CDC: Brand new - Less than 3% of US population Gay, lesbian, bisexual

The really sad thing is that without the backing and financing from the jewish ADL and $PLC, we'd NEVER even see or hear from the freaks and degenerates.
Who owns the media and 99% of everything you read or hear on the news? Hint: it comes from Eisner, Levin, Rothstein or Bronfman aka hebews. They LOVE to promote this filth and the trash who live it.
What?? You actually think for one minute that the measly 3% of the homo pop could afford to buy their own TV channel or have groups like NAMBLA and NAWGLA recruit 8 year old children into their groups for sex or have crooked judges make laws that allow this disgusting behavior to occur? Hell no! They have to have someone giving them money, air time and resources to continue.


Fighting NAMBLA | Happening in Your Own Backyard
Nambla! - Let's Chit Chat! - MakeupTalk

Get rid of those who support them and we cut the head off the rotten pedo snake!
koshergrl like JimBowie are not the sharpest blades in the block, you know
Are you kidding, I thought they made Stephen Hawking look like an idiot. Oh the utter brilliance that they post ifs not just paradigm shifting it's poetic. I bet the have a collective IQ of...

The only person far more brilliant is warwulf. I think he is redefining what human intelligence is.
Same here. You hear a lot about it in straight male conversations, but in actuality most lesbians I know do fine without accoutrements.

Most straight men get their know all of Lesbian sex from porn.

I credit lesbian-produced porn with learning about the clittoris, and how to stimulate it. :) Not like they teach that in school or anything :) ...Well, UCB maybe along with the 'sex toys' course. :)

No, they don't teach it in School - they just teach Middle School BOYS how to give Blow Jobs

Explicit Gay Sex Education

Gorham Middle School

At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine. This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available. {Anyone wishing to contact these people and letting them know what you think of their organization can contact them at [email protected] .}

A representative of Protect Marriage Maine, said he was not at all surprised by the content ...Homosexual activists rarely advertise that they are going to indoctrinate children to their point of view,.... It is done under the radar, through mandatory ‘diversity, anti-bullying and tolerance lessons.

The crap about the Clitoris they teach in Girl Scouts.....


koshergrl like JimBowie are not the sharpest blades in the block, you know
Are you kidding, I thought they made Stephen Hawking look like an idiot. Oh the utter brilliance that they post ifs not just paradigm shifting it's poetic. I bet the have a collective IQ of...

The only person far more brilliant is warwulf. I think he is redefining what human intelligence is.

So cute, .... You're "Special" ...


Stupid Gay Retards.ORG
Listen to the pathetic spewing. "But but.. da gheys have to be more.. they have to."


I'm just wondering why the exact number is all that important to you.

Does it make your homophobia less repulsive if you hate only 3% of the population for no good reason rather than 10%?
Listen to the pathetic spewing. "But but.. da gheys have to be more.. they have to."


I'm just wondering why the exact number is all that important to you.

Does it make your homophobia less repulsive if you hate only 3% of the population for no good reason rather than 10%?

By the same token, why do the Gays continuoslly attempt to inflate their numbers by perpetuating the 10% Myth ?

With strong backing from the Census Bureau, homosexual-rights activists are urging maximum participation by their community in the first U.S. census that will tally same-sex couples - Census Inflates Gay Numbers
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Here's the fucking point.. The entire conversation, demands, television programming, EVERYTHING is slanted and portrayed by the Media and the big mouths in the LGBT community as though they were soomeeee huge population segment.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN.. End of story. If you don't accept it and you say the CDC is lying, prove it.. link it up.
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?

Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.

But those people are working to prevent gay people from having the same rights as other people. Even if they are 3% (which is roughly 9 million people) or 1 person. They all have constitutionally protected rights.
no, we work to prevent them from removing our rights. see, there's a difference. queers already have the same rights. free speech, freedom of religion, the right to screw whomever they please...3xcept children, of course. is that the right you think they're denied”?
no, we work to prevent them from removing our rights. see, there's a difference. queers already have the same rights. free speech, freedom of religion, the right to screw whomever they please...3xcept children, of course. is that the right you think they're denied”?

The right to marry who they love. No one is saying they can't say what they want, but we don't have to condone it nor visit their business. That's our rights.
Essentially all of the current "gay" talking points are nonsense.

There are NO Constitutional rights that are not available to "gays" because of their sexual orientation or because of their private behavior. None.

And even though there is no "right of privacy" in the Constitution, the USSC has prohibited enforcement of sodomy laws when applied to private behavior, so gays can do anything they want, privately. This was not always the case, but it is the case now.

There is NO Constitutional right to marry someone of the same gender, and the arguments that there is such a right are transparent nonsense. Gays have "equal protection" under the laws, any way you slice it. ALL people subject to the laws of the United States are free to marry any competent adult of the opposite sex. Equal protection; that's what it means.

Constitutional rights do not apply to "couples." Never have.

The ONLY constitutional question that the Supreme Court has considered with respect to gay "marriage" is whether other states and the Federal Government must recognize marriages that are legal in the state where they were created (under the "full faith and credit" clause of Article IV). They do. This is the piece of DOMA that was overturned.

There have been a few lower court Federal judges that have ruled that there is a "constitutional" right to marry someone of the same gender but this is what has come to be called, "judicial activism": A federal judge talking out of his/her ass, and hoping the case won't be appealed successfully. Those cases are NOT precedent setting in any meaningful way, and apply only to the litigants of THAT CASE.

The idea that large numbers of male homosexuals are pining to enter into lifetime, monogamous relationships, but can't do so because of government restrictions is patent bullshit.
koshergrl like JimBowie are not the sharpest blades in the block, you know
Are you kidding, I thought they made Stephen Hawking look like an idiot. Oh the utter brilliance that they post ifs not just paradigm shifting it's poetic. I bet the have a collective IQ of...

The only person far more brilliant is warwulf. I think he is redefining what human intelligence is.

With kosher...(redacted) :)

No no, flaming doesn't make our case, just makes us like them. (counts to 10) :)
I just don't see what point you are trying to make.

We had tell 3% to fuck off but not 10?

Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.

But those people are working to prevent gay people from having the same rights as other people. Even if they are 3% (which is roughly 9 million people) or 1 person. They all have constitutionally protected rights.

Yes - they most certainly do - as American Men and Women - the same righhts as everyone else has - what they seek is privilege .
no, we work to prevent them from removing our rights. see, there's a difference. queers already have the same rights. free speech, freedom of religion, the right to screw whomever they please...3xcept children, of course. is that the right you think they're denied”?

the right to screw whomever they please...3xcept children,

They'll get to that .... it's a little furter down on the Agenda right now - but don't you worry - they're working on it .
Here's the fucking point AGAIN.. Don't go around threatening Chic Fi La, churches, making demands, "OR ELSE" and act as if everyone should sacrifice their constitutionally protected rights because you're butthurt. TOUGH SHIT.. Get the hell over it. I don't give a shit what you do in private but when you start making demands and trying to shut down businesses, then we have a fucking problem.. YOU ARE 3% of the population.. THAT'S FUCKING IT.. period.

But those people are working to prevent gay people from having the same rights as other people. Even if they are 3% (which is roughly 9 million people) or 1 person. They all have constitutionally protected rights.

Yes - they most certainly do - as American Men and Women - the same righhts as everyone else has - what they seek is privilege .

How are they seeking privilege? They don't have the right to marry who they want, in some states can't adoption and we have the Texas GOP stating as an official party platform that gay people can be cured. They want to treated fairly and equallly.
no, we work to prevent them from removing our rights. see, there's a difference. queers already have the same rights. free speech, freedom of religion, the right to screw whomever they please...3xcept children, of course. is that the right you think they're denied”?

Gay Americans are being denied the right to due process and equal protection of the law, they're being denied the right to enter into marriage contracts they're eligible to participate in, in violation of the 14th Amendment.

Fortunately the Constitution and its case law is designed to protect gay Americans from the hate and ignorance you and other social conservatives exhibit, prohibiting you from seeking to codify your hate and ignorance.

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