Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump

“In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'”

Further proof that Trump is unfit to be president, that he has no understanding of the law and responsible pubic policy.

It’s rare because we haven’t had a president with such contempt for the rule of law since Nixon.

Do you believe the crap you spew?
Apparently, he was able to kid the Bushies and the Senate republicans in order to get confirmed.

The Democrats have something on Roberts. It is why he was put there in the first place.

Really? The Dems put him in the SC because they had something on him? If that is true, then why did so many Dems vote against him?
These retards have absolutely no inhibitions about making shit up and lying.

George Bush who appointed him is a PROGRESSIVE. Who is his new best friend? Hint: She loves fried food, is Black, and used to live in the White House.

Now who is the stupid one?
George Bush who appointed him is a PROGRESSIVE. Who is his new best friend? Hint: She loves fried food, is Black, and used to live in the White House.

Now who is the stupid one?
Donald Trump is the only conservative Republican in the WHOOOOOOOOOLE world!
LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

Trump: 9th Circuit Court has 80 percent overturn rate

…….But he pointed out that the percentage of reversed or vacated cases for each circuit would be significantly lower if calculated in a different way.

"Reversal rates for each court of appeals would be very small, in the range of a tenth of a percent, if calculated as the total number of cases reversed over the total number of appeals terminated by that court," Hofer wrote in his article published by the American Bar Association. "Conversely, if the reversal rate is calculated as the total number of cases reversed over the total number of cases reviewed by the Supreme Court, the ratio increases dramatically."
LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

Trump: 9th Circuit Court has 80 percent overturn rate

…….But he pointed out that the percentage of reversed or vacated cases for each circuit would be significantly lower if calculated in a different way.

"Reversal rates for each court of appeals would be very small, in the range of a tenth of a percent, if calculated as the total number of cases reversed over the total number of appeals terminated by that court," Hofer wrote in his article published by the American Bar Association. "Conversely, if the reversal rate is calculated as the total number of cases reversed over the total number of cases reviewed by the Supreme Court, the ratio increases dramatically."

^^^ defends the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals :21::21::21::21::21:
LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

Actually 'we' didn't elect trump. The electors did. Obama is the only president in this century who was elected by we the people. Furthermore, Obama's the only president in this century who didn't dodge the draft either.

Obama was elected by the Electors, we the people don't elect Presidents. Also, Bush was elected by the majority in 2004 with 50.7% of the vote. Also, there was no draft when Obama turned 18, so he couldn't dodge a draft that didn't exist, your spin is pathetic and self serving.
Trump defends his claim of 'Obama judges' after Chief Justice John Roberts rebukes president

Trump slams chief justice after Roberts chides the President - CNNPolitics

Chief Justice John Roberts issued a rare rebuke of the President's disparaging remarks about federal judges.

"We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges," Roberts said in a statement responding to comments Trump made earlier in the week criticizing the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. "What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for."
Trump, in a response later Wednesday, stood by his comments from the previous day that prompted Roberts' statement.
"Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have 'Obama judges,' and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country.


Trump was talking about federal judges having no independence and being minions of presidents. He was rebuked by Chief Justice Roberts.

Trump replied:

"Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have 'Obama judges,'

So, if you have Obama Judges, then you also have "Trump Judges".

How do you think Kavanaugh feels knowing he works for Trump not to mention Gorsuch. A Supreme Court Judge that works for Trump? OMG! Trump is declaring that two of the Judges are NOT independent. They work for him.

Nixon nominated three or four judges. Were they "Nixon Judges"?

Trump thinks he has Kavanaugh under his thumb. I'm guessing he feels the same about Gorsuch.

I guess we'll find out, won't we.
Don't be exactly surprised Dictator Don is pro Saudia Terrorist. He pledged loyalty to these fools.

Trump lovers are children.....They have raised their level of sycophancy up to level 10 in comparison to their Bush sycophancy days...

I seriously believe that in the coming few months, Trump will have his cult followers coming out on the side of the 9/11 hijackers simply because most of then were from Saudi Arabia and how spectacular that most make them.
Good thing bootlicking sycophants like you didn't have your heads shoved up your Dear Leader's ass, huh?
Trump defends his claim of 'Obama judges' after Chief Justice John Roberts rebukes president

Trump slams chief justice after Roberts chides the President - CNNPolitics

Chief Justice John Roberts issued a rare rebuke of the President's disparaging remarks about federal judges.

"We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges," Roberts said in a statement responding to comments Trump made earlier in the week criticizing the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. "What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for."
Trump, in a response later Wednesday, stood by his comments from the previous day that prompted Roberts' statement.
"Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have 'Obama judges,' and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country.


Trump was talking about federal judges having no independence and being minions of presidents. He was rebuked by Chief Justice Roberts.

Trump replied:

"Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have 'Obama judges,'

So, if you have Obama Judges, then you also have "Trump Judges".

How do you think Kavanaugh feels knowing he works for Trump not to mention Gorsuch. A Supreme Court Judge that works for Trump? OMG! Trump is declaring that two of the Judges are NOT independent. They work for him.

Nixon nominated three or four judges. Were they "Nixon Judges"?

Trump thinks he has Kavanaugh under his thumb. I'm guessing he feels the same about Gorsuch.

I guess we'll find out, won't we.

Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'

It is good to see this push against Trump’s never ending polarization of our institutions.
LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

Not sure what you were trying to say. But Chief Justice Roberts is on the US Supreme Court.
Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'

It is good to see this push against Trump’s never ending polarization of our institutions.

These scumbag judges aren’t above reproach, and I’m sure you were just as outraged when Hussein obozo chastised the SC in his state of the union.
Judge Roberts has the respect of the many.

Trump has the respect of Satan.

It's great to see Trump CONTINUE to act just like the pure jackass that he is & to continue to rack up enemies like JFK.

Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'

"Roberts said Wednesday the U.S. doesn't have "Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges." He commented in a statement released by the Supreme Court after a query by The Associated Press."

With all respect to Roberts, who does he think he's kidding?

So you think judges are incapable of ruling without partisanship?
So Trump is like JFK. Got it.

Got anything to say about the thread issue which is John Roberts'
claim that all judges are equally fair minded and non partisan? No?

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