Child Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Against Same-sex Marriage.

I'll ignore the rest of your idiotic projections and skip to the meat of your post.

elektra said:
You wish to speak of only the good, but there is bad, and those who can not control their sexual desires is and should be a big red flag.

Of course there's bad. There's traditional families that are bad, there are same sex families that are bad. That's what I'm trying to get across to you, gender doesn't matter. Whether or not they care is the only thing that matters.

But as for sexual desires, can you control your sexual desires for the opposite sex?

elektra said:
So how is it, that Children will have to be taught to accept Homosexual Relationships? Taught against there will? Brainwashed to accept?

And there you have the Agenda, its about teaching the children before they develop ideas on their own.

There is no guarantee that Children will accept your, "teaching".

I'm against "teaching" children anything about the subject. I advocate just letting it go. It is the new norm, and the best way to convey that is to stop making such a big deal of it.

But I advocate the same thing towards you, just let it go and worry about your own life.
Yes, your point is dully noted, now admit that you just created a new "family", of your design, where for the first time in history orphans are forced into unsafe environments which government created. That is the issue.

So you are admitting some of the children forced into a homosexual relationship will be victims of crimes, victims of abuse.

I say save the children, protect their rights.
“Yes, your point is dully noted, now admit that you just created a new "family", of your design, where for the first time in history orphans are forced into unsafe environments which government created. That is the issue.”

Actually that's not the 'issue' at all – it's in fact a non-issue you and others on the right hostile to gay Americans are seeking to contrive into a controversy.

No one is 'forced' into anything.

Children are placed into homes in accordance with the laws and policies of the state to ensure their maximum safety and well-being; and their safety and well-being can be provided by a same-sex couple as well as an opposite-sex couple, provided the placement criteria are met.

Indeed, children are at risk if they're placed in an opposite-sex household where the couple fails to meet the required criteria and standards.
1 is one more than zero.

You have zero.
Are you saying that there are no positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Did someone else say there was only 1 negative testimony children adopted into homosexual families, yes someone else did, and you question me?
Did someone say there was zero in rebuttal? Why yes they did....that would be you. So....having noted your attempt to slide away from your own words....."You have zero"....Are you submitting that there are no (AKA ZERO) positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Oh, this is a game for you, huh, Okay I can play.

Lets start at the beginning of this theme, lets start at the beginning of the conversation, not the Cherry Picked end that you think you can cleverly make into a simpleton flame.

So go to the start, "Post" cherry picker.
Your quote "You have zero"....what do you mean by that?
Are you saying that there are no positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Did someone else say there was only 1 negative testimony children adopted into homosexual families, yes someone else did, and you question me?
Did someone say there was zero in rebuttal? Why yes they did....that would be you. So....having noted your attempt to slide away from your own words....."You have zero"....Are you submitting that there are no (AKA ZERO) positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Oh, this is a game for you, huh, Okay I can play.

Lets start at the beginning of this theme, lets start at the beginning of the conversation, not the Cherry Picked end that you think you can cleverly make into a simpleton flame.

So go to the start, "Post" cherry picker.
Your quote "You have zero"....what do you mean by that?
Fine, and you!
“Yes, your point is dully noted, now admit that you just created a new "family", of your design, where for the first time in history orphans are forced into unsafe environments which government created. That is the issue.”

Actually that's not the 'issue' at all – it's in fact a non-issue you and others on the right hostile to gay Americans are seeking to contrive into a controversy.

No one is 'forced' into anything.

Children are placed into homes in accordance with the laws and policies of the state to ensure their maximum safety and well-being; and their safety and well-being can be provided by a same-sex couple as well as an opposite-sex couple, provided the placement criteria are met.

Indeed, children are at risk if they're placed in an opposite-sex household where the couple fails to meet the required criteria and standards.
Children are forced, just cause you say the it's the law, that does not change the fact that orphaned children are forced against their will.
seems more an indictment of same-sex parenting than same-sex marriage.
it also seems like the lamentation is that not having a heterosexual couple for parents a child will miss the absent gender.

I wonder what a child of a single parent, or a child in foster care, would think about rejecting a loving parent because they aren't the right gender?

There's a difference between "rejecting" a parent and understanding that that parent has willfully made a selfish decision that was not in the child's best interests. In that regard, I'd say that children of single parents or in foster care come to understand that quite well, and in more or less exactly the same way. It's not exactly news.
Children are forced, just because you have the Government making the law does not mean it's not force.

The child's best interest?

The child's best interest is often not the "one size fits all" sort of decision.

For one child a gay couple might not be in the child's best interests (within the confines of the system and the real world of course) and for another child it might be in the child's best interests.

You can't have a law made by people who are in charge of 300 million saying what is best for ONE CHILD. People on the ground need to make such decisions.
Start your own thread on the subject, should be fun.

In my thread, it's about heterosexual children with no voice being forced into relationships with homosexuals.

Should we start threads about children with no voice being forced into heterosexual relationships?

You mean like a gay kid adopted into a fundamentalist Christian home that forces him into reparative therapy or something? Nah...that would NEVER happen.
And we all know how wonderful conventional marriage parenting is and how their offspring turn out.

All children from heterosexual couples turn out to be well adjusted adults, and all children from gay couples turn out messed up. If a child who is messed up comes from what seems to be a heterosexual couple then one of them is probably a tranny. Somebody alert Novasteve!

Ahh, the ever-popular "all or nothing" argument, last resort of those who have nothing to say other than, "Waaaaahhh!"
You believe this to be true.
Explain then in vitro fertilization to us. Please.

Excellent reasoning you must be some product of a charter school.
All other and real conventional wisdom arrives at a more reasonable statement.
Keep on trucking.

And we all know how wonderful conventional marriage parenting is and how their offspring turn out.

All children from heterosexual couples turn out to be well adjusted adults, and all children from gay couples turn out messed up. If a child who is messed up comes from what seems to be a heterosexual couple then one of them is probably a tranny. Somebody alert Novasteve!

All people are from opposite sex coupling.

Is this some sort of a surprise?

In vitro is still an opposite-sex combination, inasmuch as the doctor has to create the embryo using contributions from both a male and a female. It is as medically impossible to create an embryo in a petri dish with two ova or two sperm as it is to create one that way au naturel, so to speak.
Did someone else say there was only 1 negative testimony children adopted into homosexual families, yes someone else did, and you question me?
Did someone say there was zero in rebuttal? Why yes they did....that would be you. So....having noted your attempt to slide away from your own words....."You have zero"....Are you submitting that there are no (AKA ZERO) positive testimonies from the children of gay couples?
Oh, this is a game for you, huh, Okay I can play.

Lets start at the beginning of this theme, lets start at the beginning of the conversation, not the Cherry Picked end that you think you can cleverly make into a simpleton flame.

So go to the start, "Post" cherry picker.
Your quote "You have zero"....what do you mean by that?
Fine, and you!
Your statement "You have zero." What did you mean by that?
You believe this to be true.
Explain then in vitro fertilization to us. Please.

Excellent reasoning you must be some product of a charter school.
All other and real conventional wisdom arrives at a more reasonable statement.
Keep on trucking.

And we all know how wonderful conventional marriage parenting is and how their offspring turn out.

All children from heterosexual couples turn out to be well adjusted adults, and all children from gay couples turn out messed up. If a child who is messed up comes from what seems to be a heterosexual couple then one of them is probably a tranny. Somebody alert Novasteve!

All people are from opposite sex coupling.

Is this some sort of a surprise?

In vitro is still an opposite-sex combination, inasmuch as the doctor has to create the embryo using contributions from both a male and a female. It is as medically impossible to create an embryo in a petri dish with two ova or two sperm as it is to create one that way au naturel, so to speak.
I'll ignore the rest of your idiotic projections and skip to the meat of your post.

elektra said:
You wish to speak of only the good, but there is bad, and those who can not control their sexual desires is and should be a big red flag.

Of course there's bad. There's traditional families that are bad, there are same sex families that are bad. That's what I'm trying to get across to you, gender doesn't matter. Whether or not they care is the only thing that matters.

But as for sexual desires, can you control your sexual desires for the opposite sex?

elektra said:
So how is it, that Children will have to be taught to accept Homosexual Relationships? Taught against there will? Brainwashed to accept?

And there you have the Agenda, its about teaching the children before they develop ideas on their own.

There is no guarantee that Children will accept your, "teaching".

I'm against "teaching" children anything about the subject. I advocate just letting it go. It is the new norm, and the best way to convey that is to stop making such a big deal of it.

But I advocate the same thing towards you, just let it go and worry about your own life.
Yes, your point is dully noted, now admit that you just created a new "family", of your design, where for the first time in history orphans are forced into unsafe environments which government created. That is the issue.

Unsafe environments? Same sex homes, simply by virtue of being a same sex home, are unsafe? You just might have to back that up with some statistics or look like an ass.

So you are admitting some of the children forced into a homosexual relationship will be victims of crimes, victims of abuse.

Just as some children are forced into traditional homes and become the victims of crimes and abuse. Congratulations, we have now established that homosexuals are human and capable of evil just as straight people are. Your point?

I say save the children, protect their rights.

Me too. The only difference between us is your generalization of homosexuals only wanting to adopt so they can abuse them.
Unsafe environments? Same sex homes, simply by virtue of being a same sex home, are unsafe? You just might have to back that up with some statistics or look like an ass.

It's logical. Some gay people have been known to abuse children, so children shouldn't be put into same sex homes.
Some straight people have been known to abuse children, so children should be put into opposite sex homes.
It's logical. Some gay people have been known to abuse children, so children shouldn't be put into same sex homes.
Some straight people have been known to abuse children, so children should be put into opposite sex homes.
Depends on if you take your surficial sarcasm to heart or actual professional research instead showing a statistical propensity...and an overt public propensity for lewd sober "proud" sex displays where LGBTs know and hope kids of all ages will be watching...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”...why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
Depends on if you take your surficial sarcasm to heart or actual professional research instead showing a statistical propensity...and an overt public propensity for lewd sober "proud" sex displays where LGBTs know and hope kids of all ages will be watching...

So, if some straight people went out, showed off a lot of flesh knowing others would be around watching, you'd have a problem with straight people adopting?


Here's some evidence why straight people should not be able to adopt. I'd love to show some nudist beach photos where there are naked adults and children, but they'd probably get taken off this board, more evidence why straight people shouldn't adopt kids, or even have kids in the first place.

Divorce demography - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Germany's crude divorce rate, 49%, USA 53%, Germany's famed for FKK beaches (ie, nudist beaches) and their openness of nudity. They have lower divorce rates in the USA.

Finland divorce rate 44%, Sweden 47%, Norway 44% and Austria 47% are all places known for their nudity too, ie, going in saunas naked, skiing naked, swimming in lakes naked etc etc. They have lower divorce rates than the US.

Clearly they're more stable environments for kids then, so, maybe naked people should be looking after kids more then.

In between all my sarcasm, you're basically saying because SOME gay people do gay pride that gay people should never be allowed to adopt. In my first year at uni I lived with a guy who had a top degree in philosophy and was training to be a teach and his boyfriend was a professor at a very, VERY prestigious university. I have no idea if they even wanted kids, but I'd rather kids were brought up with them than the parents around the corner who used to set their kids loose all the time and cause havoc in the neighborhood.

SOme question based on your quotes.

Were all gay people abused as children? Are all gay people likely to be abusers because they were abused as children?

Are all gay people substance abusers? Are all straight people NOT substance abusers?

In a free society should one person be judged capable of doing something, or not, based on what others in a certain demographic group can't do?

So, men can't drive properly, so we should ban ALL men driving?

Male and Female Driving Statistics Statistic Brain

Reckless driving 3.41 to 1 male/female
DUI 3.09 to 1 male/female
Seatbelt violations 3.08 to 1 male/female
Speeding 1.75 to 1 male/female

Fatal crashes per 100 million miles traveled, male 9.2 female 5.3.

Clearly we need to ban all men from driving, they just can't do it. This is using YOUR logic here.
Here's some evidence why straight people should not be able to adopt. I'd love to show some nudist beach photos where there are naked adults and children, but they'd probably get taken off this board, more evidence why straight people shouldn't adopt kids, or even have kids in the first place.

...SOme question based on your quotes.

Were all gay people abused as children? Are all gay people likely to be abusers because they were abused as children?

Are all gay people substance abusers? Are all straight people NOT substance abusers?

In a free society should one person be judged capable of doing something, or not, based on what others in a certain demographic group can't do?

The key difference, which you have read in my posts before but are dishonestly pretending that you haven't, is one of cultural values and mores. Of course there will always be drunken stupidity in either the homo culture or the normal one. But what we have in your photos are random antics of a bunch of inebriated fools who will in no way the next day brag loudly in "pride" over what they did in public.

The DIFFERENCE is that we have LGBTs of all walks getting behind, marching in and never denouncing the gay pride parades that routinely, as a matter of sober pride, display lewd sex acts where they know, anticipate, expect, hope and see children of all ages in attendance.

I notice there were no children in the photos you posted of the random non-proud lewdness that wasn't going down main street at high noon on floats with bright colorful [you know how kids like bright primary colors] streamers and "drill ass not gas" signs for all the kids to see.

Gonna keep playing pretend? Or are you going to fess up to the stark and obvious difference of encouraged and "proud" mores [or complete lack of them ] displayed for all to see [hoping kids will see in the case of an organized "pride" parade..]?

In other words, my photos of the pride parades show what your culture is proud of and ENCOURAGES. Your photos show what the normal culture is not proud of and DISCOURAGES. And you pretend there is no difference between the two. Shame on you. :eusa_naughty:
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There was a thread created awhile back with a video of a child from a same sex couple speaking in favor of gay marriage. Does that one child's opinion cancel out this one child's opinion?

What is important is the child makes a lot of sense about not having a father or a mother. Why deny this reality of their sense of loss? And what child would not experience such sense of loss?

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