CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs

consumer confidence soaring and their5 bag of obstructionist tricks has run out.

They fuck with the economy again like they did in the debt ceiling scam and the party will never survive it

U.S. Consumer Confidence Drops to 2-Year Low - Bloomberg

The New York-based Conference Board’s household sentiment index slumped to 39.8 in October, the lowest level since March 2009 and less than the most pessimistic forecast in a Bloomberg News survey, the group’s data showed today.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo::cuckoo: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Reagan: Up 14.9 percentage points
George H.W. Bush: Up 7.1 percentage points
Clinton: Down 13.4 percentage points
George W. Bush: Up 5.6 percentage points
Obama: Up 21.9 percentage points (through December 2010 only)

Is this the best the extreme Left can come up with now?
more lies

Truth is the worst enemy of the Left

As you can see they didn't even respond, same sort of result I get when I respond to liberals with the facts. I'm going to stop trying to even have a mature conversation with them since they don't even wish to have a discussion about the real facts at hand.
I hear you

But, it really is not so much the conversation that is important
as it is controlling the message

History and experience is not on the side of the Left
They know it

Which is why they must lie so much and so often
The only positive thing to do is to counter them
each time
I hear you

But, it really is not so much the conversation that is important
as it is controlling the message

History and experience is not on the side of the Left
They know it

Which is why they must lie so much and so often
The only positive thing to do is to counter them
each time

Actually history is totally on the side of the left.

From civil rights to women's rights to gay rights to the social safety net, the right has been wrong every time.

And they continue to be....
I hear you

But, it really is not so much the conversation that is important
as it is controlling the message

History and experience is not on the side of the Left
They know it

Which is why they must lie so much and so often
The only positive thing to do is to counter them
each time

Actually history is totally on the side of the left.

From civil rights to women's rights to gay rights to the social safety net, the right has been wrong every time.

And they continue to be....

Yeah there you go - just post stuff about gay rights and women's rights in a thread about CBO Wealth Stats, that sure helps prove your point. :clap2:
I hear you

But, it really is not so much the conversation that is important
as it is controlling the message

History and experience is not on the side of the Left
They know it

Which is why they must lie so much and so often
The only positive thing to do is to counter them
each time

Actually history is totally on the side of the left.

From civil rights to women's rights to gay rights to the social safety net, the right has been wrong every time.

And they continue to be....

What colour is the sky in your world?
Leftist gov'ts will always show their true colours in the long run
when left to their own game.

Number of deaths by leftist gov'ts
All done in the name of the "People" and their "social safety net"

65 million in the People’s Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam

Of course the Holodomor was nothing but a gov't mistake


Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Of course, if the US went totally to the Left
we would get it correct and control it
this time

If you believe that then I have some "Hope & Change" to sell you
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I hear you

But, it really is not so much the conversation that is important
as it is controlling the message

History and experience is not on the side of the Left
They know it

Which is why they must lie so much and so often
The only positive thing to do is to counter them
each time

Actually history is totally on the side of the left.

From civil rights to women's rights to gay rights to the social safety net, the right has been wrong every time.

And they continue to be....

What colour is the sky in your world?
Leftist gov'ts will always show their true colours in the long run
when left to their own game.

Number of deaths by leftist gov'ts
All done in the name of the "People" and their "social safety net"

65 million in the People’s Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam

Of course the Holodomor was nothing but a gov't mistake


Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Of course, if the US went totally to the Left
we would get it correct and control it
this time

If you believe that then I have some "Hope & Change" to sell you

Yep, Because these current Socialist are smart enough to do it right this time, No Jack Booted Thugs, No Gulags, we swear.
I hear you

But, it really is not so much the conversation that is important
as it is controlling the message

History and experience is not on the side of the Left
They know it

Which is why they must lie so much and so often
The only positive thing to do is to counter them
each time

Actually history is totally on the side of the left.

From civil rights to women's rights to gay rights to the social safety net, the right has been wrong every time.

And they continue to be....

You are an ass, First off Civil Rights only happened because Republicans Supported it while Southern Democrats did not.

Second your fucking Social Safety Net is going to be what bring this entire country crashing down, and when it does are you going to admit maybe you got it wrong?

I doubt it, I am sure your little brain will smoke trying to come up with a way to blame the Republicans for it.

You remind me of the idiots driving around in Chevy Volts thinking plugging in to a Grid Powered by Coal, Using Batteries with a dirty Manufacturing Process, is better than using gas Simply Because your Left Wing master tell you to think it, and repeat it like good little soldiers. I mean everything you say is like a list of the Most often told Liberal Lies. it's really laughable. You sure you are even a real person and not just some Bot Programmed to spew Left wing Talking points, and hate of anyone to the right of Moa?
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You can't have rights without prosperity. I sincerely believe the socialist agenda is to sabotage prosperity so they can then start focusing on taking away rights.
You can't have rights without prosperity. I sincerely believe the socialist agenda is to sabotage prosperity so they can then start focusing on taking away rights.

Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News
You can't have rights without prosperity. I sincerely believe the socialist agenda is to sabotage prosperity so they can then start focusing on taking away rights.

Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Believing that we should most of the above things in our society doesn't make me a Socialists. I believe govt should provide only the things that private sector can't.

Oh and Denmark, you're talking about a country about the size of Houston.
You can't have rights without prosperity. I sincerely believe the socialist agenda is to sabotage prosperity so they can then start focusing on taking away rights.

Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Believing that we should most of the above things in our society doesn't make me a Socialists. I believe govt should provide only the things that private sector can't.

Oh and Denmark, you're talking about a country about the size of Houston.

They eat herring sandwiches. And these guys are the happiest on earth?
Socialism works great.

The police department is socialist. The fire department is socialist. Public schools and universities are socialist. The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years. Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And the happiest place on earth is socialist. Click on the link...

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Believing that we should most of the above things in our society doesn't make me a Socialists. I believe govt should provide only the things that private sector can't.

Oh and Denmark, you're talking about a country about the size of Houston.

They eat herring sandwiches. And these guys are the happiest on earth?

Chris likes to latch on to Retarded Ideas and keep repeating them. As if the Tiny little Nation of Denmark is any Model for a Continental Nations of 300 Million people that does not have the Luxury of Not spending money on Defense.

Oh and have I mentioned Lately he is a fucking idiot?

The Cops, Fire Dept, Military, These things are not Socialist. Everyone benefits from them, including the Rich. Unlike Socialism which is taking from those that have and giving to those that do not.

It is especially ignorant and really fucking assholish of him to claim SS is Socialism. Considering when ever someone on the right has said that from the day they first started trying to pass it, the Liberals swore up and down it was not Socialism, and was a Pay as you go Retirement plan.

I swear Lefties just have no ethics at all, there is no lie the wont tell, not unimaginable Hippocracy they wont be part of.
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I hear you

But, it really is not so much the conversation that is important
as it is controlling the message

History and experience is not on the side of the Left
They know it

Which is why they must lie so much and so often
The only positive thing to do is to counter them
each time

Actually history is totally on the side of the left.

From civil rights to women's rights to gay rights to the social safety net, the right has been wrong every time.

And they continue to be....
That is your opinion. The facts state otherwise.
Hell, even perception of liberalism takes on a negative connotation.
During the 2004 Presidential Campaign Sen John Kerry when referred to as a liberal shot back with "I don't appreciate the characterization".
During the 2008 campaign among Obama's little rules he not only declared he would not use his race in the campaign( which he did when it was convenient) he also demanded he not be referred to as a liberal.
We have people on this board who throw tantrums when they are challenged on their liberalism. They deny it 100%.
As a matter of fact, the term 'progressive' came from the notion that 'liberal' carried too much baggage.
And finally that 2009 Gallup poll which studied political ideological self identification showed that just 20% of the respondents identified themselves as liberal. With the majority of those self identifying as moderate or conservative. This poll plus the loss of over 600 federal and state seats by democrats to republicans, sent the political left into orbit.
You are a part of your own reality Chris. You sit at your computer and make up your own set of facts in order for you to live in a comfort zone. That's fine. Post your nonsense here. Nobody cares because nothing you post has any factual basis. It is merely your own rantings.
Feel free to add anything you like. Doesn't make it so.
consumer confidence soaring and their5 bag of obstructionist tricks has run out.

They fuck with the economy again like they did in the debt ceiling scam and the party will never survive it
Stop babbling. You are perhaps the most clueless poster on this board.
Consumer confidence soaring? Where's your data?
And please, if your going to post news articles about how this year's Black Friday numbers were up 7% over last year, don't bother. That's short term. Economists are already seeing another average Christmas shopping season. Only this year the hangover will last long into 2012 because those bills will be in the mailbox from all the plastic swiping.

Who is "they"? What is the "debt ceiling scam"?
What is a "their5 bag"?

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