Cheney Really Hates Trump

I am black. I know what part of this is about race. And I am tired of whites trying to tell me what isn't. That elite shit is white on white. Class is not more significant than race unless you're white. A rich black person faces the same racism as a poor one. Until whites such as yourself start understanding how things really work, you will continue to get robbed by the rich who will keep telling you how "it is those people taking what you deserve." The fact you are trying that corporate left woke shit shows just how much you've been souped up.
Some elites are black. A rich black person might face some racism in a rare few contexts, but it's inconsequential if you have enough money to be elite. A wealthy black person can easily make someone pay for discriminating against them. And if a working class black person is discriminated against, he or she can also receive significant compensation if elites choose to help them.

We're both getting "robbed by the rich", no doubt, but a large part of the reason for that is because they've effectively kept whites and minorities fighting against each other. Your fixation on race doesn't help anyone, including yourself.

I don't expect you to ever wake up from that, because after having looked through many of your posts, you've clearly let a combination of propaganda and your own grudges affect your judgment. You're essentially a broken, sad man.
What system betrayed the American people, and how? Basically, your words are so generalized, I don't know exactly what you are directly referring to???
Banking elites (and related industrial interests) pull the strings of our system (and of many other states).

There have always been elites running the show in most societies, but the ability for elites to work together internationally didn't become global in nature until the late 1800s. By the 1920s, most of the necessary infrastructure was in place to manipulate the most powerful countries in the world via finance. The Federal Reserve (and later, the New Deal) ushered in a system that made it possible for banking to make most of the significant decisions in our system and various others.

Fast forward a century, and now Blackrock and Vanguard own most companies. Combined, they have enough capital to make just about any company or nation bend to their will. There are a few nations outside of their direct will, but they often are characterized as "rogue nations."

While the West toils over racial grievances and gender identity, the real conflict that matters is between the working class and the elite. This conflict has existed since the beginning of civilization, but the difference today is that elites have much better technology to work with in the pursuits of manipulation and collusion.
Blind loyalty is fucked up....think about that and adjust your behavior
While I agree that blind loyalty to party is wrong, Liz Cheney isn't exactly a bastion of virtue.

Her voting record shows that she's a neocon like her father. She may not like Trump, but if Trump's demeanor was more polite, I doubt she'd have many complaints about him other than some of his trade policies and his reluctance to go to war.
Other than refusing a peaceful transfer of power and attacking the Capitol
Trump's speech before the "insurrection" involved him telling people to go home. He didn't want people to be at the Capitol.

Nevermind the fact that 1/6 was a Reichstag event. Plenty of people in other countries who watched this happen understood the optics of this. Numerous governments either orchestrate or exploit various events to encourage the public to give them more power. January 6th was the most recent American example of this, and 9/11 was yet another.

Liz Cheney probably assumed that getting on the "insurrection" rhetoric bandwagon would help her rise in the GOP and oust the Trump faction, but it's clearly backfired for her.
While I agree that blind loyalty to party is wrong, Liz Cheney isn't exactly a bastion of virtue.

Her voting record shows that she's a neocon like her father. She may not like Trump, but if Trump's demeanor was more polite, I doubt she'd have many complaints about him other than some of his trade policies and his reluctance to go to war.
Her issue with him was not about his was about about his lack of ethics concerning democracy and the Constitution
Some elites are black. A rich black person might face some racism in a rare few contexts, but it's inconsequential if you have enough money to be elite. A wealthy black person can easily make someone pay for discriminating against them. And if a working class black person is discriminated against, he or she can also receive significant compensation if elites choose to help them.

We're both getting "robbed by the rich", no doubt, but a large part of the reason for that is because they've effectively kept whites and minorities fighting against each other. Your fixation on race doesn't help anyone, including yourself.

I don't expect you to ever wake up from that, because after having looked through many of your posts, you've clearly let a combination of propaganda and your own grudges affect your judgment. You're essentially a broken, sad man.
That may very well be the most eloquent rebuttals to IM2 that I have ever read.




Trump's speech before the "insurrection" involved him telling people to go home. He didn't want people to be at the Capitol.

Nevermind the fact that 1/6 was a Reichstag event. Plenty of people in other countries who watched this happen understood the optics of this. Numerous governments either orchestrate or exploit various events to encourage the public to give them more power. January 6th was the most recent American example of this, and 9/11 was yet another.

Liz Cheney probably assumed that getting on the "insurrection" rhetoric bandwagon would help her rise in the GOP and oust the Trump faction, but it's clearly backfired for her.
Huge crock of shit.

Just as Hitler used the Reichstag fire to consolidate his power...Trump would have used the Capitol attack to consolidate HIS if he could have gotten away with it. The military told him to shove it.

THERE is your "Reichstag Moment"
Run for office and see how much support you get.
It's sad but true.


Hear me out now Lesh ....

Abort yourself. You will get a lot of attention this way and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. Let's be real here as well, the only thing you will ever contribute to the earth is fertilizer.

Huge crock of shit.

Just as Hitler used the Reichstag fire to consolidate his power...Trump would have used the Capitol attack to consolidate HIS if he could have gotten away with it. The military told him to shove it.

THERE is your "Reichstag Moment"
That's not how this works though. With the Reichstag fire, the consolidation of power happened because the media and government saw it as a threat to government power. It was a false flag used to garner support for the regime.

January 6th worked in the same manner, but the regime in this case was the bureaucratic state that had officially already ousted Trump through his loss in the election. When questions of election legitimacy began to crop up, the government needed something to galvanize public support against growing doubts among a significant portion of the population.

The easiest way to galvanize support among the masses is to lump doubters in with a fringe movement that wanted to overturn the election. So if you can successfully paint all Trump supporters as insurrectionists, then your goal is obtained.

It's the same thing happening now with lumping those against vaccine mandates in with those against vaccines overall by using the term "anti-vaxxer" for both groups.
That's not how this works though. With the Reichstag fire, the consolidation of power happened because the media and government saw it as a threat to government power. It was a false flag used to garner support for the regime.
The regime in this case was TRUMP
The regime in this case was TRUMP
That was the exiting regime. He was still technically in power, but he would be out in a few weeks.

Between the various things that happened at the state level that benefited the Democratic party and the establishment's hate for Trump in general, the onus was on the establishment to "finish the job" in terms of getting the public to be united against Trump.

Qanon worked well as a psyop, and 1/6 was the necessary galvanizing event.

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