Cheney Calls for full Release of Memos

Death is the body killer.

You either fight to win or you die.

Did you know that waterboarding is a hazing ritual for VMI?

A college prank prevented thousands of dead.

But hey, wouldn't want any fear would we, coffins are so much better.

There are worse things than death. Disbelieve that? YOu should get out more. Living in a society based in fear of a bogeyman, that's worse.
War is a rotten business, you either get down and get dirty or you lose a lot of people and lose eventually everything.

Muslim terrorists consider this war of the first order, holy jihad.

Make your choice.
Does that mean you think torture should be legal? I like my idea the best...keep it illegal and if it is used to stop an immediate threat justify it.

The problem with making it legal is that you give the government too much power to interpret when it can be used. Even if you have someone making the decision...who gets to decide?

I've never understood this willingness of "conservatives" to give the government this kind of power while they balk at so many other government powers. :confused:
I've never understood this willingness of "conservatives" to give the government this kind of power while they balk at so many other government powers. :confused:

Not to mention giving the government the power to hold a U.S. "suspect" indefinitely, without access to counsel, or a trial.

Shades of 1984.

I would like to know if the so-called conservatives here who are advocating torture think that we should have prosecuted the Nazis at Nuremburg? Or, as they say, is all fair in love and war?
Death is the body killer.

You either fight to win or you die.

Did you know that waterboarding is a hazing ritual for VMI?

A college prank prevented thousands of dead.

But hey, wouldn't want any fear would we, coffins are so much better.

There are worse things than death. Disbelieve that? YOu should get out more. Living in a society based in fear of a bogeyman, that's worse.
Thousands of dead based on nonsense is what you are talking about, not living in fear.

Tis you my dear that needs to get out more, have you ever seen thouasnds of dead people?

I have.

You see it once, you will see how quickly your rhetoric goes by the boards.
I have.

You see it once, you will see how quickly your rhetoric goes by the boards.

You've seen thousands of dead people? I've seen hundreds. My rhetoric hasn't changed.

You realize you are still relying on an appeal to emotion (fallacious reasoning)?

Can you provide a better justification?
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Does that mean you think torture should be legal? I like my idea the best...keep it illegal and if it is used to stop an immediate threat justify it.
Tortue is beating and ripping out fingernails, not sleep deprevation and waterboarding.

The problem with making it legal is that you give the government too much power to interpret when it can be used. Even if you have someone making the decision...who gets to decide?
I do not favor the patriot act, never did.
I have.

You see it once, you will see how quickly your rhetoric goes by the boards.

You've seen thousands of dead people? I've seen hundreds. My rhetoric hasn't changed.

You realize you are still relying on an appeal to emotion (fallacious reasoning)?

Can you provide a better justification?

you're so myopic you can't see you are using the same reasoning :lol:
yes,, when you and your children are deader n doornails, I'm sure America's image will mean all the world to you.. yea

OMG, hold me! The big scary Arab men are coming to kill us all in our beds!

are you trying to tell us they won't? Is that really what you want us to believe? Well, that explains everything.. You have forgotten or forgiven 9-11..
i put that up to counter the claim that torture does NOT work, i was in discussions with someone else....the fact is, torture does work. do try and keep up and stay on track...thanks.

I'm not the one who has repeated the same debunked, illogical appeal to emotion 20 times. Keep up.

as for cowardice...i'm not the one hiding behind a false moral facade that we are better than some other country...just look at our history dumbass

Great. So, you're down with torturing Indians, and enslaving black folks and the irish, and depriving women of the vote.

So, what are we fighting against, then. Let's just embrace the fact that our history suggests that WE ARE THE TALIBAN.

In Yurt world, that's entirely logical.

and i really think you need get out more, you get worked up real easy....:lol:

babycakes, you lack the capacity to make me break a sweat. You're strictly amateur. Debating you is like playing with a mouse. It's entertainment, killing time, nothing more.

It also gives me the opportunity to show how much smarter and more patriotic I am than you armchair heroes, a not insignificant bonus.

you're such an don't even realize that some subjects necessarily will appeal to emotion and thus are NOT logical fallacies...

your logical fallacies are that if we use torture to save lives, then we become like the taliban....false....they use torture routinely...

and only an insecure person goes around trumpeting their debate're like a little kid who runs up to an older kid and kicks him in the shin and then runs away and brags to her friends that you kicked his ass...

You've seen thousands of dead people?
I've seen hundreds. My rhetoric hasn't changed.
It should.

The smell alone never leaves you.

You realize you are still relying on an appeal to emotion (fallacious reasoning)?
You do realize that it has nothing to do with appeals to emotion, it's all about common sense.

Can you provide a better justification?
No more of these, all the justifaction I need.

it wasn't whining....yet my talking about you whining is whiny....

hypocritical moronic hack

It sounded whiny to me. I own that I am a bitch. Frankly, I feel it is one of my better qualities. If you think you're going to insult me by using that term, that's your mistake.

And, the longer you talk, the whinier you sound, frankly.

You sound a little rattled to me. Do you need an internet break?

and yet here you are still obsessing over it....

i told you, you really need to get out more...and btw, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so you copying me on needing a break....thank you for flattering me....

War is a rotten business, you either get down and get dirty or you lose a lot of people and lose eventually everything.

Muslim terrorists consider this war of the first order, holy jihad.

Make your choice.

by golly, we got us an American who understands the rules of survival.. :clap2:
War is a rotten business, you either get down and get dirty or you lose a lot of people and lose eventually everything.

Muslim terrorists consider this war of the first order, holy jihad.

Make your choice.
Does that mean you think torture should be legal? I like my idea the best...keep it illegal and if it is used to stop an immediate threat justify it.
The problem with making it legal is that you give the government too much power to interpret when it can be used. Even if you have someone making the decision...who gets to decide?

I've never understood this willingness of "conservatives" to give the government this kind of power while they balk at so many other government powers. :confused:

it seems to me you and i have the same idea regarding this topic...

i think you will find most who "support" torture do not support it for everything, only for the most exigent and dangerous situations like what you are talking about.
I have.

You see it once, you will see how quickly your rhetoric goes by the boards.

You've seen thousands of dead people? I've seen hundreds. My rhetoric hasn't changed.

You realize you are still relying on an appeal to emotion (fallacious reasoning)?

Can you provide a better justification?

That's about the fiftieth DUmb time you idiots have said that.. get real,, human beings are emotional beings, we aren't fucking robots.. some of youse is DUmb but you aren't robots.
You've seen thousands of dead people?
I've seen hundreds. My rhetoric hasn't changed.
It should.

The smell alone never leaves you.

You realize you are still relying on an appeal to emotion (fallacious reasoning)?
You do realize that it has nothing to do with appeals to emotion, it's all about common sense.

Can you provide a better justification?
No more of these, all the justifaction I need.


Does that mean you think torture should be legal? I like my idea the best...keep it illegal and if it is used to stop an immediate threat justify it.
Tortue is beating and ripping out fingernails, not sleep deprevation and waterboarding.

The problem with making it legal is that you give the government too much power to interpret when it can be used. Even if you have someone making the decision...who gets to decide?
I do not favor the patriot act, never did.
How is simulated drowning less painful than ripping out fingernails? I once almost drowned and it was a painful and diaper ready experience. And beating...oh, please, we all saw the photos.

Sleep deprivation was, I believe, one of the things we accused the Nazis of using as torture.

So you don't favor the Patriot Act. Then who gets to decide what torture is and who we can do it to?
Oh, I forgot to comment on the thread title.

Does anyone else find it ironic that Hillary Clinton is questioning someone else's HONESTY? :lol:
You've seen thousands of dead people?
I've seen hundreds. My rhetoric hasn't changed.
It should.

The smell alone never leaves you.

You realize you are still relying on an appeal to emotion (fallacious reasoning)?
You do realize that it has nothing to do with appeals to emotion, it's all about common sense.

Can you provide a better justification?
No more of these, all the justifaction I need.

Are you saying you were on the scene at 9/11? I know a couple of people that were and they are also against torture. Is it possible your experience clouds your judgment to decide?
How is simulated drowning less painful than ripping out fingernails? I once almost drowned and it was a painful and diaper ready experience. And beating...oh, please, we all saw the photos.
Ever been waterboarded?

I have, we used to do it in training quite often.

It sucks and it feels like drowning, for about 10 seconds.

It isn't 'torture' it is a trick to fool you into thinking you might die when you aern't in any danger at all.

Sleep deprivation was, I believe, one of the things we accused the Nazis of using as torture.
I guess all police departments are Nazi run, as it is a common police interigation tactic.

So you don't favor the Patriot Act. Then who gets to decide what torture is and who we can do it to?
That is usually the president, the guy we elct to office.

Right now it would be Obama.

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