Charles Barkley Reveals The REAL Reason Blacks Will Never Be As Successful As Whites...& It's NOT 'Systemic Racism'

Negroes should:

1. Stop committing so many crimes

2. Start taking care of their families

3. Start taking responsiblity for themselves and get off welfare

4. Stop thinking of themselves as victims and start thinking of themselves as Americans

5. Stop supporting Democrats that promise them everything but deliver absolutely nothing but poverty and racial hatred.

1. Crime is a factor of injustice and lack of opportunity only . No one wants to commit crimes, and crime is much harder than a nice cushy 9-5 job.

2. You can't take care of or even have a family without economic stability which is not the fault of Blacks. We need more educational opportunities and jobs.

3. Welfare is a myth. About the only welfare available in the US is ADC and disability. Almost no Black males can get it.

4. Blacks don't whine about being victims because there is no one who cares. Being Americans does not help, as they are still murdered by police incarcerated illegally over things like drug laws that should not exist, denied mortgages, etc.

I didn't want to reply to this thread, but your post nearly made me pull what's left of my hair out.

Your post does nothing but continue the never-ending excuses that have helped blacks.believe and act as though they are the most helpless, stupid, lazy, and oppressed victims ever to walk upright.

Imo, blacks will only begin to succeed often, and in higher numbers, when they do what every other successful group has had to do:

* Get rid of the jailbird/street thug culture.
* take personal responsibility for their actions and decisions.
* learn to love education and the learning process.
* quit blaming everyone else for your own fuckups.
* get a job. Keep the job. Do a great job. Save money. Think.
* quit your brainless, disgusting whining. Don't beg, you'll make people hate you.
* realize that YOU are the biggest factor in your success or failure.
* realize that no one owes you a fucking living.
* learn about all the ideas that make America great: self- reliance, personal responsibility, hard work, a strong work ethic.
* stop being a thief, bum, hustler, waste of space.
* listen to men like Barkley.
* get off your fucking knees and behave like a man, not a fucking crybaby.
* understand that life is hard for everybody, not just whiners like you.


Never, ever, listen to any son of a bitch who makes excuses for you. You, are NOT a fucking victim, unless you choose to be one.

No, I' m not black. But I know a large nu.ber of blacks. Some are good some bad, many who are horrible. The successful blacks I know have had to deal with all of the shit I just wrote about.

So have all other successful people. There are no secrets, just common sense ideas combined with a strong desire to achieve something. Like maybe, becoming a man.

I apologize for sounding like a long-winded preacher, but how else can one state these simple, but true, ideas.
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Good for him...

He has finally revealed that all of the superior yet fragile white folks should stop panicking about losing their way of life and blah blah...

Blacks will never be all that successful.......relax
Chuckster was successful, and he has the education too.

Just like Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin, J.C. Watts, and innumerable black entrepreneurs who refused to get sucked into ghetto goon culture have been successful.
dems call those folks Uncle Toms because they dared to think for themselves and get off the Plantation. Back when the dems had their way those folks would be brought back, and given 40 laches
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball

Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball

the evidence is he got one. Basketball had nothing to do with what happened in the classroom.
If blacks would stop being black things would improve immediately. That’s basically what he’s unwittingly saying.
Stop the fatherless cycle, too, and you’ve got a recipe for success.
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball

Why is there "zero evidence"?

It's because he's black, isn't it?....Fucking bigot.
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball

the evidence is he got one. Basketball had nothing to do with what happened in the classroom.

You funny boi
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball

the evidence is he got one. Basketball had nothing to do with what happened in the classroom.

You funny boi
do you think everyone that plays basketball isn’t worthy of having an opinion or just the black ones?
Negroes should:

1. Stop committing so many crimes

2. Start taking care of their families

3. Start taking responsiblity for themselves and get off welfare

4. Stop thinking of themselves as victims and start thinking of themselves as Americans

5. Stop supporting Democrats that promise them everything but deliver absolutely nothing but poverty and racial hatred.

1. Crime is a factor of injustice and lack of opportunity only . No one wants to commit crimes, and crime is much harder than a nice cushy 9-5 job.

2. You can't take care of or even have a family without economic stability which is not the fault of Blacks. We need more educational opportunities and jobs.

3. Welfare is a myth. About the only welfare available in the US is ADC and disability. Almost no Black males can get it.

4. Blacks don't whine about being victims because there is no one who cares. Being Americans does not help, as they are still murdered by police incarcerated illegally over things like drug laws that should not exist, denied mortgages, etc.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The goddamn Negroes are sorry shitheads that allow the Liberals to manipulate them and they will always be sorry. They have no intentions of doing what is on that list so they aill continue to be shitheads. At least the good thing is that they are killing themselves and aborting a good portion of their children. It may be a self solving problem.

I was going to comment about your ignorance about welfare but your statement was too bat shit crazy to be worthy of a response. I can't deal with that level of stupidity.
Grow up guy. Don't be as stupid as the liberals who use and abuse them.
There are millions - MILLIONS - of white trash that do the same damn thing. And then there are the 100,000's of fake disability sponges, and 100,000s more in fake "care takers" drawing money for sitting on their ass.
What color a person's skin is has absolutely no bearing on whether they are willing to have no shame and take the free bribe money.
Blacks have done it, and continue to do it because they just keep getting it.

Go to any town in the USA that is overwhelmingly white, and start building free apartments and "income adjusted" town houses... and put up signs saying come here for free money/groceries/rent/utilities... and you would see white trash flock to them.
They are all over the damn place here. And the black population here is only 3%. It is white trash everywhere here.

You don't understand demographics, do you?

10% of Whites may have the same total numbers as 50-60% of Negroes but the Negroes have an asshole culture of welfare, crime, and family destruction percentage wise.

However, to be fair I don't blame them as much as I blame the Liberals that made them their welfare slaves.
The last line you wrote is the key.
Beginning in the late 1950s, and in full speed ahead in the 1960s - liberals lured in black populations to live in "projects"... with reduced/free rent... plus signing them up for no strings attached welfare/food stamps. This was done to segregate cities, get blacks away from their pristine white bread neighborhoods and schools.
It worked flawlessly.
Blacks were desperate then. The vast majority were in deep poverty. The best they could hop for was low wage dead end work. And along came limousine liberals to "save them".... just sign here!! Free money, free food... you don't have to work!!.... just move here away from us!!
And here we are. Many blacks now entering their 5th generation of families where no one works.
You think they want to give that up??

It is comfortable for the Negroes being on the Democrat welfare plantation, isn't it? They don't have to pick cotton to get their chitlins, Kools and Colt Malt Liquor, do they? All they have to is vote for Democrats ever couple of years.

Actually you are confused. The 1950s had tremendous employment opportunities for Negroes with the growth of manufacturing. However in the 1960s that jackass LBJ decided to create the welfare plantation in order to get the Negroes to be a voting block for the despicable Democrats. "I'll have those Neggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

It worked. Here we are 60 years later and the goddamn Negores perfer the welfare plantation to taking responsibility. Who would have ever thunk it?
Not true guy... take Cabrini Green projects in Chicago. It started in 1942 as a series of small row houses for primarily whites moving to the city for manufacturing jobs. In 1958 they started building the massive "stack houses" that took over the whole area. 15,000 people lived in one square mile.
Black families were denied mortgages no matter their income throughout the city, so many had no choice but move to "approved" areas for blacks. Like Cabrini Green. At the beginning there were many whites living there also, but by the 1960's it was nearly all blacks.
In the economic fallout of the 1970's many of them lost their jobs, as the economy came back... whites were hired first. Leaving many blacks with little prospects. So... they lived off of welfare.
Believe me, I know what you are saying about how the choose to live the way they do - I agree completely. But only difference is, I am saying plenty of whites choose to do the same. If you would have taken 1,000,000 white people and all of them were denied mortgages, given no choice but to live in packed apartments, take their jobs and offer them just enough free money to get by - many would choose to keep doing nothing when jobs came back

We saw what happen when that dipshit Jimmy Carter decided to use the government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to Negroes and others that had neither the means or inclination to pay back the money. You know, for social justice reasons. It almost destroyed our economy when the CRA chickens came home to roost in 2007 and 2008.

I don't give a shit if the filthy ass Negroes live like pigs. They need to get off their Black asses and take responsibility for their own well being, stop committing crimes, stop thinking they are victims like their Democrat masters are telling them and stop abandoning their families. Then maybe they can make something of themselves and not have to live like pigs.
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball

Why is there "zero evidence"?

It's because he's black, isn't it?....Fucking bigot. appears that is the poster’s belief...look who their Dear Leader Joe “you ain’t black” xiden
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball


Is there evidence he wouldnt have?
You're a fucken racist!!!
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball


Is there evidence he wouldnt have?
You're a fucken racist!!!
racist can’t hide their racism
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball

the evidence is he got one. Basketball had nothing to do with what happened in the classroom.

You funny boi

Man you're a hard core racist!!!!
Claiming a black man cant get a degree if he's not an athlete is the epitome of racism.
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?

Probably a senior executive somewhere....He has a business degree from Auburn, fucking bigot.
And he got that degree because of… wait for it


basketball helped pay for their degree from Auburn, but he did the work in class and out of class.

he could have gotten the degree there or somewhere else without playing ball.

but he also had talent and put in the hard work on the court to be successful

why do successful african americans scare you? is he too uppity for you?
There is zero evidence that the Bark would have gotten a degree without basketball

the evidence is he got one. Basketball had nothing to do with what happened in the classroom.

You funny boi

Man you're a hard core racist!!!!
Claiming a black man cant get a degree if he's not an athlete is the epitome of racism.
racist is what racist do

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