Charles Payne: Biden is lying, this is not a bailout of working class. It is a bailout of $millionaires and $billion companies.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
And as I said yesterday - Yellen can say whatever she wants - but the checks for the rich are on their way.
FFWD to :48.
Payne loses it at one point, yanks his glasses off and in a rare seen for this guy he just yells out the truth.
This is a bailout for the rich.

The big wigs always get bailed out... it won't stop until the people come together and say no more in a collective voice....
United we can win divided we will continue to lose...
The big wigs always get bailed out... it won't stop until the people come together and say no more in a collective voice....
United we can win divided we will continue to lose...
Not going to happen anytime soon.
The left thinks - actually thinks - that Obama saved the economy 2009-2014.
How on earth are you going to get people to come together when they are that delusional??
MANY of the very same people/organizations that caused 2008 - made more money in 2009 with their free Obama cash than they did several years COMBINED leading up to it.
You had companies whose share prices plummeted... they took their Obama cash... bought back their shares from investors who lost their ass when they fell - and then those companies raked in $billions in profits buying their own shares back. Airlines did the same thing.
Democrats believe Obama corrected 2008 the right way.
You are not going to convince them Biden/Yellen is doing it again. They will believe the bullshit they heard today.
This can't be true.
Because Lunch Bucket Joe told me that the Democrat Party represents the oppressed
working class.

The big wigs always get bailed out... it won't stop until the people come together and say no more in a collective voice....
United we can win divided we will continue to lose...

All I can say is thank God for Joe that this wasn't the Bank of East Palestine. :th_waiting:

Biden is lying, this is not a bailout of working class. It is a bailout of $millionaires and $billion companies.​

Well, technically, Joe isn't really lying. This WAS a bailout of the working class! Just that Joe considers his fellow elites to be the "working class."

What YOU consider to be the working class, Joe considers to just be dirt under his finger nails. He is replacing you with unskilled illegals from Nicaragua.
And it's the Democratic Party who secured it, proving once again the frauds that they are.

I also hated how Biden "we have worked hard the past few years to protect your deposits"
100% lie. Every depositor in America is protected up to $250,000... loooong before Biden ever took office.
Who he is going to protect is the many wealthy Silicon Valley $millionairs.
If they have $2,000,000 in that bank - you bet your ass they will get it all. How?
Because lawmakers created all sorts of easy loopholes for wealthy people to get more than $250,000 guaranteed.
Account 1 - Husbands name only - protected
Account 2 - Wifes name only - protected
Account 3 - Trust fund for child #1 - protected
Account 4 - Trust fund for child #2 - protected
Account 5 - A "technically real" LLC company account - protected
Account 6 - Education fund for child #1
Account 7 - Education fund for child #2
And the list goes on... there are 14 categories
And it's the Democratic Party who secured it, proving once again the frauds that they are.

Well, we already knew the Democrat Party (not "Democratic" Party) were frauds!
I'm just a little confused why anyone needs to write to the Treasury Secretary telling her how to do her job!

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