
Allow me to step out of my usually non-partisan role for a minute. America used to be a country where we had our own way of living. Thanksgiving best represented our attitude to others.


Now we are overrun with peoples who beg for our opportunity, and the first thing they want to do is implement the "gift of their culture" into our way of life. I think we should shut the door on all immigration, and deport trouble makers with out further discussion.

We have people of African American, Native American, and Hebrew decent that we have been promising opportunity for years. We should be "Closed for business" until we have kept all those promises.

911, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon to name a few. Maybe it is time for a police state. My message is assimilate or leave. This from a politically disgusted independent. No more "Mr. Nice Guy!"

No thanks

Your Norman Rockwell America never existed. We were always a country of immigrants and each generation had a faction who stirred up hate against foreigners. Irish, Chinese, Italians, Puerto Ricans, Jews.....all had their cultures assimilated into our pure white culture. They also all maintained their own cultures for at least a generation
Allow me to step out of my usually non-partisan role for a minute. America used to be a country where we had our own way of living. Thanksgiving best represented our attitude to others.


Now we are overrun with peoples who beg for our opportunity, and the first thing they want to do is implement the "gift of their culture" into our way of life. I think we should shut the door on all immigration, and deport trouble makers with out further discussion.

We have people of African American, Native American, and Hebrew decent that we have been promising opportunity for years. We should be "Closed for business" until we have kept all those promises.

911, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon to name a few. Maybe it is time for a police state. My message is assimilate or leave. This from a politically disgusted independent. No more "Mr. Nice Guy!"

No thanks

Your Norman Rockwell America never existed. We were always a country of immigrants and each generation had a faction who stirred up hate against foreigners. Irish, Chinese, Italians, Puerto Ricans, Jews.....all had their cultures assimilated into our pure white culture. They also all maintained their own cultures for at least a generation

I was saying no to the police state but thanks for misunderstanding as usual.
Did they identify the yoik at the FBI press conference who kept yelling conspiracy nonsense?
Allow me to step out of my usually non-partisan role for a minute. America used to be a country where we had our own way of living. Thanksgiving best represented our attitude to others.


Now we are overrun with peoples who beg for our opportunity, and the first thing they want to do is implement the "gift of their culture" into our way of life. I think we should shut the door on all immigration, and deport trouble makers with out further discussion.

We have people of African American, Native American, and Hebrew decent that we have been promising opportunity for years. We should be "Closed for business" until we have kept all those promises.

911, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon to name a few. Maybe it is time for a police state. My message is assimilate or leave. This from a politically disgusted independent. No more "Mr. Nice Guy!"

No thanks

Pull your head out of the sand. This country does not belong to the people who built it any more. We have just given it away to every freeloader with a turban or pinata! These tribal types only understand one thing, a firm hand that treats them like the cattle they are. It is the best way to make them behave.

America is a Eurocentric nation, founded by Europeans, and built by Europeans within a European cultural framework. Look at our immigrants prior to 1950 Europeans who fit right in, and went work. Not today. The United States has become freeloader nation with every foreigner DEMANDING freebees, and that their culture be respected. Hell, I can not even walk down a street in Los Angeles without hearing that garbage Spanish language. Immigrants are here to learn, they are given an opportunity most in the world desire, and the first thing they try to do is change it to fit with their third world culture. My family immigrated from Germany and learned fluent English in one generation. Mexicans have had since the 1840s and the Mexican American War, and they still can't do it!

I have been following immigration reform in Washington, and am pleased that the politicians have figured out a way to deal with it. The headline is "Pathway to Citizenhip," but the fine print is secure the border, and illegals go to the end of the line for citizenship. What this means is plug up the leaks in the border, or no path to citizenship. Something that will never happen. The wait for U. S. citizenship is 10 to 15 years. Send them all home, in 10 - 15 years they won't even remember the United States.


As to Norman Rockwell, he used to do the covers for The Saturday Evening Post, and gave us classic pictures of Americana. Anyone who is not striving toward the Rockwell ideal, does not belong here. Just that simple. When are the American people going to realize we have been way to generous with foreigners in this country. Do it our way, and love it, or leave.

So what is next in this thread? I will be called "racist," and you know what? I don't care. You come into my country, my living room waving a foreign flag, talking some gibberish language, expect to be treated as an unwelcome guest. But, allow me to add, those with clean criminal records, who have a trade the U. S. needs, who can speak English without an accent, and DESIRE TO ASSIMILATE TO THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE, I say "welcome." Immigration is an event practiced based upon the needs of the host nation, not he immigrants.
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What about the chick in the yellow shirt?
She's carrying a black backpack too

the fbi says

we are to only consider those they have chosen to show us

as the suspects
Cut the spin.

Actually what they said was "For clarity these images should be the only ones viewed to assist the FBI. Other photos should not be deemed creditable and can divert public attention in the wrong direction and create undue work for vital law enforcement resources".
It looks like the back pack of the suspect in the white hat is setting just inside the fence between 2 women. Not outside as the media had showed us earlier.

It looks like the back pack of the suspect in the white hat is setting just inside the fence between 2 women. Not outside as the media had showed us earlier.


The only problem with that is in the second picture, it seems that the black back pack or what you might see of it is gone in this photo ( seems uncluttered to me) and seems to be replaced with a brown/white bag:

Allow me to step out of my usually non-partisan role for a minute. America used to be a country where we had our own way of living. Thanksgiving best represented our attitude to others.


Now we are overrun with peoples who beg for our opportunity, and the first thing they want to do is implement the "gift of their culture" into our way of life. I think we should shut the door on all immigration, and deport trouble makers with out further discussion.

We have people of African American, Native American, and Hebrew decent that we have been promising opportunity for years. We should be "Closed for business" until we have kept all those promises.

911, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon to name a few. Maybe it is time for a police state. My message is assimilate or leave. This from a politically disgusted independent. No more "Mr. Nice Guy!"

No thanks

Pull your head out of the sand. This country does not belong to the people who built it any more. We have just given it away to every freeloader with a turban or pinata! These tribal types only understand one thing, a firm hand that treats them like the cattle they are. It is the best way to make them behave.

America is a Eurocentric nation, founded by Europeans, and built by Europeans within a European cultural framework. Look at our immigrants prior to 1950 Europeans who fit right in, and went work. Not today. The United States has become freeloader nation with every foreigner DEMANDING freebees, and that their culture be respected. Hell, I can not even walk down a street in Los Angeles without hearing that garbage Spanish language. Immigrants are here to learn, they are given an opportunity most in the world desire, and the first thing they try to do is change it to fit with their third world culture. My family immigrated from Germany and learned fluent English in one generation. Mexicans have had since the 1840s and the Mexican American War, and they still can't do it!

I have been following immigration reform in Washington, and am pleased that the politicians have figured out a way to deal with it. The headline is "Pathway to Citizenhip," but the fine print is secure the border, and illegals go to the end of the line for citizenship. What this means is plug up the leaks in the border, or no path to citizenship. Something that will never happen. The wait for U. S. citizenship is 10 to 15 years. Send them all home, in 10 - 15 years they won't even remember the United States.


As to Norman Rockwell, he used to do the covers for The Saturday Evening Post, and gave us classic pictures of Americana. Anyone who is not striving toward the Rockwell ideal, does not belong here. Just that simple. When are the American people going to realize we have been way to generous with foreigners in this country. Do it our way, and love it, or leave.

So what is next in this thread? I will be called "racist," and you know what? I don't care. You come into my country, my living room waving a foreign flag, talking some gibberish language, expect to be treated as an unwelcome guest. But, allow me to add, those with clean criminal records, who have a trade the U. S. needs, who can speak English without an accent, and DESIRE TO ASSIMILATE TO THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE, I say "welcome." Immigration is an event practiced based upon the needs of the host nation, not he immigrants.

I wonder how that works out for the Native Americans? They were here first, making the Europeans who came here, took over and slaughtered the native people, nothing more than immigrants.

Besides..............if it wasn't for the Native Americans, there wouldn't have been a Thanksgiving and all the Pilgrims would have died of starvation.
CaféAuLait;7111950 said:
It looks like the back pack of the suspect in the white hat is setting just inside the fence between 2 women. Not outside as the media had showed us earlier.


The only problem with that is in the second picture, it seems that the black back pack or what you might see of it is gone in this photo ( seems uncluttered to me) and seems to be replaced with a brown/white bag:


It's strange how those same people are lined up along the fence. It seems like the bag on the ground moved from inside the fence to the outside & the other lady set her brown purse on top of it. Then there is a box beside it with a dark can on it. I bet none of those are the bomb. He must have came along later.
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