Chinese Death Toll at 160,000

Thanks you bunch of fuckheads for killing people around the world. China should be treated like a pariah by the rest of the world. Shut these bastards down economically, don't trade with them, destroy the communist party within their borders, and put maximum military pressure on them.
Are you aware that at least 50 percent of your computer was made in China?

Not for long. They plan to replace many of those parts with local resourced items. Like the Li-ion battery be replaced by a hamster running on a wheel.
Dream on

They plan

Grow up
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

Criminal negligence.
Yea American hospitals not having mask is clearly criminal negligence

Not criminal, but yes the CDC failed, not as bad as WHO, but still failed.

They need more merit hires and less diversity hires. Clearly they cannot afford the price of the virtue signal.
LOL the CDC did not fail, nearly all American hospitals are struggling since Obamacare they do not have the money to pay the water bill thanks to the Kenyan terrorist

They did fail, you are pointing out a other problem.
Criminal negligence.
Yea American hospitals not having mask is clearly criminal negligence

The federal government not replenishing the national healthcare stockpile when we had a booming economy, and could afford to restock the shelves.

The excuse that it was the fault of the previous administration is just a lame excuse. If you borrow somebody elses car, and you run out of gas, you don't blame them for not filling up the tank before they gave it to you. It's your responsibility.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
Show us the proof that the Chinese government deliberately caused this, or STFU.

People aren't going to "STFU", but the Red Chinese haven't been that forthcoming in this matter. Further, it does benefit them, it helped sink the American economy during an election year and they would love to get rid of the Trumpster and would love if Biden would agree to collude with them. Did it happen? I don't know, but considering the devastation, I'd say its well worth investigating.
You aren’t informed. The Chinese economy took a huge hit from the virus. Stop believing ruling class propaganda.

What makes you think that the Red Chinese Overlords in Beijing give a rat's behind about the living standard of the Chinese people? They have other goals, foremost among them is World Domination.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.

It effected the entire world.
Show us the proof that the Chinese government deliberately caused this, or STFU.

People aren't going to "STFU", but the Red Chinese haven't been that forthcoming in this matter. Further, it does benefit them, it helped sink the American economy during an election year and they would love to get rid of the Trumpster and would love if Biden would agree to collude with them. Did it happen? I don't know, but considering the devastation, I'd say its well worth investigating.
You aren’t informed. The Chinese economy took a huge hit from the virus. Stop believing ruling class propaganda.
However the Chinese people had no standard of living before the virus, so for them nothing has changed. America however is decimated
You aren’t informed. This isn’t 1970.
LOL so you believe that people with a standard of living eat bats and blowtorch living dogs alive while the kids watch

Criminal negligence.
Yea American hospitals not having mask is clearly criminal negligence

The federal government not replenishing the national healthcare stockpile when we had a booming economy, and could afford to restock the shelves.

The excuse that it was the fault of the previous administration is just a lame excuse. If you borrow somebody elses car, and you run out of gas, you don't blame them for not filling up the tank before they gave it to you. It's your responsibility.
It is not the federal governments responsibility to provide hospitals with masks, in fact all hospitals have to do disaster drills to qualify for FEMA aid, so it is the hospitals that lied.

Seriously a nurse needs a mask in Washington state and she needs it now but you claim the mask has to come from DC

Grow up
Thanks you bunch of fuckheads for killing people around the world. China should be treated like a pariah by the rest of the world. Shut these bastards down economically, don't trade with them, destroy the communist party within their borders, and put maximum military pressure on them.

200,000,000 Chinese people need to rise up against the Communist leadership
Thanks you bunch of fuckheads for killing people around the world. China should be treated like a pariah by the rest of the world. Shut these bastards down economically, don't trade with them, destroy the communist party within their borders, and put maximum military pressure on them.

200,000,000 Chinese people need to rise up against the Communist leadership
The Communist leadership is not responsible for the ignorance in China, they are not people as we know it
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.

I agree.

The best working theory I have seen is that the Communists, with their usual disregard for the safety of their own citizens---See Chernobyl---let loose by accident a virus from a lab in Wuhan.

As it got loose in Wuhan, they lied and said it was not transferable from person to person, but also shut down travel out of Wuhan to the rest of China, yet continued to allow flights from China, including Wuhan---to the rest of the world---intentionally letting the rest of the world share the pain they negligently inflicted on themselves.

Now their propaganda operation is in full swing. In China, they have complete control over that, and in America and other Globalists oriented Media in Europe---they have very substantial, but not complete control.

In America, this influence, which they should NOT have, is due in large part to Trump Derangement Syndrome and to the fact the Globalists in the Northeast and California make more money from slave labor in China than they can in the USA.

Trump is trying to stop this--thus the unity of interest with the Communist in China with the billionaires in America and their useful idiots who suffer from TDS.

The appropriate reaction by Real Americans is to quit buying Chinese shit, and for our Government not to even allow us to be dependent on these blood sucking Communists for anything affecting our national security and health.

To learn more about this obviously correct strategic defense of our country---stop watching CNN, ABC, NBC, ABC, i.e. the New York Media which is controlled by the Globalist who have been in league with China for about 25 years to enrich themselves by destroying the American Middle Class.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.
LOL. Our government has lied us into wars that have killed exponentially more people. Get a clue.

Having not been in here long, I am concluding that your handle of "gipper" is a cynical joke...

We have interests across the globe, and we will protect those interests. The alternative is to cede freedom around the world in the vaccuum left....I can assure you that you wouldn't like that either...

But hey, what can I do if you want to wake up every day blaming America for the world's ill's...?
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.
LOL. Our government has lied us into wars that have killed exponentially more people. Get a clue.

Having not been in here long, I am concluding that your handle of "gipper" is a cynical joke...

We have interests across the globe, and we will protect those interests. The alternative is to cede freedom around the world in the vaccuum left....I can assure you that you wouldn't like that either...

But hey, what can I do if you want to wake up every day blaming America for the world's ill's...?
You’re Wrong about that too.

Do you know who this is?

So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.

I agree.

The best working theory I have seen is that the Communists, with their usual disregard for the safety of their own citizens---See Chernobyl---let loose by accident a virus from a lab in Wuhan.

As it got loose in Wuhan, they lied and said it was not transferable from person to person, but also shut down travel out of Wuhan to the rest of China, yet continued to allow flights from China, including Wuhan---to the rest of the world---intentionally letting the rest of the world share the pain they negligently inflicted on themselves.

Now their propaganda operation is in full swing. In China, they have complete control over that, and in America and other Globalists oriented Media in Europe---they have very substantial, but not complete control.

In America, this influence, which they should NOT have, is due in large part to Trump Derangement Syndrome and to the fact the Globalists in the Northeast and California make more money from slave labor in China than they can in the USA.

Trump is trying to stop this--thus the unity of interest with the Communist in China with the billionaires in America and their useful idiots who suffer from TDS.

The appropriate reaction by Real Americans is to quit buying Chinese shit, and for our Government not to even allow us to be dependent on these blood sucking Communists for anything affecting our national security and health.

To learn more about this obviously correct strategic defense of our country---stop watching CNN, ABC, NBC, ABC, i.e. the New York Media which is controlled by the Globalist who have been in league with China for about 25 years to enrich themselves by destroying the American Middle Class.

I agree with you in all except for the part about buying Chinese crap...We should do that but it wasn't created that way over night, and it will take some time to get away from it....

American's are addicted to cheap shit...I try my hardest to buy American whenever I can, but in this day and age, it is near impossible to do that.

We don't just need Trump for another term, we need his America first agenda for several Presidents to make this happen.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.
Silly. You don’t think our government covers up shit. LMFAO.

Sure, the US government has covered up things from time to time, but so what? This is about the activities of the ultraliberal People's Republic of Red China, and this is something that directly affects America.
LOL. Our government has lied us into wars that have killed exponentially more people. Get a clue.

Having not been in here long, I am concluding that your handle of "gipper" is a cynical joke...

We have interests across the globe, and we will protect those interests. The alternative is to cede freedom around the world in the vaccuum left....I can assure you that you wouldn't like that either...

But hey, what can I do if you want to wake up every day blaming America for the world's ill's...?
You’re Wrong about that too.

Do you know who this is?


As a life long Fighting Irish fan, ofcourse I know who George Gipp was...."The Gipper" was also accredited as a nickname to Ronald Reagan as well who played him in the movie....

Let me just say, you couln't hold either mans water.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

I think that is probably correct, however, there is evidence now that this virus is most likely an accidental release from the bio lab in Wuhan, NOT the wet markets, as disgusting as those are....And the disinformation, and coverup by the Chinese government is intentional...For that they must suffer the repurcussion of not being forthright about their screw up....
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

You might not want to believe it, but America has enemies and Red China is our biggest adversary in the current era. The world's most populous nation, the 2nd largest economy in the world led by an uber-totalitarian liberal regime. President Xi may be thick as thieves with the Biden family, turning over more than a billion and a half to Sleepy Joe's successor as patriarch, but it doesn't mean he's our nation's friend. I guess its possible that this "just happened" but the Red Chinese have been trying to aggravate it and maximize America' pain here.
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
And yet those apologizing and defending China tell us that China would never do anything to harm it people and economy...

Anyone that knows anything about Maoism they know their form of communism come from Stalinism and if anyone knows about Stalin willingness to genocide his own people would realize Beijing would do the same if it meant bringing the World to her knees...
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?
They zipper head cocksuckers should not have been playing games with this virus in their Wuhan bio-lab facility to begin with. Fuck them. Shut them off from the world and crash their economy. We need them fo
The CCP doesn't care about its own people. The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means with communists.
Exactly. That's why, in the United States, you can never trust a Democrat.
You’ve lost your mind.

Why is it some Americans are intent on making enemies of other nations, just to further enrich and empower the oligarchy?
Look libertarian, we have enemies in this world. I am from the "realist school" of foreign policy. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. Ann Ryand (sp?) is a fucking idiot. I am not a believer that a global economy will lead to world peace. We have seen the actions of the Chinese communist regime and it has resulted in the death of 160,000 people. Get your head out of your ass man.

You are not from the "realist" school at all. You're from the "Dale Smith conspiracy theory" school of foreign policy, which always ignores occam's razor, and seeks to create elaborate anti-American conspiracies behind every major event from JFK's shooting in Dallas on forward.

The disease is not some elaborate biological warfare attack by the Chinese seeking world domination. It's Mother Nature, kicking back at a species that is multiplying out of control and ecroaching on the habitats of other species. We've had AIDS, MERS, SARS, Ebola, H1N1 - all originating wherever jungles are being cleared and jungle animals are being sold in open market as meat.

And you would deny reality while claiming your beloved China would never kill it own people while you are on your knees taking a bullet in the back of the head from them...

You would tell yourself it was Trump pulling the trigger.

China has killed it own people many times and you still believe they wouldn't create a virus to attack the World with?
Thanks you bunch of fuckheads for killing people around the world. China should be treated like a pariah by the rest of the world. Shut these bastards down economically, don't trade with them, destroy the communist party within their borders, and put maximum military pressure on them.

Americans like their goods cheap and corporations like slave labor. Eliminate the minimum wage and everything will be produced here.
So you really think the Chinese government did this on purpose. WTF man?

I don't think that the release was on purpose, however, their calculated cover up was...So, yes there should be repercussions.

I agree.

The best working theory I have seen is that the Communists, with their usual disregard for the safety of their own citizens---See Chernobyl---let loose by accident a virus from a lab in Wuhan.

As it got loose in Wuhan, they lied and said it was not transferable from person to person, but also shut down travel out of Wuhan to the rest of China, yet continued to allow flights from China, including Wuhan---to the rest of the world---intentionally letting the rest of the world share the pain they negligently inflicted on themselves.

Now their propaganda operation is in full swing. In China, they have complete control over that, and in America and other Globalists oriented Media in Europe---they have very substantial, but not complete control.

In America, this influence, which they should NOT have, is due in large part to Trump Derangement Syndrome and to the fact the Globalists in the Northeast and California make more money from slave labor in China than they can in the USA.

Trump is trying to stop this--thus the unity of interest with the Communist in China with the billionaires in America and their useful idiots who suffer from TDS.

The appropriate reaction by Real Americans is to quit buying Chinese shit, and for our Government not to even allow us to be dependent on these blood sucking Communists for anything affecting our national security and health.

To learn more about this obviously correct strategic defense of our country---stop watching CNN, ABC, NBC, ABC, i.e. the New York Media which is controlled by the Globalist who have been in league with China for about 25 years to enrich themselves by destroying the American Middle Class.

I agree with you in all except for the part about buying Chinese crap...We should do that but it wasn't created that way over night, and it will take some time to get away from it....

American's are addicted to cheap shit...I try my hardest to buy American whenever I can, but in this day and age, it is near impossible to do that.

We don't just need Trump for another term, we need his America first agenda for several Presidents to make this happen.

What is happening today is the result of 40 years of Republican fiscal and employment policies. You're going to get your "America First" economy, not because you choose it, but because the world economy is going to exclude the USA going forward, whether or not Trump is re-elected, and I don't think you're going to like the outcome.

Trump didn't close your borders to keep the virus from getting in, the rest of the world closed our borders to Americans to keep the virus out. The USA currently is has the highest rate of illness in the world, and every day the numer of sick and dying is going up by thens of thousands of people.

Leading members of the G7 are in talks to establish a new world order of economic and military cooperation which excludes the USA. The Paris Accord on climate change is going ahead without the USA. The TransPacific Partnership went ahead without the USA. China is building a "Silk Roads" trade route to move their goods to South America, Africa and Europe, building mega ports all along the west coast of South America, and the east coast of Africa.

This is how the USA built it's domination of the world's economy. By financing infrastructure in Third World Countries. The oil producing nations were just dessert wastelands until the USA started buying their oil. American petroleum countries came in and built ports and refineries, enabling the Sheiks and Kings to profit handsomely from the sale of oil, and give their people education, health care, and many of the lavish trappings of western society, without the personal freedoms or liberties, of Western democracies. This has enabled the oil Sheiks to retain control of their governments, that the despots like the Shah of Iran, and Khadafi were unable to achieve.

The American people are getting to the point, that they're prepared to turn their politicians out of office, and this pandemic may be the impetus. The people are very likely to rise up and demand an end to the partisan bickering, which is only worsening through the pandemic, and Republicans continue to demand that the bailout money goes to the corporations, and not to the people who are lining up at food banks.

Americans aren't demanding to go back to work because they think the pandemic is over or that they're safe. They're demanding to go back to work because they have no money, no resources, and no health insurance. The USA is the only country in the world, when protestors are out in the streets demanding to go back to work.

The rest of the world shut down weeks before the USA, and yet a mere month into this pandemic and Americans are out of food, money, jobs and health insurance, to the point that people who feared "death panels" in 2010, are now embracing the concept in 2020, and begging to go back to work. People who oppose abortion are talking about an "acceptable level of death" to save the economy. These are the same people who oppose abortion.

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