CEO Compensation Increased 940% Between 1978 and 2018, Workers’ Only by 12%

Workers' wages also rise when there's an increase in UNION representation.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?

Or is bringing in more dem voters more important than concern about wages?
Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?
All human labor is a thing of value, i.e., a commodity, but unlike other commodities labor also creates value. The "owners" of the means of production derive their profit from exploiting the surplus labor of their workers.

In this system owners do everything necessary to increase profit: they fire workers, while expecting those who remain to increase productivity. They decrease benefits and set workers in competition with one another which drives down wages.

In short, it's not immigrants who decrease wages; it is the inherent unfairness of businesses run for profits which are split between owners and high-end managers, but where none of the surplus goes to the workers who create it.

Exploitation & Surplus Value
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
You could always work harder.
Or admit the obvious: capitalism isn't working for a majority of humanity.


"Less than two decades into the twenty-first century, it is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system.

"The world is mired in economic stagnation, financialization, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment, precariousness, poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives, and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological 'death spiral.'1

"The digital revolution, the greatest technological advance of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population.

"The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war."

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.

The number of Communists leaving America to escape capitalism——- ZERO.
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.
The American poor are better off because for-profit American bombs are not falling on their schools, roads, and hospitals. The lifestyle you worship has been paid for with the deaths, mutilations, and displacement of millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar. And now even working class residents of North America and Europe are being buried under an avalanche of consumer debt while ten percent of their countrymen and women prosper.

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?

"Forty-two billionaires now enjoy as much wealth as half the world’s population, while the three richest men in the United States—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett—have more wealth than half the U.S. population.10 In every region of the world, inequality has increased sharply in recent decades.11 The gap in per capita income and wealth between the richest and poorest nations, which has been the dominant trend for centuries, is rapidly widening once again.12"
LOL. Even if that was a valid question which it isn't, missiles and mascara are not the same thing but all are covered in a trade deal.

It's not a valid question because I am not the one arguing that we have free markets. We do not.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls
/——/ In the last 40 years, my wages increased from $1.75 to about $70 an hour. That’s a tad bit more than 0.3 %. Go figure.

It's not about you. The world does not revolve around the individual.
/——/ Of course of does. Your bullshyt statistic is absurd. Here are the facts from $21k in 1980 to $83k in 2016 is more than your lying azz 0.3% claim. US Average Income by Year
Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?

Or is bringing in more dem voters more important than concern about wages?
Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?
All human labor is a thing of value, i.e., a commodity, but unlike other commodities labor also creates value. The "owners" of the means of production derive their profit from exploiting the surplus labor of their workers.

In this system owners do everything necessary to increase profit: they fire workers, while expecting those who remain to increase productivity. They decrease benefits and set workers in competition with one another which drives down wages.

In short, it's not immigrants who decrease wages; it is the inherent unfairness of businesses run for profits which are split between owners and high-end managers, but where none of the surplus goes to the workers who create it.

Exploitation & Surplus Value
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
You could always work harder.
Or admit the obvious: capitalism isn't working for a majority of humanity.


"Less than two decades into the twenty-first century, it is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system.

"The world is mired in economic stagnation, financialization, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment, precariousness, poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives, and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological 'death spiral.'1

"The digital revolution, the greatest technological advance of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population.

"The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war."

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.

The number of Communists leaving America to escape capitalism——- ZERO.
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.
The American poor are better off because for-profit American bombs are not falling on their schools, roads, and hospitals. The lifestyle you worship has been paid for with the deaths, mutilations, and displacement of millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar. And now even working class residents of North America and Europe are being buried under an avalanche of consumer debt while ten percent of their countrymen and women prosper.

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?

"Forty-two billionaires now enjoy as much wealth as half the world’s population, while the three richest men in the United States—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett—have more wealth than half the U.S. population.10 In every region of the world, inequality has increased sharply in recent decades.11 The gap in per capita income and wealth between the richest and poorest nations, which has been the dominant trend for centuries, is rapidly widening once again.12"
/——-/ So? It’s none of your business what others make. Go start your own business in your garage like Bezos did. Build your own Amazon.
So you are so ignorant that you believe that United States missile manufacturers should be allowed to trade with Russia, China and North Korea. Kid the only thing here that is not valid is your IQ.

Now go cash your welfare check

I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls
/——/ In the last 40 years, my wages increased from $1.75 to about $70 an hour. That’s a tad bit more than 0.3 %. Go figure.

It's not about you. The world does not revolve around the individual.
/——/ Of course of does. Your bullshyt statistic is absurd. Here are the facts from $21k in 1980 to $83k in 2016 is more than your lying azz 0.3% claim. US Average Income by Year

It wasn't my claim but a very large percentage of the country makes nowhere near 83k. The person I work for made $30 million. Some of the people I work with make 25K (jobs we have contracted out). Using an average does not tell the story.
1. Not quite the way I remember it.

2. Yes, I do remember when republicans said without unions, AND SOME OTHER FACTORS, that things would be great again. And yes, they were wrong.

3. Hence why I support changing the policies that led to those disappointing results. You are here supporting the status quo.
What we need is more unions. If service jobs become union the problems are solved. The manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. And there is really no reason for manufacturing to pay more than service jobs. I think most would find manufacturing to be the easier job.

How does Germany have twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do?

They didn't allow manufacturing to offshore.

So, better trade policy?

Sounds smart. Sounds doable. Let's learn from the examples of others.

"Better trade policy" is still government controlled trade.

No, it is not. We do not have anarchy in trade. Especially not at the other end.
And this is so different from Trump and taxes how?

Trump has never enacted taxes, but you know that. I hate discussing things with people who are intentionally dishonest. It does explain Trump though.

Sorry, meant to say, trump and TARIFFS, how?

Taxes and tariff's are not the same thing.

Got that. Moving on.

Explain the differences between your position of punitive taxes to force employers back and tariffs.

They address the employer and not the place of manufacturing.

But your addressing the employer, based on where he is doing his manufacturing.

That is a mighty fine line you are drawing there.
I find it funny how when a point is dismissed that the person thinks a proper rebuttal is to double down on the same stupid argument. I am not the one arguing for free trade.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls
/——/ In the last 40 years, my wages increased from $1.75 to about $70 an hour. That’s a tad bit more than 0.3 %. Go figure.

It's not about you. The world does not revolve around the individual.
/——/ Of course of does. Your bullshyt statistic is absurd. Here are the facts from $21k in 1980 to $83k in 2016 is more than your lying azz 0.3% claim. US Average Income by Year

It wasn't my claim but a very large percentage of the country makes nowhere near 83k. The person I work for made $30 million. Some of the people I work with make 25K (jobs we have contracted out). Using an average does not tell the story.
/—-/ If it’s not your claim why did you post it as if it were? Post some evidence to support it. The problem you libtard millennials have with debating old geezers like me is I remember how things were 40 years ago. You’re just guessing.

Trump has never enacted taxes, but you know that. I hate discussing things with people who are intentionally dishonest. It does explain Trump though.

Sorry, meant to say, trump and TARIFFS, how?

Taxes and tariff's are not the same thing.

Got that. Moving on.

Explain the differences between your position of punitive taxes to force employers back and tariffs.

They address the employer and not the place of manufacturing.

But your addressing the employer, based on where he is doing his manufacturing.

That is a mighty fine line you are drawing there.

It's either about bringing jobs back or it's not.
The point was and is nonsense. Wages have risen only 0.3 percent per year in the last 40 years. Just accept that this is wrong unless you can back it up which you can't

Now go play with your dolls
/——/ In the last 40 years, my wages increased from $1.75 to about $70 an hour. That’s a tad bit more than 0.3 %. Go figure.

It's not about you. The world does not revolve around the individual.
/——/ Of course of does. Your bullshyt statistic is absurd. Here are the facts from $21k in 1980 to $83k in 2016 is more than your lying azz 0.3% claim. US Average Income by Year

It wasn't my claim but a very large percentage of the country makes nowhere near 83k. The person I work for made $30 million. Some of the people I work with make 25K (jobs we have contracted out). Using an average does not tell the story.
/—-/ If it’s not your claim why did you post it as if it were? Post some evidence to support it. The problem you libtard millennials have with debating old geezers like me is I remember how things were 40 years ago. You’re just guessing.

Here again, you have to make it about me as opposed to the discussion because you can't defend your position.

I'm 57. I perfectly remember 40 years ago but once again, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME.
/——/ In the last 40 years, my wages increased from $1.75 to about $70 an hour. That’s a tad bit more than 0.3 %. Go figure.

It's not about you. The world does not revolve around the individual.
/——/ Of course of does. Your bullshyt statistic is absurd. Here are the facts from $21k in 1980 to $83k in 2016 is more than your lying azz 0.3% claim. US Average Income by Year

It wasn't my claim but a very large percentage of the country makes nowhere near 83k. The person I work for made $30 million. Some of the people I work with make 25K (jobs we have contracted out). Using an average does not tell the story.
/—-/ If it’s not your claim why did you post it as if it were? Post some evidence to support it. The problem you libtard millennials have with debating old geezers like me is I remember how things were 40 years ago. You’re just guessing.

Here again, you have to make it about me as opposed to the discussion because you can't defend your position.

I'm 57. I perfectly remember 40 years ago but once again, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME.
/——/ Then you should know better than that ridiculous unfounded claim, even the 12% claim by the OP is way off. You know better.
BTW. I did defend my position twice with FACTS. WTF is the matter with you?
Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
Don't discount the effect of legal immigrants.

Wages don't rise, unless there is a SHORTAGE OF LABOR.
Workers' wages also rise when there's an increase in UNION representation.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?

Or is bringing in more dem voters more important than concern about wages?
Perhaps. Do you wish to address my point about surplus labor?
All human labor is a thing of value, i.e., a commodity, but unlike other commodities labor also creates value. The "owners" of the means of production derive their profit from exploiting the surplus labor of their workers.

In this system owners do everything necessary to increase profit: they fire workers, while expecting those who remain to increase productivity. They decrease benefits and set workers in competition with one another which drives down wages.

In short, it's not immigrants who decrease wages; it is the inherent unfairness of businesses run for profits which are split between owners and high-end managers, but where none of the surplus goes to the workers who create it.

Exploitation & Surplus Value
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
You could always work harder.
Or admit the obvious: capitalism isn't working for a majority of humanity.


"Less than two decades into the twenty-first century, it is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system.

"The world is mired in economic stagnation, financialization, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment, precariousness, poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives, and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological 'death spiral.'1

"The digital revolution, the greatest technological advance of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population.

"The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war."

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?

1. Capitalism is not a social system, but an economic system.

2. The world is not mired in economic stagnation. Large portions of the global population are experiencing rapid in creases in standard of living.

3. The digital revolution has mutated into a form of control, but that can be fixed.

4. LIberal democracy is in trouble, but not for the reasons you cite.

5. Fascism, such as antifa is on the rise. But can be fought against. And is not connected to capitalism, but more from the left and marxism.

6. Your scapegoating of people don't like, by smearing them with "patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war." is a big part of what is wrong in the world today.
Sorry, meant to say, trump and TARIFFS, how?

Taxes and tariff's are not the same thing.

Got that. Moving on.

Explain the differences between your position of punitive taxes to force employers back and tariffs.

They address the employer and not the place of manufacturing.

But your addressing the employer, based on where he is doing his manufacturing.

That is a mighty fine line you are drawing there.

It's either about bringing jobs back or it's not.

Sounds like both ideas are about bringing the jobs back.

I'm not poo pooing your punitive taxes idea. Why are you poo pooing tariffs?
It's not about you. The world does not revolve around the individual.
/——/ Of course of does. Your bullshyt statistic is absurd. Here are the facts from $21k in 1980 to $83k in 2016 is more than your lying azz 0.3% claim. US Average Income by Year

It wasn't my claim but a very large percentage of the country makes nowhere near 83k. The person I work for made $30 million. Some of the people I work with make 25K (jobs we have contracted out). Using an average does not tell the story.
/—-/ If it’s not your claim why did you post it as if it were? Post some evidence to support it. The problem you libtard millennials have with debating old geezers like me is I remember how things were 40 years ago. You’re just guessing.

Here again, you have to make it about me as opposed to the discussion because you can't defend your position.

I'm 57. I perfectly remember 40 years ago but once again, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME.
/——/ Then you should know better than that ridiculous unfounded claim, even the 12% claim by the OP is way off. You know better.

Wages is only a part of the picture. 40 years ago cable was something like $17 a month. Now it is $100 - $200. 40 years ago the markets weren't demanding more, more, more.
Taxes and tariff's are not the same thing.

Got that. Moving on.

Explain the differences between your position of punitive taxes to force employers back and tariffs.

They address the employer and not the place of manufacturing.

But your addressing the employer, based on where he is doing his manufacturing.

That is a mighty fine line you are drawing there.

It's either about bringing jobs back or it's not.

Sounds like both ideas are about bringing the jobs back.

I'm not poo pooing your punitive taxes idea. Why are you poo pooing tariffs?

That has been discussed over and over.
/——/ Of course of does. Your bullshyt statistic is absurd. Here are the facts from $21k in 1980 to $83k in 2016 is more than your lying azz 0.3% claim. US Average Income by Year

It wasn't my claim but a very large percentage of the country makes nowhere near 83k. The person I work for made $30 million. Some of the people I work with make 25K (jobs we have contracted out). Using an average does not tell the story.
/—-/ If it’s not your claim why did you post it as if it were? Post some evidence to support it. The problem you libtard millennials have with debating old geezers like me is I remember how things were 40 years ago. You’re just guessing.

Here again, you have to make it about me as opposed to the discussion because you can't defend your position.

I'm 57. I perfectly remember 40 years ago but once again, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME.
/——/ Then you should know better than that ridiculous unfounded claim, even the 12% claim by the OP is way off. You know better.

Wages is only a part of the picture. 40 years ago cable was something like $17 a month. Now it is $100 - $200. 40 years ago the markets weren't demanding more, more, more.
/——/ Now you’re moving the goal posts and back peddling. Your original claim was 0.3% increase over 40 years.
All human labor is a thing of value, i.e., a commodity, but unlike other commodities labor also creates value. The "owners" of the means of production derive their profit from exploiting the surplus labor of their workers.

In this system owners do everything necessary to increase profit: they fire workers, while expecting those who remain to increase productivity. They decrease benefits and set workers in competition with one another which drives down wages.

In short, it's not immigrants who decrease wages; it is the inherent unfairness of businesses run for profits which are split between owners and high-end managers, but where none of the surplus goes to the workers who create it.

Exploitation & Surplus Value
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
You could always work harder.
Or admit the obvious: capitalism isn't working for a majority of humanity.


"Less than two decades into the twenty-first century, it is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system.

"The world is mired in economic stagnation, financialization, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment, precariousness, poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives, and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological 'death spiral.'1

"The digital revolution, the greatest technological advance of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population.

"The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war."

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.

The number of Communists leaving America to escape capitalism——- ZERO.
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.
The American poor are better off because for-profit American bombs are not falling on their schools, roads, and hospitals. The lifestyle you worship has been paid for with the deaths, mutilations, and displacement of millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar. And now even working class residents of North America and Europe are being buried under an avalanche of consumer debt while ten percent of their countrymen and women prosper.

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?

"Forty-two billionaires now enjoy as much wealth as half the world’s population, while the three richest men in the United States—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett—have more wealth than half the U.S. population.10 In every region of the world, inequality has increased sharply in recent decades.11 The gap in per capita income and wealth between the richest and poorest nations, which has been the dominant trend for centuries, is rapidly widening once again.12"
/——-/ So? It’s none of your business what others make. Go start your own business in your garage like Bezos did. Build your own Amazon.
/——-/ So? It’s none of your business what others make. Go start your own business in your garage like Bezos did. Build your own Amazon.
It doesn't matter where Bezos started; he "earned" his current fortune by exploiting the surplus labor of his 556,000 employees.

Jeff does a fraction of the daily labor at Amazon, yet he's amassed $120 billion in compensation.

That occurred for only one reason. Capitalists have written the laws regarding how the spoils of industry are divided up.
Got that. Moving on.

Explain the differences between your position of punitive taxes to force employers back and tariffs.

They address the employer and not the place of manufacturing.

But your addressing the employer, based on where he is doing his manufacturing.

That is a mighty fine line you are drawing there.

It's either about bringing jobs back or it's not.

Sounds like both ideas are about bringing the jobs back.

I'm not poo pooing your punitive taxes idea. Why are you poo pooing tariffs?

That has been discussed over and over.

And generally, people against it complain that it is a tax that will raise costs to the consumer and, they claim, not work.

YOU on the other hand, are arguing FOR a more formal tax, so, what is your issue with tariffs?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
You could always work harder.
Or admit the obvious: capitalism isn't working for a majority of humanity.


"Less than two decades into the twenty-first century, it is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system.

"The world is mired in economic stagnation, financialization, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment, precariousness, poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives, and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological 'death spiral.'1

"The digital revolution, the greatest technological advance of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population.

"The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war."

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.

The number of Communists leaving America to escape capitalism——- ZERO.
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.
The American poor are better off because for-profit American bombs are not falling on their schools, roads, and hospitals. The lifestyle you worship has been paid for with the deaths, mutilations, and displacement of millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar. And now even working class residents of North America and Europe are being buried under an avalanche of consumer debt while ten percent of their countrymen and women prosper.

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?

"Forty-two billionaires now enjoy as much wealth as half the world’s population, while the three richest men in the United States—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett—have more wealth than half the U.S. population.10 In every region of the world, inequality has increased sharply in recent decades.11 The gap in per capita income and wealth between the richest and poorest nations, which has been the dominant trend for centuries, is rapidly widening once again.12"
/——-/ So? It’s none of your business what others make. Go start your own business in your garage like Bezos did. Build your own Amazon.
/——-/ So? It’s none of your business what others make. Go start your own business in your garage like Bezos did. Build your own Amazon.
It doesn't matter where Bezos started; he "earned" his current fortune by exploiting the surplus labor of his 556,000 employees.

Jeff does a fraction of the daily labor at Amazon, yet he's amassed $120 billion in compensation.

That occurred for only one reason. Capitalists have written the laws regarding how the spoils of industry are divided up.

Start your own company?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
/——-/ And Communism is the ultimate solution—- right?
You could always work harder.
Or admit the obvious: capitalism isn't working for a majority of humanity.


"Less than two decades into the twenty-first century, it is evident that capitalism has failed as a social system.

"The world is mired in economic stagnation, financialization, and the most extreme inequality in human history, accompanied by mass unemployment and underemployment, precariousness, poverty, hunger, wasted output and lives, and what at this point can only be called a planetary ecological 'death spiral.'1

"The digital revolution, the greatest technological advance of our time, has rapidly mutated from a promise of free communication and liberated production into new means of surveillance, control, and displacement of the working population.

"The institutions of liberal democracy are at the point of collapse, while fascism, the rear guard of the capitalist system, is again on the march, along with patriarchy, racism, imperialism, and war."

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.

The number of Communists leaving America to escape capitalism——- ZERO.
/——-/ Bullshyt. Capitalism has created the greatest standard of living in the shortest amount of time in world history. American poor are better off than poor anywhere else.
The American poor are better off because for-profit American bombs are not falling on their schools, roads, and hospitals. The lifestyle you worship has been paid for with the deaths, mutilations, and displacement of millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar. And now even working class residents of North America and Europe are being buried under an avalanche of consumer debt while ten percent of their countrymen and women prosper.

Monthly Review | Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?

"Forty-two billionaires now enjoy as much wealth as half the world’s population, while the three richest men in the United States—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett—have more wealth than half the U.S. population.10 In every region of the world, inequality has increased sharply in recent decades.11 The gap in per capita income and wealth between the richest and poorest nations, which has been the dominant trend for centuries, is rapidly widening once again.12"
/——-/ So? It’s none of your business what others make. Go start your own business in your garage like Bezos did. Build your own Amazon.
/——-/ So? It’s none of your business what others make. Go start your own business in your garage like Bezos did. Build your own Amazon.
It doesn't matter where Bezos started; he "earned" his current fortune by exploiting the surplus labor of his 556,000 employees.

Jeff does a fraction of the daily labor at Amazon, yet he's amassed $120 billion in compensation.

That occurred for only one reason. Capitalists have written the laws regarding how the spoils of industry are divided up.
/——/ What moron thinks the CEO who founded a company should do the bulk of the manual labor? You Progs get more ridiculous everyday. What don’t those doing the manual labor go open their own business if they feel exploited? Who forces them to work there? BTW liberal NY begged Amazon to open an office in Queens. I guess Gov Cuomo likes exploited workers. You retard.

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