Change name of "ObamaCare" section

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How about the Unaffordable and Unobtainable Care Act?

The Greatest Fuck Up in Progressive History Act?

Just because Rush and Faux News tells you that, doesn't mean it's true.

Pretty soon, most Reps are going to be singing it's praises and Faux News and Rush will have to find something else to kick.

I don't listen to Rush or watch Fox, I leave crap like that to idiotic progressives that want to tell me how smart they are.

If you think you can actually defend that abortion against the higher premiums and outrageous deductibles, go for it.

Well, you're getting your misinformation from some extreme rw source. If you think you have figured it out on your own, you must be genius, going against most of the experts. :lol:

It's time you start getting real information about it so you can quit parroting erroneous rhetoric. Here's an example how the nay-sayers cherry-pick information, then repeat it to those who are too lazy to check it out for themselves.

The Congressional Budget Office expects that the ACA will have a “negligible” effect on the premiums that large employers pay for insurance, and most experts agree. But in the individual market, Laszewski claims that CBO projections show “10% to 13% premium increases.”

Here is what the CBO actually said:

“About 57 percent of people buying [their own] insurance would receive subsidies via the new insurance exchanges, and those subsidies, on average, would cover nearly two-thirds of the total premium.

“Thus, the amount that subsidized enrollees would pay would be roughly 56 percent to 59 percent lower, on average, than the premiums charged under current law.”

Wait a minute: “56 to 59 percent lower?” Where does Laszweski get “10 percent to 13 percent higher?

In the next paragraph CBO adds: “Among … enrollees who would Not receive subsidies, premiums would increase by somewhat less than 10 percent to 13 percent.”

Laszewski cherry-picks the paragraphs he quotes, and doesn’t factor in the subsidies. He does mention their existence, but only in passing: “All of these differences in premiums would be before income-based federal subsidies.” He also doesn’t admit how much of the premium the average subsidy would cover – or how many would benefit.
Will insurance premiums skyrocket in 2014?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) does far more than simply require states to provide insurance exchanges and increase access to care for all, experts agree.
ACA Has Something for Everyone

That's not to say they'll see across-the-board decreases. It's just that, if it works as intended, the Affordable Care Act will make the insurance system fairer for everyone. And the consumers who typically get the shortest end of the stick today are older, sicker people on the non-group market who haven't yet reached the Medicare eligibility age of 65.
Will Obamacare make insurance cheaper?- MSN Money
Do we have to call Obamaphones something different now, too?

No. You can keep right on lying about that too.

No lies necessary:

Me and My Obamaphones | National Review Online

Ha,ha, what a bunch of misinformed people the Republican party has!

The Obamaphone is actually the Ronniephone! :lol::lol:

O'Keefe's investigation has hit upon a benefits program that already has no lack of detractors. (The term Obamaphone is actually a misnomer, since the Lifeline program started in 1984 under President Ronald Reagan.)
Obamaphone program: Dialing for fraud?- MSN Money

Ring Wing Goes Crazy Over 'Obama Phones' Which Are Actually 'Reagan Phones' | Alternet

Why did Reagan start the Lifeline program to distribute free phone service in 1985? - Yahoo! Answers
Lifeline isn't the obamaphone. Lifeline existed for landlines, in the form of a $13 subsidy against a phone bill, and about $30 reimbursement on phone hook up.

The Obamaphone is a phone issued by Virgin Mobile, thanks to federal grants granted by this admin. The phone service that goes with it is called "Assurance". Virgin received HUGE subsidies, and in return, they issue cheap cell phones, 250 minutes and 250 texts per month to households that qualify for ENTITLEMENTs....

So no, obamaphones were never "ronniephones" though they have certainly been rolled in under the same program.
Obamaphone is actually better than the Lifeline, in that it saves us money, prevent fraud! :lol::lol: But the objective is the same.


Yes and no. The term “Obama Phone” was coined through the mass circulation of inaccurate political propaganda, and then viral YouTube videos. The real facts are that the Lifeline program was first introduced in 1985 under President Reagan’s administration, carriers began funding in 1997 under the Clinton Administration, and was expanded to include wireless service in 2005 during the Bush administration. The election of Obama in 2008 ushered in a new FCC that has adopted rigorous reform designed to eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, and to preserve the program for those who truly need it.

About The Lifeline Phone Program - Blue Jay Wireless
Lifeline isn't the obamaphone. Lifeline existed for landlines, in the form of a $13 subsidy against a phone bill, and about $30 reimbursement on phone hook up.

The Obamaphone is a phone issued by Virgin Mobile, thanks to federal grants granted by this admin. The phone service that goes with it is called "Assurance". Virgin received HUGE subsidies, and in return, they issue cheap cell phones, 250 minutes and 250 texts per month to households that qualify for ENTITLEMENTs....

So no, obamaphones were never "ronniephones" though they have certainly been rolled in under the same program.


THANK YOU for reminding me of this program. We've been helping a family, woman, three kids, dead beat dad, she works two jobs and they live in a garage, had no refrigerator or stove. We got them a refrigerator and a hot plate and crock pot but looking at the faq's, she would easily qualify for this.

The cel's are a good idea. Better than land lines. Hopefully the whole Lifeline program will change to cel phones.
Customers have the option of choosing...they may choose lifeline (which is reimbursement of around $40 of landline hookup fees) and ongoing telephone assistance ($13 or so a month) or they can choose the cell. They can't have both..and like I said, only one per household. So if you have two families living together, and one has the obamaphone, the other family isn't going to be able to use the program.
It's a great program for the feds to keep tabs on people, that's for sure.
I know she's not worried about it. That makes her the perfect dupe. And that's what the left is all about...taking advantage of those dupes.
I know she's not worried about it. That makes her the perfect dupe. And that's what the left is all about...taking advantage of those dupes.

Phew ... The hateful lying bitch is back.

You had me a little scared that you might have grown a heart.

The important thing is to make sure they get a good secure latch on that teat, so nothing can dislodge them (and their vote).

The important thing is to make sure they get a good secure latch on that teat, so nothing can dislodge them (and their vote).

And there you have it - the difference between the right and left.

I want to see her and others like her, able to get an education and climb out of the poverty that she is in. I want to see her kids get high quality food and a good education so they're assured that their hard work will give them security in a decent job.

rw's only want to kick people while they're down and make sure they never find their way UP.
So take the obamaphone subsidies and put it into scholarships for single mothers.

Problem solved.
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