China President Hu preparing military for war against US

It was... last week. It was summarily dismissed as bullshit by people on both sides.

I'll tell you what.. just to give you a synopsis.... Let 'em try. We'll pull out all of our industry that we have blessed them with at the expense of the American Workforce....then we'll rip them a new asshole militarily.
Gingrich would declare war on China in a heartbeat. As would ditzy Mitt. They've both said as much.
Avatar the Alarmist. From his link:

The Pentagon however downplayed Hu's speech, saying that Beijing had the right to develop its military, although it should do so transparently.

"They have a right to develop military capabilities and to plan, just as we do," said Pentagon spokesman George Little, but he added, "We have repeatedly called for transparency from the Chinese and that's part of the relationship we're continuing to build with the Chinese military."
So we should distruct a dictator when he tells his military to prepare for war against us.

i dont have a problem with them having a military. But he's preparing them against us. That's the problem.
Wait,what happened? Now the Socialists/Progressives love China? I'm actually seeing the Left on this Board sucking up to China? What caused them to change their tune on that so suddenly. All we've heard from them over the years is how evil China was. With all those cheap goods they supply that bad ole Walmart with and all. Now because one of their Socialists/Progressives is in the White House,they're suddenly in love with China? Man,how bizarre. Just can't trust the Left.
If they were, why shouldn't they? The US prepares for war against many nations on a daily basis.
For the first time in centuries, China has a thriving economy. Declaring war on your most valuable trading partner who also happens to be the most powerful mother fucking military power in human history makes no sense
For the first time in centuries, China has a thriving economy. Declaring war on your most valuable trading partner who also happens to be the most powerful mother fucking military power in human history makes no sense

I agree with this, however War is not always logical and I doubt you or I could see the end game.
Wait,what happened? Now the Socialists/Progressives love China? I'm actually seeing the Left on this Board sucking up to China? What caused them to change their tune on that so suddenly. All we've heard from them over the years is how evil China was. With all those cheap goods they supply that bad ole Walmart with and all. Now because one of their Socialists/Progressives is in the White House,they're suddenly in love with China? Man,how bizarre. Just can't trust the Left.

Who's sucking up to them? We made China what they are...we can unmake them just as easily. Repeal the Free Trade Agreement with them and bring out manufacturing base back home.
Wait,what happened? Now the Socialists/Progressives love China? I'm actually seeing the Left on this Board sucking up to China? What caused them to change their tune on that so suddenly. All we've heard from them over the years is how evil China was. With all those cheap goods they supply that bad ole Walmart with and all. Now because one of their Socialists/Progressives is in the White House,they're suddenly in love with China? Man,how bizarre. Just can't trust the Left.
They're sucking up to all kinds of despots...Che, Castro, Chavez...Islamic Terroristic regimes...

Birds of a feather don't ya know?

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