CDC: Brand new - Less than 3% of US population Gay, lesbian, bisexual

Essentially all of the current "gay" talking points are nonsense.

There are NO Constitutional rights that are not available to "gays" because of their sexual orientation or because of their private behavior. None.

And even though there is no "right of privacy" in the Constitution, the USSC has prohibited enforcement of sodomy laws when applied to private behavior, so gays can do anything they want, privately. This was not always the case, but it is the case now.

There is NO Constitutional right to marry someone of the same gender, and the arguments that there is such a right are transparent nonsense. Gays have "equal protection" under the laws, any way you slice it. ALL people subject to the laws of the United States are free to marry any competent adult of the opposite sex. Equal protection; that's what it means.

Constitutional rights do not apply to "couples." Never have.

The ONLY constitutional question that the Supreme Court has considered with respect to gay "marriage" is whether other states and the Federal Government must recognize marriages that are legal in the state where they were created (under the "full faith and credit" clause of Article IV). They do. This is the piece of DOMA that was overturned.

There have been a few lower court Federal judges that have ruled that there is a "constitutional" right to marry someone of the same gender but this is what has come to be called, "judicial activism": A federal judge talking out of his/her ass, and hoping the case won't be appealed successfully. Those cases are NOT precedent setting in any meaningful way, and apply only to the litigants of THAT CASE.

The idea that large numbers of male homosexuals are pining to enter into lifetime, monogamous relationships, but can't do so because of government restrictions is patent bullshit.

This is comprehensively ignorant and and factually wrong:

May a State of the Union constitutionally deny a citizen the benefit
or protection of the laws of the State based solely upon the sex of the person that citizen
chooses to marry?

Having heard and carefully considered the argument of the litigants, we conclude
that, consistent with the United States Constitution, the State of Utah may not do so. We
hold that the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right to marry, establish a
family, raise children, and enjoy the full protection of a state’s marital laws. A state may
not deny the issuance of a marriage license to two persons, or refuse to recognize their
marriage, based solely upon the sex of the persons in the marriage union.
But those people are working to prevent gay people from having the same rights as other people. Even if they are 3% (which is roughly 9 million people) or 1 person. They all have constitutionally protected rights.

Yes - they most certainly do - as American Men and Women - the same righhts as everyone else has - what they seek is privilege .

How are they seeking privilege? They don't have the right to marry who they want, in some states can't adoption and we have the Texas GOP stating as an official party platform that gay people can be cured. They want to treated fairly and equallly.

They don't have the right to marry who they want,

Sure they do - they can marry any man or woman they'dlike so long as thatpersonis an Adult of the opposite sex. If they insist of demeaning the institution of mariage to cater to sexual perverts then they can have a domestic contract. Narriage is between a Man and a Woman for the purpose of procreation .

some states can't adoption

That's a good thing. Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced and should be kept away from Children as much as possible. In addition homosexuals are extremely poor role models. .... of course there are exceptions to every rule, so that discrimination is not an issue, gay men where insane legislation allows them to adopt ,should be monitored extensively by Child Protective Services.

Texas GOP stating as an official party platform that gay people can be cured.

You drank the KoolAid didn't you ? Either that or the cheese has completely slid off your cracker...

Homosexuality is Mental disorder , a psychological disease with no organic basis - it is not genetic, not inherited and can be and has been cured . Stop drinking the KoolAid and put the cheese back on your cracker !
Essentially all of the current "gay" talking points are nonsense.

There are NO Constitutional rights that are not available to "gays" because of their sexual orientation or because of their private behavior. None.

And even though there is no "right of privacy" in the Constitution, the USSC has prohibited enforcement of sodomy laws when applied to private behavior, so gays can do anything they want, privately. This was not always the case, but it is the case now.

There is NO Constitutional right to marry someone of the same gender, and the arguments that there is such a right are transparent nonsense. Gays have "equal protection" under the laws, any way you slice it. ALL people subject to the laws of the United States are free to marry any competent adult of the opposite sex. Equal protection; that's what it means.

Constitutional rights do not apply to "couples." Never have.

The ONLY constitutional question that the Supreme Court has considered with respect to gay "marriage" is whether other states and the Federal Government must recognize marriages that are legal in the state where they were created (under the "full faith and credit" clause of Article IV). They do. This is the piece of DOMA that was overturned.

There have been a few lower court Federal judges that have ruled that there is a "constitutional" right to marry someone of the same gender but this is what has come to be called, "judicial activism": A federal judge talking out of his/her ass, and hoping the case won't be appealed successfully. Those cases are NOT precedent setting in any meaningful way, and apply only to the litigants of THAT CASE.

The idea that large numbers of male homosexuals are pining to enter into lifetime, monogamous relationships, but can't do so because of government restrictions is patent bullshit.

This is comprehensively ignorant and and factually wrong:

May a State of the Union constitutionally deny a citizen the benefit
or protection of the laws of the State based solely upon the sex of the person that citizen
chooses to marry?

Having heard and carefully considered the argument of the litigants, we conclude
that, consistent with the United States Constitution, the State of Utah may not do so. We
hold that the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right to marry, establish a
family, raise children, and enjoy the full protection of a state’s marital laws. A state may
not deny the issuance of a marriage license to two persons, or refuse to recognize their
marriage, based solely upon the sex of the persons in the marriage union.

Actually [MENTION=20709]JFK_USA[/MENTION] now I know where you got the KoolAId from :lol:

[MENTION=16442]Clayton[/MENTION] - Did you steal the cheese off his cracker ??? :slap:
Yes - they most certainly do - as American Men and Women - the same righhts as everyone else has - what they seek is privilege .

How are they seeking privilege? They don't have the right to marry who they want, in some states can't adoption and we have the Texas GOP stating as an official party platform that gay people can be cured. They want to treated fairly and equallly.

Sure they do - they can marry any man or woman they'dlike so long as thatpersonis an Adult of the opposite sex. If they insist of demeaning the institution of mariage to cater to sexual perverts then they can have a domestic contract. Narriage is between a Man and a Woman for the purpose of procreation .

some states can't adoption

That's a good thing. Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced and should be kept away from Children as much as possible. In addition homosexuals are extremely poor role models. .... of course there are exceptions to every rule, so that discrimination is not an issue, gay men where insane legislation allows them to adopt ,should be monitored extensively by Child Protective Services.

Texas GOP stating as an official party platform that gay people can be cured.

You drank the KoolAid didn't you ? Either that or the cheese has completely slid off your cracker...

Homosexuality is Mental disorder , a psychological disease with no organic basis - it is not genetic, not inherited and can be and has been cured . Stop drinking the KoolAid and put the cheese back on your cracker !

This is also comprehensively ignorant and factually wrong.

Of course you're at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, hate, and stupidity – and be judged by all three accordingly.
The Tenth Circuit is not the USSC. Their holding is WITHOUT ANY PRECEDENT. They made it up.

As I said: "Judicial Activism" at its worst.
How are they seeking privilege? They don't have the right to marry who they want, in some states can't adoption and we have the Texas GOP stating as an official party platform that gay people can be cured. They want to treated fairly and equallly.

Sure they do - they can marry any man or woman they'dlike so long as thatpersonis an Adult of the opposite sex. If they insist of demeaning the institution of mariage to cater to sexual perverts then they can have a domestic contract. Narriage is between a Man and a Woman for the purpose of procreation .

That's a good thing. Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced and should be kept away from Children as much as possible. In addition homosexuals are extremely poor role models. .... of course there are exceptions to every rule, so that discrimination is not an issue, gay men where insane legislation allows them to adopt ,should be monitored extensively by Child Protective Services.

Texas GOP stating as an official party platform that gay people can be cured.

You drank the KoolAid didn't you ? Either that or the cheese has completely slid off your cracker...

Homosexuality is Mental disorder , a psychological disease with no organic basis - it is not genetic, not inherited and can be and has been cured . Stop drinking the KoolAid and put the cheese back on your cracker !

This is also comprehensively ignorant and factually wrong.

Of course you're at liberty to exhibit your ignorance, hate, and stupidity – and be judged by all three accordingly.

This is also comprehensively ignorant and factually wrong.

What ? You're saying he didn't drink the KoolAid ? ... or you're denying that you stole the cheese off hs cracker ?
Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population - The Washington Post

One would think with the big mouths on this forum and in the media that the entire country is GHEY... FAR FROM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am thinking that 3-5% is probably just about the way it has been all through history.

Across the animal kingdom, it is from 5-10%, depending on genus and sub-genus.

So, yeah, it looks like gays are a pretty small minority.

Your point? That they should somehow have less of a say?

Using your logic, small states shouldn't have as much of a say, either. I say: lets take away one of their senators!!!

The Tenth Circuit is not the USSC. Their holding is WITHOUT ANY PRECEDENT. They made it up.

As I said: "Judicial Activism" at its worst.


It's current 14th Amendment jurisprudence concerning the issue, following precedent established by other Federal courts.

And there's no such thing as 'judicial activism,' it's a contrivance of the right when conservative dogma is determined to be offensive to the Constitution.
The Tenth Circuit is not the USSC. Their holding is WITHOUT ANY PRECEDENT. They made it up.

As I said: "Judicial Activism" at its worst.


It's current 14th Amendment jurisprudence concerning the issue, following precedent established by other Federal courts.

And there's no such thing as 'judicial activism,' it's a contrivance of the right when conservative dogma is determined to be offensive to the Constitution.

That damn constitution.
The Tenth Circuit is not the USSC. Their holding is WITHOUT ANY PRECEDENT. They made it up.

As I said: "Judicial Activism" at its worst.

Judges make decisions without precedent all the time. It's called judicial discretion.
All that should happen, is repeal section two of doma. That would solve all of this. No state would have tu issue marriage licenses to Shane sex couples if they didn't want to
Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population - The Washington Post

One would think with the big mouths on this forum and in the media that the entire country is GHEY... FAR FROM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well the churches survey in one of the largest turnouts on this website for a poll shows some 85% of the public opposed to forcing gay marriage on those who do not want it as part of their social fabric:

What does the sudden increase in boys and young men coming down with HIV from trying out gay sex have to say about that number remaining static? "Born that way"? Or just a deadly fad being aggressively promoted?

Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010...

...Youth in the United States account for a substantial number of HIV infections. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men* account for most new infections in the age group 13 to 24 CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV/AIDS
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The following is factually ignorant and wrong, "Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced".

When numb nutz who make such crapola grow up and post honestly, we can proceed with an honest discussion.
I would suggest that a comment like "some 85% of the public opposed to forcing gay marriage" is much higher in all of our society.

However, who cares? No one believes that churches will be forced into any such thing.

Straw man fallacy and dismissed as such.
The following is factually ignorant and wrong, "Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced".

When numb nutz who make such crapola grow up and post honestly, we can proceed with an honest discussion.

He can't, if he did so there wouldn't be any justification for his bias. All his opinions would become unreasonable. Thus he will hold on to that as long as he can. It goes as far as a paranoid conspiracy.

There is no rational thought there.
Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population - The Washington Post

One would think with the big mouths on this forum and in the media that the entire country is GHEY... FAR FROM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am thinking that 3-5% is probably just about the way it has been all through history.

Across the animal kingdom, it is from 5-10%, depending ogenus and sub-genus.

So, yeah, it looks like gays are a pretty small minority.

Your point? That they should somehow have less of a say?

Using your logic, small states shouldn't have as much of a say, either. I say: lets take away one of their senators!!!


Your point? That they should somehow have less of a say?

Hell yeah - damn striaght !!! Why should 2 - 5% of the population dominate the media ?

2011 - Gallup poll shows that U.S. adults estimate that
..... 25% of Americans are gay
52% of American Adults estimate that at least one in five Americans are
35% estimate that more than one in four are.
Few put the figure at less than 15%.

The actual number ....... LESS THAN 4% are Gay !!!!!

That's correct only 1 - 4% of the U.S. population is Gay or Lesbian. Why in Gods name would so many allegedly educated {or indoctrinated as the case may be} and supposedly informed American Adults believe that so very many of their countrymen are homosexuals ...Gross over representation and coverage by the Media, both in Entertainment Fiction {Soaps, Sitcoms, Movies..} as well as News coverage.

Gay and Lesbian Media influences
The following is factually ignorant and wrong, "Homosexual Men are the most prolific child molestors humanity has ever produced".

When numb nutz who make such crapola grow up and post honestly, we can proceed with an honest discussion.

He can't, if he did so there wouldn't be any justification for his bias. All his opinions would become unreasonable. Thus he will hold on to that as long as he can. It goes as far as a paranoid conspiracy.

There is no rational thought there.

I've done it time amd time again - and you clowns keep hiding and deflecting every time

1.] Almost all sex crimes against children are committed by men.
A.} A report by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children states: "In both clinical and non-clinical samples, the vast majority of offenders are male."[The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment ]

2.] Up to one-third of all sex crimes against children are committed against boys
A.} although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexuals commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses against boys.

So Basically about 3% of the population is committing about 33% of sex crimes against Boys - the 3% that is Gay

The only excuse Gay apologetics can muster up is a semantic two step shuffleshoe - tryinng to redefine who is gay and who isn't when it comes to the issue of pedophilia. Same sex attraction is Gay - molestation of Boys by Men is a Gay Act - 33% of all sex crimes against Boys are committed by Gay Men .
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Here's the fucking point.. The entire conversation, demands, television programming, EVERYTHING is slanted and portrayed by the Media and the big mouths in the LGBT community as though they were soomeeee huge population segment.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN.. End of story. If you don't accept it and you say the CDC is lying, prove it.. link it up.
Seriously, just replace "gays" with "jews" and this gets hilariously obviously bigoted. Like hitler level bigoted

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