Celebrating Robert E. Lee's Birthday Today Brings Out Southern Pride And Patriotism

No I don't. But unfortunately we share the same country so it is a topic of political conversation. Do gooder liberals want to give you more money, they think every black man has a white man underneath his black skin, and with enough government intervention he can be made "white". I accept you for who you are, I don't want to change you, or think you are bad the way you are. I would rather you guys have your own country(perhaps Detroit, or parts of the South) and figure out your social problems(crime, illegitimacy and illiteracy) there.

Liberals are wrong if they think that then. The fact is that every white man has a Black man in his genes. We need for prejudiced white bigots to get out of the way. If the government wants to assist great. Your solution will never work because white people cant stand not being involved in the affairs of Black people. It makes them anxious not knowing whats going on. We already figured out the cause of dysfunctions in the Black community. White people are the cause and Black people are the reason we allow it to continue. We are working on a solution. Dont worry even though it probably eats you up not knowing.

I agree, those of us Whites who reject multiculturalism(white bigots you call them) should have a country away from those who wish for a multiracial society. Blacks should be guaranteed a black national state as well.

Since we are the cause of your problems supposedly, don't you want a state separate from us, and us a state away from you?

That can be our common ground, a mutual interest of separation.

No. What ultimately happens to white bigots is not my concern. I have family that are white. Why would i want to be separated from them just because some hill billies fear me?
He was one of the main leaders in a movement that helped bring about an end to wholesale discrimination against blacks.

He fought to insure blacks could register to vote without being lynched and buried in a levee. He marched to insure that blacks could peaceably protest without having fire hoses turned on them and dogs put on them. He protested to insure that no one was forced to the back of the bus because of the color of their skin. He fought to make sure blacks had the same educational opportunities that others enjoy.

And mainly he left us with a legacy that speaks to equality and on judging people based on things other than the color of their skin.
Are the races equal today, and does discrimination not exist any longer?

They were always equal in terms of human value. It still is not equal in terms of socio-economic opportunity and legacy.

That first sentence is totally subjective.

If the second sentence is the case, than why is MLK's failed movement worth promoting?
Your being a broken record here. This is an unsubstantial claim with no proof. Come on, he is your race's hero, list some things he did.

Anyone else is free to answer this question. What did Saint King actually do?

You said you didn't get an answer. I thought you missed this the first time. Its a substantiated claim. If illiterate white men were not afraid why did they kill Black babies and other whites in protesting King?

No it isn't. Winterborn gave me an answer though.

Yes it is. You avoided answering my question though. Why did white bigots feel they needed to kill their own and Black children in an attempt to keep Black people from having equal opportunity? The answer is pretty simple. Because they were frightened.
Are the races equal today, and does discrimination not exist any longer?

They were always equal in terms of human value. It still is not equal in terms of socio-economic opportunity and legacy.

That first sentence is totally subjective.

If the second sentence is the case, than why is MLK's failed movement worth promoting?

I disagree its subjective. You as a human cannot tell me I am more valuable than you. Only God can say that.

Evidently you dont understand process, commitment, and hardwork. Only losers think everything is instantaneous. The movement is not failed unless everyone quits trying to bring it about. i went to a MLK march filled with people of all races on Monday. That lets me know its not failed.
Liberals are wrong if they think that then. The fact is that every white man has a Black man in his genes. We need for prejudiced white bigots to get out of the way. If the government wants to assist great. Your solution will never work because white people cant stand not being involved in the affairs of Black people. It makes them anxious not knowing whats going on. We already figured out the cause of dysfunctions in the Black community. White people are the cause and Black people are the reason we allow it to continue. We are working on a solution. Dont worry even though it probably eats you up not knowing.

I agree, those of us Whites who reject multiculturalism(white bigots you call them) should have a country away from those who wish for a multiracial society. Blacks should be guaranteed a black national state as well.

Since we are the cause of your problems supposedly, don't you want a state separate from us, and us a state away from you?

That can be our common ground, a mutual interest of separation.

No. What ultimately happens to white bigots is not my concern. I have family that are white. Why would i want to be separated from them just because some hill billies fear me?

So you don't support the idea of a White ethnostate, or a Black ethnostate. Everyone must live in a multicultural society? You just said white people are the problem. Why would you want to live with people you view as the problem?
You said you didn't get an answer. I thought you missed this the first time. Its a substantiated claim. If illiterate white men were not afraid why did they kill Black babies and other whites in protesting King?

No it isn't. Winterborn gave me an answer though.

Yes it is. You avoided answering my question though. Why did white bigots feel they needed to kill their own and Black children in an attempt to keep Black people from having equal opportunity? The answer is pretty simple. Because they were frightened.

So getting black children killed is an accomplishment of MLK?
I agree, those of us Whites who reject multiculturalism(white bigots you call them) should have a country away from those who wish for a multiracial society. Blacks should be guaranteed a black national state as well.

Since we are the cause of your problems supposedly, don't you want a state separate from us, and us a state away from you?

That can be our common ground, a mutual interest of separation.

No. What ultimately happens to white bigots is not my concern. I have family that are white. Why would i want to be separated from them just because some hill billies fear me?

So you don't support the idea of a White ethnostate, or a Black ethnostate. Everyone must live in a multicultural society? You just said white people are the problem. Why would you want to live with people you view as the problem?

If all white people were bigots then i would support it. I know for a fact that is not true. You are free to move to a place where everyone is the same color. From personal experience it is quite boring to the point of being maddening. Excuse me for saying white people without qualifying that. I meant bigots and racists that are white.
They were always equal in terms of human value. It still is not equal in terms of socio-economic opportunity and legacy.

That first sentence is totally subjective.

If the second sentence is the case, than why is MLK's failed movement worth promoting?

I disagree its subjective. You as a human cannot tell me I am more valuable than you. Only God can say that.

Evidently you dont understand process, commitment, and hardwork. Only losers think everything is instantaneous. The movement is not failed unless everyone quits trying to bring it about. i went to a MLK march filled with people of all races on Monday. That lets me know its not failed.
God is another subjective subject. No proof he exists, thus any valuation made based on some standard of a supposed deity is not valid.

I can most certainly say I am more valuable than you. In fact, there are several people more valuable than you. I don't value a stranger on the internet much at all. In fact, objective reality tells us some human beings are more valuable than others.

MLK died, and none of his utopian goals were achieved. Thus, he failed. USGov memorializes a failure.
No it isn't. Winterborn gave me an answer though.

Yes it is. You avoided answering my question though. Why did white bigots feel they needed to kill their own and Black children in an attempt to keep Black people from having equal opportunity? The answer is pretty simple. Because they were frightened.

So getting black children killed is an accomplishment of MLK?

No its an accomplishment of frightened white boys. Thats why they did it.
No. What ultimately happens to white bigots is not my concern. I have family that are white. Why would i want to be separated from them just because some hill billies fear me?

So you don't support the idea of a White ethnostate, or a Black ethnostate. Everyone must live in a multicultural society? You just said white people are the problem. Why would you want to live with people you view as the problem?

If all white people were bigots then i would support it. I know for a fact that is not true. You are free to move to a place where everyone is the same color. From personal experience it is quite boring to the point of being maddening. Excuse me for saying white people without qualifying that. I meant bigots and racists that are white.

So if enough white people moved to a region of the United States, and wanted to form a white ethnostate, you would support them seceding?
Yes it is. You avoided answering my question though. Why did white bigots feel they needed to kill their own and Black children in an attempt to keep Black people from having equal opportunity? The answer is pretty simple. Because they were frightened.

So getting black children killed is an accomplishment of MLK?

No its an accomplishment of frightened white boys. Thats why they did it.

I understand what you said, MLK should be celebrated for inciting the deaths of black children.

That is a very odd answer, haven't heard that one before. I guess you have to break a couple black eggs to make an omelette of equality eh? But that equality omelette never came about. So the black kids died in vain.
That first sentence is totally subjective.

If the second sentence is the case, than why is MLK's failed movement worth promoting?

I disagree its subjective. You as a human cannot tell me I am more valuable than you. Only God can say that.

Evidently you dont understand process, commitment, and hardwork. Only losers think everything is instantaneous. The movement is not failed unless everyone quits trying to bring it about. i went to a MLK march filled with people of all races on Monday. That lets me know its not failed.
God is another subjective subject. No proof he exists, thus any valuation made based on some standard of a supposed deity is not valid.

I can most certainly say I am more valuable than you. In fact, there are several people more valuable than you. I don't value a stranger on the internet much at all. In fact, objective reality tells us some human beings are more valuable than others.

MLK died, and none of his utopian goals were achieved. Thus, he failed. USGov memorializes a failure.

I disagree God is subjective. I think you mean religion. You would not be here if there was not a God.

I can say I am more valuable than you as a human and point to others that are as well. That doesn't make me right just like you saying it doesnt make you right. Know one knows the answer to that. If you are talking about financial worth then that is something we could measure. Just because you dont value someone does not lessen their value. Take the fact you are as worthless as toe lint to me but you may impact or already have impacted someone that cures all the evils in the world.

MLK died but his dreams live on and are being worked on. Again only losers quit. Winners force success and never stop until the goal becomes a reality. You need better guidance. You must be one colossal failure of a human being with an philosophy like that.
So getting black children killed is an accomplishment of MLK?

No its an accomplishment of frightened white boys. Thats why they did it.

I understand what you said, MLK should be celebrated for inciting the deaths of black children.

That is a very odd answer, haven't heard that one before. I guess you have to break a couple black eggs to make an omelette of equality eh? But that equality omelette never came about. So the black kids died in vain.

I think you have problems with reading comprehension when getting served on a message board. White bigots got scared. Black children and other whites died.
I disagree its subjective. You as a human cannot tell me I am more valuable than you. Only God can say that.

Evidently you dont understand process, commitment, and hardwork. Only losers think everything is instantaneous. The movement is not failed unless everyone quits trying to bring it about. i went to a MLK march filled with people of all races on Monday. That lets me know its not failed.
God is another subjective subject. No proof he exists, thus any valuation made based on some standard of a supposed deity is not valid.

I can most certainly say I am more valuable than you. In fact, there are several people more valuable than you. I don't value a stranger on the internet much at all. In fact, objective reality tells us some human beings are more valuable than others.

MLK died, and none of his utopian goals were achieved. Thus, he failed. USGov memorializes a failure.

I disagree God is subjective. I think you mean religion. You would not be here if there was not a God.

I can say I am more valuable than you as a human and point to others that are as well. That doesn't make me right just like you saying it doesnt make you right. Know one knows the answer to that. If you are talking about financial worth then that is something we could measure. Just because you dont value someone does not lessen their value. Take the fact you are as worthless as toe lint to me but you may impact or already have impacted someone that cures all the evils in the world.

MLK died but his dreams live on and are being worked on. Again only losers quit. Winners force success and never stop until the goal becomes a reality. You need better guidance. You must be one colossal failure of a human being with an philosophy like that.

You saying you disagree just proves my point, you have no proof "God" exists, I and many people don't believe in this "God". Thus, you are making a subjective valuation that cannot be quantified or verified. You are making a dogmatic statement based on your emotions. Whereas, we can measure groups and individuals based on achievement and performance very objectively.

MLK is just one of the many failed utopian idealists of history. He is nothing unique.
No its an accomplishment of frightened white boys. Thats why they did it.

I understand what you said, MLK should be celebrated for inciting the deaths of black children.

That is a very odd answer, haven't heard that one before. I guess you have to break a couple black eggs to make an omelette of equality eh? But that equality omelette never came about. So the black kids died in vain.

I think you have problems with reading comprehension when getting served on a message board. White bigots got scared. Black children and other whites died.

So he should be celebrated for inciting the deaths of blacks and whites. We got an equal opportunity sadist here, lol.
God is another subjective subject. No proof he exists, thus any valuation made based on some standard of a supposed deity is not valid.

I can most certainly say I am more valuable than you. In fact, there are several people more valuable than you. I don't value a stranger on the internet much at all. In fact, objective reality tells us some human beings are more valuable than others.

MLK died, and none of his utopian goals were achieved. Thus, he failed. USGov memorializes a failure.

I disagree God is subjective. I think you mean religion. You would not be here if there was not a God.

I can say I am more valuable than you as a human and point to others that are as well. That doesn't make me right just like you saying it doesnt make you right. Know one knows the answer to that. If you are talking about financial worth then that is something we could measure. Just because you dont value someone does not lessen their value. Take the fact you are as worthless as toe lint to me but you may impact or already have impacted someone that cures all the evils in the world.

MLK died but his dreams live on and are being worked on. Again only losers quit. Winners force success and never stop until the goal becomes a reality. You need better guidance. You must be one colossal failure of a human being with an philosophy like that.

You saying you disagree just proves my point, you have no proof "God" exists, I and many people don't believe in this "God". Thus, you are making a subjective valuation that cannot be quantified or verified. You are making a dogmatic statement based on your emotions. Whereas, we can measure groups and individuals based on achievement and performance very objectively.

MLK is just one of the many failed utopian idealists of history. He is nothing unique.

You not agreeing God exists merely points to your stupidity. I have plenty of proof God exists. Go look outside your window. Its not an argument. I cant prove I'm black either but I am. There is no emotion involved. There is a faith that something created this world. We can only measure achievement on an individual or group level once they cease to affect this world. If you keep telling yourself that MLK was a failure then you might be able to convince yourself that its true. I read that somewhere a long time ago.
God is another subjective subject. No proof he exists, thus any valuation made based on some standard of a supposed deity is not valid.

I can most certainly say I am more valuable than you. In fact, there are several people more valuable than you. I don't value a stranger on the internet much at all. In fact, objective reality tells us some human beings are more valuable than others.

MLK died, and none of his utopian goals were achieved. Thus, he failed. USGov memorializes a failure.

I disagree God is subjective. I think you mean religion. You would not be here if there was not a God.

I can say I am more valuable than you as a human and point to others that are as well. That doesn't make me right just like you saying it doesnt make you right. Know one knows the answer to that. If you are talking about financial worth then that is something we could measure. Just because you dont value someone does not lessen their value. Take the fact you are as worthless as toe lint to me but you may impact or already have impacted someone that cures all the evils in the world.

MLK died but his dreams live on and are being worked on. Again only losers quit. Winners force success and never stop until the goal becomes a reality. You need better guidance. You must be one colossal failure of a human being with an philosophy like that.

You saying you disagree just proves my point, you have no proof "God" exists, I and many people don't believe in this "God". Thus, you are making a subjective valuation that cannot be quantified or verified. You are making a dogmatic statement based on your emotions. Whereas, we can measure groups and individuals based on achievement and performance very objectively.

MLK is just one of the many failed utopian idealists of history. He is nothing unique.

Considering the changes brought about by the movement MLK spearheaded, he was not a failure. He fought for the equality of blacks. That so many choose not to take advantage of that is not a reflection on him, but on them. He was a huge success. He gained freedom for an oppressed race. The rest was up to the individuals. Some succeeded and many made no effort.
I understand what you said, MLK should be celebrated for inciting the deaths of black children.

That is a very odd answer, haven't heard that one before. I guess you have to break a couple black eggs to make an omelette of equality eh? But that equality omelette never came about. So the black kids died in vain.

I think you have problems with reading comprehension when getting served on a message board. White bigots got scared. Black children and other whites died.

So he should be celebrated for inciting the deaths of blacks and whites. We got an equal opportunity sadist here, lol.

No he should be celebrating for starting the process that will culminate in everyone being treated the same no matter what color, religion, sex, etc.

You hill billies can celebrate killing children and other whites. I'm sure that makes you proud.
I disagree God is subjective. I think you mean religion. You would not be here if there was not a God.

I can say I am more valuable than you as a human and point to others that are as well. That doesn't make me right just like you saying it doesnt make you right. Know one knows the answer to that. If you are talking about financial worth then that is something we could measure. Just because you dont value someone does not lessen their value. Take the fact you are as worthless as toe lint to me but you may impact or already have impacted someone that cures all the evils in the world.

MLK died but his dreams live on and are being worked on. Again only losers quit. Winners force success and never stop until the goal becomes a reality. You need better guidance. You must be one colossal failure of a human being with an philosophy like that.

You saying you disagree just proves my point, you have no proof "God" exists, I and many people don't believe in this "God". Thus, you are making a subjective valuation that cannot be quantified or verified. You are making a dogmatic statement based on your emotions. Whereas, we can measure groups and individuals based on achievement and performance very objectively.

MLK is just one of the many failed utopian idealists of history. He is nothing unique.

You not agreeing God exists merely points to your stupidity. I have plenty of proof God exists. Go look outside your window. Its not an argument. I cant prove I'm black either but I am. There is no emotion involved. There is a faith that something created this world. We can only measure achievement on an individual or group level once they cease to affect this world. If you keep telling yourself that MLK was a failure then you might be able to convince yourself that its true. I read that somewhere a long time ago.

The fact that the world exists is not proof that God exists. That is why it is called "faith".
You saying you disagree just proves my point, you have no proof "God" exists, I and many people don't believe in this "God". Thus, you are making a subjective valuation that cannot be quantified or verified. You are making a dogmatic statement based on your emotions. Whereas, we can measure groups and individuals based on achievement and performance very objectively.

MLK is just one of the many failed utopian idealists of history. He is nothing unique.

You not agreeing God exists merely points to your stupidity. I have plenty of proof God exists. Go look outside your window. Its not an argument. I cant prove I'm black either but I am. There is no emotion involved. There is a faith that something created this world. We can only measure achievement on an individual or group level once they cease to affect this world. If you keep telling yourself that MLK was a failure then you might be able to convince yourself that its true. I read that somewhere a long time ago.

The fact that the world exists is not proof that God exists. That is why it is called "faith".

What or who created the world? Something did and that something is God.

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