Chew on This One; Trump Won 44% of the Hispanic Voters in Nevada

In Florida the Southeast is very liberal [Miami Dade, Broward and W Palm B] the Panhandle and N Florida very conservative....the battle in Florida is over the "I4 Corridor" in Central Florida that goes roughly through Tampa and is in that area the Puerto Ricans [ who are US citizens and eligible to vote] fleeing economic disaster in P Rico are settling ....this should boost Dem votes in that crucial battleground...

Yeah, so they can do to Florida what they did to Puerto Rico.

Liberalism is like a fungus. It establishes in these pods that take over a state with their criminal networks and then they run all the good people out and wreck the state. Then they cause the problem to get so bad EVERYONE WHO CAN FLEES and CARRIES THEIR LIBERAL MENTAL DISEASE TO SURROUNDING STATES AN?D REPEAT THEIR DEGENERACY.

Too bad modern medicine hasn't found a cure for your ailment yet.
Trump then said he’d be willing to engage in a trade war if Mexican leaders refuse to fund the wall because the United States is losing “$58 billion a year” in trade deficits.

LOL this means lots and lots of unemployment...the Donald LOL

We should put up strong tariff walls against countries that are cheating in the free trade agreements they have signed, for example currency manipulation.

It is amusing to see a libtard like yourself suddenly so worried about a trade war, roflmao.

Will that work or just increase the price of goods? We know it will increase the price.
Trump then said he’d be willing to engage in a trade war if Mexican leaders refuse to fund the wall because the United States is losing “$58 billion a year” in trade deficits.

LOL this means lots and lots of unemployment...the Donald LOL

We should put up strong tariff walls against countries that are cheating in the free trade agreements they have signed, for example currency manipulation.

It is amusing to see a libtard like yourself suddenly so worried about a trade war, roflmao.

Will that work or just increase the price of goods? We know it will increase the price.
and US unemployment too...
Trump then said he’d be willing to engage in a trade war if Mexican leaders refuse to fund the wall because the United States is losing “$58 billion a year” in trade deficits.

LOL this means lots and lots of unemployment...the Donald LOL

We should put up strong tariff walls against countries that are cheating in the free trade agreements they have signed, for example currency manipulation.

It is amusing to see a libtard like yourself suddenly so worried about a trade war, roflmao.

Will that work or just increase the price of goods? We know it will increase the price.
and US unemployment too...

Once a nation starts enforcing tariffs, they're returned ten fold, making prices skyrocket, inflation skyrocket, which always cost JOBS.

A Trump supporter would never understand that basic economic concept. And NO Mexico isn't going to pay for a wall.

Trump then said he’d be willing to engage in a trade war if Mexican leaders refuse to fund the wall because the United States is losing “$58 billion a year” in trade deficits.

LOL this means lots and lots of unemployment...the Donald LOL

We should put up strong tariff walls against countries that are cheating in the free trade agreements they have signed, for example currency manipulation.

It is amusing to see a libtard like yourself suddenly so worried about a trade war, roflmao.

Will that work or just increase the price of goods? We know it will increase the price.
and US unemployment too...

Once a nation starts enforcing tariffs, they're returned ten fold, making prices skyrocket, inflation skyrocket, which always cost JOBS.

A Trump supporter would never understand that basic economic concept. And NO Mexico isn't going to pay for a wall.


So you think Free-For-All trade only works if the USA takes the trade on our knees?

Lol, idiot, we will do BETTER not worse once we start to enforce the EXISTING TREATY MECHANISMS to stop currency manipulation and product dumping here in the US.

Why the hell do you think the tariffs were allowed in these treaties?

Shy do libtards think that it is normal for people to get fucked up the ass if they are white?

My god we have 3 Mexicans that are actually going to vote for Trump--LOL.

Republican Latino's have already stated they won't be supporting Donald Trump.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this block, and the GOP nominee needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Hispanics are 17% of the population, they are solidly in Hillary Clinton column. Then add in women the largest voting block in this country today. Republicans lost them by double digits in 2012 signaling that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea on election night. The only hope for Republicans in 2016 is a Bernie Sanders nominee, and that ain't gonna happen.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

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My god we have 3 Mexicans that are going to vote for Trump--LOL.

Republican Latino's have already stated they won't be supporting Donald Trump.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this block, and the GOP nominee needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Lol, and the train of stupid static analysis predictions regarding Trump changes to a new geer, after leaving a track record of wreckage and FAILs predicting Trump wouldnt run, that he would drop out by September, that he would crater in the polls, etc, etc, etc.

Why can liberals and RINOs face the Truth? The public is sick of you lying frauds and would vote for the Devil himself to get rid of the entire Professional Political class and their army of literati drones.
I also live in Florida and and move around the state at different times of year. The Cubans I talk to in key west tell me the Cubans have caved in Miami and are voting for food stamps and govt handouts. A recent article stated that the younger Cubans do not have a litmus test on Cuba and favor more interaction not less. Florida only barely went to Obama in the last election, so I don't think anything can be prognosticated yet. Most,prophecies are nothing but hot air right now.
But keep in mind the two losers the GOP had at the top of the ticket when Florida was won by Obummer in 2008 and 2012.
lots and lots of unemployment in Mexico, and to be honest, who really cares about those filthy bean eaters?

But the best way for Mexico to grow their own industries and businesses is for them to attract their workers back into their country by shoring up the rule of law, removing restrictions on foreign financial investment (not relocation of business to Mexico) and let MEXICANS form their own new companies to grow Mexico's economy.

Right now, their governing elite is so corrupt they suppress native business in order to attract foreign businesses that they then scam for pay offs.
I also live in Florida and and move around the state at different times of year. The Cubans I talk to in key west tell me the Cubans have caved in Miami and are voting for food stamps and govt handouts. A recent article stated that the younger Cubans do not have a litmus test on Cuba and favor more interaction not less. Florida only barely went to Obama in the last election, so I don't think anything can be prognosticated yet. Most,prophecies are nothing but hot air right now.
But keep in mind the two losers the GOP had at the top of the ticket when Florida was won by Obummer in 2008 and 2012.
As compared to the losers the GOP has now?
I also live in Florida and and move around the state at different times of year. The Cubans I talk to in key west tell me the Cubans have caved in Miami and are voting for food stamps and govt handouts. A recent article stated that the younger Cubans do not have a litmus test on Cuba and favor more interaction not less. Florida only barely went to Obama in the last election, so I don't think anything can be prognosticated yet. Most,prophecies are nothing but hot air right now.
But keep in mind the two losers the GOP had at the top of the ticket when Florida was won by Obummer in 2008 and 2012.
As compared to the losers the GOP has now?

I'll take any number of losers, over a criminal named Hillary. Loser > Criminal.

Of course, I know the criminal left, has no problem electing a criminal.
Trump's going to tear the Hildebeast a new asshole (Blow Job looks like he's going to CHECK OUT any minute now, so she will NEED a new asshole!) starting with this....


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