Wrong, race is determined by genetics, it's not a choice or preference.

So, you actually think that people CHOOSE to be gay? Yes, because they just love being called sinners, being discriminated against, and making their own lives more difficult than they have to be, right?

There are many people in this world that chose to make their lives harder than they need to be, gays aren't special in that respect.

Their lives have gotten considerably easier since the courts invalidated all the laws targeting them and stripping them of rights.

Murders lives would be easier if the courts decided lives don't matter, wouldn't make it right.

Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.
So, you actually think that people CHOOSE to be gay? Yes, because they just love being called sinners, being discriminated against, and making their own lives more difficult than they have to be, right?

There are many people in this world that chose to make their lives harder than they need to be, gays aren't special in that respect.

Their lives have gotten considerably easier since the courts invalidated all the laws targeting them and stripping them of rights.

Murders lives would be easier if the courts decided lives don't matter, wouldn't make it right.

Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.

What in the hell are you talking about, dude? Holy shit.
You are going to carry this on, but I am about through. Some people may be naturally gay, I think. I have seen very young boys who seem to have feminine qualities. That is before they have a lick of sense about sexuality. What about "TOM BOYS " who turn out to be lesbians. Who knows...I really don't.

That's my point, no one really knows because there is no objective way to measure, yet you're all for granting them rights subjectively and telling everyone they have no choice but to accept it. That's no way to run a society.

Why shouldn't I want them to have equal rights? There is absolutely no reason why a taxpaying American citizen should not enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other taxpaying American citizen. Their sex lives are of no concern to me. It doesn't bother me because I am secure in my sexuality. :D

They already had the exact same rights of every other tax paying citizen of their gender. Their sex life is irrelevant until you want to give them something based on their sex life.

They obviously didn't. Your argument is akin to claiming that interracial marriage laws were valid because they applied to both blacks and whites. THus, the law was applied 'equally'. The ban itself must meet constitutional muster.

And neither interracial marriage bans nor same sex marriage bans did.

Wrong, race is determined by genetics, it's not a choice or preference.

When did you choose to be straight? Just curious.
So, you actually think that people CHOOSE to be gay? Yes, because they just love being called sinners, being discriminated against, and making their own lives more difficult than they have to be, right?

There are many people in this world that chose to make their lives harder than they need to be, gays aren't special in that respect.

Their lives have gotten considerably easier since the courts invalidated all the laws targeting them and stripping them of rights.

Murders lives would be easier if the courts decided lives don't matter, wouldn't make it right.

Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.

Wow. The reason that your ilk has lost this debate is pretty simple: folks are getting to know gay people. On the one hand they see gay folks raising their families, changing diapers, listening to 'Let it Go' for the umpteeth time, attending PTA meetings, going to funerals, holding down their jobs.

And on the other, your ilk and their 'gays are murderers!' screed.

Good luck with that.
Wrong, race is determined by genetics, it's not a choice or preference.

Genetics or preference, gays still have civil rights and are protected by the constitution. And that includes the right to marry. You say they already had the same rights as everyone else. The courts obviously disagreed. And have, again and again, for the last 20 years.

They already had the right to marry and have been for thousands of years. Our courts have decided they need to be the social engineers and they're wrong.

They want to marry the person of their choice. Why do they need YOUR approval? Why?

My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?
Genetics or preference, gays still have civil rights and are protected by the constitution. And that includes the right to marry. You say they already had the same rights as everyone else. The courts obviously disagreed. And have, again and again, for the last 20 years.

They already had the right to marry and have been for thousands of years. Our courts have decided they need to be the social engineers and they're wrong.

They want to marry the person of their choice. Why do they need YOUR approval? Why?

My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?

Because she's 6, derp. :rolleyes-41: We are talking about consenting adults here. :rolleyes-41: Stop being foolish.
There are many people in this world that chose to make their lives harder than they need to be, gays aren't special in that respect.

Their lives have gotten considerably easier since the courts invalidated all the laws targeting them and stripping them of rights.

Murders lives would be easier if the courts decided lives don't matter, wouldn't make it right.

Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.

What in the hell are you talking about, dude? Holy shit.

You made a blanket statement that gays aren't murderers, some are, it's that simple.
Genetics or preference, gays still have civil rights and are protected by the constitution. And that includes the right to marry. You say they already had the same rights as everyone else. The courts obviously disagreed. And have, again and again, for the last 20 years.

They already had the right to marry and have been for thousands of years. Our courts have decided they need to be the social engineers and they're wrong.

They want to marry the person of their choice. Why do they need YOUR approval? Why?

My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?

Did people start marrying their dogs after interracial marriages became legal?

No, they did not. Try again.
Last edited:
Their lives have gotten considerably easier since the courts invalidated all the laws targeting them and stripping them of rights.

Murders lives would be easier if the courts decided lives don't matter, wouldn't make it right.

Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.

What in the hell are you talking about, dude? Holy shit.

You made a blanket statement that gays aren't murderers, some are, it's that simple.

Um, no, I think you are confused. I never said anything about gay people and murders.
Their lives have gotten considerably easier since the courts invalidated all the laws targeting them and stripping them of rights.

Murders lives would be easier if the courts decided lives don't matter, wouldn't make it right.

Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.

What in the hell are you talking about, dude? Holy shit.

You made a blanket statement that gays aren't murderers, some are, it's that simple.

You are fear mongering. You are not very clever with it either.
HereWeGoAgain. I think our public schools are remiss in turning young people out into the world with low information about how our government works. Surely, however, you must have recited the Pledge from time to time ... and "liberty and justice for all" is not a meaningless phrase. We are a nation of ordered liberty with an established system for redress of grievances. Religious liberty is not a license to ignore or violate laws of general application. The law does not reach your religious beliefs ... but it can and does reach your actions.

When I was reciting that pledge America was a better place.
And as I'm sure you know the pledge has been dropped..or should I say banned,in a lot of schools these days.
I find it rather hypocritical for you to use it as an example.

I don't know if "America was a better place" when you were reciting the pledge. Perhaps you could elaborate, give us a frame of time in our history for consideration, and enumerate the ways America was better. As of right now, however, you have stated a conclusion without any supporting facts or premises upon which to induce such a thing.

I also don't know of any schools where the pledge has been banned. I know there was a person named Newdow who spearheaded attempts to have "under God" removed from the pledge and all of his attempts proved unsuccessful ... as far as I know. If you have information to the contrary, proving that a lot of schools have banned the pledge, please share.

A show of indignation simply evades the points raised about our nation's system of government.

The fact that schools have banned the pledge is common knowledge.
If you dont know these basic facts about the attack on American values I see no reason to continue this discussion since you appear to be arguing from a position of ignorance.
Which is difficult to argue against because you have no past reference to make judgments about the severity of these attacks.
It's easy to take one incident and say it's no big deal,but when added to the whole it paints a much different picture. Pledge of Allegiance Ruling

Perhaps you missed this part in your link . . . :D

Update: In June 2004 the Supreme Court reversed the lower-court decision, ruling that Newdow did not have the legal standing to bring the case.

Last updated: 5 January 2008

They allowed the updated version.

Here's another..
I can give you more if you'd like.
Judges Ban Pledge of Allegiance From Schools Citing Under God -


Thank you for your links to the Snopes website and the NY Times. Both of your sources refer to Newdow's case. It is true that in 2002 the Ninth Circuit found in his favor, but it is widely known that Ninth Circuit case was reversed in 2004 by the United States Supreme Court. Here is the link to that decision:

Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow

Because the Ninth Circuit case was reversed by the highest court in the nation ... it is a nullity ... it has no force or effect whatsoever. I cannot find anything to support you assertion that lots of schools have banned the pledge. All I can find is cases where challenges to the pledge in schools have failed. Here's one for your reading pleasure:

Decided: May 9, 2014
They already had the right to marry and have been for thousands of years. Our courts have decided they need to be the social engineers and they're wrong.

They want to marry the person of their choice. Why do they need YOUR approval? Why?

My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?

Because she's 6, derp. :rolleyes-41: We are talking about consenting adults here. :rolleyes-41: Stop being foolish.

What's your definition of an adult, you dear leader says they're children till age 26, used to be the age of majority was 21, now it's 18, in some States children as young a 12 are allowed to marry in certain circumstances. That's what I mean, when the lines aren't stable you just never know where they will go. Prohibitions against polygamy will be next to go, then what?
They already had the right to marry and have been for thousands of years. Our courts have decided they need to be the social engineers and they're wrong.

They want to marry the person of their choice. Why do they need YOUR approval? Why?

My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?

Did people start marrying their dogs after interracial marriages became legal?

No, they did not. Try again.

Interspecies relationships, humm, why not, if that's who they love? Didn't you say people don't chose who they're attracted to? If that's the criteria for granting rights, how could we say no?
They want to marry the person of their choice. Why do they need YOUR approval? Why?

My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?

Because she's 6, derp. :rolleyes-41: We are talking about consenting adults here. :rolleyes-41: Stop being foolish.

What's your definition of an adult, you dear leader says they're children till age 26, used to be the age of majority was 21, now it's 18, in some States children as young a 12 are allowed to marry in certain circumstances. That's what I mean, when the lines aren't stable you just never know where they will go. Prohibitions against polygamy will be next to go, then what?

So? Those laws have not changed and have nothing to do with gay people. What's your point?
They want to marry the person of their choice. Why do they need YOUR approval? Why?

My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?

Did people start marrying their dogs after interracial marriages became legal?

No, they did not. Try again.

Interspecies relationships, humm, why not, if that's who they love? Didn't you say people don't chose who they're attracted to? If that's the criteria for granting rights, how could we say no?

Consent. Really, you've got some piss poor arguments. Lol. :D
They want to marry the person of their choice. Why do they need YOUR approval? Why?

My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?

Did people start marrying their dogs after interracial marriages became legal?

No, they did not. Try again.

Interspecies relationships, humm, why not, if that's who they love? Didn't you say people don't chose who they're attracted to? If that's the criteria for granting rights, how could we say no?

Why don't you just admit what we all already know? :D You don't like gay people. Period. End of story.
Murders lives would be easier if the courts decided lives don't matter, wouldn't make it right.

Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.

What in the hell are you talking about, dude? Holy shit.

You made a blanket statement that gays aren't murderers, some are, it's that simple.

Um, no, I think you are confused. I never said anything about gay people and murders.

This is exactly what you said:

"Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole."
Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.

What in the hell are you talking about, dude? Holy shit.

You made a blanket statement that gays aren't murderers, some are, it's that simple.

Um, no, I think you are confused. I never said anything about gay people and murders.

This is exactly what you said:

"Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole."

Nope. You'd better go check again because you are wrong.
Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole.

Try again. This time without the fainting couch and running eye liner.

Really, there are a lot of dead people who would disagree with you. Gays are not exempt from all the other problems in human nature.

What in the hell are you talking about, dude? Holy shit.

You made a blanket statement that gays aren't murderers, some are, it's that simple.

Um, no, I think you are confused. I never said anything about gay people and murders.

This is exactly what you said:

"Gays aren't murderers. Rendering your analogy yet another example of panty shitting hyperbole."

Check again, dip. I said that. Its in the very thread you're quoting. And your analogy directly compared being gay....with being a murderer. That's not a human nature argument. That's rabid anti-gay hysterics.

Again, your ilk lost this issue for a reason. Remember that whenever you drive by the county building and realize that gays may well be getting married inside.
My 6 year old niece once said she wanted to marry me, should we allow her a choice?

Are you being serious? No . . . you can't be. That is one of the MOST stupid things ever.

Nope, she actually said that when she was 6, if rights can be established on personal choice, why not? Where do we draw the line, after all we had a line for thousands of years defining marriage as between a man and a woman, that line has now been moved, where will it go next?

Because she's 6, derp. :rolleyes-41: We are talking about consenting adults here. :rolleyes-41: Stop being foolish.

What's your definition of an adult, you dear leader says they're children till age 26, used to be the age of majority was 21, now it's 18, in some States children as young a 12 are allowed to marry in certain circumstances. That's what I mean, when the lines aren't stable you just never know where they will go. Prohibitions against polygamy will be next to go, then what?

So? Those laws have not changed and have nothing to do with gay people. What's your point?

You brought up consenting adults, I was just trying to determine what that means to you. Of course we had a law on marriage, until it changed, didn't we? I guess everything is subject to change depending on a minorities wants.

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