CBS Article: What if Trump is Right and There is no Collusion?

Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.

What is this reputation you speak of?
If Trump is right and there is no collusion they will get him for something else, that is the way it works.

Clinton was not being investigated for kinky sex in the Oval Office

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And if nothing else Democrats/Liberals will make something up...oh wait, they're already doing that.

Once again, and opinion posted which lacks clarity, evidence, substance, and thus proof. For someone whose nom de plume is Thinker101, we can infer no thought accompany this and many other of his (?) posts.

So sorry I don't measure up to some standard that you clearly don't adhere to. I thought of coming up with a different user name but some dumbass was already using wry catcher.

Thanks for the response. Anger is the response expected when the truth is revealed.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


My one take away from this OP is that another investigation of Trump exists. Who is in charge of the Which Hunt?

The firing of McCabe and when it happened was not based on anything the office of Professional Responsibility concluded. It was vindictive and so vile that anyone with a brain sees Trump's tiny little hands as culpable.

I see your one of those never Trumper no matter what evidence is available for you to see.
Please just take a look, you can still hate Trump, but at least do some research on your own .

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What're y'all talking about here. We know Trump sent Jr. Eric Jared and Manafort to meet with a Russian spy to get dirt on Hillary. That's admitted. And Trump cooked up a lie about it not really being about that. We also know that Pap met with the Russians for the same thing, although there still seems some question as to whether Trump/Sessions directly authorized that.

The questions remain as to A. whether Putin/Assange really gave them the dirt (or whether it materialized on its own out of thin air) or whether Trump gave Putin something for it. B. whether Putin was directing Assange. And C. whether Trump gave Putin something in exchange.

And there are the questions of whether Trump committed obstruction of justice in firing Flynn and Comey and soon to be fired, Mueller
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If Trump is right and there is no collusion they will get him for something else, that is the way it works.

Clinton was not being investigated for kinky sex in the Oval Office

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And if nothing else Democrats/Liberals will make something up...oh wait, they're already doing that.

Once again, and opinion posted which lacks clarity, evidence, substance, and thus proof. For someone whose nom de plume is Thinker101, we can infer no thought accompany this and many other of his (?) posts.

funny how they choose nics that are such a laugh. like thinkers who don't think and "patriots" who aren't
it was vindictive enough. and Donald must be terrified of what he has to say.

trumptards are such morons.

Nothing is too vindictive for scum like McCabe, Comey, and Mueller to name a few. If I were Trump I would take my money and dig up dirt and/make things up to destroy the lives of their spouses, children, and grandchildren.

And keep at it until they kill themselves.
Yes that is just the type of sentiment I’d expect an inbred Trump sheep to present. Go after political opponents children and grandchildren? Worse than deplorable.

Their children and grandchildren are called collateral damage

Who are what made you into the callous asshole you've become?

Watching the parasites in DC who we pay ro do nothing but annoy me.

These people are now trying to destroy a man whose only crime was beating some stupid worthless bitch.

are newspapers and books not at your disposal?

no one is going after Donald because he won. you seem to think that this investigation is like the one the rightwingnut losers did of Hillary Clinton..... politicallty motivated BS.

as for worthless bitch, that would be you.

now be quiet and go lick Donald's photo
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Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


My one take away from this OP is that another investigation of Trump exists. Who is in charge of the Which Hunt?

The firing of McCabe and when it happened was not based on anything the office of Professional Responsibility concluded. It was vindictive and so vile that anyone with a brain sees Trump's tiny little hands as culpable.

I see your one of those never Trumper no matter what evidence is available for you to see.
Please just take a look, you can still hate Trump, but at least do some research on your own .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

what evidence is there "to see"? the man is a dangerous and unstable internet troll.

you're also lying about what the OPE concluded. rushing that report and stealing McCabe's pension was done because Donald is a spiteful piece of trash. McCabe is ten times the man that Donald will ever be, no matter what he "won" in Nov 2016.

Donald is a fellow NY'er. NY'ers didn't vote for him because he's a conman and a reality show twit. If YOU did research, you'd know that his Dad kept bailing him out business wise. He'd have been nothing if he hadn't inherited money. He declared bankruptcy 8 times and ripped off tens of thousands of people with "trump u".

no one takes him seriously except for his "base". the people who work with him call him a "moron".

oh,..... and that would be "you're".
Its eye opening how corrupt and lawless our government is. These sore losers can't stand that the people elected Trump instead of their bought and paid for establishment candidate. So they attack Trump like a pack of rabid dogs trying to gotcha him on something so they can get rid of him and return to the DC status quo.
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


My one take away from this OP is that another investigation of Trump exists. Who is in charge of the Which Hunt?

The firing of McCabe and when it happened was not based on anything the office of Professional Responsibility concluded. It was vindictive and so vile that anyone with a brain sees Trump's tiny little hands as culpable.

It wasn't vindictive enough I would have waited until 11:59pm the day before to fire him

it was vindictive enough. and Donald must be terrified of what he has to say.

trumptards are such morons.
You are a moron. If Trump was scared of what he had to say he would not have fired him. Now McCabe will definitely talk.
Trump’s Russian Laundromat

Trump’s Russian Laundromat
How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.
July 13, 2017

".....“They saved his bacon,” says Kenneth McCallion, a former assistant U.S. attorney in the Reagan administration who investigated ties between organized crime and Trump’s developments in the 1980s.

It’s entirely possible that Trump was never more than a convenient patsy for Russian oligarchs and mobsters, with his casinos and condos providing easy pass-throughs for their illicit riches.

At the very least, with his constant need for new infusions of cash and his well-documented troubles with creditors, Trump made an easy “mark” for anyone looking to launder money. But whatever his knowledge about the source of his wealth, the public record makes clear that Trump built his business empire in no small part with a lot of dirty money from a lot of dirty Russians—including the dirtiest and most feared of them all."..."
Meh - Donald trashed most of his reputation years ago.

What was left has been thoroughly trashed by his childish behavior since taking the oath.
do you bother reading who writes anything? Graham is a rightwing commentator.

it's his "opinion". that's nice.

and if there's no collusion or anything illegal, why are they acting like they're guilty?

That's just it - Perhaps there IS no collusion (notice the incessant preoccupation with that word?) -

One thing is clear - Bob's got him dead to rights on obstruction of justice.

Money laundering and tax evasion may be just around the corner. :)
it was vindictive enough. and Donald must be terrified of what he has to say.

trumptards are such morons.

You are a moron. If Trump was scared of what he had to say he would not have fired him. Now McCabe will definitely talk.

Catch up Trumptard - The entire motivation for Comey firing was to a) distract from the gathering Stormy cloud and b) to weaken McCabe's credibility as a future witness.

And in a contest of intellect - my money is on jillian!
If there's no smoking gun of collusion, all that's left is Trump's ties to Russia and Russia meddling to keep Hillary from getting elected. LOL
Where does a man go to get his reputation back?

That is a question asked by the victim's of Which Hunts like the one Donald Trump has been subjected to regarding his supposed "collusion with the Russians." Every Democrat has claimed it and everyone of the Democrat's Lap Dog Media has to, but it is beginning to be time for the CROW EATING.

CBS just took a small bite. See below.

Commentary: What if Trump is right and there is no collusion?

"Andrew McCabe, who is a Democrat, and whose wife really did get $675,000 in combined donations from a PAC controlled by Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe and from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is also associated with McAuliffe, probably should have recused himself from any Clinton-related investigations. But he was fired, not by Donald Trump, but at the recommendation of FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility. The head of that office is Candace Will, who was given the job in 2004 by then-FBI Director…Robert Mueller."

The OPR reported acted on allegations that McCabe "showed a lack of candor" (is there a nicer way to say "liar" than that?) uncovered by the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He was appointed by…Barack Obama.


We already know that this Fake Dossier which created this whole Mueller Witch Hunt was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton...and now evidence is emerging that parts of the Fake Dossier was actually generated by the Obama F.B.I.---through illegal means---making it necessary to "launder the info" through Christopher Steele to clean it up.

How dangerous is that to our fundamental Liberties?

What degree of Corruption in government is it going to take to make those blinded by Partisan Passion start thinking about the good of the Country, rather than the good of the Democratic Party?

At least CBS is starting to wonder. That's a start. Maybe a few more Democrats will have the guts and integrity to come out of their partisan foxholes---and take a look at the emerging Facts.


do you bother reading who writes anything? Graham is a rightwing commentator.

it's his "opinion". that's nice.

and if there's no collusion or anything illegal, why are they acting like they're guilty?

come on S.J. why are they acting like they're guilty, oh laughing loon?
What about the FUCKIN collusion between the Democrats, Hillary, and the Russians? Investigate that.

there wasn't any except in imbecile trumpworld. loon

look how insanely angry you twits get. :rofl:

It's the circular thing. Putin couldn't have wanted Trump to win, because if Putin wanted it .......

So, Steele's dossier being given to the FBI and Australia giving Pap to the FBI .... it's all improper and aimed at hurting Trump!
What about the FUCKIN collusion between the Democrats, Hillary, and the Russians? Investigate that.

there wasn't any except in imbecile trumpworld. loon

look how insanely angry you twits get. :rofl:

It's the circular thing. Putin couldn't have wanted Trump to win, because if Putin wanted it .......

So, Steele's dossier being given to the FBI and Australia giving Pap to the FBI .... it's all improper and aimed at hurting Trump!


but I don't know how they get to "putin couldn't have wanted" because Donald was sucking up to him for years.... begging him to let them build a trump tower in Moscow.

especially when we know manafort changed the repub platform to be more friendly to the people he had worked for.

they don't even care that everyone around Donald was connected to Russia. it's insane

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