Chinese Death Toll at 160,000

So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
You must have lost some sleep.
Reagan used China to enrich the oligarchy.
What does Reagan have to do with this?
Ever hear that Globalism caused too much Off-Shoring?
It's a more deadly disease than C19 and it started under Reagan.
Okay. I have no dispute with that.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.
LOL. Our government has lied us into wars that have killed exponentially more people. Get a clue.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

So, "It's America's fault" eh? The Chinese would love you.
LOL. It’s like an automatic reflex with you kooky cons.

Like your beloved leader said, either you’re with us or again us.

It’s all black and white with you statist trained monkeys.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
Show us the proof that the Chinese government deliberately caused this, or STFU.
Thanks you bunch of fuckheads for killing people around the world. China should be treated like a pariah by the rest of the world. Shut these bastards down economically, don't trade with them, destroy the communist party within their borders, and put maximum military pressure on them.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
This is aimed directly at you guys. From Caitlin Johnstone. She knows your type very well.

Q: What could be more degrading than constantly having your mind manipulated by oligarchic propaganda?
A: Believing it's your responsibility to financially support it.
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo

How about to buy $250 billion worth of our stuff?

And probably close to $1 trillion worth of our debt.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
Show us the proof that the Chinese government deliberately caused this, or STFU.

People aren't going to "STFU", but the Red Chinese haven't been that forthcoming in this matter. Further, it does benefit them, it helped sink the American economy during an election year and they would love to get rid of the Trumpster and would love if Biden would agree to collude with them. Did it happen? I don't know, but considering the devastation, I'd say its well worth investigating.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
Show us the proof that the Chinese government deliberately caused this, or STFU.

People aren't going to "STFU", but the Red Chinese haven't been that forthcoming in this matter. Further, it does benefit them, it helped sink the American economy during an election year and they would love to get rid of the Trumpster and would love if Biden would agree to collude with them. Did it happen? I don't know, but considering the devastation, I'd say its well worth investigating.
You aren’t informed. The Chinese economy took a huge hit from the virus. Stop believing ruling class propaganda.
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.

Apparently neither do Americans. I keep hearing about an "acceptable level of death" to re-open the economy. Out of the same mouths that tell me abortion is wrong.

That's not capitalism, that's corporatism. When saving corporations become more important than feeding and saving your people, your priorities are completely fucked.

If we don't reopen our economy we're going to see famine unlike we've ever seen. Sitting around paralyzed in fear while food lines grow, crops rot, dairy, cattle farms, vegetables and corn are being wasted, food producers are being not an option.
Thanks you bunch of fuckheads for killing people around the world. China should be treated like a pariah by the rest of the world. Shut these bastards down economically, don't trade with them, destroy the communist party within their borders, and put maximum military pressure on them.
Are you aware that at least 50 percent of your computer was made in China?
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

Criminal negligence.

It seems the virus even emerged from Chinese research facility. More negligence.

Of course, our own treasonous democrats did not help with their open borders cabal, but you can always expect a leftist make bad decisions. Not a surprise...
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
Show us the proof that the Chinese government deliberately caused this, or STFU.

People aren't going to "STFU", but the Red Chinese haven't been that forthcoming in this matter. Further, it does benefit them, it helped sink the American economy during an election year and they would love to get rid of the Trumpster and would love if Biden would agree to collude with them. Did it happen? I don't know, but considering the devastation, I'd say its well worth investigating.
You aren’t informed. The Chinese economy took a huge hit from the virus. Stop believing ruling class propaganda.
However the Chinese people had no standard of living before the virus, so for them nothing has changed. America however is decimated
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

Criminal negligence.
Yea American hospitals not having mask is clearly criminal negligence

Not criminal, but yes the CDC failed, not as bad as WHO, but still failed.

They need more merit hires and less diversity hires. Clearly they cannot afford the price of the virtue signal.
Thanks you bunch of fuckheads for killing people around the world. China should be treated like a pariah by the rest of the world. Shut these bastards down economically, don't trade with them, destroy the communist party within their borders, and put maximum military pressure on them.
Are you aware that at least 50 percent of your computer was made in China?

Not for long. They plan to replace many of those parts with local resourced items. Like the Li-ion battery be replaced by a hamster running on a wheel.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

Criminal negligence.
Yea American hospitals not having mask is clearly criminal negligence

Not criminal, but yes the CDC failed, not as bad as WHO, but still failed.

They need more merit hires and less diversity hires. Clearly they cannot afford the price of the virtue signal.
LOL the CDC did not fail, nearly all American hospitals are struggling since Obamacare they do not have the money to pay the water bill thanks to the Kenyan terrorist
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
Show us the proof that the Chinese government deliberately caused this, or STFU.

People aren't going to "STFU", but the Red Chinese haven't been that forthcoming in this matter. Further, it does benefit them, it helped sink the American economy during an election year and they would love to get rid of the Trumpster and would love if Biden would agree to collude with them. Did it happen? I don't know, but considering the devastation, I'd say its well worth investigating.
You aren’t informed. The Chinese economy took a huge hit from the virus. Stop believing ruling class propaganda.
However the Chinese people had no standard of living before the virus, so for them nothing has changed. America however is decimated
You aren’t informed. This isn’t 1970.

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