China Continues to Provoke

We got kicked out of Vietnam and Iraq and some lunatic wants to try China next. Granada was our last victory and there`s no reason we can`t do it again. There`s got to be a commie or two in Granada or they may have wmds.
Why are you obsessed with war? Is it because you're the archetypal bully who only feels good when repressing others?
Or maybe the Chicoms have been engaging in belligerent behavior the past decade building artificial islands int he middle of the South China Sea so that they could claim vast areas of ocean from their neighbors and build an air base on it? That they are letting North Korea have too much leash to distract and preoccupy American policy makers? That they are threatening and trying to intimidate Taiwan into surrender? That they are trying to cower the new President Trump like they did that old shit stain Obama?

Every time some confrontation develops, you liberals immediately piss your pants on command like Pavlovs dog, but only conditioned to pee yourself instead of salivate.

The Chinese are not going to blow up all of China and irradiate their own children because an American president gave back tot hem what they would dish out to us.
A war between USA and China would be a tragedy for all the world.
There's no need to fight
Talking could solved all problems here in my opinion :)
I also think China is overreacting.... :dunno:

The problem is that overreacting is what they need. China as a one party state needs to keep the people happy and nationalism is part of this. Nanjing Massacre Day became the newest day off in China. The question is, how many people did the Japanese kill compared to Mao? Well, clearly Mao killed a lot more. So why not a day for the dead who died at the hands of this maniac? Oh, because his statues look over many parts of China and his face is on all the bills. They don't allow protesting, unless you're protesting against the Japanese.

China will be a massive threat to your country in the future, just as the US has been a massive threat to oil rich countries in the past. These powerful countries aren't going to act nicely, if they had women running their govts then maybe they'd be better behaved. Men are arrogant, warmongers.
A war between USA and China would be a tragedy for all the world.
There's no need to fight
Talking could solved all problems here in my opinion :)
I also think China is overreacting.... :dunno:

The problem is that overreacting is what they need. China as a one party state needs to keep the people happy and nationalism is part of this. Nanjing Massacre Day became the newest day off in China. The question is, how many people did the Japanese kill compared to Mao? Well, clearly Mao killed a lot more. So why not a day for the dead who died at the hands of this maniac? Oh, because his statues look over many parts of China and his face is on all the bills. They don't allow protesting, unless you're protesting against the Japanese.

China will be a massive threat to your country in the future, just as the US has been a massive threat to oil rich countries in the past. These powerful countries aren't going to act nicely, if they had women running their govts then maybe they'd be better behaved. Men are arrogant, warmongers.
Since 1979 we have always had "normal" relations with China frigidweirdo.
Well sometimes there were little "arguments" between us but no big deal :D
I think if we maintain our neutrality we won't have any problem with them :)
Talking about men and women running government I'm convinced that men or women there's no real difference.
Politicians are pretty much the same regardless of their gender ;)
A war between USA and China would be a tragedy for all the world.
There's no need to fight
Talking could solved all problems here in my opinion :)
I also think China is overreacting.... :dunno:

The problem is that overreacting is what they need. China as a one party state needs to keep the people happy and nationalism is part of this. Nanjing Massacre Day became the newest day off in China. The question is, how many people did the Japanese kill compared to Mao? Well, clearly Mao killed a lot more. So why not a day for the dead who died at the hands of this maniac? Oh, because his statues look over many parts of China and his face is on all the bills. They don't allow protesting, unless you're protesting against the Japanese.

China will be a massive threat to your country in the future, just as the US has been a massive threat to oil rich countries in the past. These powerful countries aren't going to act nicely, if they had women running their govts then maybe they'd be better behaved. Men are arrogant, warmongers.
Since 1979 we have always had "normal" relations with China frigidweirdo.
Well sometimes there were little "arguments" between us but no big deal :D
I think if we maintain our neutrality we won't have any problem with them :)
Talking about men and women running government I'm convinced that men or women there's no real difference.
Politicians are pretty much the same regardless of their gender ;)

Yeah, "normal", and you use 1979 because they invaded you but forgot that a country that had just defeated the USA wasn't going to stand for a country as poor as China trying to take over.

However this also doesn't mean there isn't tension between the two countries. While you were dealing with the US, the Chinese came and took over some Islands, didn't they? And no one is willing to give up anything in the South China Seas, and China is building a large navy, militarizing those Islands and has actually decided that the whole sea, about 3 feet from your coast line, is in fact Chinese.


China claims everything inside the red line. Vietnam claims everything inside the blue line, that's a lot of the same bit of sea there. Now, who's going to win in a war now? If China wants it, they take it. If Vietnam wants it, fuck off the Chinese have a stronger military. That's "normal relations"?
A war between USA and China would be a tragedy for all the world.
There's no need to fight
Talking could solved all problems here in my opinion :)
I also think China is overreacting.... :dunno:

The problem is that overreacting is what they need. China as a one party state needs to keep the people happy and nationalism is part of this. Nanjing Massacre Day became the newest day off in China. The question is, how many people did the Japanese kill compared to Mao? Well, clearly Mao killed a lot more. So why not a day for the dead who died at the hands of this maniac? Oh, because his statues look over many parts of China and his face is on all the bills. They don't allow protesting, unless you're protesting against the Japanese.

China will be a massive threat to your country in the future, just as the US has been a massive threat to oil rich countries in the past. These powerful countries aren't going to act nicely, if they had women running their govts then maybe they'd be better behaved. Men are arrogant, warmongers.
Since 1979 we have always had "normal" relations with China frigidweirdo.
Well sometimes there were little "arguments" between us but no big deal :D
I think if we maintain our neutrality we won't have any problem with them :)
Talking about men and women running government I'm convinced that men or women there's no real difference.
Politicians are pretty much the same regardless of their gender ;)

Yeah, "normal", and you use 1979 because they invaded you but forgot that a country that had just defeated the USA wasn't going to stand for a country as poor as China trying to take over.

However this also doesn't mean there isn't tension between the two countries. While you were dealing with the US, the Chinese came and took over some Islands, didn't they? And no one is willing to give up anything in the South China Seas, and China is building a large navy, militarizing those Islands and has actually decided that the whole sea, about 3 feet from your coast line, is in fact Chinese.


China claims everything inside the red line. Vietnam claims everything inside the blue line, that's a lot of the same bit of sea there. Now, who's going to win in a war now? If China wants it, they take it. If Vietnam wants it, fuck off the Chinese have a stronger military. That's "normal relations"?
I know about the Spratly Islands.
Unfortunately this problem seems unsolvable. I really don't understand why... :dunno:
Maybe we should step back and leave the Spratly to them. Chinese are more powerful than us so we couldn't do anything that could bother them :eusa_think:
But when it comes to Spratly Islands our government is a little "dull".... :eusa_snooty:
Anyway I'm pretty sure we will make an agreement in the future with China and everything will be ok :)
Just a matter of time
A war between USA and China would be a tragedy for all the world.
There's no need to fight
Talking could solved all problems here in my opinion :)
I also think China is overreacting.... :dunno:

The problem is that overreacting is what they need. China as a one party state needs to keep the people happy and nationalism is part of this. Nanjing Massacre Day became the newest day off in China. The question is, how many people did the Japanese kill compared to Mao? Well, clearly Mao killed a lot more. So why not a day for the dead who died at the hands of this maniac? Oh, because his statues look over many parts of China and his face is on all the bills. They don't allow protesting, unless you're protesting against the Japanese.

China will be a massive threat to your country in the future, just as the US has been a massive threat to oil rich countries in the past. These powerful countries aren't going to act nicely, if they had women running their govts then maybe they'd be better behaved. Men are arrogant, warmongers.
Since 1979 we have always had "normal" relations with China frigidweirdo.
Well sometimes there were little "arguments" between us but no big deal :D
I think if we maintain our neutrality we won't have any problem with them :)
Talking about men and women running government I'm convinced that men or women there's no real difference.
Politicians are pretty much the same regardless of their gender ;)

Yeah, "normal", and you use 1979 because they invaded you but forgot that a country that had just defeated the USA wasn't going to stand for a country as poor as China trying to take over.

However this also doesn't mean there isn't tension between the two countries. While you were dealing with the US, the Chinese came and took over some Islands, didn't they? And no one is willing to give up anything in the South China Seas, and China is building a large navy, militarizing those Islands and has actually decided that the whole sea, about 3 feet from your coast line, is in fact Chinese.


China claims everything inside the red line. Vietnam claims everything inside the blue line, that's a lot of the same bit of sea there. Now, who's going to win in a war now? If China wants it, they take it. If Vietnam wants it, fuck off the Chinese have a stronger military. That's "normal relations"?
I know about the Spratly Islands.
Unfortunately this problem seems unsolvable. I really don't understand why... :dunno:
Maybe we should step back and leave the Spratly to them. Chinese are more powerful than us so we couldn't do anything that could bother them :eusa_think:
But when it comes to Spratly Islands our government is a little "dull".... :eusa_snooty:
Anyway I'm pretty sure we will make an agreement in the future with China and everything will be ok :)
Just a matter of time

The reason why is that China wants the resources and is big enough to bully anyone it likes.

Why should Vietnam give them up? Well, if they give up the Spratly Islands, maybe next it will have to give up Hanoi. If you give in like that to a bully, the bully takes what it likes.
I have a question for the lefties here, China has been militarizing the contested South Sea isn't that provocative ? That's been going on under our current Commander-in-Chief by the way.
Tell you what, why don't you and all your right wing buddies sign up to fight that war, th en I'll take you seriously.

It is mostly right wing families that have kids in the military.

Sent from my iPhone using

Not when I was in. Most of the kids I served with were poor and minority.

I'm sure it's the same now.
A war between USA and China would be a tragedy for all the world.
There's no need to fight
Talking could solved all problems here in my opinion :)
I also think China is overreacting.... :dunno:

The problem is that overreacting is what they need. China as a one party state needs to keep the people happy and nationalism is part of this. Nanjing Massacre Day became the newest day off in China. The question is, how many people did the Japanese kill compared to Mao? Well, clearly Mao killed a lot more. So why not a day for the dead who died at the hands of this maniac? Oh, because his statues look over many parts of China and his face is on all the bills. They don't allow protesting, unless you're protesting against the Japanese.

China will be a massive threat to your country in the future, just as the US has been a massive threat to oil rich countries in the past. These powerful countries aren't going to act nicely, if they had women running their govts then maybe they'd be better behaved. Men are arrogant, warmongers.
Since 1979 we have always had "normal" relations with China frigidweirdo.
Well sometimes there were little "arguments" between us but no big deal :D
I think if we maintain our neutrality we won't have any problem with them :)
Talking about men and women running government I'm convinced that men or women there's no real difference.
Politicians are pretty much the same regardless of their gender ;)

Yeah, "normal", and you use 1979 because they invaded you but forgot that a country that had just defeated the USA wasn't going to stand for a country as poor as China trying to take over.

However this also doesn't mean there isn't tension between the two countries. While you were dealing with the US, the Chinese came and took over some Islands, didn't they? And no one is willing to give up anything in the South China Seas, and China is building a large navy, militarizing those Islands and has actually decided that the whole sea, about 3 feet from your coast line, is in fact Chinese.


China claims everything inside the red line. Vietnam claims everything inside the blue line, that's a lot of the same bit of sea there. Now, who's going to win in a war now? If China wants it, they take it. If Vietnam wants it, fuck off the Chinese have a stronger military. That's "normal relations"?
I know about the Spratly Islands.
Unfortunately this problem seems unsolvable. I really don't understand why... :dunno:
Maybe we should step back and leave the Spratly to them. Chinese are more powerful than us so we couldn't do anything that could bother them :eusa_think:
But when it comes to Spratly Islands our government is a little "dull".... :eusa_snooty:
Anyway I'm pretty sure we will make an agreement in the future with China and everything will be ok :)
Just a matter of time

The reason why is that China wants the resources and is big enough to bully anyone it likes.

Why should Vietnam give them up? Well, if they give up the Spratly Islands, maybe next it will have to give up Hanoi. If you give in like that to a bully, the bully takes what it likes.
It's true they're big enough to bully any other countries in Asia but I think they don't want too much from us.
Aside from Spratly they don't want nothing more from Vietnam!
If we are kind enough toward them they will be kind toward us (I hope!) :)

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