Child Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Against Same-sex Marriage.

Humans are heterosexual by nature, so that means we are the haters because we don't think confused sexual perverts should raise and indoctrinate children with your confused sickness. Right.

What proof do you have that humans are hetero by nature? Over 500 different animal species have shown bisexual tendencies. And even human history shows that bisexuality has been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Greeks to samurai in Japan.

I'm not saying that bisexuality or homosexuality are human's natural state, but that any species natural state differs from individual to individual.

And don't talk to me about indoctrination. What do you think you're doing to your kids (If you have kids, of course), you're indoctrinating them into hate. Die hard conservatives and liberals indoctrinate their kids. Christians and muslims indoctrinate their kids. Sports fans indoctrinate their kids. That's what being a parent means, raising your kids and teaching them what you think needs to be taught. If you think you should teach your kids to hate someone just because of how they were born, that's your prerogative. If I think I should teach my kids to accept people regardless of how they're born, and that having loving parents is more important than specifically having a mommy and a daddy, that's my prerogative.
You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

I came from a fucked up, broken, divorced, "traditional" home. You bet your ass I'll teach my kids that having loving parents is more important.
What proof do you have that humans are hetero by nature? Over 500 different animal species have shown bisexual tendencies. And even human history shows that bisexuality has been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Greeks to samurai in Japan.

Humans are susceptable to all manner of compulsive diversions to the natural state. You may have heard of crack addiction? Heroin addition? Cutting? OCDs? Alcoholism? Should we teach all these folks and society to encourage these folks to "embrace their orientations"?

You don't want to be spoken to about imprinted behaviors because they make you nervous as to the topic at hand. So, without further ado:

Most of what you just listed are physical addictions to man made substances. That's on a completely different playing field than being born with a certain sexual orientation. Cutting yourself is mostly linked to an inability to handle complex emotions, it's not an orientation. And OCD should be embraced, if the person is put into the right field of work. People with OCD make the best quality assurance workers you've ever seen.

I didn't want to be preached to about indoctrination because the majority of the time the person preaching it is being hypocritical.
Humans are heterosexual by nature, so that means we are the haters because we don't think confused sexual perverts should raise and indoctrinate children with your confused sickness. Right.

Yeah, you do hate. Because you are bigoted freaks.
Yep. Billions of bigoted freaks throughout the history of civilization who believe marriage is a man and a woman. Idiot.
Humans are heterosexual by nature, so that means we are the haters because we don't think confused sexual perverts should raise and indoctrinate children with your confused sickness. Right.

You are haters because you seek to codify the ignorance, fear, and hate exhibited in your post.

You are haters because you seek to violate the liberty protected by the Constitution affording every American the right to self-determination and to exist as an individual free from unwarranted interference by the state.

And you are haters because you seek to contrive and propagate lies that children who live in homes with same-sex parents are somehow 'disadvantaged.'
Which means billions of people who existed on this civilizated planet thought like me and a very very small minute faction agree with you. You're the freak. Not me.
Humans are susceptable to all manner of compulsive diversions to the natural state. You may have heard of crack addiction? Heroin addition? Cutting? OCDs? Alcoholism? Should we teach all these folks and society to encourage these folks to "embrace their orientations"?

Most of what you just listed are physical addictions to man made substances. That's on a completely different playing field than being born with a certain sexual orientation...

The "born that way" myth. Here, let's put it to rest [again]:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007: One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

And the compilation of over 300 peer-reviewed studies showing that not only is sexual orientation learned, but passed on socially through inherited "norms"...

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A Review
James G. Pfaus,
1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Received August 9, 2000, accepted March 1, 2001
Humans are susceptable to all manner of compulsive diversions to the natural state. You may have heard of crack addiction? Heroin addition? Cutting? OCDs? Alcoholism? Should we teach all these folks and society to encourage these folks to "embrace their orientations"?

Most of what you just listed are physical addictions to man made substances. That's on a completely different playing field than being born with a certain sexual orientation...

The "born that way" myth. Here, let's put it to rest [again]:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007: One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

This is about being a sexual predator, not about being homosexual. Now, this may be difficult for you to grasp, so I'm going to say it really slow, but stay with me here. They........ain't.........the......same.......thing.......yo.

And the compilation of over 300 peer-reviewed studies showing that not only is sexual orientation learned, but passed on socially through inherited "norms"...

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A Review
James G. Pfaus,
1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Received August 9, 2000, accepted March 1, 2001

That study is based around rats, with some references to studies on humans. And to achieve the results in the study, explicit steps and measures had to be taken. Steps which, if done to a child, would be labeled as child endangerment. But there is not a single case of same-sex parents doing anything remotely close to what was presented in that study.

Nothing to see here, moving on.
This is about being a sexual predator, not about being homosexual. Now, this may be difficult for you to grasp, so I'm going to say it really slow, but stay with me here. They........ain't.........the......same.......thing.......yo.

...Nothing to see here, moving on.

Here's let's look again for those very slow or incapable of reading comprehension:

Mayo Clinic 2007: One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

And....I'll leave you with a picture of this sweet couple, a 40-something gay man with a boy that looks to be half his age and the new infant that will come to look as supple and young as the boy with the tattoos admiring him...for now...

Oh what are we creating by passively ignoring the obvious right in front of our faces? Pay attention to that pit in your stomach folks. It isn't bigotry. It's common sense being called "bigotry".. Know the difference..

Leftists have no problem with killing humans in the womb. Giving a helpless human to a couple of queers is consistent with that thought process.
This is about being a sexual predator, not about being homosexual. Now, this may be difficult for you to grasp, so I'm going to say it really slow, but stay with me here. They........ain't.........the......same.......thing.......yo.

...Nothing to see here, moving on.

Here's let's look again for those very slow or incapable of reading comprehension:

Mayo Clinic 2007: One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”or “abused-abusers phenomena.”5,23,24,46......
why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

And....I'll leave you with a picture of this sweet couple, a 40-something gay man with a boy that looks to be half his age and the new infant that will come to look as supple and young as the boy with the tattoos admiring him...for now...

Oh what are we creating by passively ignoring the obvious right in front of our faces? Pay attention to that pit in your stomach folks. It isn't bigotry. It's common sense being called "bigotry".. Know the difference..


Apparently I didn't say it slow enough. Your first link was about sexual predators, and the victims of sexual predators becoming sexual predators themselves, not about being a homosexual.






Leftists have no problem with killing humans in the womb. Giving a helpless human to a couple of queers is consistent with that thought process.

You think a loving caring gay couple raising a child is the equivalent of death?
Nothing to refute the truth?
Seems he is quite correct in who is producing the dreaded people that scare you have out of your mind.

It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
Kiss my ass. Homos are sick trash. Stop demonizing heterosexuals. You're the perverted sicko. Not us.

Hey, it's straights who produce the gays you're so terrified of.

You nutters need to stop fighting against what you are and embrace your own sexuality.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal


Bravo, Luddley.

Never let your last idiotic post limit the stupidity of your next idiotic post.
Thanks for confirming that doc.
Nice try but it doesn't float.

It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
Kiss my ass. Homos are sick trash. Stop demonizing heterosexuals. You're the perverted sicko. Not us.

Hey, it's straights who produce the gays you're so terrified of.

You nutters need to stop fighting against what you are and embrace your own sexuality.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
Nope. No one is born gay. We are the normal people. Nobody was born queer.
Apparently I didn't say it slow enough. Your first link was about sexual predators, and the victims of sexual predators becoming sexual predators themselves, not about being a homosexual. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING!!

Did you not read the sentence from the Mayo Clinic which said:
"One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child..."

Followed by the CDC study which found a "pervasive" "epidemic" of gay men having suffered "childhood sexual abuse"? If you are incapable of seeing the connection, please make an appointment for an MRI to scan for brain damage.
What's adorable is that you think you tore apart a decade long study. :lol:

You've been given evidence that the children of gays are at no disadvantage to the children of straights. You've provided zero evidence in response. In fact, the more evidence you are provided, the more ludicrous and silly your claims become.

There have been over a score of court cases now over marriage equality bans. Proponents of anti gay measures have tried the "but, but, but the children" meme and it was a colossal failure. Why? Because there is no evidence to support your opinions about gays and children.

If you don't want gays to potentially adopt your children in the event of your untimely demise, make arrangements that your children are only to go to a private adoption agency that will not adopt to the gays. In the meantime, gays will continue to adopt children the heterosexuals don't want and we will continue to use science to have our own. You will continue to tilt and windmills and yell at clouds.
Wrong again liar, you have yet to present one fact or one study. I have to follow your links .com ' s that merely talk about a study.

Seawytch has yet to link to a study.

If you think you have link again, here and now and show everyone. Your studies are not available to be seen. And the Australian study don't count, I found that on my own and linked to the Melbourne University where it originated, and that study is not ten years old as you state. It just began, as shown in my post you conveniently ignored.

Are you confusing me with you? I gave you three or four I do believe, including one that showed no difference in children adopted by gays and by fact, the researchers were amazed that there were no differences 'cause the gays adopted the more high risk children. You, on the other hand, have provided nothing. Zero, zip, zilch, nada... except repeating "won't somebody please think of the children".

You're right, it wasn't 10 years for the Aussie study, I was thinking of Dr. Abbe Godlberg's research.

The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics recently released in their publication Pediatrics published a report on their looking at 30 years of research. Do you know what they concluded?

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation.
There is also a helpful list of all the studies they reviewed.

Get back to us when you have anything that counters the decades of research. Our children are fine, worry about the children of divorce.
An article again, your just dumb, huh. Link to the study, not to the activists.

I always love it when someone calls me dumb and missuses the word you're.

It's you're dumb, not your dumb.

You're not getting any more links from me. I'm not playing the I'll show you mine game because you never show me yours. You haven't provided a scintilla of evidence that the children of gays are at any disadvantage to the children of straights. The article in Pediatrics had an extensive footnote section. Use your google.
your dumb, I never got a link from you that leads to a study, further I just stated the links you give prove you are wrong, so I kind of figure you would wise up and quit with the links, my point was to show you had nothing with links, so know you realize that your links are propaganda.

thank you for the win, your dumb

Darlin' all you've "shown" is how ignorant and homophobic you are. You ignore facts, research and evidence provided and then provide nothing to support your assertions.

At the end of the day, we're marrying and having kids. You are tilting at windmills. Tilt away!
Humans are heterosexual by nature, so that means we are the haters because we don't think confused sexual perverts should raise and indoctrinate children with your confused sickness. Right.

What proof do you have that humans are hetero by nature? Over 500 different animal species have shown bisexual tendencies. And even human history shows that bisexuality has been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Greeks to samurai in Japan.

I'm not saying that bisexuality or homosexuality are human's natural state, but that any species natural state differs from individual to individual.

And don't talk to me about indoctrination. What do you think you're doing to your kids (If you have kids, of course), you're indoctrinating them into hate. Die hard conservatives and liberals indoctrinate their kids. Christians and muslims indoctrinate their kids. Sports fans indoctrinate their kids. That's what being a parent means, raising your kids and teaching them what you think needs to be taught. If you think you should teach your kids to hate someone just because of how they were born, that's your prerogative. If I think I should teach my kids to accept people regardless of how they're born, and that having loving parents is more important than specifically having a mommy and a daddy, that's my prerogative.
You will teach your children, and I do not mean to draw your family into this, this all just based on what you stated, you will teach your children, meaning that if they become Orphans, that they should embrace and accept two extremely loving, touchy feely in a good way homosexual 50 year old man man lovers as parents, as much as a loving father and mother that will have more children, giving your children brothers and sisters?

I came from a fucked up, broken, divorced, "traditional" home. You bet your ass I'll teach my kids that having loving parents is more important.
bullshit, you did not even reply to me or the question I posted in response to you. What you teach your children is fine but that has nothing to do with what I have stated or asked, its simply a statement you keep making, nice, you said it, now address the real issue.

You have thus taken the position that everyone else's children, who have not been taught as yours, now must be forced through the strong hand of the government, backed by you, into homosexual man-man families.

I doubt you even have children, let alone young children, cause you certainly show no understanding of what I speak of.

dodge away, buddy
Wrong again liar, you have yet to present one fact or one study. I have to follow your links .com ' s that merely talk about a study.

Seawytch has yet to link to a study.

If you think you have link again, here and now and show everyone. Your studies are not available to be seen. And the Australian study don't count, I found that on my own and linked to the Melbourne University where it originated, and that study is not ten years old as you state. It just began, as shown in my post you conveniently ignored.

Are you confusing me with you? I gave you three or four I do believe, including one that showed no difference in children adopted by gays and by fact, the researchers were amazed that there were no differences 'cause the gays adopted the more high risk children. You, on the other hand, have provided nothing. Zero, zip, zilch, nada... except repeating "won't somebody please think of the children".

You're right, it wasn't 10 years for the Aussie study, I was thinking of Dr. Abbe Godlberg's research.

The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics recently released in their publication Pediatrics published a report on their looking at 30 years of research. Do you know what they concluded?

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation.
There is also a helpful list of all the studies they reviewed.

Get back to us when you have anything that counters the decades of research. Our children are fine, worry about the children of divorce.
An article again, your just dumb, huh. Link to the study, not to the activists.

I always love it when someone calls me dumb and missuses the word you're.

It's you're dumb, not your dumb.

You're not getting any more links from me. I'm not playing the I'll show you mine game because you never show me yours. You haven't provided a scintilla of evidence that the children of gays are at any disadvantage to the children of straights. The article in Pediatrics had an extensive footnote section. Use your google.
your dumb, I never got a link from you that leads to a study, further I just stated the links you give prove you are wrong, so I kind of figure you would wise up and quit with the links, my point was to show you had nothing with links, so know you realize that your links are propaganda.

thank you for the win, your dumb

Darlin' all you've "shown" is how ignorant and homophobic you are. You ignore facts, research and evidence provided and then provide nothing to support your assertions.

At the end of the day, we're marrying and having kids. You are tilting at windmills. Tilt away!

Having kids and marrying are two different things, and much different than demanding other people's children who are orphaned be placed in other peoples home.

I see you are having fun, spouting off like you have won, and I know you have, broken orphaned children you know nothing about, who you do not allow to speak silently attest to that fact.

The only person who is ignorant is you, do you even know if I am a homosexual or heterosexual? I can prove who I am all day long, I can back up everything I say, care for some private chatting, if you personally want proof. Your display of ignorance in calling me a homophobic is astonishing, I know and have lived more than you could possible dream. I know of what I speak intimately and can prove it you easily, in private chat.

You have not provided research or facts, you have simply posted what people tell you they have found out, that is gossip, even if they have a study, research and data, if all we get to know, is what they tell us they found out, then that is not fact, its pure gossip.

You have not posted the details of the questions asked and to whom, you have not provided how many people, how they got picked, we don't know if the homosexuals filled out the forms for their children or not. We do not know if its possible that the homosexuals actually lied on the questions.

You have posted nothing but someone who told you how to think, you have yet to link to one study, otherwise your simple retort would to repeatedly shove that link in my face when I demand it.

You speak your high ideals like you are actually a part of the homosexual under-society when you are not.

to dream, of early october, of pigs, meeting at the ccbc, I wonder if that is in your study, early october is the 3rd through the 5th. You could use google and check the events at the ccbc that day.

ignorance is bliss, how I wish I was ignorant
Everyone had a mother and father.

Bullshit, prove it.
You need a scientific study, huh!

So you can't prove your ridiculous claims.

I knew it.
The OP is not a claim, it the testimony of someone who grew up in a lesbian household.

I am not referencing the OP. In this entire chain of posts quoted here, I have not referenced the OP. I am talking to you about your claims.

Now stop trying to deflect and prove your claims. Your next post in this thread will either be proof, or inane bullshit that proves only your dedication to lying and concealing the truth.

You conservatard manpigs have gotten quite good at the latter.
Everyone had a mother and father.

Bullshit, prove it.
You need a scientific study, huh!

So you can't prove your ridiculous claims.

I knew it.
The OP is not a claim, it the testimony of someone who grew up in a lesbian household.

I am not referencing the OP. In this entire chain of posts quoted here, I have not referenced the OP. I am talking to you about your claims.

Now stop trying to deflect and prove your claims. Your next post in this thread will either be proof, or inane bullshit that proves only your dedication to lying and concealing the truth.

You conservatard manpigs have gotten quite good at the latter.
I stated it takes a mother and a father is needed to make a baby, s perm and an egg, you want to argue that?
Bullshit, prove it.
You need a scientific study, huh!

So you can't prove your ridiculous claims.

I knew it.
The OP is not a claim, it the testimony of someone who grew up in a lesbian household.

I am not referencing the OP. In this entire chain of posts quoted here, I have not referenced the OP. I am talking to you about your claims.

Now stop trying to deflect and prove your claims. Your next post in this thread will either be proof, or inane bullshit that proves only your dedication to lying and concealing the truth.

You conservatard manpigs have gotten quite good at the latter.
I stated it takes a mother and a father is needed to make a baby, s perm and an egg, you want to argue that?

No, I don't. You clearly do, but you have yet to post a single shred of evidence to back it up.

Typical conservatard deceit.

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