Child Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Against Same-sex Marriage.

You need a scientific study, huh!

So you can't prove your ridiculous claims.

I knew it.
The OP is not a claim, it the testimony of someone who grew up in a lesbian household.

I am not referencing the OP. In this entire chain of posts quoted here, I have not referenced the OP. I am talking to you about your claims.

Now stop trying to deflect and prove your claims. Your next post in this thread will either be proof, or inane bullshit that proves only your dedication to lying and concealing the truth.

You conservatard manpigs have gotten quite good at the latter.
I stated it takes a mother and a father is needed to make a baby, s perm and an egg, you want to argue that?

No, I don't. You clearly do, but you have yet to post a single shred of evidence to back it up.

Typical conservatard deceit.
Start your own thread on the subject, should be fun.

In my thread, it's about heterosexual children with no voice being forced into relationships with homosexuals.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

You "Christians" are pathetic.

One. = Child. Not Children.

That's all you got?

Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

You "Christians" are pathetic.

One. = Child. Not Children.

That's all you got?

1 is one more than zero.

You have zero.
Humans are heterosexual by nature, so that means we are the haters because we don't think confused sexual perverts should raise and indoctrinate children with your confused sickness. Right.

What proof do you have that humans are hetero by nature? Over 500 different animal species have shown bisexual tendencies. And even human history shows that bisexuality has been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Greeks to samurai in Japan.

I'm not saying that bisexuality or homosexuality are human's natural state, but that any species natural state differs from individual to individual.

And don't talk to me about indoctrination. What do you think you're doing to your kids (If you have kids, of course), you're indoctrinating them into hate. Die hard conservatives and liberals indoctrinate their kids. Christians and muslims indoctrinate their kids. Sports fans indoctrinate their kids. That's what being a parent means, raising your kids and teaching them what you think needs to be taught. If you think you should teach your kids to hate someone just because of how they were born, that's your prerogative. If I think I should teach my kids to accept people regardless of how they're born, and that having loving parents is more important than specifically having a mommy and a daddy, that's my prerogative.
You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

I came from a fucked up, broken, divorced, "traditional" home. You bet your ass I'll teach my kids that having loving parents is more important.
bullshit, you did not even reply to me or the question I posted in response to you. What you teach your children is fine but that has nothing to do with what I have stated or asked, its simply a statement you keep making, nice, you said it, now address the real issue.

You have thus taken the position that everyone else's children, who have not been taught as yours, now must be forced through the strong hand of the government, backed by you, into homosexual man-man families.

I doubt you even have children, let alone young children, cause you certainly show no understanding of what I speak of.

dodge away, buddy

I support forcibly taking kids and putting them in gay homes? When did this happen?

I answered your question, if you don't want to see it then that's your problem, not mine.
Electra, I posted links, studies and reports. You've ignored them. You wish to stay ignorant and tilt. Have fun (and make arrangements so your kids don't go to gay parents) :lol:
Liar, you posted articles that never linked to any study.

A report is nothing, like I said, if you posted a link to a study, you would shove it down my throat right now, as I call you out, I am literally calling you a liar for the 12th time challenging you to produce that link to a study, not an abstract but the complete study with all the bells and whistles and questions and who was asked what and how it was conducted, where is the link to the study.

Reports, abstracts, articles are not studies nor research, its gossip.

I have challenged seawytch repeatedly and in every way possible called seawytch a liar, over and over, liar!

Now if I called anyone else a liar, for not producing a study they claim they have read, a study they quote in a post, if I asked anyone else would you give me the link to the study, I am sure you would.

So its easy Seawytch, post the link to the study. You got to have it handy, I am calling you a liar, so post the link, I have done this for a week now, you got to be tired, so post the link you have claimed you have.

The last time you posted I followed the three links and posted back, you ignored my response and still keep up your lie

Seawytch has no study, link to the post where you posted the link, that is even easier, link to the post where your links to studies exist.
Humans are heterosexual by nature, so that means we are the haters because we don't think confused sexual perverts should raise and indoctrinate children with your confused sickness. Right.

What proof do you have that humans are hetero by nature? Over 500 different animal species have shown bisexual tendencies. And even human history shows that bisexuality has been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Greeks to samurai in Japan.

I'm not saying that bisexuality or homosexuality are human's natural state, but that any species natural state differs from individual to individual.

And don't talk to me about indoctrination. What do you think you're doing to your kids (If you have kids, of course), you're indoctrinating them into hate. Die hard conservatives and liberals indoctrinate their kids. Christians and muslims indoctrinate their kids. Sports fans indoctrinate their kids. That's what being a parent means, raising your kids and teaching them what you think needs to be taught. If you think you should teach your kids to hate someone just because of how they were born, that's your prerogative. If I think I should teach my kids to accept people regardless of how they're born, and that having loving parents is more important than specifically having a mommy and a daddy, that's my prerogative.
You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

I came from a fucked up, broken, divorced, "traditional" home. You bet your ass I'll teach my kids that having loving parents is more important.
bullshit, you did not even reply to me or the question I posted in response to you. What you teach your children is fine but that has nothing to do with what I have stated or asked, its simply a statement you keep making, nice, you said it, now address the real issue.

You have thus taken the position that everyone else's children, who have not been taught as yours, now must be forced through the strong hand of the government, backed by you, into homosexual man-man families.

I doubt you even have children, let alone young children, cause you certainly show no understanding of what I speak of.

dodge away, buddy

I support forcibly taking kids and putting them in gay homes? When did this happen?

I answered your question, if you don't want to see it then that's your problem, not mine.
Your a liar, maybe through ignorance, but the answer you gave me was not to a question I asked, its a question you posed and to me that you gave a response to, I never asked the question you keep thinking I asked.

And its not like I have changed my posts, I have repeatedly asked that question, to make a point.

And I have never used the term "gay", in my question, so you are paraphrasing at best, at least quote me if you are replying to me, but that is your problem, you take what I say and come up with something different based on your ignorance and bigotry. What else could it be? So I did not say gay, did I? I also never used the word, "forcibly".

Yes the question I ask is very different, the question I ask is so damaging to your opinion, you can not even come close to paraphrasing my question, you will not even quote my question, you twist it to something else.

That shows me you have a serious problem confronting the truth, so much you write something and attribute to me, that is much different. And remember you guys are all about the science, in true science, idiots are not allowed to paraphrase.
Electra, I posted links, studies and reports. You've ignored them. You wish to stay ignorant and tilt. Have fun (and make arrangements so your kids don't go to gay parents) :lol:
Liar, you posted articles that never linked to any study.

A report is nothing, like I said, if you posted a link to a study, you would shove it down my throat right now, as I call you out, I am literally calling you a liar for the 12th time challenging you to produce that link to a study, not an abstract but the complete study with all the bells and whistles and questions and who was asked what and how it was conducted, where is the link to the study.

Reports, abstracts, articles are not studies nor research, its gossip.

I have challenged seawytch repeatedly and in every way possible called seawytch a liar, over and over, liar!

Now if I called anyone else a liar, for not producing a study they claim they have read, a study they quote in a post, if I asked anyone else would you give me the link to the study, I am sure you would.

So its easy Seawytch, post the link to the study. You got to have it handy, I am calling you a liar, so post the link, I have done this for a week now, you got to be tired, so post the link you have claimed you have.

The last time you posted I followed the three links and posted back, you ignored my response and still keep up your lie

Seawytch has no study, link to the post where you posted the link, that is even easier, link to the post where your links to studies exist.

I gave you links to four different studies, you ignored them because they don't support your twisted world view. That's okay because we aren't discussing this in a bubble. You can stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes to pretend you can't see the evidence, but the evidence remains.

You can't provide a single solitary scrap of anything to support your contentions that gays are a danger to children or that our children are at any disadvantage to yours. The article in Pediatrics listed 60 references like this one or this one or this one. Stop being lazy and put that Google to good use...and maybe become a tad less ignorant in the process.
What proof do you have that humans are hetero by nature? Over 500 different animal species have shown bisexual tendencies. And even human history shows that bisexuality has been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Greeks to samurai in Japan.

I'm not saying that bisexuality or homosexuality are human's natural state, but that any species natural state differs from individual to individual.

And don't talk to me about indoctrination. What do you think you're doing to your kids (If you have kids, of course), you're indoctrinating them into hate. Die hard conservatives and liberals indoctrinate their kids. Christians and muslims indoctrinate their kids. Sports fans indoctrinate their kids. That's what being a parent means, raising your kids and teaching them what you think needs to be taught. If you think you should teach your kids to hate someone just because of how they were born, that's your prerogative. If I think I should teach my kids to accept people regardless of how they're born, and that having loving parents is more important than specifically having a mommy and a daddy, that's my prerogative.
You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

I came from a fucked up, broken, divorced, "traditional" home. You bet your ass I'll teach my kids that having loving parents is more important.
bullshit, you did not even reply to me or the question I posted in response to you. What you teach your children is fine but that has nothing to do with what I have stated or asked, its simply a statement you keep making, nice, you said it, now address the real issue.

You have thus taken the position that everyone else's children, who have not been taught as yours, now must be forced through the strong hand of the government, backed by you, into homosexual man-man families.

I doubt you even have children, let alone young children, cause you certainly show no understanding of what I speak of.

dodge away, buddy

I support forcibly taking kids and putting them in gay homes? When did this happen?

I answered your question, if you don't want to see it then that's your problem, not mine.
Your a liar, maybe through ignorance, but the answer you gave me was not to a question I asked, its a question you posed and to me that you gave a response to, I never asked the question you keep thinking I asked.

And its not like I have changed my posts, I have repeatedly asked that question, to make a point.

And I have never used the term "gay", in my question, so you are paraphrasing at best, at least quote me if you are replying to me, but that is your problem, you take what I say and come up with something different based on your ignorance and bigotry. What else could it be? So I did not say gay, did I? I also never used the word, "forcibly".

Yes the question I ask is very different, the question I ask is so damaging to your opinion, you can not even come close to paraphrasing my question, you will not even quote my question, you twist it to something else.

That shows me you have a serious problem confronting the truth, so much you write something and attribute to me, that is much different. And remember you guys are all about the science, in true science, idiots are not allowed to paraphrase.

Are you having fun trying to project your own little reality on me. Whatever, let's try this again.

You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

Yes, I will teach my children that being in an "extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man-man lovers as parents" home, is just as good as a loving father and mother.

Does that fulfill the requirements of your questionnaire? Or will you continue to call me a liar and say I'm avoiding it?

It's not about the gender of the parents. It's about whether or not the parents love and care for the child, no matter if it's a traditional home, same-sex parent home, or single parent home.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

You "Christians" are pathetic.

One. = Child. Not Children.

That's all you got?

1 is one more than zero.

You have zero.
Are you saying that there are no positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Electra, I posted links, studies and reports. You've ignored them. You wish to stay ignorant and tilt. Have fun (and make arrangements so your kids don't go to gay parents) :lol:
Liar, you posted articles that never linked to any study.

A report is nothing, like I said, if you posted a link to a study, you would shove it down my throat right now, as I call you out, I am literally calling you a liar for the 12th time challenging you to produce that link to a study, not an abstract but the complete study with all the bells and whistles and questions and who was asked what and how it was conducted, where is the link to the study.

Reports, abstracts, articles are not studies nor research, its gossip.

I have challenged seawytch repeatedly and in every way possible called seawytch a liar, over and over, liar!

Now if I called anyone else a liar, for not producing a study they claim they have read, a study they quote in a post, if I asked anyone else would you give me the link to the study, I am sure you would.

So its easy Seawytch, post the link to the study. You got to have it handy, I am calling you a liar, so post the link, I have done this for a week now, you got to be tired, so post the link you have claimed you have.

The last time you posted I followed the three links and posted back, you ignored my response and still keep up your lie

Seawytch has no study, link to the post where you posted the link, that is even easier, link to the post where your links to studies exist.

I gave you links to four different studies, you ignored them because they don't support your twisted world view. That's okay because we aren't discussing this in a bubble. You can stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes to pretend you can't see the evidence, but the evidence remains.

You can't provide a single solitary scrap of anything to support your contentions that gays are a danger to children or that our children are at any disadvantage to yours. The article in Pediatrics listed 60 references like this one or this one or this one. Stop being lazy and put that Google to good use...and maybe become a tad less ignorant in the process.

Statistically speaking, here is where the danger lies:

Husbands and male partners are the greatest physical danger to pregnant women.

Mothers are the greatest physical danger to young children.

Male relatives/friends are the greatest danger of sexual abuse to young children.

1 out of 4 young girls are sexually abused by straight adult men before they reach 18.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

You "Christians" are pathetic.

One. = Child. Not Children.

That's all you got?

1 is one more than zero.

You have zero.
Are you saying that there are no positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Did someone else say there was only 1 negative testimony children adopted into homosexual families, yes someone else did, and you question me?
Humans are heterosexual by nature, so that means we are the haters because we don't think confused sexual perverts should raise and indoctrinate children with your confused sickness. Right.

What proof do you have that humans are hetero by nature? Over 500 different animal species have shown bisexual tendencies. And even human history shows that bisexuality has been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Greeks to samurai in Japan.

I'm not saying that bisexuality or homosexuality are human's natural state, but that any species natural state differs from individual to individual.

And don't talk to me about indoctrination. What do you think you're doing to your kids (If you have kids, of course), you're indoctrinating them into hate. Die hard conservatives and liberals indoctrinate their kids. Christians and muslims indoctrinate their kids. Sports fans indoctrinate their kids. That's what being a parent means, raising your kids and teaching them what you think needs to be taught. If you think you should teach your kids to hate someone just because of how they were born, that's your prerogative. If I think I should teach my kids to accept people regardless of how they're born, and that having loving parents is more important than specifically having a mommy and a daddy, that's my prerogative.
You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

I came from a fucked up, broken, divorced, "traditional" home. You bet your ass I'll teach my kids that having loving parents is more important.
bullshit, you did not even reply to me or the question I posted in response to you. What you teach your children is fine but that has nothing to do with what I have stated or asked, its simply a statement you keep making, nice, you said it, now address the real issue.

You have thus taken the position that everyone else's children, who have not been taught as yours, now must be forced through the strong hand of the government, backed by you, into homosexual man-man families.

I doubt you even have children, let alone young children, cause you certainly show no understanding of what I speak of.

dodge away, buddy

I support forcibly taking kids and putting them in gay homes? When did this happen?

I answered your question, if you don't want to see it then that's your problem, not mine.
Elektra can only offer a strawman argument. It's a Fail before it even begins.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

You "Christians" are pathetic.

One. = Child. Not Children.

That's all you got?

1 is one more than zero.

You have zero.
Are you saying that there are no positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Did someone else say there was only 1 negative testimony children adopted into homosexual families, yes someone else did, and you question me?
Did someone say there was zero in rebuttal? Why yes they did....that would be you. So....having noted your attempt to slide away from your own words....."You have zero"....Are you submitting that there are no (AKA ZERO) positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

I came from a fucked up, broken, divorced, "traditional" home. You bet your ass I'll teach my kids that having loving parents is more important.
bullshit, you did not even reply to me or the question I posted in response to you. What you teach your children is fine but that has nothing to do with what I have stated or asked, its simply a statement you keep making, nice, you said it, now address the real issue.

You have thus taken the position that everyone else's children, who have not been taught as yours, now must be forced through the strong hand of the government, backed by you, into homosexual man-man families.

I doubt you even have children, let alone young children, cause you certainly show no understanding of what I speak of.

dodge away, buddy

I support forcibly taking kids and putting them in gay homes? When did this happen?

I answered your question, if you don't want to see it then that's your problem, not mine.
Your a liar, maybe through ignorance, but the answer you gave me was not to a question I asked, its a question you posed and to me that you gave a response to, I never asked the question you keep thinking I asked.

And its not like I have changed my posts, I have repeatedly asked that question, to make a point.

And I have never used the term "gay", in my question, so you are paraphrasing at best, at least quote me if you are replying to me, but that is your problem, you take what I say and come up with something different based on your ignorance and bigotry. What else could it be? So I did not say gay, did I? I also never used the word, "forcibly".

Yes the question I ask is very different, the question I ask is so damaging to your opinion, you can not even come close to paraphrasing my question, you will not even quote my question, you twist it to something else.

That shows me you have a serious problem confronting the truth, so much you write something and attribute to me, that is much different. And remember you guys are all about the science, in true science, idiots are not allowed to paraphrase.

Are you having fun trying to project your own little reality on me. Whatever, let's try this again.

You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

Yes, I will teach my children that being in an "extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man-man lovers as parents" home, is just as good as a loving father and mother.

Does that fulfill the requirements of your questionnaire? Or will you continue to call me a liar and say I'm avoiding it?

It's not about the gender of the parents. It's about whether or not the parents love and care for the child, no matter if it's a traditional home, same-sex parent home, or single parent home.

You did lie and avoid my question, maybe cause you are so emotional you only saw what you want to see. I do not know why you avoided the question, I do not know why you paraphrased my question incorrectly and then responded to yourself, through my post. It was all kind of bizarre. But it tells me you do not think, just like you describe all Homosexual couples as some sort of loving utopia. People of all types have the same negative human traits, human weakness, human nature.

Yet you do not seem to be willing to accept that fact let alone acknowledge that fact.

You wish to speak of only the good, but there is bad, and those who can not control their sexual desires is and should be a big red flag.

So how is it, that Children will have to be taught to accept Homosexual Relationships? Taught against there will? Brainwashed to accept?

And there you have the Agenda, its about teaching the children before they develop ideas on their own.

There is no guarantee that Children will accept your, "teaching".
Last edited:
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

You "Christians" are pathetic.

One. = Child. Not Children.

That's all you got?

1 is one more than zero.

You have zero.
Are you saying that there are no positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Did someone else say there was only 1 negative testimony children adopted into homosexual families, yes someone else did, and you question me?
Did someone say there was zero in rebuttal? Why yes they did....that would be you. So....having noted your attempt to slide away from your own words....."You have zero"....Are you submitting that there are no (AKA ZERO) positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Oh, this is a game for you, huh, Okay I can play.

Lets start at the beginning of this theme, lets start at the beginning of the conversation, not the Cherry Picked end that you think you can cleverly make into a simpleton flame.

So go to the start, "Post" cherry picker.
Last edited:
You "Christians" are pathetic.

One. = Child. Not Children.

That's all you got?

1 is one more than zero.

You have zero.
Are you saying that there are no positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Did someone else say there was only 1 negative testimony children adopted into homosexual families, yes someone else did, and you question me?
Did someone say there was zero in rebuttal? Why yes they did....that would be you. So....having noted your attempt to slide away from your own words....."You have zero"....Are you submitting that there are no (AKA ZERO) positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Oh, this is a game for you, huh, Okay I can play.

Lets start at the beginning of this theme, lets start at the beginning of the conversation, not the Cherry Picked end that you think you can cleverly make into a simpleton flame.

So go to the start, "Post" cherry picker.

Nobody besides you is cherry picking information. You made the claim that there are zero children giving positive testimony of their gay parents. Were you lying intentionally or are you just ignorant of the facts?
You "Christians" are pathetic.

One. = Child. Not Children.

That's all you got?

1 is one more than zero.

You have zero.
Are you saying that there are no positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Did someone else say there was only 1 negative testimony children adopted into homosexual families, yes someone else did, and you question me?
Did someone say there was zero in rebuttal? Why yes they did....that would be you. So....having noted your attempt to slide away from your own words....."You have zero"....Are you submitting that there are no (AKA ZERO) positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Oh, this is a game for you, huh, Okay I can play.

Lets start at the beginning of this theme, lets start at the beginning of the conversation, not the Cherry Picked end that you think you can cleverly make into a simpleton flame.

So go to the start, "Post" cherry picker.
Your quote "You have zero"....what do you mean by that?
I'll ignore the rest of your idiotic projections and skip to the meat of your post.

elektra said:
You wish to speak of only the good, but there is bad, and those who can not control their sexual desires is and should be a big red flag.

Of course there's bad. There's traditional families that are bad, there are same sex families that are bad. That's what I'm trying to get across to you, gender doesn't matter. Whether or not they care is the only thing that matters.

But as for sexual desires, can you control your sexual desires for the opposite sex?

elektra said:
So how is it, that Children will have to be taught to accept Homosexual Relationships? Taught against there will? Brainwashed to accept?

And there you have the Agenda, its about teaching the children before they develop ideas on their own.

There is no guarantee that Children will accept your, "teaching".

I'm against "teaching" children anything about the subject. I advocate just letting it go. It is the new norm, and the best way to convey that is to stop making such a big deal of it.

But I advocate the same thing towards you, just let it go and worry about your own life.
I'm against "teaching" children anything about the subject. I advocate just letting it go. It is the new norm, and the best way to convey that is to stop making such a big deal of it.

But I advocate the same thing towards you, just let it go and worry about your own life.

Here's what's bad and what "the new norm" is: I for one am not EVER going to be "letting it go"...

The people behind this in front of kids in a pride parade are after kids to adopt via "the new norm" they're trying to force via marriage:


Start your own thread on the subject, should be fun.

In my thread, it's about heterosexual children with no voice being forced into relationships with homosexuals.

Should we start threads about children with no voice being forced into heterosexual relationships?

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