchist" has adopted the dictionary word of the common meaning of "anarchy" which is "chaos" -but rightwing extremism is the political definition of anarchy which is "absence of government". True anarchy is pure freedom -with no government power over the individual, does NOT advocate violence and social unrest but is a belief that man should live in freedom to make of his life what he will for better or ill and come what may. Rightwing anarchists would never publicly demonstrate because that is a means of trying to grab institutionalized power which they reject. Only leftwing extremists believe in the use of creating chaos and violence in furtherance of their political agenda. The founders were near pure anarchists, people who believed in a small, decentralized and WEAK federal government -too weak to turn against its own citizens. That they might end up creating a government that turned on its own citizens was their biggest fear. In fact their first attempt left the federal government so weak it was unable to carry out even the few responsibilities it was given so they had to go back and try again and came up with the Constitution. The word "conservative" derives from the belief a nation should deviate from some document or ideology CONSERVATIVELY and only with great care. A conservative in another country is not the same as an American conservative who think it is our Constitution we should deviate from very conservatively -a conservative in Iran has nothing in common with a US conservative since they believe they should not deviate from their version of Islam. Get that part? American conservatives are not the same as British conservatives or Iranian ones, both of which are using something else than our own Constitution as the thing they do not want to deviate from very much if at all.

American conservatives believe we as a nation, should deviate very little and only with great care from the Constitution -that is the source of their conservatism. American conservatives, who approve of many of the deviations we as a nation have taken from the Constitution -are therefore further to the LEFT than our founders were. Meaning today's conservatives aren't nearly as conservative as our founders were -you can't get more conservative than the people who wrote the thing, right?

Any clue what "American exceptionalism" means? Liberals seem to suffer from this notion it is something said in poor taste, like its bragging or something. When Obama was running last time and was asked about his opinion about "American exceptionalism" he said no doubt England thought it was exceptional too. Which should have been a wake up call for a lot more people than it was. Too many people do not realize it was statements like that one that actually encouraged even more people to wonder about where he was really born. I have no doubt he was born on US soil -but his political beliefs and understanding of US history ABSOLUTELY were NOT.

The US system of government is STILL the only system of government closest to true anarchy than any other system of government on the planet -this is still true even though our government has shifted much, much further to the left than our founders ever wanted and much further to the left than even 50 years ago. There is a REAL lesson to be learned here and one that should NOT be so quickly dismissed and ignored as the left demands we do.

The term is not "bragging" of some sort! American exceptionalism refers to the fact that people in this country live under a system of government that was and still is an exception to the rule among the nations of this planet and of how man has typically existed, suffered and endured in history. If you ever really studied US history you would know what this term meant -and you would have a deep appreciation for what a truly SHOCKING departure our country took from all other nations -and exactly what and how that departure was made that makes this nation the exception to all others on the planet. The US, even though among the youngest of countries on earth -has the longest continuing form of government of any nation on earth. FOR A REASON! Governments collapse when their system fails to satisfy a critical percentage of their population.

Socialist and communist nations aren't the exception to the rule at all. Not only have we have seen one after another come into existence -and fail, but their underlying model is actually a repeat of the old stand-by. Socialism and communism are HISTORICALLY proven FAILED SYSTEMS that fail to satisfy a critical percentage of their own population within a VERY short period of time -about 70-80 years. They have a built-in fatal flaw that guarantees their own collapse and there is no way to avoid that fatal flaw except to refuse to adopt those systems in the first place. I suggest you study world history a lot harder and see if you can figure out what that built-in fatal flaw is! Then come back and explain to everyone here why you and your ilk demand we take this nation down that DOOMED path anyway. Seriously. Which would mean abandoning American exceptionalism and turning it into yet one more known failed system by destroying the most successful system of government on earth -in exchange for one we already know is doomed to fail in a fraction of the time our own has lasted. That could only make sense to a fucking liberal.

Mr. Frazzle parks another one.

I so appreciate your posts.....thanks for putting in such effort.
I think we figured that out a while ago.

Much like an octopus that sprays ink when cornered, he posts his graphs and little canned sentences so he can go to bed at night thinking that Obama is the only reason the boogey man does not get him.

It is pathetic.

That's exactly what it is. That or he has spaz attacks of some sort.

It's tough when the facts don't fit your worldview, isn't it?

But Republicans never were big on facts.

That's why only 6% of scientists are Republicans.

Correction there Octocrisy, never big on useless facts.

You see, while most scientists are democrats or independents, my experience is that most engineers (with the exception of software engineers who a different breed altogether) are very conservative in their views. I work in an office of 50 engineers (most mechanical and chemical) and about 45 are republicans. That has been my experience with most of the other departments and manufacturing groups we interface with.

Scientists are great with their little corner of the world, many are wrapped up in research that is pretty meaningless. What is also tough on them is that they often don't see the big picture.

Engineers have to practically put things together and make them work. You see, economics is part of the defintion of engineering. It isn't part of being a scientists. I work with some really really bright scientists who, by their own admission, know they have lofty thoughts about the way things "ought" to work, but have no clue as to how they really do.

So, keep quoting your uselss statistics and making an ass out of yourself.

If your party was so full of smart people, you'd think you could easily outdo us. You're looking at losing the senate and the WH in 2012. When just four years ago you had the gullible side of the U.S. eating out of your filthy hands.

***** In case you missed it Chris ********

You are a fraud.
I'm preparing myself for something way out of left field from him, like abortion or crime stats.

His post is kind of a waste, since we are talking about liberalism, not the Republican or Democratic parties.

The Southern Dixiecrats of the 1960's were more conservative than the Republicans.

And now who are the inheriters of the bigotry of the Old South? The Republicans.

They hate women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gay people, etc....

Women's rights, civil rights, gay rights, and the rights of working people are all liberal ideas.

And they succeeded because the world is becoming more liberal every day.

Nice try, though.

More ink;

Republicans hate blacks.....? How does Herman Cain do so well (minus the women issues) if they hate blacks ?

The state of Wyoming (a real liberal bastion) granted women the right to vote in local elections some 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th. You are so foolish.

But, in it's entirety, your post is nothing but an admission you don't have an answer or the mental capability of dealing with it.

Liberals are the ones who hate. They hate liberty.

They also hate the idea that people can do things without them.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Rev. Wright to illegal immigrants, the Republican Party always tries to find a black or brown person to scare white suburban voters with...

And who's debate audience booed an AMERICAN SOLDIER in Iraq because he was gay?

No, my friend, the Republican Party is the party of bigots.
Last edited:
Yes communism and socialism are failed socioeconomic models...

If they weren't then the USSR would still be alive and the Wall would have never fell.

I suppose my opinions are just another brick in the wall...

Communism failed.

Socialism actually works quite well....


By all means turn Virginia into a socialst state.

If you like looking like CA or NY......

Virginia already is a socialist state.

Most of our economy is based on the military or the federal government.

And their is nothing more socialist than the U.S. military.
His post is kind of a waste, since we are talking about liberalism, not the Republican or Democratic parties.

The Southern Dixiecrats of the 1960's were more conservative than the Republicans.

And now who are the inheriters of the bigotry of the Old South? The Republicans.

They hate women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gay people, etc....

Women's rights, civil rights, gay rights, and the rights of working people are all liberal ideas.

And they succeeded because the world is becoming more liberal every day.

Nice try, though.

More ink;

Republicans hate blacks.....? How does Herman Cain do so well (minus the women issues) if they hate blacks ?

The state of Wyoming (a real liberal bastion) granted women the right to vote in local elections some 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th. You are so foolish.

But, in it's entirety, your post is nothing but an admission you don't have an answer or the mental capability of dealing with it.

Liberals are the ones who hate. They hate liberty.

They also hate the idea that people can do things without them.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Rev. Wright to illegal immigrants, the Republican Party always tries to find a black or brown person to scare white suburban voters with...

And who's debate audience booed an AMERICAN SOLDIER in Iraq because he was gay?

No, my friend, the Republican Party is the party of bigots.

More ink.

Liberals hate liberty.

They don't mind shouting down anyone they don't agree with as has been seen on several occasions.

Well did you chose to elect someone who is interested in spreading "the wealth" when he should have said, "your wealth".

And I am sure that the U.S. military whose members volunteered would appreciate being called a socialist organization.

And, yes you can look right past all the venom within your own ranks towards each other and turn a blind eye.

His post is kind of a waste, since we are talking about liberalism, not the Republican or Democratic parties.

The Southern Dixiecrats of the 1960's were more conservative than the Republicans.

And now who are the inheriters of the bigotry of the Old South? The Republicans.

They hate women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gay people, etc....

Women's rights, civil rights, gay rights, and the rights of working people are all liberal ideas.

And they succeeded because the world is becoming more liberal every day.

Nice try, though.

More ink;

Republicans hate blacks.....? How does Herman Cain do so well (minus the women issues) if they hate blacks ?

The state of Wyoming (a real liberal bastion) granted women the right to vote in local elections some 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th. You are so foolish.

But, in it's entirety, your post is nothing but an admission you don't have an answer or the mental capability of dealing with it.

Liberals are the ones who hate. They hate liberty.

They also hate the idea that people can do things without them.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Rev. Wright to illegal immigrants, the Republican Party always tries to find a black or brown person to scare white suburban voters with...

And who's debate audience booed an AMERICAN SOLDIER in Iraq because he was gay?

No, my friend, the Republican Party is the party of bigots.

Bloodthirsty Liberal » Liberals are Bigots: Matthews

No Republican is going to vote in the Democratic primary, so they are excused from his rant. Only liberals (either registered as Democrats or Independent) would vote for either Obama or Clinton, so those liberals who passed up the “historic opportunity” to vote for Obama for the other “historic opportunity” to vote for Clinton did so out of racism. It’s an unavoidable conclusion.

And it follows up on Gloria Steinem’s accusation that Democratic (and liberal Independent) voters in Iowa succumbed to sexism by not voting for Hillary there.

Which are liberals more ashamed of: their racism and sexism, or their idiot spokespeople? Oh, foolish me, liberals don’t feel shame.
His post is kind of a waste, since we are talking about liberalism, not the Republican or Democratic parties.

The Southern Dixiecrats of the 1960's were more conservative than the Republicans.

And now who are the inheriters of the bigotry of the Old South? The Republicans.

They hate women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, gay people, etc....

Women's rights, civil rights, gay rights, and the rights of working people are all liberal ideas.

And they succeeded because the world is becoming more liberal every day.

Nice try, though.

More ink;

Republicans hate blacks.....? How does Herman Cain do so well (minus the women issues) if they hate blacks ?

The state of Wyoming (a real liberal bastion) granted women the right to vote in local elections some 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th. You are so foolish.

But, in it's entirety, your post is nothing but an admission you don't have an answer or the mental capability of dealing with it.

Liberals are the ones who hate. They hate liberty.

They also hate the idea that people can do things without them.

From Reagan's "welfare queen" to Willie Horton to Rev. Wright to illegal immigrants, the Republican Party always tries to find a black or brown person to scare white suburban voters with...

And who's debate audience booed an AMERICAN SOLDIER in Iraq because he was gay?

No, my friend, the Republican Party is the party of bigots.

As defined by Collins English Dictionary, a bigot is "a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, especially on religion, politics, or race."
In contemporary culture, those who claim to tolerate everything are intolerant of ideas that come from perspectives other than their own, especially when those ideas are rooted in conservative politics or evangelical faith.

Though anti-Semitism and anti-Catholic bigotry sadly are still with us, the new and "accepted" bigotry among some on the left is for those who call themselves -- or are sometimes mislabeled by people who don't know the difference between born-again and born yesterday -- evangelical Christians.

With two evangelicals running for president, the opening salvo in what is likely to be a God vs. government battle has already been launched. A June 22 article in Rolling Stone magazine gives bigots permission for more bigotry. The illustration by Victor Juhasz, which accompanies it, reveals where the writer is headed.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., is dressed as Joan of Arc with a Bible in one hand, a bloody sword in the other, a cross on her chest, and the "finger of God" pointing at her from heaven.

In the background, people are being burned at the stake. Father Charles Coughlin at his worst would have had trouble topping this on his bigoted radio broadcasts in the 1930s.

Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi says Bachmann is "a religious zealot whose brain is a raging electrical storm of divine visions and paranoid delusions." One of many examples he cites is her assertion that China is "plotting to replace the dollar bill."

Recently, China's official Xinhua News Agency editorialized in favor of a new global reserve currency, replacing the dollar. Don't look for a retraction.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Here comes a new wave of liberal bigotry | Cal Thomas | Columnists | Washington Examiner

********** Let's keep going
From the NYT:

What a cunning man Clarence Thomas is.

He knew that he could not make a powerful legal argument against racial preferences, given the fact that he got into Yale Law School and got picked for the Supreme Court thanks to his race.

So he made a powerful psychological argument against what the British call ''positive discrimination,'' known here as affirmative action.

Justice Thomas's dissent in the 5-4 decision preserving affirmative action in university admissions has persuaded me that affirmative action is not the way to go.

The dissent is a clinical study of a man who has been driven barking mad by the beneficial treatment he has received.

It's poignant, really. It makes himcrazy that people think he is where he is because of his race, but he is where he is because of his race.
A few of the more "thoughtful" types:

- Jesse Jackson describing New York City

“Jews — that’s J-E-W-S.”
- State Senator Bill McKinney explaining why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”
- Louis Farrakhan

“White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
- Rev. Al Sharpton

“The white race is the cancer of human history.”
- Susan Sontag

These negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they’ve never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.
Now back to how the stimulus failed and how the economy is still in the tank.
Yes communism and socialism are failed socioeconomic models...

If they weren't then the USSR would still be alive and the Wall would have never fell.

I suppose my opinions are just another brick in the wall...

Communism failed.

Socialism actually works quite well....

Socialism fails at every turn. Posting pics of Hot Swedish chicks doesn't prove a fucking thing.
Now, you can go provide some facts on how socialism or rather, 100% central control of all business and wealth combined with redistribution works and works well.
A suggestion for you and all of the other socialists on here. If you don't like it here MOVE!
Move to one of those socialist utopias and get back to us in 5 years on how green the grass is on the other side of the fence.
One thing is for sure, you will not have your desired socialist system here. That I can guarantee you would never come about. Not without a lot of bloodshed.
When government attempts to change the rules of the game to satisfy their own agenda, the net result is anger then conflict.
Don't think you can walk into my house or have your operatives do it for you and take what is mine. I will do what I see fit to stop that from happening. If a person becomes prone and assumes room temperature, not my problem.
OK Chris, come get ya some.
From the same report: In contrast to its positive near-term macroeconomic effects, ARRA will reduce output slightly in the long run, CBO estimates—by between zero and 0.2 percent after 2016.

Essentially, we are sacrificing minimum short term gains at expense of long run economic growth.
Communism failed.

Socialism actually works quite well....

Yes, Spain is at 23% unemployment and Greece is at 18%. Many of the southern European countries are at 8-10% and it is chronic.

We are choking on 9%.

Socialism just tears it up.

:lol: :lol:

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