Chief Justice John Roberts Sides With Liberal Justices 5-4: Allows Border Patrol to Remove Razor Wire Installed By Texas at Border

You seem to be equating immigrants and criminals. Immigrants commit far LESS crime than do Americans. Opening our borders would REDUCE the crime rate in this country.
Bullshit. You're talking about the browning of America. Any immigrant that crosses the border into our country without going through the legal immigration process is a criminal. This country was created specifically for White citizens only you know.
The ONLY solution now is to re-elect President Trump and give him a strong majority in both the House and Senate so they can pass iron clad laws that SCOTUS will have to uphold.

He'll probably have us all on another government list collectively in order to justify implementing another government list because illegals.

And, of course, the people will love them for it, as usual.

Watch and see. Assuming he even gets elected.
y'all know that anything said about the border being secure by the Bribem administration is nothing but pure unadulterated bullshit. Democrats will tear this nation apart to hang onto illegitimate power.
Bullshit. You're talking about the browning of America. Any immigrant that crosses the border into our country without going through the legal immigration process is a criminal. This country was created specifically for White citizens only you know.

Just when I thought that we had reached our maximum limit on clowns Crick shows up.
You seem to be equating immigrants and criminals. Immigrants commit far LESS crime than do Americans. Opening our borders would REDUCE the crime rate in this country. In fact based on the demographics of our prison population, this nation's crime rates could be significantly improved by deporting all the conservative christian Americans... ; - )

Bullshit. You're talking about the browning of America. Any immigrant that crosses the border into our country without going through the legal immigration process is a criminal. This country was created specifically for White citizens only you know.
This nations immigration was created to benefit this nation and not run weepy public relation stunts
The Supreme Court order did not explain justices’ decisions. For now, it effectively upholds longstanding court rulings that the Constitution gives the federal government sole responsibility for border security. If the feds do not fulfill their responsibilities regarding our national borders then I believe the states can take action as long as the feds are not restricted or denied access to do their jobs. And the fact that they ain't doing it is beside the point.
The Supreme Court order did not explain justices’ decisions. For now, it effectively upholds longstanding court rulings that the Constitution gives the federal government sole responsibility for border security. If the feds do not fulfill their responsibilities regarding our national borders then I believe the states can take action as long as the feds are not restricted or denied access to do their jobs. And the fact that they ain't doing it is beside the point.


Don't think there was any actual ruling they simply stopped a lower court ruling from existing.
The Supreme Court order did not explain justices’ decisions. For now, it effectively upholds longstanding court rulings that the Constitution gives the federal government sole responsibility for border security. If the feds do not fulfill their responsibilities regarding our national borders then I believe the states can take action as long as the feds are not restricted or denied access to do their jobs. And the fact that they ain't doing it is beside the point.
Feds can enforce immigration but they cannot force states to abdicate if the Feds choose to do nothing. And the feds certainly cannot mandate that since they want to cut wires that states must sit back and allow it.
We don’t have a government like that just yet
Feds can enforce immigration but they cannot force states to abdicate if the Feds choose to do nothing.
That is not what happened here, SCOTUS merely said you can't do this particular action. The states can try other options.
This country is being fucked big time.

It is pathetic as hell when the filthy ass government doesn't have the courage to do the right thing and protect our borders. Shame!

When the history of the failure of the US is written there will be many villains. Democrats, weak RINOs, government bureaucrats and yes the Supreme Court jackasses will be on that list. They didn't even have the courage to put a stop to the Democrats stealing the 2020 Presidential election by granting standing to the states that had their rights violated.
This country is being fucked big time.

It is pathetic as hell when the filthy ass government doesn't have the courage to do the right thing and protect our borders. Shame!

When the history of the failure of the US is written there will be many villains. Democrats, weak RINOs, government bureaucrats and yes the Supreme Court jackasses will be on that list. They didn't even have the courage to put a stop to the Democrats stealing the 2020 Presidential election by granting standing to the states that had their rights violated.

We should vote the bastards out. If we don't then it's on us as the voters.
We should vote the bastards out. If we don't then it's on us as the voters.
We can't fix this at the ballot box. The Deep State is too powerful and the Republicans are too chickenshit to do anything of substance.

The reason why the Democrat filth are allowing all the goodamn Illegals to flood in is to make it even more difficult for Americans to win an election over the Leftest turds. Democracy is failing us. Democracy is putting power into the hands of those greedy assholes that have an agenda to raid the Treasury for every cent and they don't care if the country is destroyed in the process.

We need to fundamentally change the power structure in this country and get rid of the Leftest and voting for Republicans over Democrats won't hack it.
Nope because the fix, as they say, is in. If these justices would go to the border and see the results of their rulings it might be different.
The Constitution's Crowned Clowns

What makes you think these conceited judicial jockeys have a conscience? They gave their blessing to this invasion when they gave the rights of healthcare and children's education to this Mongoloid horde.
As I said previously, Article IV section 4.
4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence
Ditch This Dirtbag Document

SCROTUS has privileged itself with the right to arbitrarily define what an "invasion" is. So no help there. We, the people, need Wolverines to keep the wolves away from the door.

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