Chris Wallace Interview Of Trump

Assuming anyone can understand Trump’s word salad.
I'm curious of what you make of Biden's many, many ramblings ?
Cool......Why don’t you name some and I will name some of Trumps ramblings


Is that REALLY the best you could dig up?
This is TOO EASY

Trump thinks Washington captured airports
He thinks you can nuke a hurricane to stop it
He thinks Windmills cause cancer
He thinks people will believe a hurricane map altered with a Sharpie

Want more?
Assuming anyone can understand Trump’s word salad.
I'm curious of what you make of Biden's many, many ramblings ?
Cool......Why don’t you name some and I will name some of Trumps ramblings


Is that REALLY the best you could dig up?
This is TOO EASY

Trump thinks Washington captured airports
He thinks you can nuke a hurricane to stop it
He thinks Windmills cause cancer
He thinks people will believe a hurricane map altered with a Sharpie

Want more?

Almost 20 minutes of straight rambling. If Trump says something stupid I acknowledged it. You loons will follow Biden straight down the rabbit hole pretending what he is talking about makes sense.
Chris Wallace has been the early Trump hater part of that Republican elite establishment. Just like Mittens Romney.
Assuming anyone can understand Trump’s word salad.
I'm curious of what you make of Biden's many, many ramblings ?
Cool......Why don’t you name some and I will name some of Trumps ramblings


Is that REALLY the best you could dig up?
This is TOO EASY

Trump thinks Washington captured airports
He thinks you can nuke a hurricane to stop it
He thinks Windmills cause cancer
He thinks people will believe a hurricane map altered with a Sharpie

Want more?

And Biden thinks 150 million people died from gun related deaths and another 130 million from Covid. So about 70% of the population gone already. And the remaining people are in their basements with the record player on.
If there was ever a POS president it is Trump. The moron said once again he may not accept the election results. When Trump loses in November there will be chaos. Trump will lie about election fraud. You can count on it.

If that were enough the mentally challenged Trump went on to brag how he passed the dementia test and how hard it was. If that ain’t pathetic nothing is.
“When Trump loses in November there will be chaos.”


But should Trump lose this November, he’ll have no support in Congress.

Indeed, we’re already seeing some Republicans discretely signaling their doubts that Trump can win.

If Trump’s poll numbers are as bad in October as they are now, most Congressional Republicans will abandon Trump to save themselves.

Trump will have few allies willing to contest the election results, particularly if the election isn’t close.

Most Republicans will simply want to be rid of Trump and move on.
I can agree with that In part. I am sure there will be those republicans who will put country first and finally find a spine. There will be others lunatics, such as those extremists on this board, who will follow Trump into the abyss. Trumpism is not considered a cult for nothing. Trumpism all revolves around a cult of personality.

However, I do agree that patriotic Americans will rally behind the rule of law.
Actually, Republicans would still be putting party first – their primary concern the damage done to the GOP.
If there was ever a POS president it is Trump. The moron said once again he may not accept the election results. When Trump loses in November there will be chaos. Trump will lie about election fraud. You can count on it.

If that were enough the mentally challenged Trump went on to brag how he passed the dementia test and how hard it was. If that ain’t pathetic nothing is.
“When Trump loses in November there will be chaos.”


But should Trump lose this November, he’ll have no support in Congress.

Indeed, we’re already seeing some Republicans discretely signaling their doubts that Trump can win.

If Trump’s poll numbers are as bad in October as they are now, most Congressional Republicans will abandon Trump to save themselves.

Trump will have few allies willing to contest the election results, particularly if the election isn’t close.

Most Republicans will simply want to be rid of Trump and move on.
I think there will be chaos once Trump loses.
Trump will have ten weeks from the time he loses in November until Biden takes office.
He can do a lot of damage in ten weeks
Again, which would likely do a lot of damage to the GOP – something Republicans will want to avoid.

It’s in the Republicans’ best interest to keep Trump in check should he lose for the good of the party, if not the nation – particularly if Republicans retain control of the Senate.
It was so funny when Trump stopped the interview and ordered his staff to show Wallace where in the Biden /Sanders platform it calls for defunding the police.

It was nowhere to be found......Trump STILL insisted it was in there

7 minute mark

2;45 mark redirecting is defunding correct


This election is a referendum on Donald Trump.

Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

Many here will lie and say yes. The country as a whole overwhelmingly says no.

The country is certainly no better off today than it was four years ago.
If there was ever a POS president it is Trump. The moron said once again he may not accept the election results. When Trump loses in November there will be chaos. Trump will lie about election fraud. You can count on it.

If that were enough the mentally challenged Trump went on to brag how he passed the dementia test and how hard it was. If that ain’t pathetic nothing is.
“When Trump loses in November there will be chaos.”


But should Trump lose this November, he’ll have no support in Congress.

Indeed, we’re already seeing some Republicans discretely signaling their doubts that Trump can win.

If Trump’s poll numbers are as bad in October as they are now, most Congressional Republicans will abandon Trump to save themselves.

Trump will have few allies willing to contest the election results, particularly if the election isn’t close.

Most Republicans will simply want to be rid of Trump and move on.
I think there will be chaos once Trump loses.
Trump will have ten weeks from the time he loses in November until Biden takes office.
He can do a lot of damage in ten weeks
Again, which would likely do a lot of damage to the GOP – something Republicans will want to avoid.

It’s in the Republicans’ best interest to keep Trump in check should he lose for the good of the party, if not the nation – particularly if Republicans retain control of the Senate.
Republicans have done nothing to keep Trump in check. They will go down with him.
Once the Republicans lose the Senate, McConnell will hold the lame duck Senate in session to stock the courts.
Trump will go crazy with pardons
This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.

Trump is certifiable. Everything about him (hair, face, mannerisms, word choice, repetitiveness, cadence, AND the constant falsehoods and lying) simply scream of mental illness. And despite how it sounds, he may be lucky because mental illness is probably the only thing that's going to keep him out of prison.


i'd settle for ^ that ^
This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.

Trump is certifiable. Everything about him (hair, face, mannerisms, word choice, repetitiveness, cadence, AND the constant falsehoods and lying) simply scream of mental illness. And despite how it sounds, he may be lucky because mental illness is probably the only thing that's going to keep him out of prison.
Tax evasion got Al Capone a jail term May we can get lucky with Trump getting 5 to 10

there's way more to donny's shenanigans than just tax evasion.
This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.

Trump is certifiable. Everything about him (hair, face, mannerisms, word choice, repetitiveness, cadence, AND the constant falsehoods and lying) simply scream of mental illness. And despite how it sounds, he may be lucky because mental illness is probably the only thing that's going to keep him out of prison.
Tax evasion got Al Capone a jail term May we can get lucky with Trump getting 5 to 10

Even though Trump should go to prison, he might not go to prison in much the same way that Nixon got away with it. But Trump would do something that Nixon would never even consider; he'd gin up his hard core supporters in an effort to tear this country apart just to satisfy his massive yet fragile ego. However, I think it's highly likely that his sons may face prison time on conspiracy and financial crimes charges. Maybe even Ivanka and Kushner could be looking at prison terms.

Now, if Trump does get charged, tried, and convicted, I would write to the government to ask them to allow him to have something that would make him feel right at home like he does in Trump tower. I would ask them to allow Trump to have his gold toilet installed in his cell.

but no hair products. i want that tribble on his head to turn rabid & go full tilt mental just like him.
This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.
Meltdown? Who brainwashed you into using that term already, even before the interview?

Who fed you that grape kool-aid that you pre-regurgitated onto the USMB landscape? And why did you swallow it without a hint of skepticism? Are you too stupid to think for yourself?

Are you so brainwashed that you are totally incapable of independent thought?


Trump hasn’t given a sane interview in months and he flipped out when Chris Wallace fact checked his lies in real time.

You’re the one claiming it never happened and parroting Trump. That you’re telling others to “THINK” when you clearly don’t know what to post until Trump instructs you, is laughable.
If there was ever a POS president it is Trump. The moron said once again he may not accept the election results. When Trump loses in November there will be chaos. Trump will lie about election fraud. You can count on it.

If that were enough the mentally challenged Trump went on to brag how he passed the dementia test and how hard it was. If that ain’t pathetic nothing is.
“When Trump loses in November there will be chaos.”


But should Trump lose this November, he’ll have no support in Congress.

Indeed, we’re already seeing some Republicans discretely signaling their doubts that Trump can win.

If Trump’s poll numbers are as bad in October as they are now, most Congressional Republicans will abandon Trump to save themselves.

Trump will have few allies willing to contest the election results, particularly if the election isn’t close.

Most Republicans will simply want to be rid of Trump and move on.
I think there will be chaos once Trump loses.
Trump will have ten weeks from the time he loses in November until Biden takes office.
He can do a lot of damage in ten weeks
Again, which would likely do a lot of damage to the GOP – something Republicans will want to avoid.

It’s in the Republicans’ best interest to keep Trump in check should he lose for the good of the party, if not the nation – particularly if Republicans retain control of the Senate.
Republicans have done nothing to keep Trump in check. They will go down with him.
Once the Republicans lose the Senate, McConnell will hold the lame duck Senate in session to stock the courts.
Trump will go crazy with pardons

the most dangerous time is yet to come; between election day & jan 20 2021.
This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.
What we learn from the interview is that Wallace was clearly not well prepared for it. When the President correctly stated that Biden wanted to defund the police, Wallace incorrectly stated he did not.

lol ... ya, that's undeniable proof alright. :113:

Indeed it is. Biden says straight out that he supports redirecting funding from the police, which means defunding the police. But Biden goes much further than that, he characterizes the police as the enemy and their presence in some neighborhood as an invasion. Even considering his much diminished cognitive abilities, that puts Biden clearly in the ranks of the Black Live Matter idiots. But to be fair, if you are a Democrat, you have to support the violent anarchists because you can't win elections without them.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! redirecting funds for community policing & not so much on the militarization is not defunding. & it's certainly not abolishing. i find it hilarious that you bought into the bullshit that biden is soft brained... just wait for the debates - & they WILL debate. biden also wants them to be fact checked in real time.... donny is gonna freak then too, just like he did with wallace.

oh & i'm not a (D). so fuck off.
This interview looks like it will be a newsmaker.

I suggest that all of us watch it and see the impetus behind Trump’s meltdown that will come later today.

Will link in comments once available.
What we learn from the interview is that Wallace was clearly not well prepared for it. When the President correctly stated that Biden wanted to defund the police, Wallace incorrectly stated he did not.

Incorrect. Trump had his lunch handed to him. He looked lost. He was lost.

As the video shows, the President was right and Wallace was wrong, so if you view the interview only as entertainment, then I guess Wallace has a better on screen presence that the President, but if you were interested in the facts, clearly the President was right and Wallace, perhaps auditioning for a job at CNN, was wrong.

No. The president said that the ”charter” advocated for defunding police. That's not accurate. Biden is not in favor of defunding the police.

Stop lying. Please.

you know he didn't read it - it was more than a few paragraphs, i'm sure & probably had no pictures either.
Yes. He said he is going to fund the police. You are correct.

So you didn't have the balls to watch it. Where are they, in GT's mouth.

GT’s not here to defend himself, asshole.

The video you have provided is selectively edited and taken out of context. You're a dishonest loser for insisting that it is proof of anything.

Biden, to the consternation of many who are to his left, has advocated for an increase in funding for law enforcement. He is not a proponent of defunding the police

This thread is about Trump.

Right on tape with the disabled man, yes we will defund the police. You won't even acknowledge it when you see it with your own eyes. That's why we call you sheep.

Nope. Don't give me ”Timcast” bullshit edited content.

Don't lie about Trump and don't lie about what Bidum said he was going to do and I won't make you look the fool.

You have never made anyone look the fool here, dummy.

Trump was a sweaty unhinged mess in that interview. Wallace mocked him to his face and all he could do was make wild claims about Biden and whine about how he’s treated unfairly.

Biden is trusted more on law and order than Trump is. Trump is a thug.
even fox.
Fox News Poll
Published 6 hours ago
Fox News Poll: Biden holds lead over Trump as coronavirus concerns grip nation

Fox News Poll: Biden holds lead over Trump as coronavirus concerns grip nation
Polls, polls, polls, remember 2016 when Hillary had it locked up with a 85% probability of winning??

but but it's FOX - donny's buddy, his pal, his friend! granted - it's only a moment in time, things can certainly change on that propaganda network, but c'mon... right now, the tribblehead is tanking with the very people who took him to the whitehouse in 2016.


I'm thinking the further Trump thinks he's behind, the more he will focus. I haven't seen too many dumb tweets lately, and the Wallace interview was one of Trump's best. I can see he's prepping. He knows Biden's policies and has much better command of the facts.

My point is that all we're looking at now is Trump because Biden is hiding in his basement.
When will Biden do real interviews with tough questions?
Tell me you're looking forward to the debates?


Wallace was tougher on him but still let him get away without answering a lot of questions.
Trump talked over him most of the time.
Everything Trump did in that interview is the way Mary Trump describes him in her book, too.
When Donald said Mary was never liked by the family why didn't Chris ask why???
Softball interview.
Then Chris wouldn't challenge Trump when he started whining.....again....about how badly he's been treated.
Fuck that.
He's such a pussy.
It's a tough job and he's simply not up to it.

We'll see who voters prefer in November.
Trump or hidin' Biden. The softest interview is no interview.

There are a lot of cards to play, or shoes to drop until November.

i heard joe biden will be on MSNBC tonight on joy reid 7pm.

lol... AND the clintons.

if you watch it, will yer head explode?

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