Chicago Mayor turns migrants away from Sanctuary City.

This is awesome! Gov Abbott is exposing these liberal frauds.

DC has declared an emergency because a few bus loads of illegals showed up. They’re now bussing them back out.

Leftards in full glory.
It notes 300 were sent to Chicago and 100 then taken to neighboring cities. I don't suppose there is any chance at all that there wasn't rooms open for all 300 directly in the city?
Why not? If they are going to virtue signal that they are a sanctuary city, shouldn't they have resources for those seeking sanctuary ready?

Or was it empty bull shit?
Why not? If they are going to virtue signal that they are a sanctuary city, shouldn't they have resources for those seeking sanctuary ready?

Or was it empty bull shit?

OK, now this is a different question. I suppose there is a point here to be made but how do you know Chicago isn't paying for the rooms in the neighboring cities?
We have covered this many times. These are not people here illegally.
Oh, but they are....These are people taking advantage of current administrations lack of fortitude to enforce our borders, who cross those borders illegally...If they were truly seeking asylum they would enter at crossings where they could simply seek their asylum in a controlled manner...Instead they are bum rushing the country.
And exactly what does "exposing" them accomplish?
Does it make us "feel" better ?

The point is that if that is ALL the opposition has.....the liberal frauds win (again)
Evil has been "exposed" for as long as there was human recorded history. Has it stopped it? Has it even discouraged it? No an no.

I suspect the Right will continue to "expose" all that is wrong with the Left.....right up to the moment the Left no longer tolerates it and has secured the power to stop you from doing so.. (in progress)
The first step to fixing a problem is to expose it as a problem. That is what is being accomplished.

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