"Child Masturbation: My Daughter Started At Age 2"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Child Masturbation My Daughter Started At Age 2

"My daughter started masturbating at the age of two, or at least, that's how old we think she was when she first started. We thought she was having a seizure. So did the paramedics as they watched her stiff and rigid body twitch and spasm for nearly two minutes, mouth open, tongue out, eyes rolling and drooling on our living room floor. Though she appeared barely conscious, she was and would get upset and start crying if anyone managed to interrupt her.

We were admitted to the Neurology Clinic at Sick Kids Hospital and stayed for a week. Scores of tests later including an EEG and one traumatic episode where several nurses had to hold down my screaming daughter as they attempted to inject an IV into her arm in order to sedate her for an impending MRI, fearing the worst while hoping for the best, the neurologist treating her suddenly provided us with a most unexpected diagnosis: infantile masturbation."

This was featured in an episode of "House" where a mother brought in her carseat aged daughter thinking she was having some kind of seizure of fit.

" [While House is treating a little girl in the clinic]
House: You mix rocking, grunting, sweating, and dystonia with concerned parents and you get an amateur diagnosis of epilepsy. In actuality, all your little girl is doing is saying “yoo hoo” to the hoo-hoo.
Mother: She’s what?
House: “Marching the penguin.” “Ya-ya-ing the sisterhood.” “Finding Nemo.” [The little girl laughs]
Little Girl: That was funny.
House: It’s called gratification disorder. Sort of a misnomer – if one was unable to gratify oneself…that would be a disorder.
Mother: [covers her daughter’s ears] Are you saying she’s masturbating?
House: I was trying to be discreet – there’s a child in the room!"
Euphoria Part 2 - House Wiki

As tot hose who'll think a two-year isn't masturbating, google fetal masturbation and learn. We masturbate from the womb to the grave.

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