Chew on This One; Trump Won 44% of the Hispanic Voters in Nevada

I don't think so. With the wife he has, I'd expect him to be totally hetro.

You never see Steve Tyler and Donald Trump's wife same time same place....

She does have a tranny look to her

Yes while Michelle Obama looks like James Brown in drag.

Trumps wife did spend time as a hooker. She looks much better since Trump bought her new boobs don't you think?

Poor Michelle. Even a plastic surgeon at the top of his skill level could not help her.
why the fuck would God have his "only begotten son" be a homeless poor person when everyone [not everyone GOP assholes] says the poor are poor because they are immoral . waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

People are poor because they are lazy and stupid.

In some cases. In most cases though, it's because they grew up poor and breaking that cycle is very difficult, and if you are Black or Hispanic, you will likely face many more obstacles to move from poor to middle class or higher. It's not impossible, but it is much more difficult. The biggest issue has to do with expectations. When you are raised in a middle class family, you expect to have a middle class life as an adult, and so you work to achieve that. When you grow up poor, you kind of expect that is what your life is. In many cases, you don't even realize that anything else exists, so that becomes your life.

Actually, growing up below the poverty level is what prompted me to rise above being dirt-road poor. I was ashamed of my home and my clothes and everything and made a promise that I would not live my life in poverty.

As I said, it's not impossible, but it is very difficult for most.
Actually, growing up below the poverty level is what prompted me to rise above being dirt-road poor. I was ashamed of my home and my clothes and everything and made a promise that I would not live my life in poverty.
I had some similar difficulties,like being the only one wearing second hand platform shoes at school in 1975. Friends asked why, since I had three jobs at the time, why didnt I go buy more shoes, but I had to help my mom with the bills. They could not grasp that.
I tell you what if Heaven and eternity meaning having to be where Christians are I will take a pass on that ... I can't stand those shit heads........
why the fuck would God have his "only begotten son" be a homeless poor person when everyone [not everyone GOP assholes] says the poor are poor because they are immoral . waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

People are poor because they are lazy and stupid.
Jesus Christ and his family was lazy and stupid ...OK if you say would think God would find someone like Trump to have his son born in his family Lol

I really don't know whether Joseph and Mary were really all that poor myself. Apparently Joseph ran a carpenter shop of sorts. Apparently he was a small business owner.
I really don't know whether Joseph and Mary were really all that poor myself. Apparently Joseph ran a carpenter shop of sorts. Apparently he was a small business owner.
when your kid is born in a creche lol you are not wealthy

I believe they had journeyed there for the taking of a census and all the rooms at the inn were already filled. They took what they could get. Don't allow common sense to get in your way though.
I really don't know whether Joseph and Mary were really all that poor myself. Apparently Joseph ran a carpenter shop of sorts. Apparently he was a small business owner.
when your kid is born in a creche lol you are not wealthy

I believe they had journeyed there for the taking of a census and all the rooms at the inn were already filled. They took what they could get. Don't allow common sense to get in your way though.
He never does. It is all about promoting the cause; God,Truth and common decency be damned.
I tell you what if Heaven and eternity meaning having to be where Christians are I will take a pass on that ... I can't stand those shit heads........

You certainly have the free option to take a pass.
and I will if you think I will spend any time near creeps like you or the wing nutistas ...well you got another think coming
You think I am going to spend an eternity listening to this "Jim Bowie" proclaiming how moral and superior he is and how being white is best ...hell no there would be warfare from the Pearly Gates to the entrance of hell itself
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yeah he pulled himself up by his bootstraps overcoming the Millions he inherited and all the social contacts etc ...he overcame all of it lol

Taking a million and turning it into $10 billion is like taking a thousand and turning it into $10 million, fool.

Lets see you do that, jack ass.

Trump lies about being worth $10 billion

Why doesn't he release his last ten years of taxes so we can see?
Too much to hide?
He says he will ultimately release them.

When will Cankles release her medical records?
When will Trump release his long form birth certificate? LOL

How about his college transcripts?

I want to see the records of his divorce and the depraved acts that ended his two marriages

Think he got a tax deduction when he bought his current bride?
41% of Hispanic republicans. I wouldn't get too excited about that.

That's like "Chickens for Colonel Sanders".

No it is not. Trump was very clear that he is against persons entering the U.S. illegally; the majority of which come from Mexico.

Well, the problem you have with that theory--is that there are millions of Legal voting Latino's in this country that aren't going to vote for anyone that threatens to deport grandma & grandpa.

In fact it was one of the reasons why Mitt Romney lost in 2012. He only captured 27% of this block, the last Republican President to win was G.W. Bush and he captured 44% of this block.

So it was women in 2012, and now it's another 17% of the population that are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column--Latino's. This when the Republican nominee needs 46% of this block, and Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 75%.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Furthermore at least 1/3 of the Republican party is already stating that if Trump is the nominee of the party they will vote for Hillary Clinton. They refuse to vote for a DEMOCRAT that has an R behind his name.

You're going to witness the unadulterated power of women and Latino voters in this country on election eve, and you're not going to be happy with the results.



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