CDC: Brand new - Less than 3% of US population Gay, lesbian, bisexual

greenbean can't give meaningful stats, analysis, narrative, etc., that would help his position.

22 court cases in a row have said basically, "shut up, far right shit birds, marriage equality is coming."
greenbean can't give meaningful stats, analysis, narrative, etc., that would help his position.

22 court cases in a row have said basically, "shut up, far right shit birds, marriage equality is coming."

Yep, he just posts assumptions and then calls you an idiot for pointing that out.

Meaningless garbage.
warwufl: iz da faultz da Joos

Uuhhmmm, Jakey, you fuckwitted waste of sperm, it isn't the white, christians who are promoting it now, are they??
If you thought before you opened that pie hole of yours, no one could accuse you of being an idiot.
The following is factually ignorant and wrong, "Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced".

When numb nutz who make such crapola grow up and post honestly, we can proceed with an honest discussion.

CDC states that 85% of faggots are pedos. THAT fact comes from the files and criminal reports as well as from the faggots themselves. Here's some real fag facts for you, complete with references:

Fag Facts
warwufl is making up false stats that are outright lies

move this to the badlands, please.
greenbean can't give meaningful stats, analysis, narrative, etc., that would help his position.

22 court cases in a row have said basically, "shut up, far right shit birds, marriage equality is coming."

No no no Starkey - poor befuddled little simpleton that you are . We are not talking about queer mariage here ,and the courts are not part of what I posted.

See meaningful stats:
warwufl is making up false stats that are outright lies

move this to the badlands, please.

He's not making up Stats, he quoted them from a site known as Fag Facts - Fag Facts

Sadly enough, the stats are true , the stats from the site are true, not made up by warwulf -but published without clarification - and some are from unreliable sources - bad science. Fag Facts is only doing what organizations such as the APA does but is doing it in Reverse - Distorting the facts to suit an Agenda. They do not adhere to Scientific Objectivity.

Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc ..

Fag Facts fails on this Issue - However - they do no make the false claim of being Scientists as does the APA which distorts facts to support Homosexulaity to the same extent just in the opposite direction.
Last edited:
The following is factually ignorant and wrong, "Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced".

When numb nutz who make such crapola grow up and post honestly, we can proceed with an honest discussion.

CDC states that 85% of faggots are pedos. THAT fact comes from the files and criminal reports as well as from the faggots themselves. Here's some real fag facts for you, complete with references:

Fag Facts
now that's what I would call a highly biased source..
the references are as bogus as the site.
greenbean can't give meaningful stats, analysis, narrative, etc., that would help his position.

22 court cases in a row have said basically, "shut up, far right shit birds, marriage equality is coming."

Yep, he just posts assumptions and then calls you an idiot for pointing that out.

Meaningless garbage.

What have you ever "pointed out" LMFAO - :lol:
Look little faggot, this a grown-up conversation here - if you can't contribute anything menaingful STFU
The following is factually ignorant and wrong, "Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced".

When numb nutz who make such crapola grow up and post honestly, we can proceed with an honest discussion.

CDC states that 85% of faggots are pedos. THAT fact comes from the files and criminal reports as well as from the faggots themselves. Here's some real fag facts for you, complete with references:

Fag Facts
now that's what I would call a highly biased source..
the references are as bogus as the site.

The References aren't Bogus, as far as I saw - but they {The Stats} are somewhat misrepresented and some arealso not very reliable or objective. No different than Gay Science at the APA.
Last edited:
greenbean can't give meaningful stats, analysis, narrative, etc., that would help his position.

22 court cases in a row have said basically, "shut up, far right shit birds, marriage equality is coming."

Yep, he just posts assumptions and then calls you an idiot for pointing that out.

Meaningless garbage.

What have you ever "pointed out" LMFAO - :lol:
Look little faggot, this a grown-up conversation here - if you can't contribute anything menaingful STFU
that's funny coming from you, spewing bigotry and homophobia is meaningful! right!
CDC states that 85% of faggots are pedos. THAT fact comes from the files and criminal reports as well as from the faggots themselves. Here's some real fag facts for you, complete with references:

Fag Facts
now that's what I would call a highly biased source..
the references are as bogus as the site.

The References aren't Bogus, as far as I saw - but they {The Stats} are somewhat misrepresented and some arealso not very reliable or objective. No different than Gay Science at the APA.
bullshit beside being a bigot you must be blind:
example: Approved by the NARTH Board of Directors on January 25, 2012

Current discussions of homosexual sexual orientation change are unavoidably occurring within a sociopolitical climate that makes nonpartisan scientific inquiry of this subject very difficult. In light of this reality, a few considerations are crucial for accurately understanding the sometimes contradictory opinions regarding the possibility of sexual orientation change. First and foremost, it is important to recognize that how change is conceptualized has vast implications for our thinking about change. Some of the more ardent proponents and opponents of homosexual sexual orientation change may view change in strictly categorical terms, where change is an all-or-nothing experience. Proponents and opponents with this view differ only in the direction of their desired outcome. Proponents of change understood in categorical terms may view a homosexual sexual orientation as a lifestyle choice that merely needs to be renounced. Opponents who take this viewpoint, on the other hand, may conceive of sexual orientation as essentially hard wired and simply not modifiable. NARTH does not support either of these perspectives.

NARTH believes that much of the expressed pessimism regarding sexual orientation change is a consequence of individuals intentionally or inadvertently adopting a categorical conceptualization of change. When change is viewed in absolute terms, then any future experience of same-sex attraction (or any other challenge), however fleeting or diminished, is considered a refutation of change. Such assertions likely reflect an underlying categorical view of change, probably grounded in an essentialist view of homosexual sexual orientation that assumes same-sex attractions are the natural and immutable essence of a person. What needs to be remembered is that the de-legitimizing of change solely on the basis of a categorical view of change is virtually unparalleled for any challenge in the psychiatric literature. For example, applying a categorical standard for change would mean that any subsequent reappearance of depressive mood following treatment for depression should be viewed as an invalidation of significant and genuine change, no matter how infrequently depressive symptoms reoccur or how diminished in intensity they are if subsequently re-experienced. Similar arguments could be made for any number of conditions, including grief, alcoholism, or marital distress. The point is not to equate these conditions with homosexuality, but rather to highlight the inconsistency of applying the categorical standard only to reported changes in unwanted same-sex attractions.

Rather than pigeonholing homosexual sexual orientation change into categorical terms, NARTH believes that it is far more helpful and accurate to conceptualize such change as occurring on a continuum. This is in fact how sexual orientation is defined in most modern research, starting with the well known Kinsey scales, even as subsequent findings pertinent to change are often described in categorical terms. NARTH affirms that some individuals who seek care for unwanted same-sex attractions do report categorical change of sexual orientation. Moreover, NARTH acknowledges that others have reported no change. However, the experience of NARTH clinicians suggests that the majority of individuals who report unwanted same-sex attractions and pursue psychological care will be best served by conceptualizing change as occurring on a continuum, with many being able to achieve sustained shifts in the direction and intensity of their sexual attractions, fantasy, and arousal that they consider to be satisfying and meaningful. NARTH believes that a profound disservice is done to those with unwanted same-sex attractions by characterizing such shifts in sexual attractions as a denial of their authentic (and gay) personhood or a change in identity labeling alone. Attempts to invalidate all reports of such shifts by presuming they are not grounded in actual experience insults the integrity of these individuals and posits wishful thinking on an untenably massive scale.

Finally, it also needs to be observed that reports on the potential for sexual orientation change may be unduly pessimistic based on the confounding factor of type of intervention. Most of the recent research on homosexual sexual orientation change has focused on religiously mediated outcomes which may differ significantly from outcomes derived through professional psychological care. It is not unreasonable to anticipate that the probability of change would be greater with informed psychotherapeutic care, although definitive answers to this question await further research. NARTH remains highly interested in conducting such research, pursuant only to the acquisition of sufficient funding.

To summarize, then, those who are highly pessimistic regarding change in sexual orientation appear to have assumed a categorical view of change, which is neither in keeping with how sexual orientation has been defined in the literature nor with how change is conceptualized for nearly all other psychological challenges. NARTH believes that viewing change as occurring on a continuum is a preferable therapeutic approach and more likely to create realistic expectancies among consumers of change-oriented intervention. With this in mind, NARTH remains committed to protecting the rights of clients with unwanted same-sex attractions to pursue change as well as the rights of clinicians to provide such psychological care.


CDC states that 85% of faggots are pedos. THAT fact comes from the files and criminal reports as well as from the faggots themselves. Here's some real fag facts for you, complete with references:

Fag Facts
now that's what I would call a highly biased source..
the references are as bogus as the site.

The References aren't Bogus, as far as I saw - but they {The Stats} are somewhat misrepresented and some arealso not very reliable or objective. No different than Gay Science at the APA.
right like looney bird is a respected scientific institution...:lol:
now that's what I would call a highly biased source..
the references are as bogus as the site.

The References aren't Bogus, as far as I saw - but they {The Stats} are somewhat misrepresented and some arealso not very reliable or objective. No different than Gay Science at the APA.
right like looney bird is a respected scientific institution...:lol:

No - but they quote from respected scientific information - did you even bother to look at the article , or the argument -of course not -because you're daws101 and your reputation precedes you -welcome to the thread DAws - we could all use a few giggles :lol:

Of course you do know that the laughs are at you and not with you .
now that's what I would call a highly biased source..
the references are as bogus as the site.

The References aren't Bogus, as far as I saw - but they {The Stats} are somewhat misrepresented and some arealso not very reliable or objective. No different than Gay Science at the APA.
bullshit beside being a bigot you must be blind:
example: Approved by the NARTH Board of Directors on January 25, 2012

Current discussions of homosexual sexual orientation change are unavoidably occurring within a sociopolitical climate that makes nonpartisan scientific inquiry of this subject very difficult. In light of this reality, a few considerations are crucial for accurately understanding the sometimes contradictory opinions regarding the possibility of sexual orientation change. First and foremost, it is important to recognize that how change is conceptualized has vast implications for our thinking about change. Some of the more ardent proponents and opponents of homosexual sexual orientation change may view change in strictly categorical terms, where change is an all-or-nothing experience. Proponents and opponents with this view differ only in the direction of their desired outcome. Proponents of change understood in categorical terms may view a homosexual sexual orientation as a lifestyle choice that merely needs to be renounced. Opponents who take this viewpoint, on the other hand, may conceive of sexual orientation as essentially hard wired and simply not modifiable. NARTH does not support either of these perspectives.

NARTH believes that much of the expressed pessimism regarding sexual orientation change is a consequence of individuals intentionally or inadvertently adopting a categorical conceptualization of change. When change is viewed in absolute terms, then any future experience of same-sex attraction (or any other challenge), however fleeting or diminished, is considered a refutation of change. Such assertions likely reflect an underlying categorical view of change, probably grounded in an essentialist view of homosexual sexual orientation that assumes same-sex attractions are the natural and immutable essence of a person. What needs to be remembered is that the de-legitimizing of change solely on the basis of a categorical view of change is virtually unparalleled for any challenge in the psychiatric literature. For example, applying a categorical standard for change would mean that any subsequent reappearance of depressive mood following treatment for depression should be viewed as an invalidation of significant and genuine change, no matter how infrequently depressive symptoms reoccur or how diminished in intensity they are if subsequently re-experienced. Similar arguments could be made for any number of conditions, including grief, alcoholism, or marital distress. The point is not to equate these conditions with homosexuality, but rather to highlight the inconsistency of applying the categorical standard only to reported changes in unwanted same-sex attractions.

Rather than pigeonholing homosexual sexual orientation change into categorical terms, NARTH believes that it is far more helpful and accurate to conceptualize such change as occurring on a continuum. This is in fact how sexual orientation is defined in most modern research, starting with the well known Kinsey scales, even as subsequent findings pertinent to change are often described in categorical terms. NARTH affirms that some individuals who seek care for unwanted same-sex attractions do report categorical change of sexual orientation. Moreover, NARTH acknowledges that others have reported no change. However, the experience of NARTH clinicians suggests that the majority of individuals who report unwanted same-sex attractions and pursue psychological care will be best served by conceptualizing change as occurring on a continuum, with many being able to achieve sustained shifts in the direction and intensity of their sexual attractions, fantasy, and arousal that they consider to be satisfying and meaningful. NARTH believes that a profound disservice is done to those with unwanted same-sex attractions by characterizing such shifts in sexual attractions as a denial of their authentic (and gay) personhood or a change in identity labeling alone. Attempts to invalidate all reports of such shifts by presuming they are not grounded in actual experience insults the integrity of these individuals and posits wishful thinking on an untenably massive scale.

Finally, it also needs to be observed that reports on the potential for sexual orientation change may be unduly pessimistic based on the confounding factor of type of intervention. Most of the recent research on homosexual sexual orientation change has focused on religiously mediated outcomes which may differ significantly from outcomes derived through professional psychological care. It is not unreasonable to anticipate that the probability of change would be greater with informed psychotherapeutic care, although definitive answers to this question await further research. NARTH remains highly interested in conducting such research, pursuant only to the acquisition of sufficient funding.

To summarize, then, those who are highly pessimistic regarding change in sexual orientation appear to have assumed a categorical view of change, which is neither in keeping with how sexual orientation has been defined in the literature nor with how change is conceptualized for nearly all other psychological challenges. NARTH believes that viewing change as occurring on a continuum is a preferable therapeutic approach and more likely to create realistic expectancies among consumers of change-oriented intervention. With this in mind, NARTH remains committed to protecting the rights of clients with unwanted same-sex attractions to pursue change as well as the rights of clinicians to provide such psychological care.



Right - okay NARTH , and what's your point ??? NARTH is a scientific organization that is politically incorrect - is that what you're trying to say ???? Come on now speak up little man - spit it out -you're not making any sense .
The References aren't Bogus, as far as I saw - but they {The Stats} are somewhat misrepresented and some arealso not very reliable or objective. No different than Gay Science at the APA.
right like looney bird is a respected scientific institution...:lol:

No - but they quote from respected scientific information - did you even bother to look at the article , or the argument -of course not -because you're daws101 and your reputation precedes you -welcome to the thread DAws - we could all use a few giggles :lol:

Of course you do know that the laughs are at you and not with you .
false. all the quotes are bias and not objective....
I READ the article there is no rational argument..

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