Cholesteral drug reduces Covid

Fibric acid derivatives (fibrates) are a class of medication that lowers blood triglyceride levels.

Niacin supplements also known as vitamin B3 can help reduce blood triglyceride levels. You can get niacin naturally from meats.

Makes sense now why the UK is exempting vegans from the jab.
Keeping the American people paralyzed in fear is the Biden strategy.

And it just isn't over the corona virus.

Fear about climate change, fear that some people are "too rich", and fear of the Triple K and being lynched are being promoted every chance he left can.

But the truth is hard for libs- white supremacists are almost totally extinct. Their membership in 2021 is less than the Youngstown Men's Gardening Club. But the fear this handful of misfits and law enforcement agents working undercover causes is well worth it.
Underlying the fear promotion it seems to target mostly those who often make negative statements about successful people who have worked hard to get where they are financially, but they think they are entitled to goods and expect unearned wealth to come their way. As if it’s perfectly OK to overtax the rich to feed off of the work of others. I am not referencing the social programs that are necessary to help handicapped and elderly people stay afloat. Those groups need more benefits; freeloaders deserve none.

Sad part of reality is a lot of these adult freeloaders have children. Their kids should not be penalized for having lazy parents, but from my understanding it’s hard to ensure that designated monies are only being used for child-related expenses. If anyone knows of states that have upped their game by doing a good job of targeting and tracking child care expenses for kids of these types of families, please advise:)

A drug that treats cholesterol reduces Covid infection by 70% in lab studies, according to a team of researchers in the UK.

The researchers published their findings in the Frontiers in Pharmacology journal on Friday.

Fenofibrate and fenofibric acid significantly reduced Covid infection in human cells so expect this affordable medication to be blacklisted soon.

“Our data indicates that fenofibrate may have the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and also virus spread,” Dr. Elisa Vicenzi of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan and co-author, said in the release. “Given that fenofibrate is an oral drug which is very cheap and available worldwide, together with its extensive history of clinical use and its good safety profile, our data has global implications.”

Yup. It will be pushed under the rug because they insist on everone getting jabbed with their poison.
Find a real source, and maybe folks will take you seriously.
Find a real source, and maybe folks will take you seriously.

First 2 paragraphs of the article you didn't read.

A cheap drug that treats cholesterol reduces Covid infection by 70% in lab studies, according to a team of researchers in the UK.

The researchers published their findings in the Frontiers in Pharmacology journal on Friday.
First 2 paragraphs of the article you didn't read.

A cheap drug that treats cholesterol reduces Covid infection by 70% in lab studies, according to a team of researchers in the UK.

The researchers published their findings in the Frontiers in Pharmacology journal on Friday.
"Real source". Find that from somewhere besides gateway pundit.
My wife and I have been taking Simvastatin (Zocor) for at least 15 years, We also take Vitamin D3, Vitamin C and Zinc. We are both over 8o with no plans to take a poison shot.

I do all that stuff, Hossfly, and took the jabs to facilitate visiting my family around the world. Yet still restrictions and mind boggling tests are still in place. So were we lied to?

On top of that, I’ve been receiving lots of info about placebos, and may have got one of those.
I do all that stuff, Hossfly, and took the jabs to facilitate visiting my family around the world. Yet still restrictions and mind boggling tests are still in place. So were we lied to?

On top of that, I’ve been receiving lots of info about placebos, and may have got one of those.
Does anyone really think that doctors are stupid enough to get the actual vaccine ?( no offense intended .... a lot of otherwise unsuspecting people are getting the shot including my wife)

A drug that treats cholesterol reduces Covid infection by 70% in lab studies, according to a team of researchers in the UK.

The researchers published their findings in the Frontiers in Pharmacology journal on Friday.

Fenofibrate and fenofibric acid significantly reduced Covid infection in human cells so expect this affordable medication to be blacklisted soon.

“Our data indicates that fenofibrate may have the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and also virus spread,” Dr. Elisa Vicenzi of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan and co-author, said in the release. “Given that fenofibrate is an oral drug which is very cheap and available worldwide, together with its extensive history of clinical use and its good safety profile, our data has global implications.”

Yup. It will be pushed under the rug because they insist on everone getting jabbed with their poison.
Fenofibrate drug Brand Names:
Tricor · Triglide · Lipofen · Fenoglide · Lofibra
Fenofibric Acid Drug Brand Names:
Fibricor, Trilipix
Nobody heard about the cure yet ?

Eat 3 grapefruits, and 1 hour of direct sunlight.
Dude, that was bad advice.
Perfect cholesterol and blood labs, perfect blood pressure, not obese. I've been trying to get the natural antibodies for a year and a half now, but nothing seems to work.

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