Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump

You know Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are mortified.

Any interview they ever give for the rest of their lives, they will be asked if they consider themselves "Trump's Judges".

I wouldn't be surprised if they never give another interview.
No your overgeneralization and ignorance of how courts work and their function were so boundless, that it was not worth me arguing with you. When you post an intelligent post, I will respond in kind.

You said judges were to "interpret" the laws.

Ok. Let's see where your head is....

I said Liberal Judges often make poor interpretations that cause people great suffering. It's very common actually.

If you have any inclination of open's just one small example.
This is more on legislative action, but Liberal judges had a lot to do with it as well
Liberals tried to create a fairer prison system. Here’s how it backfired.

What part of that confuses you so completely?
Do you live in a bubble?
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LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

Not sure what you were trying to say. But Chief Justice Roberts is on the US Supreme Court.
I do not think he realizes that the Judicial is a coequal branch to the Executive and the Legislative.

That forbids Trump from criticizing the judicial branch? Under what Constitution? :itsok:

Criticizing? That isn’t what you said. You talked about him setting them straight. Like you don’t understand the very Constitution you are attempting to invoke.
No your overgeneralization and ignorance of how courts work and their function were so boundless, that it was not worth me arguing with you. When you post an intelligent post, I will respond in kind.

You said judges were to "interpret" the laws.

Ok. Let's see where your head is....

I said Liberal Judges often make poor interpretations that cause people great suffering. It's very common actually.

What part of that confuses you so completely?
Do you live in a bubble?
Be specific, What interpretations have caused people "great suffering"?
LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

Trump: 9th Circuit Court has 80 percent overturn rate

…….But he pointed out that the percentage of reversed or vacated cases for each circuit would be significantly lower if calculated in a different way.

"Reversal rates for each court of appeals would be very small, in the range of a tenth of a percent, if calculated as the total number of cases reversed over the total number of appeals terminated by that court," Hofer wrote in his article published by the American Bar Association. "Conversely, if the reversal rate is calculated as the total number of cases reversed over the total number of cases reviewed by the Supreme Court, the ratio increases dramatically."

Its actually 90% :itsok:
More Horseshit!
LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

Bad opinion
Be specific, What interpretations have caused people "great suffering"?

Then of course, we have to 9th Circus constantly halting perfectly legitimate efforts by the administration to vet the influx of immigrants.
In fact, back in March, the Supreme Court repeatedly over ruled the 9th in favor of the Administration.

Can't be more specific than that.

Now, can YOU explain how a policy of virtually open borders, and sanctuary policies that protect violent criminals is a good thing for the average American citizen?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Your guess is as good as mine, and mine is, neither does he. If you look at the gist of his postings, stuffed to the hilt with "the end is nigh" paranoia, he needs a scapegoat to blame for all that mayhem. Mayhem such as "liberal" judges reversing the Trumpy's travel ban, and letting all the murderers and rapists in, not to mention changing the racial composition of the U.S. of A. for the catastrophically worse. In such case, he seems to say, the interpretation of the law must favor one race, or otherwise it's somehow faulty. Or, "liberal" - hence his favorite scapegoat is made to suffer another trashing.

Just guessing, of course...
trump has taken the , once proud presidency, and destroyed it's decency. He is nothing more than a Mafia Boss in the White House.

Either his leaps toward a totalitarian nation are checked...or we will be no better than any other totalitarian, third world country.

His tax cuts have made the divide between the haves and have nots wider than ever before. His idea of law is whatever he comes up with at the moment.

He is an embarrassment in the world. I never thought I would see Europe exploring the possibility of fielding an army to protect itself against aggressor...including the US. This man is an abomimation....
Who died and left Roberts as the boss?

Roberts decided to grow a spine and speak truth to Trump's unbridled, banana republic power.
Too bad the GOP congress and the other right wing justices just keep wagging the vestigial tails they've grown since Trump took office.

Trumpers do not want a democracy or a republic they want an autocracy. The more like the Republic of North Korea the better to the Trumper. Trumpers want no dissent. They hate the voting franchise. They want total adherence to a supreme leader. That is who they ate and why Trump and Trumpers are such a danger to our democratic institutions and the Constitution. It is no accident that they don't have a bad word for Putin or why Trump admires Kim.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The courts should be trustworthy arbiters but thanks to the Liberal asshole activist judges, mostly appointed by that Obama piece of shit, they have destroyed the integrity of the Judiciary. Just look at how many times that Libtard 9th Circus is overturned if you have any doubts.
You're confused, Flash in the pan. The issue is not the 9Th Circuit it is Trump's assault on the independence of the judiciary. You may want a compliant judiciary that follows only what you believe, but fortunately we still live in nation where the rule of law estill controls. As I said, you Trumpers do not want a free society, you want a uniform, meek and submissive one.
Obama write an executive order that overrides Laws passed by Congress and signed by the President and you don't hear a peep from the fucking judiciary. Trump nullifies the fucking Obama XO and a judge slaps an injunction. Justice Roberts is a piece of shit if he thinks the judiciary is independent.

Impeach the motherfucker!
You are confused Moon Bat.

The courts should be trustworthy arbiters but thanks to the Liberal asshole activist judges, mostly appointed by that Obama piece of shit, they have destroyed the integrity of the Judiciary. Just look at how many times that Libtard 9th Circus is overturned if you have any doubts.
Your confused, Flash in the pan. The issue is not the 9Th Circuit it is Trump's assault on the independence of the judiciary. You may want a compliant judiciary that follows only what you believe, but fortunately we still live in nation where the rule of law still controls. As I said, you Trumpers do not want a free society, you want a uniform, meek and submissive one.
But the legislative branch, at the will of the people, is supposed to make the law. Not judges’ (mis)interpretations of existing law.
Well, that certainly is easy and convenient to say, when it suits your narrative du jour, but there is a reason we have an appeals process and different levels of courrts. Otherwise, we could just use a computer algorithm to dispense justice.
You have that completely backwards.
Wow man, that's deep. You're a deep thinker.
I thought it was pretty obvious. You can’t rebut?
Roberts decided to grow a spine and speak truth to Trump's unbridled, banana republic power.
Too bad the GOP congress and the other right wing justices just keep wagging the vestigial tails they've grown since Trump took office.

Trumpers do not want a democracy or a republic they want an autocracy. The more like the Republic of North Korea the better to the Trumper. Trumpers want no dissent. They hate the voting franchise. They want total adherence to a supreme leader. That is who they ate and why Trump and Trumpers are such a danger to our democratic institutions and the Constitution. It is no accident that they don't have a bad word for Putin or why Trump admires Kim.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The courts should be trustworthy arbiters but thanks to the Liberal asshole activist judges, mostly appointed by that Obama piece of shit, they have destroyed the integrity of the Judiciary. Just look at how many times that Libtard 9th Circus is overturned if you have any doubts.
Your confused, Flash in the pan. The issue is not the 9Th Circuit it is Trump's assault on the independence of the judiciary. You may want a compliant judiciary that follows only what you believe, but fortunately we still live in nation where the rule of law still controls. As I said, you Trumpers do not want a free society, you want a uniform, meek and submissive one.
But the legislative branch, at the will of the people, is supposed to make the law. Not judges’ (mis)interpretations of existing law.
Judge's are to interpret the law. That does not mean that there cannot be multiple interpretations. Which is why we have what are called appellate courts. When appellate courts disagree, the Supreme Court makes the final decision. Nothing insidious about differing opinions.
But when interpretation sets precedent it becomes de facto law.
I never thought I would see Europe exploring the possibility of fielding an army to protect itself against aggressor...including the US.

Nobody in the EU explores fielding an army to protect themselves against the U.S. That was just the Trumpy not quite understanding things and subsequently waxing hysterical over the proposal of a fairly small EU force.
Obama write an executive order that overrides Laws passed by Congress and signed by the President and you don't hear a peep from the fucking judiciary.
Well, that is a steaming pile of nonsense...several of his EOs were overturned...
Be specific, What interpretations have caused people "great suffering"?

Then of course, we have to 9th Circus constantly halting perfectly legitimate efforts by the administration to vet the influx of immigrants.
In fact, back in March, the Supreme Court repeatedly over ruled the 9th in favor of the Administration.

Can't be more specific than that.

Now, can YOU explain how a policy of virtually open borders, and sanctuary policies that protect violent criminals is a good thing for the average American citizen?

No one is for open borders and you say the Supreme Court "repeatedly" overruled the 9th Circuit. The 9th was overruled on Trump's EO decision. The 9th was not the only circuit that had issues with Trump's EOs.

The remains part of your post has nothing to do with the courts only with the canard that liberals want open borders which is far from the truth, especially, given that the Presidents who granted the greatest amnesty were Republicans, Reagan and Bush.
Your confused, Flash in the pan. The issue is not the 9Th Circuit it is Trump's assault on the independence of the judiciary. You may want a compliant judiciary that follows only what you believe, but fortunately we still live in nation where the rule of law still controls. As I said, you Trumpers do not want a free society, you want a uniform, meek and submissive one.
But the legislative branch, at the will of the people, is supposed to make the law. Not judges’ (mis)interpretations of existing law.
Well, that certainly is easy and convenient to say, when it suits your narrative du jour, but there is a reason we have an appeals process and different levels of courrts. Otherwise, we could just use a computer algorithm to dispense justice.
You have that completely backwards.
Wow man, that's deep. You're a deep thinker.
I thought it was pretty obvious. You can’t rebut?
You made no argument. No rebuttal is required to such a stunted, meaningless statement, besides "Nuh-uh!"
Roberts is whining because TRUMP dares to acknowledge the courts are filled with activist judges...
trump is making Roberts a real fan of trump's hysterical attacks against anything and anyone that disagrees with him. While I am sure Roberts will always make rulings based on constitutional firm ground....he now realizes what an unhinged....shoot from the called president he now has. Roberts will remember trump's remarks....

Hasn't aged well at all...….wonder if something is working on his conscience
Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'

Chief Justice Roberts' comments are wishful thinking! There are indeed Obama judges and that's made clear by who you liberals run to in order to get rulings against President Trump. You know as well as I do that is the case because you know which courts are always chosen by you to get the results you're looking for.

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