CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs

You can't have rights without prosperity. I sincerely believe the socialist agenda is to sabotage prosperity so they can then start focusing on taking away rights.

Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News
Oh please. You fucking retarded lefties have been trying this shit for who knows how long.
Public safety , public works and national defense are essential functions of government. That is certainly NOT socialism. Your father ,God bless him, is not being kept alive by bureaucracy but that bureaucracy can certainly at the stroke of a pen can kill him.
Public schools are NOT socialism. We in our laziness allowed the government to take control of education by default. We said, 'let's pool our money and make a place where all the kids and get an education." Worked great for a while until the "educrat" was invented and the federal government dangled that money carrot in front of the educrat.....
Who said anything about 'happy"? What is it with you libs and "happy"..Who the fuck said we had "happy" as an agenda?
And of course all that wonderful socialism comes at a price. Danes place an average of 46.7% of their income into the hands of government so that the government can take care of them.
Tell ya what..You are free to join the Republic of Denmark as a permanent resident. That is if you think it's so shitty here and to wonderful there.
But if you're going to stay here, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I am sick and tired of you whiny little bitches complaining about this country and how great it is elsewhere. FUCKING MOVE then. Pack your shit and get out.
Denmark has a smaller population than 20 US states
I hear you

But, it really is not so much the conversation that is important
as it is controlling the message

History and experience is not on the side of the Left
They know it

Which is why they must lie so much and so often
The only positive thing to do is to counter them
each time

Actually history is totally on the side of the left.

From civil rights to women's rights to gay rights to the social safety net, the right has been wrong every time.

And they continue to be....


History has never been on the side of the left.

Only corrupt bastards like Earl Warren have been.

BTW: The stimulus sucked.
How can anyone intelligently debate socialism with people who don't understand the various forms of it?

We don't want to discuss it. We want it defeated.

Does that mean you want all social institutions defeated? There goes the family...

Really dude? Is that your question? Did you think that up all by yourself?
If you want to be a smartass and ask stupid questions, go waste someone else's time.
You know God Damned well what socialism is and precisely my inference regarding socialism. So cut the bullshit.
You can't have rights without prosperity. I sincerely believe the socialist agenda is to sabotage prosperity so they can then start focusing on taking away rights.

Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years.

Ignore the $11 trillion shortfall behind the curtain.
Believing that we should most of the above things in our society doesn't make me a Socialists. I believe govt should provide only the things that private sector can't.

Oh and Denmark, you're talking about a country about the size of Houston.

They eat herring sandwiches. And these guys are the happiest on earth?

Chris likes to latch on to Retarded Ideas and keep repeating them. As if the Tiny little Nation of Denmark is any Model for a Continental Nations of 300 Million people that does not have the Luxury of Not spending money on Defense.

Oh and have I mentioned Lately he is a fucking idiot?
The Cops, Fire Dept, Military, These things are not Socialist. Everyone benefits from them, including the Rich. Unlike Socialism which is taking from those that have and giving to those that do not.

It is especially ignorant and really fucking assholish of him to claim SS is Socialism. Considering when ever someone on the right has said that from the day they first started trying to pass it, the Liberals swore up and down it was not Socialism, and was a Pay as you go Retirement plan.

I swear Lefties just have no ethics at all, there is no lie the wont tell, not unimaginable Hippocracy they wont be part of.

I think we figured that out a while ago.

Much like an octopus that sprays ink when cornered, he posts his graphs and little canned sentences so he can go to bed at night thinking that Obama is the only reason the boogey man does not get him.

It is pathetic.
Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years.

Ignore the $11 trillion shortfall behind the curtain.

If by "worked well", you mean it has duped people into retiring into poverty, I would agree.

The government has always maintained that you should not count on SS only, but have other forms of retirement.

But President Obama was eyeballling our 401K's at one point (probably until he figured the tens of thousands of death threats might actually have some serious ones)....so much for staying true to your word.

The system has been the biggest scam the world has ever known.
It would be a cold, hard world without socialism. Even the family structure is socialist.
Face palm...
You too are free to accompany Chris to your new homeland of absolute womb to tomb security, milk and honey and eternal happiness...Cuz it ain't happening here.
BTW, do you have lavender colored bed linens? Little yellow duckie wall paper in your bathroom and own a pair of fluffy bunny feet slippers?
That stupid Coca Cola commercial comes to mind. "I'd like to teach the world..."
good grief. between 5to 25 million..

couldn't they come UP WITH A NUMBER or are we suppose to pick one.

So yeah sure...I believe it, really..:eusa_whistle:

Maybe they should designate another SUPER COMMITTEE to come up with an answer of whether it was 5 or 25 million jobs saved?---:lol::lol::lol:
You can't have rights without prosperity. I sincerely believe the socialist agenda is to sabotage prosperity so they can then start focusing on taking away rights.

Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News
Oh please. You fucking retarded lefties have been trying this shit for who knows how long.
Public safety , public works and national defense are essential functions of government. That is certainly NOT socialism. Your father ,God bless him, is not being kept alive by bureaucracy but that bureaucracy can certainly at the stroke of a pen can kill him.
Public schools are NOT socialism. We in our laziness allowed the government to take control of education by default. We said, 'let's pool our money and make a place where all the kids and get an education." Worked great for a while until the "educrat" was invented and the federal government dangled that money carrot in front of the educrat.....
Who said anything about 'happy"? What is it with you libs and "happy"..Who the fuck said we had "happy" as an agenda?
And of course all that wonderful socialism comes at a price. Danes place an average of 46.7% of their income into the hands of government so that the government can take care of them.
Tell ya what..You are free to join the Republic of Denmark as a permanent resident. That is if you think it's so shitty here and to wonderful there.
But if you're going to stay here, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I am sick and tired of you whiny little bitches complaining about this country and how great it is elsewhere. FUCKING MOVE then. Pack your shit and get out.
Denmark has a smaller population than 20 US states

Wow, I really nailed you on that one.

Nothing you said in this post makes any sense. I particularly love the whinny little stuff about moving. That's a pussy ass conservative cliche.

Everything the government does is socialist....especially the military. They tell you what to eat, where to sleep, what to wear, where to go, who you can have sex with, and they give a check and healthcare every month for the rest of your life. If that isn't socialism, I don't know what is.

Oh...and I forgot one more socialist institution that works really well......

Credit unions.
They eat herring sandwiches. And these guys are the happiest on earth?

Chris likes to latch on to Retarded Ideas and keep repeating them. As if the Tiny little Nation of Denmark is any Model for a Continental Nations of 300 Million people that does not have the Luxury of Not spending money on Defense.

Oh and have I mentioned Lately he is a fucking idiot?
The Cops, Fire Dept, Military, These things are not Socialist. Everyone benefits from them, including the Rich. Unlike Socialism which is taking from those that have and giving to those that do not.

It is especially ignorant and really fucking assholish of him to claim SS is Socialism. Considering when ever someone on the right has said that from the day they first started trying to pass it, the Liberals swore up and down it was not Socialism, and was a Pay as you go Retirement plan.

I swear Lefties just have no ethics at all, there is no lie the wont tell, not unimaginable Hippocracy they wont be part of.

I think we figured that out a while ago.

Much like an octopus that sprays ink when cornered, he posts his graphs and little canned sentences so he can go to bed at night thinking that Obama is the only reason the boogey man does not get him.

It is pathetic.

That's exactly what it is. That or he has spaz attacks of some sort.
Chris likes to latch on to Retarded Ideas and keep repeating them. As if the Tiny little Nation of Denmark is any Model for a Continental Nations of 300 Million people that does not have the Luxury of Not spending money on Defense.

Oh and have I mentioned Lately he is a fucking idiot?
The Cops, Fire Dept, Military, These things are not Socialist. Everyone benefits from them, including the Rich. Unlike Socialism which is taking from those that have and giving to those that do not.

It is especially ignorant and really fucking assholish of him to claim SS is Socialism. Considering when ever someone on the right has said that from the day they first started trying to pass it, the Liberals swore up and down it was not Socialism, and was a Pay as you go Retirement plan.

I swear Lefties just have no ethics at all, there is no lie the wont tell, not unimaginable Hippocracy they wont be part of.

I think we figured that out a while ago.

Much like an octopus that sprays ink when cornered, he posts his graphs and little canned sentences so he can go to bed at night thinking that Obama is the only reason the boogey man does not get him.

It is pathetic.

That's exactly what it is. That or he has spaz attacks of some sort.

It's tough when the facts don't fit your worldview, isn't it?

But Republicans never were big on facts.

That's why only 6% of scientists are Republicans.
I think we figured that out a while ago.

Much like an octopus that sprays ink when cornered, he posts his graphs and little canned sentences so he can go to bed at night thinking that Obama is the only reason the boogey man does not get him.

It is pathetic.

That's exactly what it is. That or he has spaz attacks of some sort.

It's tough when the facts don't fit your worldview, isn't it?

But Republicans never were big on facts.

That's why only 6% of scientists are Republicans.

If by facts you mean cliched, irrelevant, out of context rhetoric that you post then I don't have an interest in that.
I think we figured that out a while ago.

Much like an octopus that sprays ink when cornered, he posts his graphs and little canned sentences so he can go to bed at night thinking that Obama is the only reason the boogey man does not get him.

It is pathetic.

That's exactly what it is. That or he has spaz attacks of some sort.

It's tough when the facts don't fit your worldview, isn't it?

But Republicans never were big on facts.

That's why only 6% of scientists are Republicans

And very few creative people are Republicans either, so they do not deal with imagination well either. Guess they just do what they are told.
They also don't know what the word means or try to "dilute" the word socialism

Most likely a poor attempt to make it more "palatable " to people.
Since socialism has such an ugly past

This is the same type of "Moral equivalence" argument that Leftist apologists tried
to make for countries like the Soviet Union. Feeble attempts to lower the US standing
to that of the Soviet Union, in hopes of increasing their support.

Notice how they don't use the Post Office example any more
when talking about socialized medicine?

Funny how that works
Last edited:
You can't have rights without prosperity. I sincerely believe the socialist agenda is to sabotage prosperity so they can then start focusing on taking away rights.

Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Believing that we should most of the above things in our society doesn't make me a Socialists. I believe govt should provide only the things that private sector can't.


You mean like living wages for workers, comrade?

Good idea!
Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Believing that we should most of the above things in our society doesn't make me a Socialists. I believe govt should provide only the things that private sector can't.


You mean like living wages for workers, comrade?

Good idea!

get rid of useless gov't intrusion on the market place
and the crony capitalism that the gov't promotes

and people might have more opportunities

After all, if we could just regulate it to be so
then Cuba would be a heaven on earth
and the Soviet Union would still be here

I think we figured that out a while ago.

Much like an octopus that sprays ink when cornered, he posts his graphs and little canned sentences so he can go to bed at night thinking that Obama is the only reason the boogey man does not get him.

It is pathetic.

That's exactly what it is. That or he has spaz attacks of some sort.

It's tough when the facts don't fit your worldview, isn't it?

But Republicans never were big on facts.

That's why only 6% of scientists are Republicans.

Correction there Octocrisy, never big on useless facts.

You see, while most scientists are democrats or independents, my experience is that most engineers (with the exception of software engineers who a different breed altogether) are very conservative in their views. I work in an office of 50 engineers (most mechanical and chemical) and about 45 are republicans. That has been my experience with most of the other departments and manufacturing groups we interface with.

Scientists are great with their little corner of the world, many are wrapped up in research that is pretty meaningless. What is also tough on them is that they often don't see the big picture.

Engineers have to practically put things together and make them work. You see, economics is part of the defintion of engineering. It isn't part of being a scientists. I work with some really really bright scientists who, by their own admission, know they have lofty thoughts about the way things "ought" to work, but have no clue as to how they really do.

So, keep quoting your uselss statistics and making an ass out of yourself.

If your party was so full of smart people, you'd think you could easily outdo us. You're looking at losing the senate and the WH in 2012. When just four years ago you had the gullible side of the U.S. eating out of your filthy hands.
That's exactly what it is. That or he has spaz attacks of some sort.

It's tough when the facts don't fit your worldview, isn't it?

But Republicans never were big on facts.

That's why only 6% of scientists are Republicans

And very few creative people are Republicans either, so they do not deal with imagination well either. Guess they just do what they are told.

In many ways, that may be true. They do tend to understand the need for unity.

They also are less trusting of the people they send to D.C.

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