Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump

What an adorable opinion. Of course we would all like an independent judiciary and judges who put personal feelings aside.

It's not happening and it is silly to pretend that such independence exists.

The SCOTUS can't look at the exact same US Constitution and come to a polar 5-4 opposite decision without the liberal justices ignoring the Constitution in favor of their personal biased opinions.

Any of those decisions can be undone by Congress who has oversight of the court. By simple amendment of any decision makes any law they strike down void, as well as with any law they uphold. The Congress is the final word as they are the elected representatives of the people, not the appointed judges of the court.

Rightard America will be learni
Ask Spartacus whose judge is Kavanaugh. Roberts is spinning.

Roberts is the Chief Justice. Kavanaugh doesn't have any say about jack shit. He's a junior member of the court with one vote on any issue, and nothing else. And when the impeachment trial starts it will be Roberts sitting on it, and junior will get to watch it on television like everyone else.

No one is getting impeached

On one of the news shows today, they had on a judge who had worked on Clinton's impeachment. He said that impeachment would be a mistake, unless they had hard, irrefutable evidence that Trump should be removed from office, and he didn't think that there was that level of evidence (yet).

He said that a smarter route would be to issue a subpoena to Trump after he leaves office and prosecute him through the courts that way.

And i'm in agreement with that. The state of New York could do far more damage to the Trump crime syndicate through state prosecution, and the use of civil asset forfeiture that the Supreme Court could not protect him from, or his kids, or be pardoned by another President. This is why Robert Mueller has shared all of his evidence with the Attorney General of New York. Trump isn't going to escape, nomatter who is on any court.
Who died and left Roberts as the boss?

Roberts decided to grow a spine and speak truth to Trump's unbridled, banana republic power.
Too bad the GOP congress and the other right wing justices just keep wagging the vestigial tails they've grown since Trump took office.

Trumpers do not want a democracy or a republic they want an autocracy. The more like the Republic of North Korea the better to the Trumper. Trumpers want no dissent. They hate the voting franchise. They want total adherence to a supreme leader. That is who they ate and why Trump and Trumpers are such a danger to our democratic institutions and the Constitution. It is no accident that they don't have a bad word for Putin or why Trump admires Kim.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The courts should be trustworthy arbiters but thanks to the Liberal asshole activist judges, mostly appointed by that Obama piece of shit, they have destroyed the integrity of the Judiciary. Just look at how many times that Libtard 9th Circus is overturned if you have any doubts.
Your confused, Flash in the pan. The issue is not the 9Th Circuit it is Trump's assault on the independence of the judiciary. You may want a compliant judiciary that follows only what you believe, but fortunately we still live in nation where the rule of law still controls. As I said, you Trumpers do not want a free society, you want a uniform, meek and submissive one.
But the legislative branch, at the will of the people, is supposed to make the law. Not judges’ (mis)interpretations of existing law.
Judge's are to interpret the law. That does not mean that there cannot be multiple interpretations. Which is why we have what are called appellate courts. When appellate courts disagree, the Supreme Court makes the final decision. Nothing insidious about differing opinions.
And i'm in agreement with that. The state of New York could do far more damage to the Trump crime syndicate through state prosecution, and the use of civil asset forfeiture that the Supreme Court could not protect him from, or his kids, or be pardoned by another President. This is why Robert Mueller has shared all of his evidence with the Attorney General of New York. Trump isn't going to escape, nomatter who is on any court.

Yeah sure....and the right all said the same about Hillary.
Ask Spartacus whose judge is Kavanaugh. Roberts is spinning.

Roberts is the Chief Justice. Kavanaugh doesn't have any say about jack shit. He's a junior member of the court with one vote on any issue, and nothing else. And when the impeachment trial starts it will be Roberts sitting on it, and junior will get to watch it on television like everyone else.
Skews is Occasio Cortez...
Judge's are to interpret the law. That does not mean that there cannot be multiple interpretations. Which is why we have what are called appellate courts. When appellate courts disagree, the Supreme Court makes the final decision. Nothing insidious about differing opinions unless you are a Trumper.


When poor judgement causes death and injury. Which there is ample evidence that Liberal Judges cause repeatedly ad nausea.
What an adorable opinion. Of course we would all like an independent judiciary and judges who put personal feelings aside.

It's not happening and it is silly to pretend that such independence exists.

The SCOTUS can't look at the exact same US Constitution and come to a polar 5-4 opposite decision without the liberal justices ignoring the Constitution in favor of their personal biased opinions.

Any of those decisions can be undone by Congress who has oversight of the court. By simple amendment of any decision makes any law they strike down void, as well as with any law they uphold. The Congress is the final word as they are the elected representatives of the people, not the appointed judges of the court.

Rightard America will be learni
Ask Spartacus whose judge is Kavanaugh. Roberts is spinning.

Roberts is the Chief Justice. Kavanaugh doesn't have any say about jack shit. He's a junior member of the court with one vote on any issue, and nothing else. And when the impeachment trial starts it will be Roberts sitting on it, and junior will get to watch it on television like everyone else.

No one is getting impeached

On one of the news shows today, they had on a judge who had worked on Clinton's impeachment. He said that impeachment would be a mistake, unless they had hard, irrefutable evidence that Trump should be removed from office, and he didn't think that there was that level of evidence (yet).

He said that a smarter route would be to issue a subpoena to Trump after he leaves office and prosecute him through the courts that way.

And i'm in agreement with that. The state of New York could do far more damage to the Trump crime syndicate through state prosecution, and the use of civil asset forfeiture that the Supreme Court could not protect him from, or his kids, or be pardoned by another President. This is why Robert Mueller has shared all of his evidence with the Attorney General of New York. Trump isn't going to escape, nomatter who is on any court.
"By simple amendment...." :71:
Obama couldn't dodge a draft that wasn't there, so no, he's not a draft dodger.

No drill instructor would want Obama as a recruit.

Obama went to a war zone.

Trump's a pu$$y.

Trump is such a pu$$y, he only likes soldiers who weren't captured.
Judge's are to interpret the law. That does not mean that there cannot be multiple interpretations. Which is why we have what are called appellate courts. When appellate courts disagree, the Supreme Court makes the final decision. Nothing insidious about differing opinions unless you are a Trumper.


When poor judgement causes death and injury. Which there is ample evidence that Liberal Judges cause repeatedly ad nausea.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
trump is a POS....who thinks he is King....He has attacked every cornerstone of this Country's safeguards against a dictator.

Think about it....He has regularly attacked the free press....the judiciary....our intelligence agencies and even organizations that protect the world against the aggressions of totalitarian regimes such as NATO.

If he is not an agent of Putin....this is a huge coincidence....the orange clown is determined to bring the US to its knees....
trump is a POS....who thinks he is King....He has attacked every cornerstone of this Country's safeguards against a dictator.

Think about it....He is regularly attacked the free press....the judiciary....our intelligence agencies and even organizations that protect the world against the aggressions of totalitarian regimes such as NATO.

If he is not an agent of Putin....this is a huge coincidence....the orange clown is determined to bring the US to its knees....


We REALLY need to bring back mental institutions.......some of these folks are walking powder kegs :cuckoo:
I have no idea what you are talking about.

No surprise there :abgg2q.jpg:
I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to go over your's just that it's such a low goal post it's almost impossible not to.

Let me see if I can adjust the level down to grade schooler level.....stand by.....
No your overgeneralization and ignorance of how courts work and their function were so boundless, that it was not worth me arguing with you. When you post an intelligent post, I will respond in kind.
What an adorable opinion. Of course we would all like an independent judiciary and judges who put personal feelings aside.

It's not happening and it is silly to pretend that such independence exists.

The SCOTUS can't look at the exact same US Constitution and come to a polar 5-4 opposite decision without the liberal justices ignoring the Constitution in favor of their personal biased opinions.
Justice Kennedy had been a swing vote.... decisions may have been 5-4 but sometimes those decisions were 5 to 4 because Kennedy sided with the "good guys" :D, and when Sandra Day o'Connor was there, she too sometimes sided with the "good guys" :D

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