China is on the March and increasingly threatening to Taiwan

Blinked, but they keep sending forces there, as well as trying to create new "islands" they claim as their own territory.

On the plus side we have the Philippines and Vietnam with us opposing China's bullying. Less for their military power, more for the political impact.

Taiwan is a focal point for them. They never forgot not stopping the Nationalists from escaping.
Oh we got the Phillippines our side bwwwwaaaaaaaaaa what a joke.

There are nations we really need if we go to war with China.....Japan, Vietnam, Australia, India and Russia.

Most Especially India, Russia and Japan.....the democrats have alienated Russia --so unless we can get rid of the democrats ...we cannot count on Russia.
The US Navy might disagree with you.

Biden is replacing all the true Military Warriors with "Woke" warriors whose only concern in case of war is that the rights of transsexuals are protected and homosexuals have free access to bathrooms of either gender, or all 1000 genders.
No....and it never was.....just propaganda and it was quite effective...what they are doing is a two pronged preparation for domination of the up their economy and use that as far as they possibly can to gain control and domination....also at the same time keep building up their military.....the fastest military buildup in History and have it ready to go when needed.
Well, there is a distinction between china's behavior pre-Xi and post-Xi. Our assumption was China "more or less" was ok with a rising tide lifting all boats. kyzr posted China was playing "go" and I only disagreed in that I don't think the West was acting like it was a chess match. In go, a stalemate or mutual stasis is possible. We may have assumed China's goals are not mutually beneficial or Xi may have changed them.

If we are now playing chess, and Xi wants to capture Taiwan .... what cost to Xi would prevent that move, and are we willing or able to extract it?
The US Navy might disagree with you.
The U.S. Navy....all bluster and bluff and the Chinese know it.....America is a paper tiger.

We could not or more aptly refused to defeat China when they came into Korea and kicked butt.
Unless I'm mistaken.....

Japan has vowed that an attack on Taiwan will be regarded as an attack on Japan.
You are correct.
Now I hope Japan gets their military built up enough to factor into China's planning and deter China.

"But in recent weeks, top Japanese officials have said that if mainland China attacks the island, Japan should join the U.S. in defending it."

I remember that Dubya Bush said that the US would defend Taiwan, and all hell broke loose, he wasn't supposed to actually say that.
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You are correct.
Now I hope Japan gets their military built up enough to factor into China's planning and deter China.

"But in recent weeks, top Japanese officials have said that if mainland China attacks the island, Japan should join the U.S. in defending it."

I remember that Dubya Bush said that the US would defend Taiwan, and all hell broke loose, he wasn't supposed to actually say that.

Look....this biden regime will do nothing and the Chinese know it.
Well, there is a distinction between china's behavior pre-Xi and post-Xi. Our assumption was China "more or less" was ok with a rising tide lifting all boats. kyzr posted China was playing "go" and I only disagreed in that I don't think the West was acting like it was a chess match. In go, a stalemate or mutual stasis is possible. We may have assumed China's goals are not mutually beneficial or Xi may have changed them.

If we are now playing chess, and Xi wants to capture Taiwan .... what cost to Xi would prevent that move, and are we willing or able to extract it?
Taiwan is a lost least under the biden regime....If china does not make the mistake of waiting too long they can take Taiwan anytime from now until the biden regime is deposed.

If we manage to get rid of the biden regime before china acts we might have a chance.
The U.S. Navy....all bluster and bluff and the Chinese know it.....America is a paper tiger.
We could not or more aptly refused to defeat China when they came into Korea and kicked butt.
You'd rather be in a Chinese sub than a US one? Not me.

Truman pulled Macarthur who was kicking butt:

The general assured the president that the Korean War would be short-lived and that the American troops would be home by Christmas. MacArthur was initially successful in driving back the North Korean forces over the 38th parallel. He made a controversial move, however, when he continued to push the North Koreans further north and suggested bombing cities in China that were thought to be aiding the North Korean troops. In pushing for a larger conflict, MacArthur downplayed the risk of inciting a massive war in Asia.

President Truman’s main concern was saving as many lives as possible, even if that meant signing a ceasefire along the 38th parallel. General MacArthur did not think a ceasefire was an appropriate solution. The two men clashed. For Truman, the war represented an opportunity to stop the spread of communism into South Korea. For MacArthur, the war was an opportunity to liberate the North from communist control, and aggressive action was required.

MacArthur thwarted Truman’s attempt to negotiate a ceasefire when the general ordered his troops to invade North Korea and push the NKPA up past the 38th parallel. This was not the first time the general had ignored direct orders from his Commander in Chief. On April 11, 1951, President Truman officially relieved Douglas MacArthur of his command. Word of his firing spread quickly, and the American public found the news upsetting. Truman felt that his decision was just because MacArthur had overstepped his authority, defied direct orders from his superior and interfered with Truman’s hope of ending the Korean War quickly.
Look....this biden regime will do nothing and the Chinese know it.
Wall Street would be really mad that they put so many factories and chip makers in Taiwan instead of the US if Joe lets China capture them. Taiwan is an economic powerhouse. Would we trash Taiwan or just buy more stuff from China?
But I agree that stupid Joe would ALWAYS make the WRONG decision. Its what he does.
China's increasing of pressure by invading Taiwan's airspace is just a softening up exercise to get the Biden regime accustomed to China's dominance of Taiwan.

We can expect this pressure to increase until a point is reached that they feel safe to take some sort of actual military action against Taiwan.

I think this will be sooner rather than later.....definitely before mid-terms.

As they see their man Biden getting weaker and weaker they are going to speed up whatever it is they have planned for Taiwan....thinking it best to strike before the democrats are thoroughly defeated in the mid-term elections.

The Chinese have been flying into Taiwan's airspace since 2020

Biden is replacing all the true Military Warriors with "Woke" warriors whose only concern in case of war is that the rights of transsexuals are protected and homosexuals have free access to bathrooms of either gender, or all 1000 genders.
I just read "Irresistible Revolution" by Matthew Lohmeier, and that book confirms what you say.
We need the dems out ASAP before they fuck up everything.
Taiwan is a lost least under the biden regime....If china does not make the mistake of waiting too long they can take Taiwan anytime from now until the biden regime is deposed.

If we manage to get rid of the biden regime before china acts we might have a chance.
Perhaps. I'm not sure Trump didn't alter the relationship between us and "allies," and more importantly I think potus's Nixon - Obama thought China's aspirations towards Taiwan had peaceful resolutions.
Russians engage in cyber warfare.
- Biden gives Putin a list of 18 of our top infrastructure targets and begs Putin not to attack THOSE.

The CCP releases a virus causing a pandemic, killing thousands of Americans.
- Biden blames Trump...and unvaccinated Americans.

The Taliban 'runs Americans / Biden out of Afghanistan, so fast they leave Americans and allies behind.
- [email protected] Parliament votes Biden in 'Contempt of Parliament' & declares it will NOT participate in any future military coalitions as long as Biden is President/
* Coalition damaged / dissolved

The Biden administration f*ed coalition partner France in the Australia submarine deal - France pulled their Ambassador
- More splintering / / damage to the coalition

The Biden administration has been swamped by non-stop, continuous scandals and failures - personal, foreign, & domestic

He is all but a Lame Duck President, just proven to have so little clout that he could not get his agenda (Socialist spending deficit bomb) passed

ALL of his credibility has been destroyed -nothing he says can be believed.

Biden has 'WEAKNESS' written on his forehead...

Besides, China has already BOUGHT Biden and his family - $1 BILLION through Hunter and millions more to Biden's 'election campaign' during his Presidential campaign.

Taiwan, if they're counting on Biden to protect them, are F*ED!
You are correct.
Now I hope Japan gets their military built up enough to factor into China's planning and deter China.

"But in recent weeks, top Japanese officials have said that if mainland China attacks the island, Japan should join the U.S. in defending it."

I remember that Dubya Bush said that the US would defend Taiwan, and all hell broke loose, he wasn't supposed to actually say that.

Jr. was a fucken moron who has only gets dumber the older he gets....sucking up to democrats......what a clown.
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You'd rather be in a Chinese sub than a US one? Not me.

Truman pulled Macarthur who was kicking butt:

The general assured the president that the Korean War would be short-lived and that the American troops would be home by Christmas. MacArthur was initially successful in driving back the North Korean forces over the 38th parallel. He made a controversial move, however, when he continued to push the North Koreans further north and suggested bombing cities in China that were thought to be aiding the North Korean troops. In pushing for a larger conflict, MacArthur downplayed the risk of inciting a massive war in Asia.

President Truman’s main concern was saving as many lives as possible, even if that meant signing a ceasefire along the 38th parallel. General MacArthur did not think a ceasefire was an appropriate solution. The two men clashed. For Truman, the war represented an opportunity to stop the spread of communism into South Korea. For MacArthur, the war was an opportunity to liberate the North from communist control, and aggressive action was required.

MacArthur thwarted Truman’s attempt to negotiate a ceasefire when the general ordered his troops to invade North Korea and push the NKPA up past the 38th parallel. This was not the first time the general had ignored direct orders from his Commander in Chief. On April 11, 1951, President Truman officially relieved Douglas MacArthur of his command. Word of his firing spread quickly, and the American public found the news upsetting. Truman felt that his decision was just because MacArthur had overstepped his authority, defied direct orders from his superior and interfered with Truman’s hope of ending the Korean War quickly.

Truman had two big problems....he drank too much whiskey and was too fearful of Russia.....the real reason Truman fired Mac was that he was afraid he would ignite a war with Russia.

Also not to be forgotten....our government was riddled with communists in the fifties just like Joe McArthy said and who since then has been proven to be right.
You are correct.
Now I hope Japan gets their military built up enough to factor into China's planning and deter China.

"But in recent weeks, top Japanese officials have said that if mainland China attacks the island, Japan should join the U.S. in defending it."

I remember that Dubya Bush said that the US would defend Taiwan, and all hell broke loose, he wasn't supposed to actually say that.

Japan would join the U.S. if we acted but we are not going to act....China just has to say one thing....if you act we will send a hypersonic missle to destroy L.A.

Thus with Japan and America refusing to come to Taiwan's aid they will strike a deal with China...much like Hong Kong.

Japan will also make a deal with China....they are not about to take on China alone.

I really do not enjoy being a prognosticater of doom but that is the reality and all the fools the enabled biden are responsible....mainly the MSM.

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