China is on the March and increasingly threatening to Taiwan

Japan would join the U.S. if we acted but we are not going to act....China just has to say one thing....if you act we will send a hyper-sonic missile to destroy L.A.
Thus with Japan and America refusing to come to Taiwan's aid they will strike a deal with China...much like Hong Kong.
Japan will also make a deal with China....they are not about to take on China alone.
I really do not enjoy being a prognosticator of doom but that is the reality and all the fools the enabled biden are responsible....mainly the MSM.
1. China is not a fighter. They want no part of any war with the US, especially a nuclear war, they can just wait until the US collapses from the Debt and then have clear sailing.
2. Agree that the Japanese are pragmatists, they'll do well in any situation.
3. Hong-Kong might be a template for Taiwan, see you in 50-years, etc.
4. Prognosticators of doom+gloom like Nostradamus are always hanging right there, always half right waiting for the right interpretation.
5. Totally agree that the biased MSM created the Xiden mess. What flavor ice cream? WTF?
Tip Over, Taipei

They wouldn't send troops to help us in Vietnam, so let them sink into the sea.
Hey they helped Nixon keep that damn war going for "four more years."

Oddly, they'd all fit into the area of PR and Haiti. Or ... maybe China would buy them out, and they could come here!
You'd rather be in a Chinese sub than a US one? Not me.

Truman pulled Macarthur who was kicking butt:

The general assured the president that the Korean War would be short-lived and that the American troops would be home by Christmas. MacArthur was initially successful in driving back the North Korean forces over the 38th parallel. He made a controversial move, however, when he continued to push the North Koreans further north and suggested bombing cities in China that were thought to be aiding the North Korean troops. In pushing for a larger conflict, MacArthur downplayed the risk of inciting a massive war in Asia.

President Truman’s main concern was saving as many lives as possible, even if that meant signing a ceasefire along the 38th parallel. General MacArthur did not think a ceasefire was an appropriate solution. The two men clashed. For Truman, the war represented an opportunity to stop the spread of communism into South Korea. For MacArthur, the war was an opportunity to liberate the North from communist control, and aggressive action was required.

MacArthur thwarted Truman’s attempt to negotiate a ceasefire when the general ordered his troops to invade North Korea and push the NKPA up past the 38th parallel. This was not the first time the general had ignored direct orders from his Commander in Chief. On April 11, 1951, President Truman officially relieved Douglas MacArthur of his command. Word of his firing spread quickly, and the American public found the news upsetting. Truman felt that his decision was just because MacArthur had overstepped his authority, defied direct orders from his superior and interfered with Truman’s hope of ending the Korean War quickly.
A Cold War Needs Cold Cash

Truman was soft on China because he wanted the Military-Industrial Complex to have a strong enemy as an excuse for massive government funding. That was also why he refused to use our nuclear monopoly to chase Russia out of Eastern Europe. Also, massive government scare-story power results from letting our enemies get big enough to pose a viable threat. Worst of all was the fact that China and Russia had been mortal enemies since 1930, so Russia wouldn't have intervened to stop MacArthur from destroying the Chinese threat.
A Cold War Needs Cold Cash

Truman was soft on China because he wanted the Military-Industrial Complex to have a strong enemy as an excuse for massive government funding. That was also why he refused to use our nuclear monopoly to chase Russia out of Eastern Europe. Also, massive government scare-story power results from letting our enemies get big enough to pose a viable threat. Worst of all was the fact that China and Russia had been mortal enemies since 1930, so Russia wouldn't have intervened to stop MacArthur from destroying the Chinese threat.

Truman was soft on China because he feared Russia....Russia and China were very tight at that time.

Truman was a down home country boy....had no interest in the Military Industrial Complex.

Truman had no interest in igniting another war.

He was not about to use Nuclear Weapons in Europe.

You are entirely wrong about the Chinese/Russian relationship.

I do not know where you studied would be interesting to know who fed you all that b.s.

I suggest you and all the others that do not understand China and have little knowledge of the history of the Chi-Coms to read .......'Mao...The Untold Story"
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Unless I'm mistaken.....

Japan has vowed that an attack on Taiwan will be regarded as an attack on Japan.
Words are cheap.....the only way Japan will tangle with China is if America does....they have said as much.

Another poster said Japan is very pragmatic....I could not agree more.
USN, US Navy. Its a fact that they cruise in claimed waters all the time protecting freedom of navigation.
A show of force which the Chinese laugh about.

Any U.S. ship in range of Chinese Missles would be sunk very quickly if War breaks out and their missiles have a long range.
1. China is not a fighter. They want no part of any war with the US, especially a nuclear war, they can just wait until the US collapses from the Debt and then have clear sailing.
2. Agree that the Japanese are pragmatists, they'll do well in any situation.
3. Hong-Kong might be a template for Taiwan, see you in 50-years, etc.
4. Prognosticators of doom+gloom like Nostradamus are always hanging right there, always half right waiting for the right interpretation.
5. Totally agree that the biased MSM created the Xiden mess. What flavor ice cream? WTF?
China did exceedingly well in Korea....chased us back down South of the 38th parallel with massive humans assault waves.

On his march North--- Mac split his forces....a classic military mistake.

Talk to someone who was in any of the U.S. Combat units.

China: Good Spirited people are in Taiwan. Leave them alone. They are human even as you are human. Be good to, them. Be good to yourself at the same time. No one owns this earth or anything on it. What is belongs to God who made it. We sure as thunder did not make what is.
China did exceedingly well in Korea....chased us back down South of the 38th parallel with massive humans assault waves.
On his march North--- Mac split his forces....a classic military mistake.
Talk to someone who was in any of the U.S. Combat units.
From your link:
"In November 1950, China and the United States went to war. Thirty-six thousand Americans died, along with upwards of a quarter million Chinese, and half a million or more Koreans."

250,000 vs 36,000 casualties and you say we lost? Ok.
South Korea is still free, NK is still a mess. We won.
Truman stopped Mac from going further north by firing him.
From your link:
"In November 1950, China and the United States went to war. Thirty-six thousand Americans died, along with upwards of a quarter million Chinese, and half a million or more Koreans."

250,000 vs 36,000 casualties and you say we lost? Ok.
South Korea is still free, NK is still a mess. We won.
Truman stopped Mac from going further north by firing him.
Everything is relative as in China has well over a billion people and we have something over 300 million.

Irregardless those who really understand War knows it is not measured by the body count.

That was one of the big mistakes we made in Vietnam...emphasizing the body count....which of course was never accurate.

Westmoreland had this mistaken notion that if we killed lots of Vietnamese that they would back off...he could not have been more wrong.....but the word went down the line ....count the bodies.

Truman did not stop Mac from going North...the chinese stopped Mac and chased him back down South of the 38th paralell.

You do not know your history.

On 27 September near Osan UN forces coming from Inchon linked up with UN forces that had broken out of the Pusan Perimeter and began a general counteroffensive. The North Korean Korean People's Army (KPA) had been shattered and its remnants were fleeing back towards North Korea. The UN Command then decided to pursue the KPA into North Korea, completing their destruction and unifying the country. On 30 September Republic of Korea Army (ROK) forces crossed the 38th Parallel, the de facto border between North and South Korea on the east coast of the Korean peninsula and this was followed by a general UN offensive into North Korea. Within one month UN forces were approaching the Yalu River, prompting Chinese intervention in the war. Despite the initial Chinese attacks in late October-early November, the UN renewed their offensive on 24 November before it was abruptly halted by massive Chinese intervention in the Second Phase Offensive starting on 25 November.

Mac's big mistake in N. Korea

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China: Good Spirited people are in Taiwan. Leave them alone. They are human even as you are human. Be good to, them. Be good to yourself at the same time. No one owns this earth or anything on it. What is belongs to God who made it. We sure as thunder did not make what is.
Says the lil lamb talking to the big bad wolf.
How China beat MacArthur's Army in N. Korea

"Human wave attack" is almost always a propaganda term rather than a military one. In the official U.S. Army history of the Korean war, I do not believe the term appears (although it does appear in the shorter pamphlets for public consumption). The general idea of a dense mass of infantry overcoming rifles, machine guns and artillery has been obsolete since long before the Korean war.
What the Chinese did do, and what several other armies attacking an adversary with superior firepower have done is use Infiltration and Shock Tactics. The way these work is that you send small groups of soldiers to sneak close to a weak point in the enemy's defense. Preferably this is done at night, in bad weather and in rough terrain, or a combination of all three. Then, at an opportune moment (the Chinese used a bugle to signal this) these small groups rush a position in the enemy's line using grenades and bayonets and try to break thru and create a chaotic situation that forces the whole enemy unit to withdraw in disorder. If this works, the enemy will perceive this attack as "we heard some noises out front and then suddenly they were all around us!" Which can easily be translated by reporters or propagandists as a "human wave attack" but really it relies on dispersion just as much as firepower based tactics, a dense mass of men can't be stealthy enough to get close before the final rush.
If an infiltration attempt fails, especially if the attackers don't sneak close enough before the final rush, they're going to suffer heavy casualties at the hands of the defender's firepower without being able to do much in return. Again, the defenders may perceive this as a "human wave" attempt, but in reality it isn't, it's just infiltration gone horribly wrong, and of course a lot of things do go wrong in a war, no matter what kind of tactics are used.
Infiltration isn't special to the Chinese, it's a very old idea used by many armies. The Germans actually had much success with it in the last few years of WWI. Japanese forces used it very successfully at times in WWII, and failed terribly at times as well. A well executed "Banzai charge" should use infiltration according to Imperial Japanese Army doctrine, but many local commanders either botched this, or faced bad circumstances or tactics designed to counter it.
However Korean circumstances often made infiltration a successful tactic, because the terrain was rough, and weather impaired visibility significantly. In late 1950, UN (meaning US, S. Korean and allied) forces were significantly overextended and vulnerable to such tactics. Lastly, the Chinese by no means always used infiltration, they often had enough firepower to use conventional tactics, especially on defense."

US Army Official History:
Everything is relative as in China has well over a billion people and we have something over 300 million.

Irregardless those who really understand War knows it is not measured by the body count.

That was one of the big mistakes we made in Vietnam...emphasizing the body count....which of course was never accurate.

Westmoreland had this mistaken notion that if we killed lots of Vietnamese that they would back off...he could not have been more wrong.....but the word went down the line ....count the bodies.

Truman did not stop Mac from going North...the chinese stopped Mac and chased him back down South of the 38th paralell.

You do not know your history.

On 27 September near Osan UN forces coming from Inchon linked up with UN forces that had broken out of the Pusan Perimeter and began a general counteroffensive. The North Korean Korean People's Army (KPA) had been shattered and its remnants were fleeing back towards North Korea. The UN Command then decided to pursue the KPA into North Korea, completing their destruction and unifying the country. On 30 September Republic of Korea Army (ROK) forces crossed the 38th Parallel, the de facto border between North and South Korea on the east coast of the Korean peninsula and this was followed by a general UN offensive into North Korea. Within one month UN forces were approaching the Yalu River, prompting Chinese intervention in the war. Despite the initial Chinese attacks in late October-early November, the UN renewed their offensive on 24 November before it was abruptly halted by massive Chinese intervention in the Second Phase Offensive starting on 25 November.

Mac's big mistake in N. Korea
You don't say why Truman fired Macarthur, what did he want to stop?
The Chosin Reservoir ended up ok, the Chinese froze.
The US didn't have satellites that can read license plates back then.
Now we have eyes on everything.

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