Chicoms Behind Logistics for Protests/Rioters

Is the Chicom financing riots in USA an Act of War?

  • No, it is freedom of being stupid

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Yes, it is an Act of War and we should retaliate in some way.

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • I dunno, whens the national Felons League playing again?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
No wonder the Dimocrats are so furious Trump is shutting down the riots; their masters in china dont like it!
BTW, this thread is NOT about the consulate being closed in Houston it is about the Chicoms financing the logistics to the riots, which IMO, is an act of war.

Dimocrats are complicit in treason for aiding and abetting foreign destablization efforts.

"Also, there are stories that this consulate had links with protest groups in the United States providing financial and logistical support. That’s unconfirmed," he added. "But, what is confirmed is that the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Communist Party's global ties have been engaged in a malicious disinformation campaign, deliberately stoking racial tensions in the U.S.
"And, U.S. Customs has seized items coming from China this year that would be very handy for protesters," Chang noted.
No wonder the Dimocrats are so furious Trump is shutting down the riots; their masters in china dont like it!
BTW, this thread is NOT about the consulate being closed in Houston it is about the Chicoms financing the logistics to the riots, which IMO, is an act of war.

Dimocrats are complicit in treason for aiding and abetting foreign destablization efforts.

"Also, there are stories that this consulate had links with protest groups in the United States providing financial and logistical support. That’s unconfirmed," he added. "But, what is confirmed is that the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Communist Party's global ties have been engaged in a malicious disinformation campaign, deliberately stoking racial tensions in the U.S.
"And, U.S. Customs has seized items coming from China this year that would be very handy for protesters," Chang noted.
Shouldn't this be in the Conspiracy forum?
No wonder the Dimocrats are so furious Trump is shutting down the riots; their masters in china dont like it!
BTW, this thread is NOT about the consulate being closed in Houston it is about the Chicoms financing the logistics to the riots, which IMO, is an act of war.

Dimocrats are complicit in treason for aiding and abetting foreign destablization efforts.

"Also, there are stories that this consulate had links with protest groups in the United States providing financial and logistical support. That’s unconfirmed," he added. "But, what is confirmed is that the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Communist Party's global ties have been engaged in a malicious disinformation campaign, deliberately stoking racial tensions in the U.S.
"And, U.S. Customs has seized items coming from China this year that would be very handy for protesters," Chang noted.
Shouldn't this be in the Conspiracy forum?
Presenting FACTS is not to propose a conspiracy theory dude.
I'm sure they have a hand in it, but the bigger culprit is the leftist infiltration of the education system. We've got a solid generation of people out there who've been brainwashed by leftist educators since their elementary days.
Shouldn't this be in the Conspiracy forum?

Do you really believe that China attacking the US through Internet attacks and stealing intellectual property from the US is a THEORY ???
Absolutely. Title of thread was "Chicoms Behind Logistics for Protests/Rioters ".
That is what I do not believe. Did I read it wrong?
Shouldn't this be in the Conspiracy forum?

Do you really believe that China attacking the US through Internet attacks and stealing intellectual property from the US is a THEORY ???
Absolutely. Title of thread was "Chicoms Behind Logistics for Protests/Rioters ".
That is what I do not believe.
Shouldn't this be in the Conspiracy forum?
Even if you concede every charge against China, which wouldn't stretch anyone's credulity, this in no way could be considered a "conspiracy". Words have meanings. You are abusing the meaning of a conspiracy.
If the proposition is that the logistics of support of the protests are supplied by the Chicom government that sounds like a conspiracy theory, unless you are just referring to logistics as meaning the protestors have Iphones and Galaxies that they use to communicate. I thought most of that stuff was designed here and then stolen or contracted to be produced there. I do not like or trust the chicoms or any other coms, but cannot hold them responsible for the protests here. I only hold them responsible for the pandemic as far as being stupid as any other government allowing something to get out of hand and escape their borders.
The editor in chief of Global Times, Hu Xijin, said that the attacks were to be expected given the intense criticism of China by American officials over the past year.
“It’s a kind of vengeful feeling, which I think is human nature,” he said in an interview. “Americans shouldn’t be unhappy about it.”
Mr. Hu said the unrest in the United States, as well as the failures in the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, had strengthened confidence among many Chinese in Beijing’s political system.
“It has made them believe that the government of this country really cares about people’s lives and well-being,” he said. “They see how the U.S. government and capital despise the lives and interests of vulnerable and marginalized groups.”
Nationalism has been in full force in recent days on the Chinese internet, with many people taking to Weibo, a popular microblogging platform, to denounce the “arrogance” of the United States and Mr. Trump. Hashtags about the American protests, including the decision to deploy the National Guard in some cities, are among the most popular topics on the site.

Wow, the Commie editor of t he national communist Party news, Mr Hu, sounds just like an American Dimocrat!

If the proposition is that the logistics of support of the protests are supplied by the Chicom government that sounds like a conspiracy theory, unless you are just referring to logistics as meaning the protestors have Iphones and Galaxies that they use to communicate. I thought most of that stuff was designed here and then stolen or contracted to be produced there. I do not like or trust the chicoms or any other coms, but cannot hold them responsible for the protests here. I only hold them responsible for the pandemic as far as being stupid as any other government allowing something to get out of hand and escape their borders.
No. I may be missing some inside information on the matter but do not hold the Chinese responsible for
our Marxist riots to the degree they may be funding or supplying the vicious malcontents. It isn't at all apparent vermin rioters could not act out without Chi com help.

But make no mistake I do believe upper level organizers are being funded and directed by some outside forces. Could in be Xi Jinping and his gang? That's possible but it doesn't seem like the ChiCom way.

And they could be receiving assistance, such as the pallets of bricks that just showed up in Minneapolis
as if by magic. They didn't fall from the sky and they are costly building materials. Funny how they were just laying there for anyone to pick up and heave. Undoubtedly someone is putting money into the
social unrest going on.

There are a number of elements that have come together to make this perfect storm: Like it or not I believe
that Trump's likely victory which would consolidate his hold on the nation's future course is the main one.
In fact if want to take a trip down the rabbit hole ask yourself why the democrats are insistent on running
a doddering moron like Joe Biden against him.
And don't bother countering by claiming Trump is the real mentally unstable one here.
Just because the left hates him doesn't put him in Biden's ballpark.

It's like they don't want to win and at the same time the left is trying to strike a match to spark revolution
seeing that Bernie Sanders has shown a small but loyal socialist base here. Then the BLM reemerged
thanks to George Perry but they are already fading into the background again.

The radical left will never take over with just support from the craziest and most violent elements
they can dredge up. Real revolution will never be possible without grass roots support from disaffected citizens and that will never happen without some sort of collapse of our economy.

Marxist revolutions need a peasant class to rise up. I'm afraid the American system allows for
no such thing.
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If the proposition is that the logistics of support of the protests are supplied by the Chicom government that sounds like a conspiracy theory, unless you are just referring to logistics as meaning the protestors have Iphones and Galaxies that they use to communicate. I thought most of that stuff was designed here and then stolen or contracted to be produced there. I do not like or trust the chicoms or any other coms, but cannot hold them responsible for the protests here. I only hold them responsible for the pandemic as far as being stupid as any other government allowing something to get out of hand and escape their borders.
No. I may be missing some inside information on the matter but do not hold the Chinese responsible for
our Marxist riots to the degree they may be funding or supplying the vicious malcontents to the extent
they could not riot without Chi com help, which isn't at all apparent.

But make no mistake I do believe upper level organizers are being funded and directed by some outside forces.

And they could be receiving assistance, such as the pallets of bricks that just showed up in Minneapolis
as if by magic. They didn't fall from the sky and they are costly building materials. Funny how they were just laying there for anyone to pick up and heave.

There are a number of elements that have come together to make this perfect storm: Like it or not I believe
that Trump's likely victory which would consolidate his hold on the nation's future course is the main one.
In fact if want to take a trip down the rabbit hole ask yourself why the democrats are insistent on running
a doddering moron like Joe Biden against him.
And don't bother countering by claiming Trump is the real mentally unstable one here.
Just because the left hates him doesn't put him in Biden's ballpark.

It's like they don't want to win and at the same time the left is trying to strike a match to spark revolution
seeing that Bernie Sanders has shown a small but loyal socialist base here. Then the BLM reemerged
thanks to George Perry but they are already fading into the background again.

The radical left will never take over with just support from the craziest and most violent elements
they can dredge up. Real revolution will never be possible without grass roots support from disaffected citizens and that will never happen without some sort of collapse of our economy.

Marxist revolutions need a peasant class to rise up. I'm afraid the American system allows for
no such thing.
I don't actually believe there will be a marxist revolution. Saw the anti-war protests of the 60s and 70, the assasination of political and civil right leaders, race riots, assassination of civil rights leaders with the riots that went with it, and riots sparked by political conventions. Nothing new here. This modern couple of generations are just not used to it, having never seen it.
I don't actually believe there will be a marxist revolution. Saw the anti-war protests of the 60s and 70, the assasination of political and civil right leaders, race riots, assassination of civil rights leaders with the riots that went with it, and riots sparked by political conventions. Nothing new here. This modern couple of generations are just not used to it, having never seen it.
I saw all that also. If Trump plays the law and order card he will only become more popular with his base and
the people tired of seeing cities go up in flames.

You've heard the left accuse the right of being on the wrong side of history? Well in this case the left truly is
standing by like a confused fifth grader. Blue state governors might as well be paid help for republicans.
Inslee, Cuomo, Brown, Piztker, Newsom, etc... they are horrendous.
Shouldn't this be in the Conspiracy forum?

Do you really believe that China attacking the US through Internet attacks and stealing intellectual property from the US is a THEORY ???
Absolutely. Title of thread was "Chicoms Behind Logistics for Protests/Rioters ".
That is what I do not believe. Did I read it wrong?
Is that any more far fetched than Russia, Russia, Russia???
The Russia, Russia, Russia alarm was echoed by all intelligence agencies in our country as well as many around the world and verified by intelligence committee in both houses of congress under democrat and republican control. Hard to verify this one as most of the intelligence services in this country have been neutered to an extent during this administration. Who knows.
Shouldn't this be in the Conspiracy forum?

Do you really believe that China attacking the US through Internet attacks and stealing intellectual property from the US is a THEORY ???
Absolutely. Title of thread was "Chicoms Behind Logistics for Protests/Rioters ".
That is what I do not believe. Did I read it wrong?
Is that any more far fetched than Russia, Russia, Russia???
The Russia, Russia, Russia alarm was echoed by all intelligence agencies in our country as well as many around the world and verified by intelligence committee in both houses of congress under democrat and republican control. Hard to verify this one as most of the intelligence services in this country have been neutered to an extent during this administration. Who knows.
It's early. We have heard nothing so far but the above report.

But, isn't that more reason to suspect that intelligence agencies were stupid or corrupt, when Mueller found no "collusion" on the part of Trump?

Are we even talking about the same thing?
Shouldn't this be in the Conspiracy forum?

Do you really believe that China attacking the US through Internet attacks and stealing intellectual property from the US is a THEORY ???
Absolutely. Title of thread was "Chicoms Behind Logistics for Protests/Rioters ".
That is what I do not believe. Did I read it wrong?
Is that any more far fetched than Russia, Russia, Russia???
The Russia, Russia, Russia alarm was echoed by all intelligence agencies in our country as well as many around the world and verified by intelligence committee in both houses of congress under democrat and republican control. Hard to verify this one as most of the intelligence services in this country have been neutered to an extent during this administration. Who knows.
It's early. We have heard nothing so far but the above report.

But, isn't that more reason to suspect that intelligence agencies were stupid or corrupt, when Mueller found no "collusion" on the part of Trump?

Are we even talking about the same thing?
He didn't say he found no collusion. He specifically said he concentrated on actual criminal conduct and noted there is no federal statute on collusion. I always thought that collusion red herring was brilliant. Much better than talking about crimes and why trump said would not matter if they did. Clever. Doubt if we are talking about same thing. I was talking about Russian attempts at influencing the 2016 election and extents to which Russia got their message out in support of trump by social media, infiltrating the NRA, etc, as the Republican controlled Senate intelligence committee confirmed it its report.
The Russia, Russia, Russia alarm was echoed by all intelligence agencies in our country as well as many around the world and verified by intelligence committee in both houses of congress under democrat and republican control. Hard to verify this one as most of the intelligence services in this country have been neutered to an extent during this administration. Who knows.
Considering Brennan and Clapper (the Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee of our national intelligence apparatus)
were up to their asses in the plot to illegally drive Trump from office I'd say the American intelligence community deserves to be neutered. It ought to be neutered!

If you know anything about the JFK coup it wouldn't be first time the secret American government within a government has used their power to attempt to rearrange who runs the nation to suit their liking.
I doubt Chinese had anything to do with it. This is Soros's M.O.
What do the Chinese have to gain? Less people buying their stuff? Seriously.

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