CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs

I would make the argument that TARP saved us from a possible Depression...the Obama Stimulus was more of a bail out of government employee unions and Obama supporters than it was a stimulus. We took a bath on Solyndra. How did that help us? We propped up government workers jobs for a year with money we had to borrow from China, thus driving up our deficit to such astronomical heights that we suffered our first credit ratings downgrade in the history of the country...something that didn't happen even DURING the Great Depression.

Sorry, Chris...but your beloved charts show the economy had already bottomed out and was starting to recover before Obama's stimulus was passed let alone implemented. Saying the Obama stimulus caused that to happen is wishful thinking on your part. The truth is...many of Obama's policies hampered the normal rebound from a recession...prolonging it's effect instead of easing it. There is a reason why there are more long time unemployed NOW than at any time in our history. That reason is that the Obama Stimulus failed.


Half the stimulus was tax cuts not government spending.

So you're saying only half the stimulus was wasted? I'll agree to that.
I would make the argument that TARP saved us from a possible Depression...the Obama Stimulus was more of a bail out of government employee unions and Obama supporters than it was a stimulus. We took a bath on Solyndra. How did that help us? We propped up government workers jobs for a year with money we had to borrow from China, thus driving up our deficit to such astronomical heights that we suffered our first credit ratings downgrade in the history of the country...something that didn't happen even DURING the Great Depression.

Sorry, Chris...but your beloved charts show the economy had already bottomed out and was starting to recover before Obama's stimulus was passed let alone implemented. Saying the Obama stimulus caused that to happen is wishful thinking on your part. The truth is...many of Obama's policies hampered the normal rebound from a recession...prolonging it's effect instead of easing it. There is a reason why there are more long time unemployed NOW than at any time in our history. That reason is that the Obama Stimulus failed.


Half the stimulus was tax cuts not government spending.

So you're saying only half the stimulus was wasted? I'll agree to that.

Keeping schools funded, police on the streets, and public services in our cities is not a waste.

You really need to think about what you are saying.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Americans paid off $1 trillion dollars of personal debt in the last few years.
We are leaving Iraq, which will save us billions.
We are leaving Afghanistan in 2014, which will save us billions.
Auto sales are up 13.9%,
Pending home sales are up 10%,
Retail sales are up 16%
And unemployment is down.

The economy is getting better and better.

Too bad you can't handle the truth.

The economy is sputtering.

GDP almost always grows, it is just a matter of how fast....right now it is anemic.

And all th rest follow.

The stock market is still below where it was almost 10 years ago.

Unemployment is down....ROTF....it's been shown why it is "down". It is really up.

The economy sucks, nobody is cheering it (or did we really not need another jobs bill ?), except you.

Liberals hate liberty.

Liberals hate truth.

To bad you can't handle either one.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Americans paid off $1 trillion dollars of personal debt in the last few years.
We are leaving Iraq, which will save us billions.
We are leaving Afghanistan in 2014, which will save us billions.
Auto sales are up 13.9%,
Pending home sales are up 10%,
Retail sales are up 16%
And unemployment is down.

The economy is getting better and better.

Too bad you can't handle the truth.

The economy is sputtering.

GDP almost always grows, it is just a matter of how fast....right now it is anemic.

And all th rest follow.

The stock market is still below where it was almost 10 years ago.

Unemployment is down....ROTF....it's been shown why it is "down". It is really up.

The economy sucks, nobody is cheering it (or did we really not need another jobs bill ?), except you.

Liberals hate liberty.

Liberals hate truth.

To bad you can't handle either one.

With all the government injected cash its really artificial GDP growth.
So you're saying only half the stimulus was wasted? I'll agree to that.

And by their own admission, the other half didn't hit until after things had bottomed out.

No, the stimulus, like the proposed payroll tax cuts are only building our debt.

Can't wait to deal with that one.

Liberals hate liberty.
Half the stimulus was tax cuts not government spending.

Does not address the issue he raised about timing. The tax cuts did not align with the bottoming out.

The stimulus stalled the recovery.

Half the stimulus was tax cuts not government spending.

So you're saying only half the stimulus was wasted? I'll agree to that.

Keeping schools funded, police on the streets, and public services in our cities is not a waste.

You really need to think about what you are saying.

The idea of the stimulus wasn't to keep government employees employed, Chris...it was to stimulate the economy. Since you're now back looking for yet ANOTHER stimulus it's pretty obvious that didn't happen. Of course anyone with a dollop of common sense and the basics from their college Econ 101 course would know that jobs aren't created by the public sector and that at some point (NOW) the money you've borrowed to do so is going to run out and those government employees are going to get laid off simply because their isn't enough revenue coming from the private sector to sustain their salaries, which is what is happening all across the country as we speak.
The idea of the stimulus wasn't to keep government employees employed, Chris...it was to stimulate the economy. Since you're now back looking for yet ANOTHER stimulus it's pretty obvious that didn't happen. Of course anyone with a dollop of common sense and the basics from their college Econ 101 course would know that jobs aren't created by the public sector and that at some point (NOW) the money you've borrowed to do so is going to run out and those government employees are going to get laid off simply because their isn't enough revenue coming from the private sector to sustain their salaries, which is what is happening all across the country as we speak.

That dollop of common sense might be a real problem in the case of Octocrissy.

When you can't let your world come apart, you jam your fingers in your ears, ink off and leave.

Liberals hate liberty.
Half the stimulus was tax cuts not government spending.

Does not address the issue he raised about timing. The tax cuts did not align with the bottoming out.

The stimulus stalled the recovery.
Indeed. Pretty much what happened with FDR and the New Deal.

How fucking stupid.

When FDR took office, the economy was shrinking at a 10% rate. There was no recovery - only continued collapse. The first and most critical New Deal programs were passed in early and mid 1933. The four year period after that saw the fastest average growth in US history.

Maybe among idiots you can get away with making stupid claims, but not here.
No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.

Cancer grows too.

The economy has been sputtering since the stimulus.

To ba you can't disprove that ? And why is it, according to you, that it is to bad he can't disprove it ?

Do you need evidence your Messiah is a failure ?
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Americans paid off $1 trillion dollars of personal debt in the last few years.
We are leaving Iraq, which will save us billions.
We are leaving Afghanistan in 2014, which will save us billions.
Auto sales are up 13.9%,
Pending home sales are up 10%,
Retail sales are up 16%
And unemployment is down.

The economy is getting better and better.

Too bad you can't handle the truth.

The stock market has doubled since 2009.

No it hasn't.

Americans paid off $1 trillion dollars of personal debt in the last few years.

At least you stopped claiming this occurred over the last year.

And unemployment is down.

Still above the level when he took office.
Still above the 8% we were promised it would remain below, if only the stimulus passed.

The economy is getting better and better.

Not enough to save your Zero.
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When FDR took office, the economy was shrinking at a 10% rate. There was no recovery - only continued collapse. The first and most critical New Deal programs were passed in early and mid 1933. The four year period after that saw the fastest average growth in US history.

Maybe among idiots you can get away with making stupid claims, but not here.

GDP grew those four years, but it was from the bottom of the great depression and unemployment was still roughly 20%.

That is BTW a big reason Obama's failure is so epic. FDR could do nothing and achieve those results because growth was from the bottom of the great depression.

Obama could have done nothing and had solid growth from the bottom of the great recession. The anemic growth we've had is a blazing testament to the damage he's wrecked on us. It takes a real skill to keep us near that low.
When FDR took office, the economy was shrinking at a 10% rate. There was no recovery - only continued collapse. The first and most critical New Deal programs were passed in early and mid 1933. The four year period after that saw the fastest average growth in US history.

Maybe among idiots you can get away with making stupid claims, but not here.

GDP grew those four years, but it was from the bottom of the great depression and unemployment was still roughly 20%.

Unemployment fell from 25% (using modern calculations) to 16.5%, and we experienced the most rapid growth on record. In other words, unemployment fell by a 1/3rd or 9 points as part of the a record expansion....

and conservatives interpret that as "prolonging the Depression". No wonder they are so confused about the last 6 quarters of growth.
Not really.

The deflationary spiral was not stabilized. The economy was not growing.

You can argue all you want, but you are wrong.

The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

You're graphs show otherwise, and your "since Jan 2009 statements" suggest otherwise from what you say.

No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.

You are under the impression that all growth is equal. What IS it you don't get here? So it FINALLY started growing again after hitting bottom. So what? What does that mean to you? That Obama's policies actually WORKED and this is wonderful or something? Are you for real? It speaks more to the ability of the economy to find a way to produce even if it is just anemic. But THIS is not HEALTHY growth! This is the weak growth seen when an economy is weak, damaged, hampered and prevented from producing healthy growth.

On top of which you seem to think finally growing even at an anemic rate after hitting bottom is preferable over someone who would have chosen different policies that encouraged a HEALTHY growth and healthier rebound. As if all growth is equal! Your graph is trying to represent the notion that all growth is equal in value without regard to where it starts -and that is FALSE!

You cannot possibly believe that 1.5-2.2% growth is a sign of economic health and acceptable when unemployment is 9%! Do you seriously just not know that this rate of growth is not enough to affect unemployment rates and leaves millions and MILLIONS still unemployed? Do you seriously want to argue that rate of growth is equal in value to 2% when there is full employment? You are SUCH a bot spewing the pre-programmed bullshit like this! I don't know who you think you are going to convince with this pathetic argument but I find it so typical of a liberal to think this amounts to a terrific argument in favor of Obama's re-election! ROFLMAO!

And isn't it interesting the stupid graphs you keep putting up cut off nearly all of Bush's term -because doing so only highlights the fact current growth is NOT healthy, it IS anemic, it is weak and that typically seen in a WEAK, DAMAGED economy. It is more reminiscent of the weak nearly dead in the water economy typically seen in Europe -you know, where they have double digit unemployment rates as a matter of routine and nearly stagnant economies struggling under their even more cumbersome socialist polices.

All growth is NOT equal and WHERE it is growing from MATTERS in the evaluation of the rate of growth! If you refuse to consider that, you cannot possibly determine if that is actually a sign of HEALTHY growth or ANEMIC, UNACCEPTABLE rate of growth. But that rate of growth when unemployment is high is BAD -not a sign of a rebounding economy! If we had a healthy economy with nearly full employment -then this kind of growth might be acceptable. But coming from the bottom when there are millions and MILLIONS and MILLIONS unemployed -this is WEAK, ANEMIC and a sign our economy is still WEAK, DAMAGED and STRUGGLING. If it were healthy growth after suffering this kind of damage -GDP growth would be more than double this! It isn't as significant an impact to be at half that rate when we have close to full employment -but when millions and millions and millions are unemployed -a rate below 4% is BAD! It needs to be a minimum of 4% to even start slowly chipping away at unemployment! But THIS pathetic rate can't touch it and means our economy is still very weak and very damaged with nothing but an anemic growth that can't affect unemployment rates. And YOU just don't want to face that reality. Your propaganda spewing is nothing but parroting something you clearly don't understand!

Unemployment is NOT down -it is actually UP. The rate of 8.6% released the other day does NOT reflect positive job creation that is actually having an impact on unemployment -in reality unemployment went UP. Even though typically unemployment rates drop this time of year because of the increase in temporary seasonal jobs. About 300,000 people just gave up on looking for a job. Nearly 1/3 of a million more people just gave up hope of even finding a job along with the millions who gave up even before this! That is an even more important number that speaks VOLUMES about what is really going on today! TRUE unemployment rate is now above 13% when accounting for those who just gave up looking! Among blacks it is hovering around 20% or higher in many large cities. Among teenagers it is around 25%. And not budging. You have to be nuts to believe if you keep pretending things are wonderful and this is a healthy, rebounding economy. And you MUST be a total Kool-Aid drinker to actually believe THIS is as good as it gets when it comes to the economy with a President!

The official unemployment rate is determined only by those actively searching for work. NOT by ones who just gave up and stopped looking. The fact that millions more people just gave up hope on finding a job and don't even try looking and NOW hundreds of thousands more have joined that group - is NOT a sign of "good economic health" no matter how many times you want to post those stupid, misleading graphs deliberately cut to omit important data and for no purpose but to try and mislead people into believing something that just isn't true!

Those graphs were created for people like you Chris -ready and willing to take the bait and swallowed it whole. Like the good little useful idiot of the left you chose to be.
good grief. between 5to 25 million..

couldn't they come UP WITH A NUMBER or are we suppose to pick one.

So yeah sure...I believe it, really..:eusa_whistle:

We could always rely on the official Republican estimate........zero

OR we could be realistic and look at the ACTUAL unemployment numbers for jobs lost and created since the stimulus was signed into law and up to when the money ran out.

Oh look, it didn't create any NET jobs in that time period :eusa_whistle:
No actually the graphs prove my point.

The economy has been growing since the stimulus.

Too bad you can't disprove that.

Here we go again whit this shit.....

Prove it...

Let me guess you will post GDP??


These graphs mean nothing in the reality of Main Street.
There have been lots of band aids thrown at the economy by the US federal government which are quick fix temporary measures.
Government nor can any other entity interject itself and fix the marketplace.
The marketplace must fix itself.
Of course your people are joined at the hip and worship at the altar of government. Your mommy and daddy.
Did you ever stop your ranting long enough to think why this economic shit hole we're in has lasted so long? The answer is simple....Government interference.
History shows that each and every time the federal government injects itself into the marketplace with the idea that it can fix what ails the system, the fix was temporary and the ends resulted in unintended consequences.
You can spew your unsubstantiated nonsense ( info with no supporting links) for the next millennium. It doesn't matter.
BTW, you stow that horse shit about infrastructure and public safety being forms of socialism. It isn't. Period.
We depend on government for certain things. You want everyone to depend on government for everything. People who want this are lazy, unimaginative, have no gumption, abhor individualism, have a great need to categorize people into groups( easier to control) and have a great need to feel secure. Leaning on government is the easy way out. You people are takers and no producers. You are a drain on society. If this were Colonial times, people like you would have gone hungry or been cast out. You are leeches.
When FDR took office, the economy was shrinking at a 10% rate. There was no recovery - only continued collapse. The first and most critical New Deal programs were passed in early and mid 1933. The four year period after that saw the fastest average growth in US history.

Maybe among idiots you can get away with making stupid claims, but not here.

GDP grew those four years, but it was from the bottom of the great depression and unemployment was still roughly 20%.

Unemployment fell from 25% (using modern calculations) to 16.5%, and we experienced the most rapid growth on record. In other words, unemployment fell by a 1/3rd or 9 points as part of the a record expansion....

and conservatives interpret that as "prolonging the Depression". No wonder they are so confused about the last 6 quarters of growth.
another yutz who throws out numbers with no supporting links to the statistics.
Look genius, less than 2% growth is virtually nil growth. Especially in light of the fact that the general public believes the economy is in bad shape.
At the end of the day if people are not convinced the economy is improving, their neighbors or themselves are not working and making a good living, their home is increasing in value, that empty retail space is being leased and the factories on the outskirts of town are hiring, nobody is going to buy into the nonsense you lefties are spewing. Because the ONLY reason you are crowing about this miniscule growth in GDP and the false report that 120,000 jobs were created and of course that ridiculous unemployment figure which considers people who've stopped looking for work as employed, is the worship and adoration you have for Obama.
Cut the crap. We see right through the lib/progressive smokescreen.
good grief. between 5to 25 million..

couldn't they come UP WITH A NUMBER or are we suppose to pick one.

So yeah sure...I believe it, really..:eusa_whistle:

We could always rely on the official Republican estimate........zero

OR we could be realistic and look at the ACTUAL unemployment numbers for jobs lost and created since the stimulus was signed into law and up to when the money ran out.

Oh look, it didn't create any NET jobs in that time period :eusa_whistle:

Whoooops !

A bump for President Obama.....

And then a whack #$%^ !

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