Chicago is lost....the killers control the streets and the democrats don't care...

Democrats control the streets. Killers don't care. This is what is known as an absolute truth. No matter how you say it, it's true.
Assuming you are not a Democrat, how would you deal with this situation if you were Mayor? Please be specific because details are important.

Divert money to more police.....hire more, give cops more support so that retiring isn't what they want to do.....that would be one big step in the right direction. Second, push prosecutors and judges to give career criminals arrested on gun offenses actual time in jail without diverting them to Boot Camps where they get out of jail in under 2 years....that would be another big step....

Lower tax rates, so that businesses and the middle class won't leave the city.....

Those would be a good start...
Sounds good. But have you noticed our national prison census already exceeds that of all the most repressive nations in the world combined, which is driving us more deeply into debt?

More cops? Unless you plan on letting it all hang out and turning America into something like East Germany used to be, what you can expect from more cops and tougher cops is more police assassinations, more BLM protests, more riots. You need to ask yourself if you'd prefer a tyrannical police state to the democracy we are barely holding onto.

Be careful what you wish for.
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They often hit normal people and they terrorize these communities...

Yes, but the ratio is several hundred to one -- if not more.

they also help keep the democrat machine in power......on top of that...they give the anti gunners the body count they use to smear law abiding gun owners....
So I'll ask you the same question I asked Tipsy, how would you handle the situation if you were Mayor? Call for more gun laws?

Tiger here....I personally would close off that part of the city, get a bus and take those wanting to leave out and let these sorry ass good for nothing niggas shoot it out until no one is left standing.
The violence is natural for the blacks
Yeah, kinda like you white mf's who have projected nothing but violence throughout world history...bitch please, you white mf's master the art of violence, yaw put the shit on the map...give me a fuckin break. Nigga's killing each other vs white mf's going into a school and gunning down 29 babies, or 9 people praying in a church or or pleeeeezzz!! Oh and lets not forget that white mf the killed 10 million jews...bitch I rest my case with your old white fuckin ass
Democrats control the streets. Killers don't care. This is what is known as an absolute truth. No matter how you say it, it's true.
Assuming you are not a Democrat, how would you deal with this situation if you were Mayor? Please be specific because details are important.

Divert money to more police.....hire more, give cops more support so that retiring isn't what they want to do.....that would be one big step in the right direction. Second, push prosecutors and judges to give career criminals arrested on gun offenses actual time in jail without diverting them to Boot Camps where they get out of jail in under 2 years....that would be another big step....

Lower tax rates, so that businesses and the middle class won't leave the city.....

Those would be a good start...
Sounds good. But have you noticed our national prison census already exceeds that of all the most repressive nations in the world combined, which is driving us more deeply into debt?

More cops? Unless you plan on letting it all hang out and turning America into something like East Germany used to be, what you can expect from more cops and tougher cops is more police assassinations, more BLM protests, more riots. You need to ask yourself if you'd prefer a tyrannical police state to the democracy we are barely holding onto.

Be careful what you wish for.

Putting violent killers in jail is what they are for...would you prefer that they keep getting set free and killing people?

Chicago is currently down 2,000 cops....1000 need to be hired and another 1000 are out on leave and sick it isn't a police state it is the city protecting it's people instead of putting up decorative planters......

Gun criminals need to be arrested and locked up....what is your issue with that?

We aren't talking police state...that is just a foolish talking point...we are talking about having enough police on the streets to stop crime and investigate it.....which Chicago can't do.....
The violence is natural for the blacks
Yeah, kinda like you white mf's who have projected nothing but violence throughout world history...bitch please, you white mf's master the art of violence, yaw put the shit on the map...give me a fuckin break. Nigga's killing each other vs white mf's going into a school and gunning down 29 babies, or 9 people praying in a church or or pleeeeezzz!! Oh and lets not forget that white mf the killed 10 million jews...bitch I rest my case with your old white fuckin ass

Wow....I guess you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party......

mongols, chineses warlords, Muslim conquest, Japanese warlords, the Aztec, the inca, the Zulu........

Blacks kill far more people, mainly other blacks than whites do.......

Dumb ass...
Putting violent killers in jail is what they are for...would you prefer that they keep getting set free and killing people?
I agree. Prison is for violent offenders and those whose actions maliciously harm others. This is why I advocate ending the utterly futile, counterproductive drug war and emptying the prisons of drug offenders who have harmed no one except maybe themselves. Ordinary drug dealers are no more harmful to society in general than are people who sell beverage alcohol.

Chicago is currently down 2,000 cops....1000 need to be hired and another 1000 are out on leave and sick it isn't a police state it is the city protecting it's people instead of putting up decorative planters.
Watch the tv ride-along series COPS and you will see that far too many cops are wasting their time on drug arrests. One might argue that the drug war is necessary but it clearly isn't. Because drugs are no less available today than they were when Reagan escalated Nixon's folly. The drug war is a waste of time and money. Lots of money.

Gun criminals need to be arrested and locked up....what is your issue with that?
Depends on the gun crime. Right now, in New Jersey, were I to venture outside with a concealed gun, and if I used that gun to defend myself, regardless of how right I was I would be charged with a crime -- and probably imprisoned.

We aren't talking police state...that is just a foolish talking point...we are talking about having enough police on the streets to stop crime and investigate it.....which Chicago can't do.....
We don't need more cops. I've already stated what the problem is. Don't forget the gang violence that plagued Chicago and other U.S. cities during the Al Capone era. How was that brought under control? Answer: Prohibition was repealed and the gang violence stopped overnight.
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Tiger here....I personally would close off that part of the city, get a bus and take those wanting to leave out and let these sorry ass good for nothing niggas shoot it out until no one is left standing.
How do you feel about ending the drug war? Taking the profit out of street-dealing? Do you think it would have a significant effect on violent street crime?
The violence is natural for the blacks
Yeah, kinda like you white mf's who have projected nothing but violence throughout world history...bitch please, you white mf's master the art of violence, yaw put the shit on the map...give me a fuckin break. Nigga's killing each other vs white mf's going into a school and gunning down 29 babies, or 9 people praying in a church or or pleeeeezzz!! Oh and lets not forget that white mf the killed 10 million jews...bitch I rest my case with your old white fuckin ass

Wow....I guess you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party......

mongols, chineses warlords, Muslim conquest, Japanese warlords, the Aztec, the inca, the Zulu........

Blacks kill far more people, mainly other blacks than whites do.......

Dumb ass...
Really and you can prove those facts? Cause I can give you numbers from the history books, boy!!
The violence is natural for the blacks
Yeah, kinda like you white mf's who have projected nothing but violence throughout world history...bitch please, you white mf's master the art of violence, yaw put the shit on the map...give me a fuckin break. Nigga's killing each other vs white mf's going into a school and gunning down 29 babies, or 9 people praying in a church or or pleeeeezzz!! Oh and lets not forget that white mf the killed 10 million jews...bitch I rest my case with your old white fuckin ass

Wow....I guess you went to a government school controlled by the education wing of the democrat party......

mongols, chineses warlords, Muslim conquest, Japanese warlords, the Aztec, the inca, the Zulu........

Blacks kill far more people, mainly other blacks than whites do.......

Dumb ass...
Really and you can prove those facts? Cause I can give you numbers from the history books, boy!!

Moron......humans have been killing each other all over he world and every race has done it....try reading some history that isn't controlled by the democrat party...
Yes.....Chicago is a shooting gallery and the democrats don't care...they care more about posturing for the black community...and nothing for actually helping these people improve their lives...

The Ferguson effect, based on a lie, perpetuated by democrats to win backing the police down...and the black and hispanic body counts continue to increase...

Chicago Blood

Who can blame the Chicago cops for backing off of discretionary activity? They are responding to political signals being sent by the most powerful segments of society. President Barack Obama takes every opportunity to accuse the nation’s police of lethally profiling blacks and Hispanics. The media, activists, and academics routinely denounce pedestrian stops and public-order enforcement as racially driven oppression intended simply to “control African-American and poor communities,” in the words of Columbia law professor Bernard Harcourt. Never mind that it is the law-abiding residents of high-crime areas who beg the police to clear their corners of large groups of teens and other loiterers. Those residents know through hard experience that such disorderly gatherings often produce shootings. But their voices aren’t heard by anyone, it seems, other than the police.

Further discouraging stop activity in Chicago is a misguided agreement signed in 2015 between the Illinois ACLU and the former police superintendent, mandating that all stop forms filled out by Chicago officers be forwarded for review to the ACLU, an organization not known for its unbiased evaluations of police activity. Also contributing to Chicago de-policing is the backlash from city hall’s mishandling of the unjustified fatal police shooting of Laquan McDonald in October 2014.

Chicago cops, like their counterparts in other urban areas in the Black Lives Matter era, now encounter aggressive hostility when they get out of their cars to investigate suspicious behavior. “People are blatantly disrespectful,” Angelo says. “They bait the police.” A few weeks after our conversation, a Chicago Tribune reporter filmed a group of teens taunting officers for over an hour during a shooting investigation on the West Side. “F--- the police!” went one chant. “Get the f--- off my block!” came another insult. A black officer was singled out for particular abuse. “You a traitor! You a traitor! You bogus as hell!” one heckler said. “Black lives matter. You a b----,” said another. Someone fired off shots in a nearby alley just for the fun of seeing cops run toward another possible victim. “Run, b----, run!” a shirtless male shouted contemptuously, as the officers took off in a sprint. This chorus of naysayers was actually relatively benign compared with the violent resistance that officers now routinely experience during arrests, but the Tribune at least opened a window into the Black Lives Matter–inspired street reality that the media have heretofore refused to cover.


Chicago shows what happens when you have too many guns on the street
Yes.....Chicago is a shooting gallery and the democrats don't care...they care more about posturing for the black community...and nothing for actually helping these people improve their lives...

The Ferguson effect, based on a lie, perpetuated by democrats to win backing the police down...and the black and hispanic body counts continue to increase...

Chicago Blood

Who can blame the Chicago cops for backing off of discretionary activity? They are responding to political signals being sent by the most powerful segments of society. President Barack Obama takes every opportunity to accuse the nation’s police of lethally profiling blacks and Hispanics. The media, activists, and academics routinely denounce pedestrian stops and public-order enforcement as racially driven oppression intended simply to “control African-American and poor communities,” in the words of Columbia law professor Bernard Harcourt. Never mind that it is the law-abiding residents of high-crime areas who beg the police to clear their corners of large groups of teens and other loiterers. Those residents know through hard experience that such disorderly gatherings often produce shootings. But their voices aren’t heard by anyone, it seems, other than the police.

Further discouraging stop activity in Chicago is a misguided agreement signed in 2015 between the Illinois ACLU and the former police superintendent, mandating that all stop forms filled out by Chicago officers be forwarded for review to the ACLU, an organization not known for its unbiased evaluations of police activity. Also contributing to Chicago de-policing is the backlash from city hall’s mishandling of the unjustified fatal police shooting of Laquan McDonald in October 2014.

Chicago cops, like their counterparts in other urban areas in the Black Lives Matter era, now encounter aggressive hostility when they get out of their cars to investigate suspicious behavior. “People are blatantly disrespectful,” Angelo says. “They bait the police.” A few weeks after our conversation, a Chicago Tribune reporter filmed a group of teens taunting officers for over an hour during a shooting investigation on the West Side. “F--- the police!” went one chant. “Get the f--- off my block!” came another insult. A black officer was singled out for particular abuse. “You a traitor! You a traitor! You bogus as hell!” one heckler said. “Black lives matter. You a b----,” said another. Someone fired off shots in a nearby alley just for the fun of seeing cops run toward another possible victim. “Run, b----, run!” a shirtless male shouted contemptuously, as the officers took off in a sprint. This chorus of naysayers was actually relatively benign compared with the violent resistance that officers now routinely experience during arrests, but the Tribune at least opened a window into the Black Lives Matter–inspired street reality that the media have heretofore refused to cover.


Chicago shows what happens when you have too many guns on the street

Nope moron......the guys using the guns are not allowed to buy, own or carry the guns....they have multiple felony convictions and are sent to Boot Camps instead of prison........

we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 1.2 million people carrying guns for self 2016 we now have 357 million guns in private hands and 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.....

our fatal and non fatal gun accident rate went down as well.....

Guns in the hands of law abiding people do not drive up the crime rate....the police bowing to democrat pressure increases the crime rate....democrats spending money on everything except the police increases the crime rate......
Like 2aguy, I am aghast at the numbers of killings in Chicago for the simple reason we are unwilling to do anything about the unchecked proliferation of handguns

Like Chicago proves....more guns is NEVER the answer.
These thugs know the other guy is armed, yet it doesn't deter them
More guns equals more shooting and more deaths
Like 2aguy, I am aghast at the numbers of killings in Chicago for the simple reason we are unwilling to do anything about the unchecked proliferation of handguns

Like Chicago proves....more guns is NEVER the answer.
These thugs know the other guy is armed, yet it doesn't deter them
More guns equals more shooting and more deaths isn't law abiding people who own the majority of all guns 357 million of them, that are using them to shoot people......Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country.....a gun murder rate higher than New York or L.A.........

what part of the gun murder rate going down.....again...going down 49% as we went from 200 million guns in private hands to 357 million guns in private hands?

What part of 1.2 million Americans carrying guns in the 1990s to 15 million Americans carrying guns for self defense in 2016.....and the gun murder rate going down 49% do you not understand?

Guns are not the problem.....allowing criminals to run free after multiple gun felonies, which is happening in Chicago is the problem....
My bad guys have guns....your bad guys have guns
We shoot anyway
Doesn't deter anyone

More guns is NEVER the answer
My bad guys have guns....your bad guys have guns
We shoot anyway
Doesn't deter anyone

More guns is NEVER the answer

Again.....200 million guns to 357 million guns in law abiding hands...the gun murder rate went down 49%...

1.2 million Americans carrying guns for self defense to 15 million law abiding Americans carrying guns for self defense and the gun murder rate went down 49%

nothing you say about guns and gun ownership is true, factual or accurate......not one thing........
Too many guns in Chicago right now

More guns obviously doesn't work in "keeping them safe"
My bad guys have guns....your bad guys have guns
We shoot anyway
Doesn't deter anyone

More guns is NEVER the answer

Again.....200 million guns to 357 million guns in law abiding hands...the gun murder rate went down 49%...

1.2 million Americans carrying guns for self defense to 15 million law abiding Americans carrying guns for self defense and the gun murder rate went down 49%

nothing you say about guns and gun ownership is true, factual or accurate......not one thing........ missed out on that crack war thing in the 90s didn't you?

Crack wars ended....murder rates dropped in EVERY city

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