Chris Wallace Interview Of Trump

This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.

I tried posting about this a couple of days ago when the teaser for this show was on cable tv. My thread go moved to "Media", so let's hope the asshat mods leave here this time.

Chris Wallace hands Trump his ass. Trump talked over Chris repeatedly because he didn't like the questions.
Lots of the same old crappa crappa from Donald's pie hole but at least Wallace exposed a few of Trump's many lies.
i can't handle listening to donny for a full interview - but just read enough of the transcript & he's both incompetent & certifiable. i'm glad that chris wallace wasn't having any of it.

Trump flails in interview with Wallace, citing false and nonexistent data on COVID-19

He is nuts, I swear he is crazy.
Trump was sharper than Chris Wallace. So who is grilling Joe Biden??

These hacks in the media forget Trump is an accomplished multi-billionaire. He's not George Bush or Barack (where's my teleprompter) Obama, Trump can communicate on the fly.

He probably road into Wash DC on fumes. He sued his way, and inherited lots of money which he blew. His daddy and then Russia, and now the US taxpayers are funding his arse.

Since you are now lying out your filthy lying Dem mouth we are done here.

First his dad , then Russia and now the US tax payers all supported his arse,

" Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," Trump Jr. said during a conference in New York in 2008.

I think Tramp Jr was bragging, Biden is a self made man, deal with it.
It was so funny when Trump stopped the interview and ordered his staff to show Wallace where in the Biden /Sanders platform it calls for defunding the police.

It was nowhere to be found......Trump STILL insisted it was in there
Biden did say it. Keep this in the news please! You gonna get the media to show Biden saying it! Please keep it up!

Then why don't you post a link to if you knew Biden said it?
Goddamn, are you just a fucking liar or just a fucking LAZY liar?
It was so funny when Trump stopped the interview and ordered his staff to show Wallace where in the Biden /Sanders platform it calls for defunding the police.

It was nowhere to be found......Trump STILL insisted it was in there
Biden did say it. Keep this in the news please! You gonna get the media to show Biden saying it! Please keep it up!

Then why don't you post a link to if you knew Biden said it?
Goddamn, are you just a fucking liar or just a fucking LAZY liar?
There is another forum on this, go look at it. But of course after you see it for yourself. You will make excuses. I think we need to fact check everything Biden says. You game?
Yes. He said he is going to fund the police. You are correct.

So you didn't have the balls to watch it. Where are they, in GT's mouth.

GT’s not here to defend himself, asshole.

The video you have provided is selectively edited and taken out of context. You're a dishonest loser for insisting that it is proof of anything.

Biden, to the consternation of many who are to his left, has advocated for an increase in funding for law enforcement. He is not a proponent of defunding the police

This thread is about Trump.
And whoever said Trump was a self-made millionaire is wrong, wrong, wrong.

The 19 boxes of documents that Mary Trump handed over to the NYT was a trove of contracts, deeds, wills, tax returns and other legal documents that she had access to after Trump cut her and her brother OUT of Fred Trump Senior's will in 1999.

The reporters spent 2 years pulling all those documents together to write a Putlizer-winning, 14,000 article, complete with images of the documents that supported their story.

BOTTOM LINE: Donald inherited in today's dollars, $414M from his father. He inherited his building and construction business, and apartment buildings. This helped him recover from his disastrous ventures in The Plaza Hotel, 3 casinos and a golf club----ALL BANKRUPTED BY DONALD.

It's VERY detailed but worth every word.

Biden campaign fires back after Trump interview: Polls show 'smears aren't working'
The president took several political and personal shots at Biden on 'Fox News Sunday'

For over a year, Donald Trump and his campaign have cycled through the same self-defeating attacks against Joe Biden and have failed to get traction on a single one," Biden's deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said in a statement. "President Trump gave it yet another go on 'Fox News Sunday' this morning. He lurched from smear to smear, all while being forcefully corrected on most, including the lie that Joe Biden wouldn't keep the American people safe and supports defunding the police — which has been fact-checked into oblivion over the last month."

Indeed, host Chris Wallace interjected when Trump said Biden wanted to defund police.

"He does not," Wallace corrected. Trump then referred to the recommendations put forth by the Biden's Unity Task Force made up of his supporters and those of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

"It says nothing about defunding the police," Wallace said, but Trump insisted that Biden wants to defund police.

..."The American people know it, and in November they are going to vote to put a president in the White House who will take responsibility, bring us together and lead us out of this crisis.
Biden campaign fires back after Trump interview: Polls show 'smears aren't working'
It was so funny when Trump stopped the interview and ordered his staff to show Wallace where in the Biden /Sanders platform it calls for defunding the police.

It was nowhere to be found......Trump STILL insisted it was in there
Biden did say it. Keep this in the news please! You gonna get the media to show Biden saying it! Please keep it up!

Then why don't you post a link to if you knew Biden said it?
Goddamn, are you just a fucking liar or just a fucking LAZY liar?
There is another forum on this, go look at it. But of course after you see it for yourself. You will make excuses. I think we need to fact check everything Biden says. You game?

What a fucking loser you are.
There's another forum but you don't say which one.
You're either lazy or lying or both.
I have no problem with Biden being fact checked.
BUt you hate like fuck when Trump is.

This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.
What we learn from the interview is that Wallace was clearly not well prepared for it. When the President correctly stated that Biden wanted to defund the police, Wallace incorrectly stated he did not.

Yes. He said he is going to fund the police. You are correct.

So you didn't have the balls to watch it. Where are they, in GT's mouth.

GT’s not here to defend himself, asshole.

The video you have provided is selectively edited and taken out of context. You're a dishonest loser for insisting that it is proof of anything.

Biden, to the consternation of many who are to his left, has advocated for an increase in funding for law enforcement. He is not a proponent of defunding the police

This thread is about Trump.

Right on tape with the disabled man, yes we will defund the police. You won't even acknowledge it when you see it with your own eyes. That's why we call you sheep.
This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.
What we learn from the interview is that Wallace was clearly not well prepared for it. When the President correctly stated that Biden wanted to defund the police, Wallace incorrectly stated he did not.

Incorrect. Trump had his lunch handed to him. He looked lost. He was lost.
I thought Wallace was spit on. Oh my so he challenges the Potus....big deal. That's the way it should be. Didn't hurt the Potus either. I thought it was really good.
Yes. He said he is going to fund the police. You are correct.

So you didn't have the balls to watch it. Where are they, in GT's mouth.

GT’s not here to defend himself, asshole.

The video you have provided is selectively edited and taken out of context. You're a dishonest loser for insisting that it is proof of anything.

Biden, to the consternation of many who are to his left, has advocated for an increase in funding for law enforcement. He is not a proponent of defunding the police

This thread is about Trump.

Right on tape with the disabled man, yes we will defund the police. You won't even acknowledge it when you see it with your own eyes. That's why we call you sheep.

Nope. Don't give me ”Timcast” bullshit edited content.
This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.
What we learn from the interview is that Wallace was clearly not well prepared for it. When the President correctly stated that Biden wanted to defund the police, Wallace incorrectly stated he did not.

lol ... ya, that's undeniable proof alright. :113:
Yes. He said he is going to fund the police. You are correct.

So you didn't have the balls to watch it. Where are they, in GT's mouth.

GT’s not here to defend himself, asshole.

The video you have provided is selectively edited and taken out of context. You're a dishonest loser for insisting that it is proof of anything.

Biden, to the consternation of many who are to his left, has advocated for an increase in funding for law enforcement. He is not a proponent of defunding the police

This thread is about Trump.

Right on tape with the disabled man, yes we will defund the police. You won't even acknowledge it when you see it with your own eyes. That's why we call you sheep.

Nope. Don't give me ”Timcast” bullshit edited content.

Don't lie about Trump and don't lie about what Bidum said he was going to do and I won't make you look the fool.
The Democrats are hysterical. They know Biden is in serious decline but it is too late to replace him. So, it will be an all out attack until November. Doesn't matter. Trump is going to cruise to victory. The Dem's can't win with a candidate like Biden.
Leftists always deny they are marxists, but they never criticize marxism, always defend marxism, and always hate free market capitalism.

Read my signature.

That is the only thing we ever need to tell these losers. That is all they are. Liars and hypocrites ABOUT EVERYTHING.

When dirty no good white spoiled rich trust fund loser leftists finally get the marxism they cry for they will get exactly what they deserve.

The pathetic thing about these leftists is....well everything is pathetic about them.
Bidum's defunding vids are all out there now that proves Trump was right.

I'll shove a link right back at you as soon as you post yours.

Have a nice day chewing on your fake news.
Only Trumptards call Trump’s own words “fake news”.

If I want a comment from a poser I'll hail you. But do stick around, you'll get to see an great vid of Bidum's several statements on defunding the police.
Defund this
Different from abolishing and starting anew, defunding police highlights fiscal responsibility, advocates for a market-driven approach to taxpayer money, and has some potential benefits that will reduce police violence and crime. Below, I outline some of the main arguments for defunding the police.

Data show that 9 out of 10 calls for service are for nonviolent encounters. Now, this does not mean that an incident will not turn violent, but police at times contribute to the escalation of violent force. Police officers’ skillset and training are often out of sync with the social interactions that they have. Police officers are mostly trained in use-of-force tactics and worst-case scenarios to reduce potential threats. However, most of their interactions with civilians start with a conversation.

Advocates for the defund movement like Phillip McHarris and Thenjiwe McHarris argue that shifting funding to social services that can improve things such as mental health, addiction, and homelessness is a better use of taxpayer money. This approach further enhances the push to decriminalize and destigmatize people with mental health conditions and addiction problems. Ever since the overcriminalization of people addicted to crack cocaine in the 1990s, some scholars, practitioners, and policymakers have said that this shift is long overdue.

Additionally, the research I have conducted with hundreds of police officers show that they respond to everything from potholes in the street to cats stuck up a tree. Police officers are also increasingly asked to complete paperwork and online forms. Obviously, documentation is important and desperately needed. The overwhelmingly blank report in the killing of Breonna Taylor in Louisville that listed her injuries as “none” highlights the importance of documentation. It could be argued, however, that reducing officer workload would increase the likelihood of solving violent crimes. Police officers are overworked and overstressed. Focusing on menial tasks throughout the day is inefficient and a waste of taxpayer money. Other government actors should be responsible for these and receive adequate funding for doing them.


Police officers are not as successful as people think at solving violent crime. My Brookings colleagues Andre Perry, David Harshbarger, Carl Romer, and Kristian Thymianos argue that “the failure to prosecute murderous police typifies a bad overall track record with solving violent crimes: Approximately 38% of murders, 66% of rapes, 70% of robberies, and 47% of aggravated assaults go uncleared every year.” Maybe in baseball or basketball these rates make a player an all-star, but the public expects police officers to be more successful at solving violent crime.

More importantly, police stops relative to charges and convictions are relatively low. To show how egregious this is, a study of the NYPD stop-and-frisk program found that well over 90% of people stopped by the police were not committing any crime and did not have any contraband or weapons on them. Overwhelmingly, the people stopped were Black and Latino, and physical force was used half the time. Interestingly, police were more successful at identifying criminality for whites versus Blacks. This is because officers use suspicious behavior when interacting with whites and use skin tone as the metric of suspicion when interacting with Black people. More police on the streets may be used to control the movement of Black bodies rather than solving crime. This is why the New York State Supreme Court ruled stop-and-frisk as unconstitutional. No-knock warrants and chokeholds should follow this pattern.

One consistent finding in t
Yes. He said he is going to fund the police. You are correct.

So you didn't have the balls to watch it. Where are they, in GT's mouth.

GT’s not here to defend himself, asshole.

The video you have provided is selectively edited and taken out of context. You're a dishonest loser for insisting that it is proof of anything.

Biden, to the consternation of many who are to his left, has advocated for an increase in funding for law enforcement. He is not a proponent of defunding the police

This thread is about Trump.

Right on tape with the disabled man, yes we will defund the police. You won't even acknowledge it when you see it with your own eyes. That's why we call you sheep.

Nope. Don't give me ”Timcast” bullshit edited content.

Don't lie about Trump and don't lie about what Bidum said he was going to do and I won't make you look the fool.

You have never made anyone look the fool here, dummy.

Trump was a sweaty unhinged mess in that interview. Wallace mocked him to his face and all he could do was make wild claims about Biden and whine about how he’s treated unfairly.

Biden is trusted more on law and order than Trump is. Trump is a thug.
The Democrats are hysterical. They know Biden is in serious decline but it is too late to replace him. So, it will be an all out attack until November. Doesn't matter. Trump is going to cruise to victory. The Dem's can't win with a candidate like Biden.

now ^^^ THAT^^^ is A-1 first class projection, folks!

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