
Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.

Hate to break your bubble, but pressure cookers do not have serial numbers, they have model numbers.

There is no evidence that that the bombs used a cell phone as a trigger. Even if they did, there is no reason to believe that a call would coincide with the detonations because of the design of the bombs.

It took them years to catch the Unabomber, and he was writing letters to newspapers. As far as I know, no one has stepped forward to give any reason for this attack.
Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.
I agree, I think they will catch whoever is responsible. I doubt if a serial number of a pressure cooker will do it, but who knows. Usually, these kind of arrests are the result of a combination of leads. Often reports of unusual activity coupled with other factors allow law enforcement to narrow the investigation.

So often the perpetrators, never plan on being the subject of the investigation so they don't dot the i's and cross the t's. One thing law enforcement has in it's favor is that criminals rarely act rationally and they make lots of mistakes.

The fact that they have more technology & manpower than ever in history working at this & still can't ID the bomber tells me he is very smart. He created a circuit board trigger. He was not detected by bomb sniffing dogs. Plus he made ricin & sent it to senators & the president. I bet he wore a disguise when he planted the bombs. He is covering his tracks well & has always been many steps ahead of law enforcement & the FBI.
Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.
I agree, I think they will catch whoever is responsible. I doubt if a serial number of a pressure cooker will do it, but who knows. Usually, these kind of arrests are the result of a combination of leads. Often reports of unusual activity coupled with other factors allow law enforcement to narrow the investigation.

So often the perpetrators, never plan on being the subject of the investigation so they don't dot the i's and cross the t's. One thing law enforcement has in it's favor is that criminals rarely act rationally and they make lots of mistakes.

The fact that they have more technology & manpower than ever in history working at this & still can't ID the bomber tells me he is very smart. He created a circuit board trigger. He was not detected by bomb sniffing dogs. Plus he made ricin & sent it to senators & the president. I bet he wore a disguise when he planted the bombs. He is covering his tracks well & has always been many steps ahead of law enforcement & the FBI.

The guy who sent the Ricin was caught and arrested earlier today. Kenneth Curtis of Tuplo Miss.

ETA: It was obvious he wanted to be caught he signed the letters with his own initials and yesterday they ( Reid, Wasserman or Pelosi) stated this man has been known to send letters to various political offices over the years.
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CaféAuLait;7106330 said:
I agree, I think they will catch whoever is responsible. I doubt if a serial number of a pressure cooker will do it, but who knows. Usually, these kind of arrests are the result of a combination of leads. Often reports of unusual activity coupled with other factors allow law enforcement to narrow the investigation.

So often the perpetrators, never plan on being the subject of the investigation so they don't dot the i's and cross the t's. One thing law enforcement has in it's favor is that criminals rarely act rationally and they make lots of mistakes.

The fact that they have more technology & manpower than ever in history working at this & still can't ID the bomber tells me he is very smart. He created a circuit board trigger. He was not detected by bomb sniffing dogs. Plus he made ricin & sent it to senators & the president. I bet he wore a disguise when he planted the bombs. He is covering his tracks well & has always been many steps ahead of law enforcement & the FBI.

The guy who sent the Ricin was caught and arrested earlier today. Kenneth Curtis of Tuplo Miss.

ETA: It was obvious he wanted to be caught he signed the letters with his own initials and yesterday they ( Reid, Wasserman or Pelosi) stated this man has been known to send letters to various political offices over the years.

Maybe Kenneth Curtis was set-up. This black bank robber was actually a white guy. He was just caught recently.


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Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.
I agree, I think they will catch whoever is responsible. I doubt if a serial number of a pressure cooker will do it, but who knows. Usually, these kind of arrests are the result of a combination of leads. Often reports of unusual activity coupled with other factors allow law enforcement to narrow the investigation.

So often the perpetrators, never plan on being the subject of the investigation so they don't dot the i's and cross the t's. One thing law enforcement has in it's favor is that criminals rarely act rationally and they make lots of mistakes.

The fact that they have more technology & manpower than ever in history working at this & still can't ID the bomber tells me he is very smart. He created a circuit board trigger. He was not detected by bomb sniffing dogs. Plus he made ricin & sent it to senators & the president. I bet he wore a disguise when he planted the bombs. He is covering his tracks well & has always been many steps ahead of law enforcement & the FBI.

The guy that mailed the letters that may or may not have contained ricin was never in Boston.
I agree, I think they will catch whoever is responsible. I doubt if a serial number of a pressure cooker will do it, but who knows. Usually, these kind of arrests are the result of a combination of leads. Often reports of unusual activity coupled with other factors allow law enforcement to narrow the investigation.

So often the perpetrators, never plan on being the subject of the investigation so they don't dot the i's and cross the t's. One thing law enforcement has in it's favor is that criminals rarely act rationally and they make lots of mistakes.

The fact that they have more technology & manpower than ever in history working at this & still can't ID the bomber tells me he is very smart. He created a circuit board trigger. He was not detected by bomb sniffing dogs. Plus he made ricin & sent it to senators & the president. I bet he wore a disguise when he planted the bombs. He is covering his tracks well & has always been many steps ahead of law enforcement & the FBI.

The guy that mailed the letters that may or may not have contained ricin was never in Boston.

from they way it sounds he has been

sending letters for a long time

and was well known
They were apparently going to release a photo of the person of interest, but then changed their minds... According to abc it was a white male, hoodie, white backwards baseball cap.

I just don't get it. Fox has the photos too but wont release them. What the heck is the deal. Law enforcement has spread them all around. Lets get the photos out and bust these animals

Well, you show the photo and its very likely the guy will be identified, but he may run, and if hes the wrong guy youve basically convicted him in the court of public opinion.

ABC made it spound like they decided to try to identify him on their own before involving the public, however if they cant id expect a photo in the next day or so.
Can't the track who bought nails, bb's and ball bearings in large quantities? And yes one of the crock pots has a serial number.

That's not really that large of a quantity though. It's not like someone ordered an entire pallet. A couple boxes of each would fill a pressure cooker.

Throw away cell phone, cash purchases for the materials, and you'd have almost no trail to go on.

The only thing that's gonna catch the perp/s is camera footage...but the government loves to confiscate camera footage and not show it to the public so that maybe people who were video recording the days events could possibly corrroborate something they have with whats on CCTV's and what not, and maybe have better image quality than the CCTV.

The government will do what it can to fuck this up and cover asses before it ever gets to the bottom of it. Guarantee it.

Actually, the FBI was asking anyone who made a video recording during that time to send it in (unedited), so that they could check it to see if there were any clues.

They didn't "confiscate" it, they asked for copies.

And, guess what? They think they have a good image of who was responsible for the bombing.

But...................I'm not going to jump to any conclusions just yet, especially when CNN and FAUX Nooze got it so horribly wrong today when they said there were arrests of a "dark skinned male".

MSNBC was the only cable news agency to not fan the flames and they actually waited to see what was really going on.

Just like the ruling on Obamacare by the SC, MSNBC was the only ones to get it right.
Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.

Bought the pressure cookers at a yard sale and the cellphone was bought unlocked from the trunk of a car

Interesting pictures from the Daily Mail (not graphic)



Is this the man? While everyone seems to instinctively cower - the man dressed in black and highlighted - appears to run away at speed from the scene in the opposite direction to everyone else who was caught up in the blast

Boston bombings latest: Arrest has been made in Boston marathon bombing and suspect will be brought to court | Mail Online

I have seen a time lapse of 16 different of these photos & it looks like he was shedding the backpack that exploded. I believe he was hit by the backpack because he would be dead if he was wearing it at the time. Or it could just be his pant leg flying up to his shoulder.


Actually, if you'd seen footage that was recorded shortly AFTER the bomb went off, you'd see that he was one of the injured being treated.

As far as the rest? We know that it was a pressure cooker bomb, we also know that it was set to go off with a timer, and there have been pictures that showed the bomb was in place a FULL HOUR before it went off.

No..................that guy is not a suspect, unless it's only in your fevered little mind.
Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.
I agree, I think they will catch whoever is responsible. I doubt if a serial number of a pressure cooker will do it, but who knows. Usually, these kind of arrests are the result of a combination of leads. Often reports of unusual activity coupled with other factors allow law enforcement to narrow the investigation.

So often the perpetrators, never plan on being the subject of the investigation so they don't dot the i's and cross the t's. One thing law enforcement has in it's favor is that criminals rarely act rationally and they make lots of mistakes.

The fact that they have more technology & manpower than ever in history working at this & still can't ID the bomber tells me he is very smart. He created a circuit board trigger. He was not detected by bomb sniffing dogs. Plus he made ricin & sent it to senators & the president. I bet he wore a disguise when he planted the bombs. He is covering his tracks well & has always been many steps ahead of law enforcement & the FBI.
The FBI is not likely to release all details until they make an arrest. Being smart enough to build the bomb, and being cool enough to make good decisions under pressure are two different things. There're also maybe more than one person involved.
Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.

yes however they may have just used

the alarm clock function of the phone

set to vibrate
Fox and CNN both said there was an arrest. NBC's Pete Williams didn't.

Not the first time that MSNBC got it right and CNN and FAUX Nooze screwed it up.

Remember the SC ruling on Obamacare?

And that is one of the main reasons that I watch MSNBC rather than the other two. They're willing to wait until they have verified facts before putting them out there, the other 2 don't.

Matter of fact, the whole day MSNBC has been reporting that the FBI has an image of the bomber, but they never said anything about his being arrested.

And, when it was verified that no arrests had been made yet, MSNBC took a bit of delight in reporting that the other two screwed it up so badly.

Gotta watch where you get your information from folks, and you've also got to be willing to be patient when it comes to the facts, because when things like the bombing happen, it takes a while to sort out the details and get them RIGHT.
You people are freakin hilarious. How about you get together and hunt down everyone with a black backpack. You cac call yourselves the Insane Pack Posse.
Allow me to step out of my usually non-partisan role for a minute. America used to be a country where we had our own way of living. Thanksgiving best represented our attitude to others.


Now we are overrun with peoples who beg for our opportunity, and the first thing they want to do is implement the "gift of their culture" into our way of life. I think we should shut the door on all immigration, and deport trouble makers with out further discussion.

We have people of African American, Native American, and Hebrew decent that we have been promising opportunity for years. We should be "Closed for business" until we have kept all those promises.

911, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon to name a few. Maybe it is time for a police state. My message is assimilate or leave. This from a politically disgusted independent. No more "Mr. Nice Guy!"
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Allow me to step out of my usually non-partisan role for a minute. America used to be a country where we had our own way of living. Thanksgiving best represented our attitude to others.


Now we are overrun with peoples who beg for our opportunity, and the first thing they want to do is implement the "gift of their culture" into our way of life. I think we should shut the door on all immigration, and deport trouble makers with out further discussion.

We have people of African American, Native American, and Hebrew decent that we have been promising opportunity for years. We should be "Closed for business" until we have kept all those promises.

911, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon to name a few. Maybe it is time for a police state. My message is assimilate or leave. This from a politically disgusted independent. No more "Mr. Nice Guy!"

No thanks
Interesting pictures from the Daily Mail (not graphic)



Is this the man? While everyone seems to instinctively cower - the man dressed in black and highlighted - appears to run away at speed from the scene in the opposite direction to everyone else who was caught up in the blast

Boston bombings latest: Arrest has been made in Boston marathon bombing and suspect will be brought to court | Mail Online

I have seen a time lapse of 16 different of these photos & it looks like he was shedding the backpack that exploded. I believe he was hit by the backpack because he would be dead if he was wearing it at the time. Or it could just be his pant leg flying up to his shoulder.


Actually, if you'd seen footage that was recorded shortly AFTER the bomb went off, you'd see that he was one of the injured being treated.

As far as the rest? We know that it was a pressure cooker bomb, we also know that it was set to go off with a timer, and there have been pictures that showed the bomb was in place a FULL HOUR before it went off.

No..................that guy is not a suspect, unless it's only in your fevered little mind.

Fuck you deputy dip-shit! Obviously you can't read or comprehend. I did not say I thought he he was a suspect. However he was followed by police & questioned. They took him to the hospital, searched his car & his residence. They questioned his roommates & checked his background. So he was a person of interest.
So the FBI postpones their scheduled news conference and Obama takes the slot with another public conference In about 15 minutes. Why?

I am not a fan of Obama but believe me when I tell you the Bureau does not care when Obama goes on the air or much else about him. He and all other presidents are just temporary bumps in the road to them.

"Presidents and their administrations are temporary but the FBI is forever" is their attitude and quite properly so. It's part of the checks and balances.

Do not think, for even a minute, that this president or any president calls the daily shots for the FBI or any of the other career professional law enforcement agencies.
Maybe it is time for a police state. My message is assimilate or leave. This from a politically disgusted independent. No more "Mr. Nice Guy!"

People need quit freaking out about terrorist & put this into perspective. We only lost a few people here & maybe 20 or more lost limbs. But today in Waco Texas a fertilizer plant exploded injuring 200 people, damaged 70 homes & killed more than this Boston attack. I don't want to lose any more freedoms because 30 peoples lives changed. Remember there are 300 million of us who will have to live in a police state because of a few.

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