Child Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Against Same-sex Marriage.

Better a gay couple than a Bible thumping straight couple.

While I personally may have seen more people screwed up by the fundamentalist religious beliefs of their parents than by having gay parents, that's not a fair generalization either. Kids do best in two parent homes, gay homes, straight homes and bible thumping homes. This is not in dispute.

What also isn't in dispute except by morons that stick their fingers in their ears, cover their eyes and ignore the data, is that gays and lesbians raise children that are at no disadvantage to children raised by heterosexuals.

We aren't going to stop getting married, we aren't going to stop having and adopting kids. Folks like Elektra can tilt at windmills and yell at clouds. The clouds roll by...
Actually it is in dispute, all across the USA, even in front of your face, here, with me.

Not in dispute? Now how about another link to a study, I see you ignored that Australian study I tore apart.

nice work giving that one to me, thanks.

What's adorable is that you think you tore apart a decade long study. :lol:

You've been given evidence that the children of gays are at no disadvantage to the children of straights. You've provided zero evidence in response. In fact, the more evidence you are provided, the more ludicrous and silly your claims become.

There have been over a score of court cases now over marriage equality bans. Proponents of anti gay measures have tried the "but, but, but the children" meme and it was a colossal failure. Why? Because there is no evidence to support your opinions about gays and children.

If you don't want gays to potentially adopt your children in the event of your untimely demise, make arrangements that your children are only to go to a private adoption agency that will not adopt to the gays. In the meantime, gays will continue to adopt children the heterosexuals don't want and we will continue to use science to have our own. You will continue to tilt and windmills and yell at clouds.
Wrong again liar, you have yet to present one fact or one study. I have to follow your links .com ' s that merely talk about a study.

Seawytch has yet to link to a study.

If you think you have link again, here and now and show everyone. Your studies are not available to be seen. And the Australian study don't count, I found that on my own and linked to the Melbourne University where it originated, and that study is not ten years old as you state. It just began, as shown in my post you conveniently ignored.

Are you confusing me with you? I gave you three or four I do believe, including one that showed no difference in children adopted by gays and by fact, the researchers were amazed that there were no differences 'cause the gays adopted the more high risk children. You, on the other hand, have provided nothing. Zero, zip, zilch, nada... except repeating "won't somebody please think of the children".

You're right, it wasn't 10 years for the Aussie study, I was thinking of Dr. Abbe Godlberg's research.

The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics recently released in their publication Pediatrics published a report on their looking at 30 years of research. Do you know what they concluded?

Extensive data available from more than 30 years of research reveal that children raised by gay and lesbian parents have demonstrated resilience with regard to social, psychological, and sexual health despite economic and legal disparities and social stigma. Many studies have demonstrated that children's well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents' sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members. Because marriage strengthens families and, in so doing, benefits children’s development, children should not be deprived of the opportunity for their parents to be married. Paths to parenthood that include assisted reproductive techniques, adoption, and foster parenting should focus on competency of the parents rather than their sexual orientation.
There is also a helpful list of all the studies they reviewed.

Get back to us when you have anything that counters the decades of research. Our children are fine, worry about the children of divorce.
An article again, your just dumb, huh. Link to the study, not to the activists.
Its a shame, that the Government system, the orphanages, are so bad that the best alternative is homosexual men.

Better a gay couple than a Bible thumping straight couple.
Why? So they can teach their sons to get AIDS and die by their example/lifestyles? At least the child of bible thumpers has a chance to run away and live a full life. Children of gays can be predicted to model their behaviors after their "parents'" lifestyle. It's how homo sapiens does things. Monkey see, monkey do. And that being the case, male children of gay households can be predicted to die earlier in life than their hetero-raised counterparts. It's all what you subconsciously register as "permissiable" and "normal" that increases your chances of dying that way.

And what do you know? Just since the first of only the three states that have passed legal gay marriage [Windsor 2013] in those same years...there has been a sudden jump in new HIV cases [over 20% compared to previous no legal gay marriage years] in boys ages 13-24....

Monkey see, monkey do...
The leftist trash will support anything that disrupts society. You can't build utopia until you destroy America.
Let's just for a moment pretend you read things other than something here on this post. Let's say it is about abusive relationships and the children in those families. Now let's say you have read about the statistics of how many children live in an abusive situation.
Get the idea. The real world knows that children live in abusive homes and most of those homes are in Hetero relationships.
Get it!
Look up you own statistics because it seems you refuse to acknowledge the real world. Hell you probably even believe that mankind
DOES NOT contribute to the carbon polluting in the world and it will suddenly go back to pre-industrial age environmental situations all on its own. POOF!
Look its the magic fairy come to make us all pure and whole.

Trying to reason with someone from the right is impossible because they always ignore facts and truth.

go ahead and post facts and truth, I find that people such as you are ill equipped, mentally, to recognize fact. So go ahead, mouth.
Yes, so sad the statistics, boys are raped more by woman or homosexual men? I think homosexuals rape more 10 year old boys than heterosexual woman, who has that statistic handy, you?

Are girls raped more by homosexual or heterosexual men. Do you know just how silly you sound?

Are you able to think rationally?

And I, sis, was abused by a female school counselor when I was 11. Step off.

You need to get your stereotypes under control.
Let's just for a moment pretend you read things other than something here on this post. Let's say it is about abusive relationships and the children in those families. Now let's say you have read about the statistics of how many children live in an abusive situation.
Get the idea. The real world knows that children live in abusive homes and most of those homes are in Hetero relationships.
Get it!
Look up you own statistics because it seems you refuse to acknowledge the real world. Hell you probably even believe that mankind
DOES NOT contribute to the carbon polluting in the world and it will suddenly go back to pre-industrial age environmental situations all on its own. POOF!
Look its the magic fairy come to make us all pure and whole.

Trying to reason with someone from the right is impossible because they always ignore facts and truth.

go ahead and post facts and truth, I find that people such as you are ill equipped, mentally, to recognize fact. So go ahead, mouth.
Yes, so sad the statistics, boys are raped more by woman or homosexual men? I think homosexuals rape more 10 year old boys than heterosexual woman, who has that statistic handy, you?

Are girls raped more by homosexual or heterosexual men. Do you know just how silly you sound?

Are you able to think rationally?

And I, sis, was abused by a female school counselor when I was 11. Step off.

You need to get your stereotypes under control.
whats wrong poor baby, you want to play with me, you should at least make a comment about my post, not something you make up in your head, funny how the bigot throws around the word, "stereotype".

You have been drinking again, huh, cause you have a bad habit of coming on the board all pissed off, not even understanding what you read.

go pass-out

You hypothesized, Elketra, I corrected that with a statement that clearly revealed your bias and unwillingness to compare data.

You then ad hom because your argument was destroyed.

Tis what it is.
Let's just for a moment pretend you read things other than something here on this post. Let's say it is about abusive relationships and the children in those families. Now let's say you have read about the statistics of how many children live in an abusive situation.
Get the idea. The real world knows that children live in abusive homes and most of those homes are in Hetero relationships.
Get it!
Look up you own statistics because it seems you refuse to acknowledge the real world. Hell you probably even believe that mankind
DOES NOT contribute to the carbon polluting in the world and it will suddenly go back to pre-industrial age environmental situations all on its own. POOF!
Look its the magic fairy come to make us all pure and whole.

go ahead and post facts and truth, I find that people such as you are ill equipped, mentally, to recognize fact. So go ahead, mouth.
Yes, so sad the statistics, boys are raped more by woman or homosexual men? I think homosexuals rape more 10 year old boys than heterosexual woman, who has that statistic handy, you?

Are girls raped more by homosexual or heterosexual men. Do you know just how silly you sound?

Are you able to think rationally?

And I, sis, was abused by a female school counselor when I was 11. Step off.

You need to get your stereotypes under control.
Let's just for a moment pretend you read things other than something here on this post. Let's say it is about abusive relationships and the children in those families. Now let's say you have read about the statistics of how many children live in an abusive situation.
Get the idea. The real world knows that children live in abusive homes and most of those homes are in Hetero relationships.
Get it!
Look up you own statistics because it seems you refuse to acknowledge the real world. Hell you probably even believe that mankind
DOES NOT contribute to the carbon polluting in the world and it will suddenly go back to pre-industrial age environmental situations all on its own. POOF!
Look its the magic fairy come to make us all pure and whole.

go ahead and post facts and truth, I find that people such as you are ill equipped, mentally, to recognize fact. So go ahead, mouth.
Yes, so sad the statistics, boys are raped more by woman or homosexual men? I think homosexuals rape more 10 year old boys than heterosexual woman, who has that statistic handy, you?

Are girls raped more by homosexual or heterosexual men. Do you know just how silly you sound?

Are you able to think rationally?

And I, sis, was abused by a female school counselor when I was 11. Step off.

You need to get your stereotypes under control.
whats wrong poor baby, you want to play with me, you should at least make a comment about my post, not something you make up in your head, funny how the bigot throws around the word, "stereotype".

You have been drinking again, huh, cause you have a bad habit of coming on the board all pissed off, not even understanding what you read.

go pass-out

You hypothesized, Elketra, I corrected that with a statement that clearly revealed your bias and unwillingness to compare data.

You then ad hom because your argument was destroyed.

Tis what it is.
Really, compare data? Back to the bottle js?

Uh, nobody posted or quoted data?
It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.

Seems that is your little joy in life.
Go ahead and feel big.

Trying to reason with someone from the right is impossible because they always ignore facts and truth.

Now do your strut.

I have a good life, you ignorant loser. Anything else?
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.

Seems that is your little joy in life.
Go ahead and feel big.

Now do your strut.

I have a good life, you ignorant loser. Anything else?
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
Kiss my ass. Homos are sick trash. Stop demonizing heterosexuals. You're the perverted sicko. Not us.
Nah! I didn't change the subject. Just injected some truth that it happens in all parts of our culture.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.

Funny, I thought this thread was about kids who know their gay "parents" are odd, not natural, and who long for opposite gendered parents? When did you change the topic?
Another non-reading comprehension person.
When will it never end.
Point to where I said that...!

Let's just for a moment pretend you read things other than something here on this post. Let's say it is about abusive relationships and the children in those families. Now let's say you have read about the statistics of how many children live in an abusive situation.
Get the idea. The real world knows that children live in abusive homes and most of those homes are in Hetero relationships.
Get it!
Look up you own statistics because it seems you refuse to acknowledge the real world. Hell you probably even believe that mankind
DOES NOT contribute to the carbon polluting in the world and it will suddenly go back to pre-industrial age environmental situations all on its own. POOF!
Look its the magic fairy come to make us all pure and whole.

Trying to reason with someone from the right is impossible because they always ignore facts and truth.

Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. Regardless of what move I make, the pigeon is going to knock all the pieces over, crap on the board, then strut around like he won.

go ahead and post facts and truth, I find that people such as you are ill equipped, mentally, to recognize fact. So go ahead, mouth.
Yes, so sad the statistics, boys are raped more by woman or homosexual men? I think homosexuals rape more 10 year old boys than heterosexual woman, who has that statistic handy, you?
There is no need to do that at all. You and your stupidity demonize them all the time.
Just because you are as thick as they come.
Butt muncher

It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.

Seems that is your little joy in life.
Go ahead and feel big.

I have a good life, you ignorant loser. Anything else?
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
Kiss my ass. Homos are sick trash. Stop demonizing heterosexuals. You're the perverted sicko. Not us.
Thank you for the post.
But it seems the haters of all from this board don't quite get the idea that it happens how it happens and where.

Let's just for a moment pretend you read things other than something here on this post. Let's say it is about abusive relationships and the children in those families. Now let's say you have read about the statistics of how many children live in an abusive situation.
Get the idea. The real world knows that children live in abusive homes and most of those homes are in Hetero relationships.
Get it!
Look up you own statistics because it seems you refuse to acknowledge the real world. Hell you probably even believe that mankind
DOES NOT contribute to the carbon polluting in the world and it will suddenly go back to pre-industrial age environmental situations all on its own. POOF!
Look its the magic fairy come to make us all pure and whole.

Trying to reason with someone from the right is impossible because they always ignore facts and truth.

Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. Regardless of what move I make, the pigeon is going to knock all the pieces over, crap on the board, then strut around like he won.

go ahead and post facts and truth, I find that people such as you are ill equipped, mentally, to recognize fact. So go ahead, mouth.
Yes, so sad the statistics, boys are raped more by woman or homosexual men? I think homosexuals rape more 10 year old boys than heterosexual woman, who has that statistic handy, you?

Actually they are molested more by pedophiles. Are you aware that most of these pedophiles self identify as heterosexual, that the idea of sex with an adult male is as repulsive to them as it is to you? Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Not boys, not girls, children and for them it is more about access than gender.

Gay men are no more likely to molest a child than heterosexual men.
Another non-reading comprehension person.
When will it never end.
Point to where I said that...!

Let's just for a moment pretend you read things other than something here on this post. Let's say it is about abusive relationships and the children in those families. Now let's say you have read about the statistics of how many children live in an abusive situation.
Get the idea. The real world knows that children live in abusive homes and most of those homes are in Hetero relationships.
Get it!
Look up you own statistics because it seems you refuse to acknowledge the real world. Hell you probably even believe that mankind
DOES NOT contribute to the carbon polluting in the world and it will suddenly go back to pre-industrial age environmental situations all on its own. POOF!
Look its the magic fairy come to make us all pure and whole.

Trying to reason with someone from the right is impossible because they always ignore facts and truth.

Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. Regardless of what move I make, the pigeon is going to knock all the pieces over, crap on the board, then strut around like he won.

go ahead and post facts and truth, I find that people such as you are ill equipped, mentally, to recognize fact. So go ahead, mouth.
Yes, so sad the statistics, boys are raped more by woman or homosexual men? I think homosexuals rape more 10 year old boys than heterosexual woman, who has that statistic handy, you?
You stated something about statistics, so I asked a question, people can not read your post and come up with a thought and pose that thought as a question to you?

I did not imply you stated what was in my pist, is your comprehension that poor or are you simply angry defending homosexuality.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage Denny Burk

Contrary to what the gay lobby claims, Lopez writes, children raised by same-sex parents “deeply feel the loss of a father or mother, no matter how much we love our gay parents.”

These children know they are “powerless to stop the decision to deprive them of a father or mother,” he adds. And this decision comes with serious and often permanent consequences. For instance, they “feel disconnected from the gender cues of people around them,” and long for a role model of the opposite sex.

While they love the people who raised them, they experience anger at their decision to deprive them of one or both biological parents—and “shame or guilt for resenting their loving parents.”

The so-called “consensus” by psychologists and pediatricians on the soundness of same-sex parenting is, Lopez writes, “frankly bogus.” The truth is, there is no data to support that assertion.

Instead, as political scientists Leon Kass of the University of Chicago and Harvey Mansfield of Harvard University note, “Claims that science provides support for constitutionalizing a right to same-sex marriage must rest necessarily on ideology”—and “ideology is not science.”

perhaps the first question ought to be is, do those who make these decisions prefer the child go to a hetero couple or are they indifferent?
There is no need to do that at all. You and your stupidity demonize them all the time.
Just because you are as thick as they come.
Butt muncher

It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.

I have a good life, you ignorant loser. Anything else?
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
Kiss my ass. Homos are sick trash. Stop demonizing heterosexuals. You're the perverted sicko. Not us.
Heterosexuals are normal. You're the perverted sick trash.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage Denny Burk

Contrary to what the gay lobby claims, Lopez writes, children raised by same-sex parents “deeply feel the loss of a father or mother, no matter how much we love our gay parents.”

These children know they are “powerless to stop the decision to deprive them of a father or mother,” he adds. And this decision comes with serious and often permanent consequences. For instance, they “feel disconnected from the gender cues of people around them,” and long for a role model of the opposite sex.

While they love the people who raised them, they experience anger at their decision to deprive them of one or both biological parents—and “shame or guilt for resenting their loving parents.”

The so-called “consensus” by psychologists and pediatricians on the soundness of same-sex parenting is, Lopez writes, “frankly bogus.” The truth is, there is no data to support that assertion.

Instead, as political scientists Leon Kass of the University of Chicago and Harvey Mansfield of Harvard University note, “Claims that science provides support for constitutionalizing a right to same-sex marriage must rest necessarily on ideology”—and “ideology is not science.”

perhaps the first question ought to be is, do those who make these decisions prefer the child go to a hetero couple or are they indifferent?
I think the only relevant question is, would any orphaned child choose to live in any kind of homosexual relationship.
When kids praise their gay parents, the nutters say it's only that voice, not the majority and so means nothing. But one kid says he's not happy and the haters come out in droves - all in favor of orphans.

I missed having a normal childhood too. Doesn't mean I wan everyone else to suffer as I did.

Nutters need to admit they get off on hating and will grab at any chance to get them some more of their fave drug.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
When kids praise their gay parents, the nutters say it's only that voice, not the majority and so means nothing. But one kid says he's not happy and the haters come out in droves - all in favor of orphans.

I missed having a normal childhood too. Doesn't mean I wan everyone else to suffer as I did.

Nutters need to admit they get off on hating and will grab at any chance to get them some more of their fave drug.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
Is it only one child, how is it you know what any child thinks, in all seriousness.
It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.

Seems that is your little joy in life.
Go ahead and feel big.

I have a good life, you ignorant loser. Anything else?
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
Kiss my ass. Homos are sick trash. Stop demonizing heterosexuals. You're the perverted sicko. Not us.

Hey, it's straights who produce the gays you're so terrified of.

You nutters need to stop fighting against what you are and embrace your own sexuality.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.

I have a good life, you ignorant loser. Anything else?
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
Kiss my ass. Homos are sick trash. Stop demonizing heterosexuals. You're the perverted sicko. Not us.

Hey, it's straights who produce the gays you're so terrified of.

You nutters need to stop fighting against what you are and embrace your own sexuality.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
Nope. No one is born gay. We are the normal people. Nobody was born queer.
It is so sad that you cannot comprehend the english language. You must have been a dunce in class and fucked off all the time.
You want to insult! You are a fucking idiot and stupid.
Get a grip on your stupid ass and learn to read.
Fuck!! What an ignorant asshole you are.

Once again mr. oneway. This conversation was about others, especially children and the misery they live in when they live with hetero couples.
Typical you. And you have the nerve to call someone else a looser.
It just doesn't work well for you.

I have a good life, you ignorant loser. Anything else?
Yes, all those miserable hetero families. My my. Heterosexuality is a big problem and always has been, you fucking moronic queer. The only way you can make your point is claiming hetero families are all abusive. Sick fuck.
Kiss my ass. Homos are sick trash. Stop demonizing heterosexuals. You're the perverted sicko. Not us.

Hey, it's straights who produce the gays you're so terrified of.

You nutters need to stop fighting against what you are and embrace your own sexuality.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal


Bravo, Luddley.

Never let your last idiotic post limit the stupidity of your next idiotic post.

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