Check Out Ben Carson's Hypocrisy

"Marriage is between a man and a woman. It's a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality -- it doesn't matter what they are, they don't get to change the definition."

Welcome to the 21st century Dr Carson

Not seeing any hate there, just an opinion on what marriage is.

To disagree does not mean hate, it means you disagree.
World Savior is a hate filled little liberal, he makes crap up and distorts the truth to fit his agenda.

I'll vote for Carson just to piss off the asshole.

Sorry Papa, you can vote for the homophobe, hypocrite, hate filled (Triple H) Ben Carson. He hates gays, indigent people, white liberals (yes whites), and calls public assistance as akin to being slavery.

So you are obviously wrong. I do not hate the low income, gays, white liberals or conservatives. Yes go ahead and call me a hater for exposing Ben Carson's hypocrisy. Here's the bad news for you. Ben Carson will be retired fro public life by end of next year. We will never have to worry about his stupidity controlling the US executive branch. If you think that makes me a hater, by all means, vote for the conservative homophobes.

First off, you exposed nothing except your hatred for black conservatives and your hatred for anyone who disagrees with your unproven statements. That is why you distort the truth. It is your pure hate for those that don't agree with your bigoted views.

If respecting and loving gays, low income people and people on welfare is what you call "HATE" then I am proud to be a "HATER" in your twisted dictionary.

And thanks for your race baiting. No, I do not "hate" carson because of the color of his skin. This has nothing to do with his race. He is despised by many around the country because he is 3H hater, hypocrite, homophobe. His record and his biogrpahy is out in the open. He is a super duper world class brain surgeon. He should have stuck to surgery, and avoided politics.

Why do you think disagreeing with Carson is equal to hatred of black conservatives?
"Marriage is between a man and a woman. It's a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality -- it doesn't matter what they are, they don't get to change the definition."

Welcome to the 21st century Dr Carson

Not seeing any hate there, just an opinion on what marriage is.

To disagree does not mean hate, it means you disagree.

Homosexual marriage equates to NAMBLA and Bestiality?

THIS is a presidential candidate in the 21st century?
"Marriage is between a man and a woman. It's a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality -- it doesn't matter what they are, they don't get to change the definition."

Welcome to the 21st century Dr Carson

Not seeing any hate there, just an opinion on what marriage is.

To disagree does not mean hate, it means you disagree.

Nope, he constantly evokes references to Bestiality, NAMBLA, prisoners and all negative stereotypes when discussing gays. It's very pure and simple: Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee hate gays. He uses the definition of marriage as a weapon to deny gays the right to marry. Of course as I keep saying, by end of next year, this world class brain surgeon and a homophobe will be out of public limelight. That is the silver lining here. Just like Sarah Palin, we will laugh at BC for about 18 months, then all we will have is memories of him in the annals of history.
As skilled as Carson is as a surgeon, he is inept as a politician
No brother, this is only a tip of the iceberg. He's actually a lot worse. I do not begrudge him for accepting social services from the government. He should have taken it all and he deserved it given that he grew up impoverished. I also commend him for achieving what he has in the medical field.

Where I part ways with him is when he becomes a bigot and displays his disdain for the gays and indigent people. He wants to deny the same privileges to other low income impoverished people that he himself benefited from. Sadly, all that education he got and achievements he achieved are out the window because of his stupidity he displayed on TV.
Can you support ANY of that? Because all it is so far is you pounding a high chair making accusations. Give a specific example if you can.
World Savior is a hate filled little liberal, he makes crap up and distorts the truth to fit his agenda.

I'll vote for Carson just to piss off the asshole.

Sorry Papa, you can vote for the homophobe, hypocrite, hate filled (Triple H) Ben Carson. He hates gays, indigent people, white liberals (yes whites), and calls public assistance as akin to being slavery.

So you are obviously wrong. I do not hate the low income, gays, white liberals or conservatives. Yes go ahead and call me a hater for exposing Ben Carson's hypocrisy. Here's the bad news for you. Ben Carson will be retired fro public life by end of next year. We will never have to worry about his stupidity controlling the US executive branch. If you think that makes me a hater, by all means, vote for the conservative homophobes.

First off, you exposed nothing except your hatred for black conservatives and your hatred for anyone who disagrees with your unproven statements. That is why you distort the truth. It is your pure hate for those that don't agree with your bigoted views.

If respecting and loving gays, low income people and people on welfare is what you call "HATE" then I am proud to be a "HATER" in your twisted dictionary.

And thanks for your race baiting. No, I do not "hate" carson because of the color of his skin. This has nothing to do with his race. He is despised by many around the country because he is 3H hater, hypocrite, homophobe. His record and his biogrpahy is out in the open. He is a super duper world class brain surgeon. He should have stuck to surgery, and avoided politics.

Why do you think disagreeing with Carson is equal to hatred of black conservatives?

You brought race into the discussion, you claim Carson hates white liberals. If you want race out of it, then don't bring it up.

You are good at twisting words, I'll give you that. But in the end, you are what you are.

Two of the claims are unproven; the Affirmative Action claim, and the Pell Grant claim. However, the Pell Grant claim is most likely true, and even if not the fundamental point remains true. As your link points out, Carson received a variety of grants and aid to pay for college. Pell Grants are the first line of financial aid a person receives. Even if it is not true, the essence remains established; Carson received assorted assistance to help pay his education. Whether it was Pell Grants or Lollypop Gild grants, it doesn't really matter.

The Affirmative Action claim, thus, is the only one that can not be demonstrated to bear water. Your link finds no evidence to support or deny, and there is nothing I can see from which to logically infer it. I suspect that someone made a ridiculous assumption based. If there's someone here who has actual knowledge of Yale admissions practices of the time, perhaps they can shed some light on whether it is possible, or perhaps likely, that Carson gained admittance due to Affirmative Action. But as best I can tell, there is no factual basis to justify that inference.

Two of the claims are unproven; the Affirmative Action claim, and the Pell Grant claim. However, the Pell Grant claim is most likely true, and even if not the fundamental point remains true. As your link points out, Carson received a variety of grants and aid to pay for college. Pell Grants are the first line of financial aid a person receives. Even if it is not true, the essence remains established; Carson received assorted assistance to help pay his education. Whether it was Pell Grants or Lollypop Gild grants, it doesn't really matter.

The Affirmative Action claim, thus, is the only one that can not be demonstrated to bear water. Your link finds no evidence to support or deny, and there is nothing I can see from which to logically infer it. I suspect that someone made a ridiculous assumption based. If there's someone here who has actual knowledge of Yale admissions practices of the time, perhaps they can shed some light on whether it is possible, or perhaps likely, that Carson gained admittance due to Affirmative Action. But as best I can tell, there is no factual basis to justify that inference.
It is an almost a 100 percent guarantee that any copied and pasted list of grievances against a political figure will contain at least one or two completely manufactured bullshit lines. The tards still fall for it every time, though.

Throw enough mud, and some of it will stick. That's the strategy of tards who are incapable of rationally deconstructing a political opponent.

They have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. That's why they copy and paste them.
No brother, this is only a tip of the iceberg. He's actually a lot worse. I do not begrudge him for accepting social services from the government. He should have taken it all and he deserved it given that he grew up impoverished. I also commend him for achieving what he has in the medical field.

Where I part ways with him is when he becomes a bigot and displays his disdain for the gays and indigent people. He wants to deny the same privileges to other low income impoverished people that he himself benefited from. Sadly, all that education he got and achievements he achieved are out the window because of his stupidity he displayed on TV.
Can you support ANY of that? Because all it is so far is you pounding a high chair making accusations. Give a specific example if you can.

You can look up his videos of interviews on Fox and CNN to see how much hatred he has for gays. He always back peddles the next day what he said the day before. His advisors tell him after the interview to apologize, and he does exactly that. His hatred of gays comes from his religious background.

People think Ben Carson is hated for his race. Nope, not true. He is despised for his hatred of gays, low income folks and white liberals. He left out black liberals and colored liberals in his remarks when he singled out white liberals as being the most racists. I don't know that sounds quite hateful to me but any ways, I don't think he is a racist towards whites. I think he just hates many demographics. He can't control his anger towards liberals and Obama. But sadly, his hate goes well beyond liberals alone.

I repeat: He is a well accomplished world class surgeon and a class A world class hate monger at the same time. He had so much potential to love people and respect various demographics. Too late, he squandered the opportunity to unite people and instead is now the most divisive, hate filled person the republicans have on their side. In some ways he's actually worse than Sarah Palin but any ways, his words speak for himself. I don't need to say much more than what I've already said about him.

Two of the claims are unproven; the Affirmative Action claim, and the Pell Grant claim. However, the Pell Grant claim is most likely true, and even if not the fundamental point remains true. As your link points out, Carson received a variety of grants and aid to pay for college. Pell Grants are the first line of financial aid a person receives. Even if it is not true, the essence remains established; Carson received assorted assistance to help pay his education. Whether it was Pell Grants or Lollypop Gild grants, it doesn't really matter.

The Affirmative Action claim, thus, is the only one that can not be demonstrated to bear water. Your link finds no evidence to support or deny, and there is nothing I can see from which to logically infer it. I suspect that someone made a ridiculous assumption based. If there's someone here who has actual knowledge of Yale admissions practices of the time, perhaps they can shed some light on whether it is possible, or perhaps likely, that Carson gained admittance due to Affirmative Action. But as best I can tell, there is no factual basis to justify that inference.
It is an almost a 100 percent guarantee that any copied and pasted list of grievances against a political figure will contain at least one or two completely manufactured bullshit lines. The tards still fall for it every time, though.

Throw enough mud, and some of it will stick. That's the strategy of tards who are incapable of rationally deconstructing a political opponent.

They have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. That's why they copy and paste them.

Whether some of the claims in the OP poster is wrong remains debatable. I will agree and I am the OP who found that poster. Nonetheless fact remains that Carson received public assistance and yet he remains opposed to providing the same assistance to others in need. You can nitpick all you want, it doesn't diminish his hypocrisy.
I might do a video on this dude. He is Mr. Hypocrite but sadly he is also a bigot. He hates gays, poor people, hates white liberals. He called white liberals the most racist people on earth. Imagine the ruckus on Fox Nuse had Obama called white conservatives the most racists people in America.

Meet Mr. Hypocrite
Is this all the libs have on him. Weak.

If thats your only comeback I'd say its pretty effective and more importantly accurate
You have (the reverand) Jesse Jackson freely using anti-semite terms like "hymie town" and the (rev) Wright (telling Obama) that "God f....America" and the radical progs think that a brain surgeon and honorable man like Ben Carson is a "bigot". No surprises here.
You have (the reverand) Jesse Jackson freely using anti-semite terms like "hymie town" and the (rev) Wright (telling Obama) that "God f....America" and the radical progs think that a brain surgeon and honorable man like Ben Carson is a "bigot". No surprises here.

Thats not a defense haha
He stupid fuck. You dont see the hypocrisy in carsons now political "ideology". but then its all clear because you are a stupid fuck.

Hey dummy Carson overcame these challenges to become a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins that's pretty damn impressive. I suspect you work the night shift at Denny's.

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