Chew on This One; Trump Won 44% of the Hispanic Voters in Nevada

Taking a million and turning it into $10 billion is like taking a thousand and turning it into $10 million, fool.

Lets see you do that, jack ass.

Trump lies about being worth $10 billion

Why doesn't he release his last ten years of taxes so we can see?
Too much to hide?
He says he will ultimately release them.

When will Cankles release her medical records?
When will Trump release his long form birth certificate? LOL

How about his college transcripts?

I want to see the records of his divorce and the depraved acts that ended his two marriages

Think he got a tax deduction when he bought his current bride?

I doubt that Trump has to overtly buy a bride these days.
41% of Hispanic republicans. I wouldn't get too excited about that.

That's like "Chickens for Colonel Sanders".

No it is not. Trump was very clear that he is against persons entering the U.S. illegally; the majority of which come from Mexico.

Well, the problem you have with that theory--is that there are millions of Legal voting Latino's in this country that aren't going to vote for anyone that threatens to deport grandma & grandpa.

In fact it was one of the reasons why Mitt Romney lost in 2012. He only captured 27% of this block, the last Republican President to win was G.W. Bush and he captured 44% of this block.

So it was women in 2012, and now it's another 17% of the population that are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column--Latino's. This when the Republican nominee needs 46% of this block, and Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 75%.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Furthermore at least 1/3 of the Republican party is already stating that if Trump is the nominee of the party they will vote for Hillary Clinton.

You're going to witness the unadulterated power of women and Latino voters in this country on election eve, and you're not going to be happy with the results.

If only 1/3rd of the GOP sat out the next election it will still be an improvement over the 1/2 that sat out when the last RINO had the top of the ticket.
Taking a million and turning it into $10 billion is like taking a thousand and turning it into $10 million, fool.

Lets see you do that, jack ass.

Trump lies about being worth $10 billion

Why doesn't he release his last ten years of taxes so we can see?
Too much to hide?
He says he will ultimately release them.

When will Cankles release her medical records?
When will Trump release his long form birth certificate? LOL

How about his college transcripts?

I want to see the records of his divorce and the depraved acts that ended his two marriages

Think he got a tax deduction when he bought his current bride? expense
Trump lies about being worth $10 billion

Why doesn't he release his last ten years of taxes so we can see?
Too much to hide?
He says he will ultimately release them.

When will Cankles release her medical records?
When will Trump release his long form birth certificate? LOL

How about his college transcripts?

I want to see the records of his divorce and the depraved acts that ended his two marriages

Think he got a tax deduction when he bought his current bride? expense

You're probably right. Until the Republican party stops chasing off large voting blocks they will continue to lose national elections from here on out. It was women in 2012, now it's Hispanics, Muslims, people with disabilities, and Jews for 2016.

We are only talking about the very small percent of Nevada Latinos who are Republican today. An overwhelming majority of Nevada Latinos are Democrats. In a recent poll asking about party identification, 55% of Latinos said they were Democrats, 29% said Independents and just 16% said they were Republicans. Assuming the entrance poll is correct (a very big assumption) and Trump won 44% of Latino Republicans, that means he was supported by about 7% of Latinos in Nevada (44% of 16 = 7.04). What that mean is that most likely, 93% of Latinos in Nevada did not vote for Trump.
I tell you what if Heaven and eternity meaning having to be where Christians are I will take a pass on that ... I can't stand those shit heads........

You certainly have the free option to take a pass.
and I will if you think I will spend any time near creeps like you or the wing nutistas ...well you got another think coming

Don't worry. I on;ly associate with persons of class.
Mabye most minorities are thinking that the free-enterprise system is the best way to escape prejudice they may face on the job.
He says he will ultimately release them.

When will Cankles release her medical records?
When will Trump release his long form birth certificate? LOL

How about his college transcripts?

I want to see the records of his divorce and the depraved acts that ended his two marriages

Think he got a tax deduction when he bought his current bride? expense

You're probably right. Until the Republican party stops chasing off large voting blocks they will continue to lose national elections from here on out. It was women in 2012, now it's Hispanics, Muslims, people with disabilities, and Jews for 2016.

Yeah the Rs just don't give enough free stuff, so they won't get votes from blacks, Hispanics, and women...

Racist and
here is Trump exposed as a big fat pussy boy...this Bitch Trump shoots off his mouth insults Megyn Kelly. insults everybody who criticizes him then he melts in a puddle of tears
Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump
FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!

3:27 PM - 25 Feb 2016

Cry baby bitch Trump the Mexican ex President schlonged you
Trump then said he’d be willing to engage in a trade war if Mexican leaders refuse to fund the wall because the United States is losing “$58 billion a year” in trade deficits.

LOL this means lots and lots of unemployment...the Donald LOL
Trump then said he’d be willing to engage in a trade war if Mexican leaders refuse to fund the wall because the United States is losing “$58 billion a year” in trade deficits.

LOL this means lots and lots of unemployment...the Donald LOL
Which is worse sending them 58 billion a year or not sending them 58 billion a year and spending it on unemployment.
In Florida the Southeast is very liberal [Miami Dade, Broward and W Palm B] the Panhandle and N Florida very conservative....the battle in Florida is over the "I4 Corridor" in Central Florida that goes roughly through Tampa and is in that area the Puerto Ricans [ who are US citizens and eligible to vote] fleeing economic disaster in P Rico are settling ....this should boost Dem votes in that crucial battleground...

Yeah, so they can do to Florida what they did to Puerto Rico.

Liberalism is like a fungus. It establishes in these pods that take over a state with their criminal networks and then they run all the good people out and wreck the state. Then they cause the problem to get so bad EVERYONE WHO CAN FLEES and CARRIES THEIR LIBERAL MENTAL DISEASE TO SURROUNDING STATES AN?D REPEAT THEIR DEGENERACY.

Trump then said he’d be willing to engage in a trade war if Mexican leaders refuse to fund the wall because the United States is losing “$58 billion a year” in trade deficits.

LOL this means lots and lots of unemployment...the Donald LOL

We should put up strong tariff walls against countries that are cheating in the free trade agreements they have signed, for example currency manipulation.

It is amusing to see a libtard like yourself suddenly so worried about a trade war, roflmao.
I also live in Florida and and move around the state at different times of year. The Cubans I talk to in key west tell me the Cubans have caved in Miami and are voting for food stamps and govt handouts. A recent article stated that the younger Cubans do not have a litmus test on Cuba and favor more interaction not less. Florida only barely went to Obama in the last election, so I don't think anything can be prognosticated yet. Most,prophecies are nothing but hot air right now.
Now Joe, Joe.............calling Trump a Nazi is very clever indeed, which means that henceforth, we should call Bernie a former member of the politburo, since indeed he did travel to the USSR on his honeymoon. Kinda funny that SOME on here claim he is a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST, and yet did he travel to one of those countries to view them in operation to mold his ideas? Oh no! He went to the home of Socialism/Marxism, the good ole USSR-) (can't wait for that commercial if he wins the Democratic nomination, can you!)

As far as the rest of your assertions, we both have made our positions abundantly clear, so no need to rehash them. Disagreeing on what millions of people will do when given a choice is guessing this far out, and since we really don't know who/whom is going to be facing who/whom in the general, we are really disagreeing about hypothetical's.

Let's just wait until it becomes clearer, and then we can resume our disagreements while standing on firmer ground.

NO need to wait. The Conservative movement, after years of letting the 1% stoke their racism, xenophobia, religious bigotry and sexual insecurities, now has a candidate who has learned how to completely manipulate the great unwashed without bothering to do the bait and switch of screwing the working class.

Nazi Trump is the result of 30 years of Southern Strategy. Now he's leading Rubio in Florida and tied with Cruz in Texas.
Trump then said he’d be willing to engage in a trade war if Mexican leaders refuse to fund the wall because the United States is losing “$58 billion a year” in trade deficits.

LOL this means lots and lots of unemployment...the Donald LOL
lots and lots of unemployment in Mexico, and to be honest, who really cares about those filthy bean eaters?
In Florida the Southeast is very liberal [Miami Dade, Broward and W Palm B] the Panhandle and N Florida very conservative....the battle in Florida is over the "I4 Corridor" in Central Florida that goes roughly through Tampa and is in that area the Puerto Ricans [ who are US citizens and eligible to vote] fleeing economic disaster in P Rico are settling ....this should boost Dem votes in that crucial battleground...

Yeah, so they can do to Florida what they did to Puerto Rico.

Liberalism is like a fungus. It establishes in these pods that take over a state with their criminal networks and then they run all the good people out and wreck the state. Then they cause the problem to get so bad EVERYONE WHO CAN FLEES and CARRIES THEIR LIBERAL MENTAL DISEASE TO SURROUNDING STATES AN?D REPEAT THEIR DEGENERACY.


Or else sleeping in a van down by the river
I feel for you. Payback is hell.

I dont.
obviously where there is no sense there are no feelings ...
I dont feel sorry for people who make their own problems, like junkies or people who want to take short cuts in business and it blows up in their face.

These people knew the risks and did it any way.

Lefties are like that. The millenials all voted for Obama in huge droves and they have seen their employment rate plummet then they voted for him again in 2012, thought that is understandable as the GOP put up Romnuts as the loser alternative.

But still they need an avenue to pull themselves up by, and if they vote in Hillary, which I highly doubt, they deserve their fate.
Well there's rightard hallucinations and then there's reality.

Here in reality, the unemployment rate for millennials has dropped. Down to 15.4% (from its post-recession high of 19.2%) by the time of the 2012 election.

And currently down to 10.3%, lower than when Bush's Great Recession began.


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