CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers’ Only by 12%

So, you missed that entire debate about Free Trade Ideologues vs economic self interest Populism in the primaries?

What actually happened was the Free Trade Ideologues used to rule the GOP. They got their way for a long time.

The results were not what they promised.

Eventually, far too slowly, imo, the less Ideologically and more pragmatic republicans, managed to sway the party to a new direction.

The Free Traders who sent the jobs overseas, were not pretending. They believe in Free Trade.

The Economic Nationalists who want those jobs back, are not pretending. We want those jobs back.

This should not be confusing to you.
Republicans turned good paid union workers into villains which made it ok to buy products from other countries. Previously people wanted to buy USA made.

I think you give Republicans too much credit.

When cheaper goods are made available, people buy them.

You don't want those goods bought? Then support Trump in his attempts to change trade policy.

INdeed, contact the white house and demand higher tariffs.

You do know that Trump is the ONLY one, looking to push back on this issue you pretend to care about, right?
Actually there was a time when people wanted to buy American. Then repubs ruined that with their war on Unions.

It's all quite lost now. Trump is just moving jobs from China to other Asian countries.

Yeah, I don't recall events moving like that. Free Trade was based on the idea that we needed to and could become more competitive.

Yes, unions were seen as part of the problem, with that process, but I don't recall any hint that undermining unions were part of the process of outsourcing.
I remember when people bought American. Then repubs waged their war on unions and buying imported products became acceptable.

I remember "Buy American" as a push back to the flood of imports, as consumers naturally went to cheaper, and sometimes better products.

It never really took off. Individuals can't set trade policy. That is something that has to take place at the federal government level.
1. Does punish China for their predatory trade practices.

2. Does stop feeding the Dragon.;

3. And you are assuming that NONE of the jobs can ever come back? That seems defeatist.

You can assume anything you want. Raising prices to the consumer isnt going to do it.

i'm not assuming anything. I asked you if you were. You did not answer.

I did answer. Before you even asked.

Raising prices to the consumer, very well could bring back jobs. If it gives enough of an edge to DOMESTIC manufacturing, to compete with Third World labor.

I'm against having American workers compete with Third World workers on a level playing field.

We've tried that. It does not work for US.

So, let's not do it anymore.

Yes, Capitalism can be destructive.

1. So, you are assuming that none of those jobs can come back. Well I disagree.

2. Capitalism has a good track record. "Free Trade" not so much.
Free trade is an important part of capitalism. You want government control of trade? Yeah what could go wrong...

No, it is not.

It is one possible way to do it, and not what we actually have now anyways.

And having a Trade Policy is not "government control of trade". Save the buzzwords for the tourists.
You can assume anything you want. Raising prices to the consumer isnt going to do it.

i'm not assuming anything. I asked you if you were. You did not answer.

I did answer. Before you even asked.

Raising prices to the consumer, very well could bring back jobs. If it gives enough of an edge to DOMESTIC manufacturing, to compete with Third World labor.

I'm against having American workers compete with Third World workers on a level playing field.

We've tried that. It does not work for US.

So, let's not do it anymore.

Yes, Capitalism can be destructive.

1. So, you are assuming that none of those jobs can come back. Well I disagree.

2. Capitalism has a good track record. "Free Trade" not so much.
Free trade is an important part of capitalism. You want government control of trade? Yeah what could go wrong...

No, it is not.

It is one possible way to do it, and not what we actually have now anyways.

And having a Trade Policy is not "government control of trade". Save the buzzwords for the tourists.

Why is Trump wanting to enact new trade policies if it is not the government control of trade? These policies tell a company who and how they can trade.
i'm not assuming anything. I asked you if you were. You did not answer.

I did answer. Before you even asked.

Raising prices to the consumer, very well could bring back jobs. If it gives enough of an edge to DOMESTIC manufacturing, to compete with Third World labor.

I'm against having American workers compete with Third World workers on a level playing field.

We've tried that. It does not work for US.

So, let's not do it anymore.

Yes, Capitalism can be destructive.

1. So, you are assuming that none of those jobs can come back. Well I disagree.

2. Capitalism has a good track record. "Free Trade" not so much.
Free trade is an important part of capitalism. You want government control of trade? Yeah what could go wrong...

No, it is not.

It is one possible way to do it, and not what we actually have now anyways.

And having a Trade Policy is not "government control of trade". Save the buzzwords for the tourists.

Why is Trump wanting to enact new trade policies if it is not the government control of trade? These policies tell a company who and how they can trade.
Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid
"forced back" so they could avoid the taxes by coming BACK and bringing the jobs BACK?


And this is so different from Trump and taxes how?

Trump has never enacted taxes, but you know that. I hate discussing things with people who are intentionally dishonest. It does explain Trump though.

Sorry, meant to say, trump and TARIFFS, how?

Taxes and tariff's are not the same thing.

Got that. Moving on.

Explain the differences between your position of punitive taxes to force employers back and tariffs.
1. That is the opposite of what you just claimed.

2. And still does not explain why you think it is funny.
No its exactly what I claimed. Republicans started a war on unions, making it acceptable to ship jobs overseas. Shipping jobs overseas lowered union membership. Remember when repubs said things would be great without unions? Another policy in which they were very wrong.

1. Not quite the way I remember it.

2. Yes, I do remember when republicans said without unions, AND SOME OTHER FACTORS, that things would be great again. And yes, they were wrong.

3. Hence why I support changing the policies that led to those disappointing results. You are here supporting the status quo.
What we need is more unions. If service jobs become union the problems are solved. The manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. And there is really no reason for manufacturing to pay more than service jobs. I think most would find manufacturing to be the easier job.

How does Germany have twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do?

They didn't allow manufacturing to offshore.

So, better trade policy?

Sounds smart. Sounds doable. Let's learn from the examples of others.
I did answer. Before you even asked.

Yes, Capitalism can be destructive.

1. So, you are assuming that none of those jobs can come back. Well I disagree.

2. Capitalism has a good track record. "Free Trade" not so much.
Free trade is an important part of capitalism. You want government control of trade? Yeah what could go wrong...

No, it is not.

It is one possible way to do it, and not what we actually have now anyways.

And having a Trade Policy is not "government control of trade". Save the buzzwords for the tourists.

Why is Trump wanting to enact new trade policies if it is not the government control of trade? These policies tell a company who and how they can trade.
Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid

LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.

And this is so different from Trump and taxes how?

Trump has never enacted taxes, but you know that. I hate discussing things with people who are intentionally dishonest. It does explain Trump though.

Sorry, meant to say, trump and TARIFFS, how?

Taxes and tariff's are not the same thing.

Got that. Moving on.

Explain the differences between your position of punitive taxes to force employers back and tariffs.

They address the employer and not the place of manufacturing.
No its exactly what I claimed. Republicans started a war on unions, making it acceptable to ship jobs overseas. Shipping jobs overseas lowered union membership. Remember when repubs said things would be great without unions? Another policy in which they were very wrong.

1. Not quite the way I remember it.

2. Yes, I do remember when republicans said without unions, AND SOME OTHER FACTORS, that things would be great again. And yes, they were wrong.

3. Hence why I support changing the policies that led to those disappointing results. You are here supporting the status quo.
What we need is more unions. If service jobs become union the problems are solved. The manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. And there is really no reason for manufacturing to pay more than service jobs. I think most would find manufacturing to be the easier job.

How does Germany have twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do?

They didn't allow manufacturing to offshore.

So, better trade policy?

Sounds smart. Sounds doable. Let's learn from the examples of others.

"Better trade policy" is still government controlled trade.
1. So, you are assuming that none of those jobs can come back. Well I disagree.

2. Capitalism has a good track record. "Free Trade" not so much.
Free trade is an important part of capitalism. You want government control of trade? Yeah what could go wrong...

No, it is not.

It is one possible way to do it, and not what we actually have now anyways.

And having a Trade Policy is not "government control of trade". Save the buzzwords for the tourists.

Why is Trump wanting to enact new trade policies if it is not the government control of trade? These policies tell a company who and how they can trade.
Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid

LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check
Free trade is an important part of capitalism. You want government control of trade? Yeah what could go wrong...

No, it is not.

It is one possible way to do it, and not what we actually have now anyways.

And having a Trade Policy is not "government control of trade". Save the buzzwords for the tourists.

Why is Trump wanting to enact new trade policies if it is not the government control of trade? These policies tell a company who and how they can trade.
Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid

LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
Your wetbacks went to work under the table for a shitload less...Wetbacks ruined unions. See how this shit works...How can you have all the pet humans your heart desires and climbing wages?

Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
Workers' wages also rise when there's an increase in UNION representation.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?

Or is bringing in more dem voters more important than concern about wages?
Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?
All human labor is a thing of value, i.e., a commodity, but unlike other commodities labor also creates value. The "owners" of the means of production derive their profit from exploiting the surplus labor of their workers.

In this system owners do everything necessary to increase profit: they fire workers, while expecting those who remain to increase productivity. They decrease benefits and set workers in competition with one another which drives down wages.

In short, it's not immigrants who decrease wages; it is the inherent unfairness of businesses run for profits which are split between owners and high-end managers, but where none of the surplus goes to the workers who create it.

Exploitation & Surplus Value
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
You could always work harder.
Or admit the obvious: capitalism isn't working for a majority of humanity.


"Less than two decades into the twenty-first century, it is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system.

"The world is mired in economic stagnation, financialization, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment, precariousness, poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives, and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological 'death spiral.'1

"The digital revolution, the greatest technological advance of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population.

"The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war."

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?
Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
Workers' wages also rise when there's an increase in UNION representation.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?

Or is bringing in more dem voters more important than concern about wages?
Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?
All human labor is a thing of value, i.e., a commodity, but unlike other commodities labor also creates value. The "owners" of the means of production derive their profit from exploiting the surplus labor of their workers.

In this system owners do everything necessary to increase profit: they fire workers, while expecting those who remain to increase productivity. They decrease benefits and set workers in competition with one another which drives down wages.

In short, it's not immigrants who decrease wages; it is the inherent unfairness of businesses run for profits which are split between owners and high-end managers, but where none of the surplus goes to the workers who create it.

Exploitation & Surplus Value
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
You could always work harder.
Or admit the obvious: capitalism isn't working for a majority of humanity.


"Less than two decades into the twenty-first century, it is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system.

"The world is mired in economic stagnation, financialization, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment, precariousness, poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives, and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological 'death spiral.'1

"The digital revolution, the greatest technological advance of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population.

"The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war."

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.

The number of Communists leaving America to escape capitalism——- ZERO.
No, it is not.

It is one possible way to do it, and not what we actually have now anyways.

And having a Trade Policy is not "government control of trade". Save the buzzwords for the tourists.

Why is Trump wanting to enact new trade policies if it is not the government control of trade? These policies tell a company who and how they can trade.
Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid

LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls
Why is Trump wanting to enact new trade policies if it is not the government control of trade? These policies tell a company who and how they can trade.
Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid

LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls

I didn't comment on that. My comment was on the fact that we do not practice free trade or really, even capitalism.
Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid

LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls

I didn't comment on that. My comment was on the fact that we do not practice free trade or really, even capitalism.
Life is complicated, if the World were perfect trade would be free.

You want Uranium exported to Iran and North Korea?

Why is Trump wanting to enact new trade policies if it is not the government control of trade? These policies tell a company who and how they can trade.
Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid

LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls
/——/ In the last 40 years, my wages increased from $1.75 to about $70 an hour. That’s a tad bit more than 0.3 %. Go figure.
LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls

I didn't comment on that. My comment was on the fact that we do not practice free trade or really, even capitalism.
Life is complicated, if the World were perfect trade would be free.

You want Uranium exported to Iran and North Korea?


Should missile manufacturers be trading with Russia?

Y r stupid

LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls
/——/ In the last 40 years, my wages increased from $1.75 to about $70 an hour. That’s a tad bit more than 0.3 %. Go figure.

It's not about you. The world does not revolve around the individual.

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