
Yanno.................after seeing the release of the photos of the suspects today, I wonder how CNN is feeling about the full hour of straight up wrong journalism they did yesterday?

Same with FAUX Nooze.
Yanno.................after seeing the release of the photos of the suspects today, I wonder how CNN is feeling about the full hour of straight up wrong journalism they did yesterday?

Same with FAUX Nooze.

ABC was guilty of the same too. I think that part of this falls on FEDS and or those speaking of suspects and releasing their photos ( of the wrong people) too though.
CaféAuLait;7111950 said:
It looks like the back pack of the suspect in the white hat is setting just inside the fence between 2 women. Not outside as the media had showed us earlier.


The only problem with that is in the second picture, it seems that the black back pack or what you might see of it is gone in this photo ( seems uncluttered to me) and seems to be replaced with a brown/white bag:


It's strange how those same people are lined up along the fence. It seems like the bag on the ground moved from inside the fence to the outside & the other lady set her brown purse on top of it. Then there is a box beside it with a dark can on it. I bet none of those are the bomb. He must have came along later.

You're right it does kinda look like her purse on top of the bag, good eye!
I get tired of people who want to turn back the clock to make some meaningless point. History is written by who wins the wars. Promises have been made to African Americans, Native Americans, and Hebrew Americans. These promises should be kept before we consider opening the flood gates to freeloading foreigners.

Accept reality, who was living here or forced here compared to the freeloaders who are sneaking in. They think they are special. They are not. Those of us here first make the rules.
Yanno.................after seeing the release of the photos of the suspects today, I wonder how CNN is feeling about the full hour of straight up wrong journalism they did yesterday?

Same with FAUX Nooze.
Yeah, there's a lot of that shit going around. I just hope the FBI has a solid case.
CaféAuLait;7112101 said:
CaféAuLait;7111950 said:
The only problem with that is in the second picture, it seems that the black back pack or what you might see of it is gone in this photo ( seems uncluttered to me) and seems to be replaced with a brown/white bag:


It's strange how those same people are lined up along the fence. It seems like the bag on the ground moved from inside the fence to the outside & the other lady set her brown purse on top of it. Then there is a box beside it with a dark can on it. I bet none of those are the bomb. He must have came along later.

You're right it does kinda look like her purse on top of the bag, good eye!
Except it's a white bag and the purse doesn't look the same. In fact it is further away from the Micheal Jackson looking guy.
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CaféAuLait;7112101 said:
It's strange how those same people are lined up along the fence. It seems like the bag on the ground moved from inside the fence to the outside & the other lady set her brown purse on top of it. Then there is a box beside it with a dark can on it. I bet none of those are the bomb. He must have came along later.

You're right it does kinda look like her purse on top of the bag, good eye!
Except it's a white bag and the purse doesn't look the same. In fact it is further away from the Micheal Jackson looking guy.

True and I guess to it is not exactly a backpack looking thing either. Sorry I had to LOL at the MJ comment, I did not see it until I blew up the photo. Looks just like him.
CaféAuLait;7112239 said:
CaféAuLait;7112101 said:
You're right it does kinda look like her purse on top of the bag, good eye!
Except it's a white bag and the purse doesn't look the same. In fact it is further away from the Micheal Jackson looking guy.

True and I guess to it is not exactly a backpack looking thing either. Sorry I had to LOL at the MJ comment, I did not see it until I blew up the photo. Looks just like him.

LOL! Talk about creepy.
Allow me to step out of my usually non-partisan role for a minute.

Now we are overrun with peoples who beg for our opportunity, and the first thing they want to do is implement the "gift of their culture" into our way of life. I think we should shut the door on all immigration Maybe it is time for a police state. My message is assimilate or leave. This from a politically disgusted independent. No more "Mr. Nice Guy!"

You're not an independent, you're an imbecile. What it's "time for" is to kick stupid assholes like you out and to be rational Americans. New (legal) immigrants to this great nation continue to assimilate as they always have. They continue to adopt English as they always have. They continue to be a vital and dynamic strength of our nation as they always have and always will. And we continue to suffer the occasional foolish asshole like you running your Un-American mouth off as we always have. You can feel free to go ahead and shut the fuck up now, or you can get busy getting the fuck out of my country, douchebag.
CaféAuLait;7112098 said:
Yanno.................after seeing the release of the photos of the suspects today, I wonder how CNN is feeling about the full hour of straight up wrong journalism they did yesterday?

Same with FAUX Nooze.

ABC was guilty of the same too. I think that part of this falls on FEDS and or those speaking of suspects and releasing their photos ( of the wrong people) too though.

AND reporters, bloggers and messageboard posters playing detective and over-speculating on shit they know next to nothing about.

I've purposefully stayed away from any Boston threads until there was something to see/say.
A couple pictures and a jerky security film does not a conviction make.

I just thought it was weird that "they" singled out the first 2 men carrying backpacks but not the girl.
I realize they supposedly have footage of "Number 2" leaving his pack behind....maybe they just have further footage of the female and can explain her away

We're all just 24hr news junkies eager for the answer so we can get back to American Idol.

Accept reality, who was living here or forced here compared to the freeloaders who are sneaking in. They think they are special. They are not. Those of us here first make the rules.

YOU don't make shit, asshole. YOU are just some mouthy loser who is living in a country he doesn't deserve. YOU are a waste of citizenship someone better deserves. Get the fuck out.

I wonder how that works out for the Native Americans? They were here first, making the Europeans who came here, took over and slaughtered the native people, nothing more than immigrants.

Besides..............if it wasn't for the Native Americans, there wouldn't have been a Thanksgiving and all the Pilgrims would have died of starvation.

The Native American angle is tired and illogical. You'd be better off putting that energy into a viable argument.
Here is the bomb back pack & 2nd bomber He set it by the tree.
Right behind the 8 year old boy & his family.




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It looks like a low explosive was used like gun powder. It also has BB's & small nails. I would guess they cut open a couple cases or shotgun shells. Used the shotgun shell powder & BB's. Then tossed in a box of nails & a little more gun powder. Packed it into a pressure cooker. Used battery device to power the detonator/cap. Circuit board has been reported so likely an electronic timer or remote trigger device.




maybe i missed it

is there a picture of the mother board


They used remote control car controller, remote & battery as trigger. Not cell phone or timer.



Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.

I have two pressure cookers. They were bought in the 1970s. No way they could trace them.

Cell phones, all of them. Cell phone records are not released unless there is a legal case and right now there isn't one. Besides that level of surveillance of the public at large would not be tolerated.
Yanno.................after seeing the release of the photos of the suspects today, I wonder how CNN is feeling about the full hour of straight up wrong journalism they did yesterday?

Same with FAUX Nooze.
I'll bet the way they look at is "win some lose some". A network that jumps the gun will sometimes scoop the competition and other times gets it all wrong. CNN certainly got it wrong this time. I understand Fox did also but not as bad.
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Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.

I have two pressure cookers. They were bought in the 1970s. No way they could trace them.

Cell phones, all of them. Cell phone records are not released unless there is a legal case and right now there isn't one. Besides that level of surveillance of the public at large would not be tolerated.
With those pictures spread across the nation, you can bet the FBI phone lines are full with callers reporting everyone from their brother in law to passerby's. Once the FBI digests the calls, gets the images enhanced, and does a facial recognition match, they will know exactly who they are.
Bomber #2 watched it happen. He had to be within toy remote range. He is just rounding the corner as people ran away.


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