Charges: Bemidji man shot 17-year-old girl after she told him not to ride mower in..

Sad story, hope she fully recovers, hope he gets a life sentence, but no you cannot have my guns or my gun rights.

Nobody wants your gun but what about MY rights?

No. You're not a statist thug whose wont is to disarm Americans, you just make baby talk about how gun owners want to take your property prefaced on some random lunatic's barbarism.

The thrust of your mindless non sequitur is clearly aimed at the right to keep and bear arms. You're transparent. We're looking right through you.

As for your rights? You have the right to mind your own business and keep your filthy Marxist paws off of mine.

Her Yard.

The nerve of this 17 year old girl right?

BEMIDJI, Minn. — A northern Minnesota man was charged Wednesday with shooting a 17-year-old girl several times after authorities say she told him not to ride his lawn mower through her yard.

Chad Pickering, 40, of Bemidji appeared in Beltrami County court on a felony charge of attempted first-degree murder. Bail was set at $300,000.

Pickering shot the teen three times as she stood on the deck of her home Monday night, the criminal complaint said. The teen was shot in her chest, right thigh and left ankle. She was taken to a Duluth hospital.

Pickering is due back in court Monday. A phone message left for his public defender was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Records show Pickering is in custody in the Beltrami County Jail. A message left on the jail's voicemail for inmates was not immediately returned.

The teen told authorities she had gone outside to tie up her barking dog when she saw the shadow of someone crouching in the yard. She said she heard three gunshots and felt bullets striking her. The teen said she fell on the deck and had to pull herself into the house, because she could not walk, to call 911.

Investigators said they found three spent .45-caliber shells in the grass near the deck. Authorities also found an area about 75 to 100 feet south of the home where someone apparently had been lying in the grass beneath a pine tree.
Charges: Bemidji man shot 17-year-old girl after she told him not to ride mower in her yard | Star Tribune

Maybe he will get off on "Stand Your Ground" (on other people's property).

Your moral outrage is duly noted. Terrible tragedy that will no doubt be a touchstone for political hacks like you. The fact is the guy's an asshole, and I hope he gets the death penalty.
Maybe he will get off on "Stand Your Ground" (on other people's property).

Being it's small-town Minnesota, there's a 99% chance he shot a white person. Therefore, SYG does not apply.

Ahhh, poor admiral... I'm sure it is no surprise to you that the MAJORITY of SYG rulings were beneficial to blacks in Florida. Nahhhh, never let a thing like facts get in the way of a good
"Bemidji man"? Is there a nation-wide clearing house that anti-Constitution anti-2nd Amendment lefties go to find tragedies? When the left wing calls for the indictment of the Attorney General and everyone else in the federal government for their part in the gun running and murder of hundreds of Mexicans and at least two Border Patrol officers we will know they are serious about gun violence.

I'll take them seriously when they call for the banning of all handguns since that is what is used in the vast majority of shootings. They'll never do that, though, because they know it's political suicide and that's far more important to them than the children at Sandy Hook.
No. You're not a statist thug

Quite right.

Statist is such a useful word. When you see someone using it in a non-ironic manner, you instantly know you're dealing with an extremist political cultist, a drone who is incapable of rational thought. It signals you to not waste any time trying reason with someone who is immune to reason, and instead to just smile, nod and back away slowly.
No. You're not a statist thug

Quite right.

Statist is such a useful word. When you see someone using it in a non-ironic manner, you instantly know you're dealing with an extremist political cultist, a drone who is incapable of rational thought. It signals you to not waste any time trying reason with someone who is immune to reason, and instead to just smile, nod and back away slowly.

Or on the other hand, the term statist is in the dictionary for a reason and has an actual meaning that applies to those who embrace a certain kind of political ideology in the real world. You know, like irrational, nose-picking hayseeds who imagine that some random act of barbarism involving a firearm = "gun nutters," a term you won't find in the dictionary, wanting to take your property.

So the term statist threw you, but the term gun nutters and Luddly Neddite's mind-numbingly stupid non sequitur is the cat's meow, eh?

"Extremist political cultist"?

You mean like the Founding Fathers who rightly held that an armed citizenry was the last line of defense against statist thugs, for example, persons who demagogue tragedies as a means of suggesting that there's something wrong with the right to keep and bear arms?

mamooth: another leftist punk, all snide and no cattle.

Didn't you learn anything from the first time I bitch slapped your silly ass?
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Her Yard.

The nerve of this 17 year old girl right?

BEMIDJI, Minn. — A northern Minnesota man was charged Wednesday with shooting a 17-year-old girl several times after authorities say she told him not to ride his lawn mower through her yard.

Chad Pickering, 40, of Bemidji appeared in Beltrami County court on a felony charge of attempted first-degree murder. Bail was set at $300,000.

Pickering shot the teen three times as she stood on the deck of her home Monday night, the criminal complaint said. The teen was shot in her chest, right thigh and left ankle. She was taken to a Duluth hospital.

Pickering is due back in court Monday. A phone message left for his public defender was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Records show Pickering is in custody in the Beltrami County Jail. A message left on the jail's voicemail for inmates was not immediately returned.

The teen told authorities she had gone outside to tie up her barking dog when she saw the shadow of someone crouching in the yard. She said she heard three gunshots and felt bullets striking her. The teen said she fell on the deck and had to pull herself into the house, because she could not walk, to call 911.

Investigators said they found three spent .45-caliber shells in the grass near the deck. Authorities also found an area about 75 to 100 feet south of the home where someone apparently had been lying in the grass beneath a pine tree.
Charges: Bemidji man shot 17-year-old girl after she told him not to ride mower in her yard | Star Tribune

Maybe he will get off on "Stand Your Ground" (on other people's property).

Responsible gun owner, I am sure.
Her Yard.

The nerve of this 17 year old girl right?

BEMIDJI, Minn. — A northern Minnesota man was charged Wednesday with shooting a 17-year-old girl several times after authorities say she told him not to ride his lawn mower through her yard.

Chad Pickering, 40, of Bemidji appeared in Beltrami County court on a felony charge of attempted first-degree murder. Bail was set at $300,000.

Pickering shot the teen three times as she stood on the deck of her home Monday night, the criminal complaint said. The teen was shot in her chest, right thigh and left ankle. She was taken to a Duluth hospital.

Pickering is due back in court Monday. A phone message left for his public defender was not immediately returned Wednesday.

Records show Pickering is in custody in the Beltrami County Jail. A message left on the jail's voicemail for inmates was not immediately returned.

The teen told authorities she had gone outside to tie up her barking dog when she saw the shadow of someone crouching in the yard. She said she heard three gunshots and felt bullets striking her. The teen said she fell on the deck and had to pull herself into the house, because she could not walk, to call 911.

Investigators said they found three spent .45-caliber shells in the grass near the deck. Authorities also found an area about 75 to 100 feet south of the home where someone apparently had been lying in the grass beneath a pine tree.
Charges: Bemidji man shot 17-year-old girl after she told him not to ride mower in her yard | Star Tribune

Maybe he will get off on "Stand Your Ground" (on other people's property).

And you brought up this obvious criminal use of a weapon, why?
This guy stands as good a chance of getting off as NYC does going republican.
You may now stand down from your soapbox.
And you brought up this obvious criminal use of a weapon, why?
This guy stands as good a chance of getting off as NYC does going republican.
You may now stand down from your soapbox.

That all depends. Was the girl black? If so it was probably not even her own front porch she was standing on, right?
America is going down the drain when an innocent teenager can't even stand on her own front porch without someone trying to kill her.
Statist is such a useful word. When you see someone using it in a non-ironic manner, you instantly know you're dealing with an extremist political cultist, a drone who is incapable of rational thought. It signals you to not waste any time trying reason with someone who is immune to reason, and instead to just smile, nod and back away slowly.

Or on the other hand, the term statist is in the dictionary for a reason and has an actual meaning that applies to those who embrace a certain kind of political ideology in the real world.

And it's a pity you don't use that definition. The definition of "statist" you use is more like "Anyone who points out how crazy my cult sounds". Such a special politically correct vocabulary, like yours, is indicative of a cult.

And with that, I take my own advice. Smile, nod, back away.
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What a sick fucked up piece of shit. May this guy rot the rest of his effin life in prison.
America is going down the drain when an innocent teenager can't even stand on her own front porch without someone trying to kill her.
Yes... because the US is the only country that has crazy people.
It's amazing how low the far left and far right will go to push their political agenda.

This is a story about an amazing young lady, who survived an attack, by a deranged individual.

Sometimes you can't fix crazy, no matter what the head shrinkers say.

My best wishes to the young lady, and my hope is that they would put the animal who shot her down like the dog he is.

Can't let a tragedy go to waste.
Suspected drunk driver kills FIVE people in wrong-way crash near Houston | Mail Online

Obviously this is a reflection on every single person who drinks alcohol, has ever drank alcohol, bought alcohol, served alcohol, or ever defended the freedom of Americans to drink responsibly!!!

On the other hand, maybe the thrust of this thread is idiotic.

The man who attacked the teenager does NOT represent firearm owners.

That seems to be the insinuation the OP is making.

That one person committing an unconscionable criminal act with a firearm somehow taints the right to bear arms or the right to self defense.

Perhaps I'm mistaken...but only the OP can clarify his intent.
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Sad story, hope she fully recovers, hope he gets a life sentence, but no you cannot have my guns or my gun rights.

Because guys like this need to have unrestricted, unquestioned right to guns because... um... Freedom.

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