Chris Wallace - Saying for Trump to condemn white supremacists was proof of his shill, Democrat partisanship

Trump doesn't condemn white supremacists because he is the biggest white supremacist in the history of the world, with the biggest base of white supremacists in history too, my friends
He has done it dozens of times. Try thinking for yourself for once in your life and don't just regurgitate what your moron handlers tell you to think.
He does....then he doesn’t .....then he does again

When forced, Trump will condemn White Supremacy
But then he walks it back
Then his staff explains what “He really meant”
Trump doesn't condemn white supremacists because he is the biggest white supremacist in the history of the world, with the biggest base of white supremacists in history too, my friends
He has done it dozens of times. Try thinking for yourself for once in your life and don't just regurgitate what your moron handlers tell you to think.
He does....then he doesn’t .....then he does again

When forced, Trump will condemn White Supremacy
But then he walks it back
Then his staff explains what “He really meant”
When has he refused to condemn White supremacy? Bring the clip.
Trump doesn't condemn white supremacists because he is the biggest white supremacist in the history of the world, with the biggest base of white supremacists in history too, my friends
He has done it dozens of times. Try thinking for yourself for once in your life and don't just regurgitate what your moron handlers tell you to think.
He does....then he doesn’t .....then he does again

When forced, Trump will condemn White Supremacy
But then he walks it back
Then his staff explains what “He really meant”
When has he refused to condemn White supremacy? Bring the clip.

Ummmmm.......Let me think

How about two nights ago?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

How the hell, in anybody's language, is "do you condemn white supremacy?" a loaded question? Are you serious?

A day ago, the Trump cultists were crowing either about Trump's impending triumph, or claiming that Biden wouldn't show.

Now, they're howling that the mods were biased.

I kind of pity them. They actually believed their own idiot propaganda, and reality has smacked them hard.

Oh, the nation noticed that Trump told the white supremacist thug Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by." He's asking for a brownshirt terrorist group to be ready to commit violence on his behalf. Just reason #2,309 why he's unfit for office.
THE BLM and Antifa are destroying the major cities of America and the Left soils themselves over a handful of Right Wing groups. Unbelievable.

Hey stupid. It's not BLM protestors and anti-fa who are getting arrested for shooting people, killing people, and inciting violence. It's the Boogaloo Bois, the Proud Boys, and the right wing militia groups who are shooting and killing people. Kyly Rittenhouse is a right wing militia type who crossed state lines to "protect private property".

The people arrested in Minniapolis, were right wingers, trying to start race wars, or a new civil war. Not one person who claims affiliation with anti-fa has been arrested. Not one.

Christopher Wray, Donald Trump's hand-picked FBI Director, has said that right wing supremacists and hate groups are the biggest terrorist threat in the USA today, and on that debate stage, Donald Trump called on these people to stand ready to defend him if he loses the election.

There is always a pattern to Trump's refusal to disavow white supremacists. Just like he did with David Duke's endorsement, yesterday Trump suddenly doesn't know who they are. He seemed to know enough about them and their activities to tell them to "Stand back and stand ready" on the debate stage.

Trump has been asked to disavow white supremacists throughout his campaign and his Presidency, and he has steadfastly refused to do so in any meaningful way. When David Duke endorsed him, he refused to disavow the KKK. Said he didn't know who he was. And yet in an interview when Trump was talking about running for President as an independent and Duke endorsed him, Trump pubically stated he didn't need or want the support of racists like Duke. He certainly knew who David Duke was then.

After the death and violence in Charlottesville, it took several days for Trump to read a hostage video teleprompter statement condemning racism and white supremacy. It was so low energy, and lacking in any sort of authenticity. Glowering and looking like he was being forced to do something distasteful, he stood in front of the microphone and read the workds in a monotone and quickly walked away.

Chris Wallace gave Trump a softball opportunity to deflect criticism for his failure to denounce right wing violence, and instead of doing so, Trump incited right wing violence.

You stand up like a human being and say "I condemn white supremacy and it's violent followers". Donald Trump refuses to do that. Ever.

More utter bullshit from an uneducated piece of garbage. Trump has consistently condemned white supremacists back to 2016. Of course you lie about that. He denounced Duke multiple times so shove that lie oops. Trump I incites violence? STOP LYING MORON. Joe Biden has REFUSED to condemn Antifa, BLM, the KKK or ANY racist group. Your utter bullshit is disgusting. Proud Boys kick the crap out of you assholes after you start your shit. Now you can STFU.

Calling me names and posting lies doesn't change the truth of the facts I posted. Black Lives Matter isn't a terrorist organization and neither is Anti-Fa, but the Proud Boys are terrorists and they have the arrest records to prove it. They also have the condemnation of Christopher Wray - Trump's handpicked head of the FBU

Trump has consistently REFUSED to condemn white supremacists or its leaders. Here's his 2016 denials.

Anti-fa isn't a problem in the USA. Not according to Christopher Wray or any other law enforcement agency in the USA. So who is the lying piece of garbage here. I can post video of Trump refusing to condemn white supremacists all day long.

Here's Trump pretending he didn't know who the Proud Boys are. He needs new lines because here he recycles the "I don't know who David Duke is" from 2016. Trump sure seemed to know who they Proud Boys are when he asked them to "Stand down and Stand by". If he didn't know who they were, why would he ask them to "stand down"?

It's like saying a NYT is "fake news" in one breath and that they illegally acquired the information from the IRS. If the information isn't true, then how can it be stolen from the IRS? The only way the information is stolen from the IRS, is if it is true. So which is it.

If Trump doesn't know who the Proud Boys are, then how does he know they need to "stand down and let the police do their job". That's what he said during the debate.

You keep calling me a moron and a liar, but I can produce video of Trump saying and doing exactly what I posted. The very things you're calling me a liar about. How stupid are you that you think that I can't back up what I say or post? You have to be functionally illerate to avoid the truth about Donald Trump, his racist and white supremacist behaviour, and his embrace of violent white nationalism.

Yeah. Keep on underestimating me, you dickless, gormless fool.
It takes a very deplorable mindset to see a question about condemning white supremacy as a “trap”.
Because ha has ALWAYS condemned "supremacists" on BOTH sides.

Why did it take white Trump to declare the DEMOCRAT KKK a terrorist organization?

Trump has never declared the KKK a terrorist organization.

The reason no one in government has ever declared the KKK a "terrorist organization" is because it would be a violation of their first amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. No American organization can be designated as a terrorist organization. It's illegal and unConstitutional.
Trump doesn't condemn white supremacists because he is the biggest white supremacist in the history of the world, with the biggest base of white supremacists in history too, my friends
He has done it dozens of times. Try thinking for yourself for once in your life and don't just regurgitate what your moron handlers tell you to think.
He does....then he doesn’t .....then he does again

When forced, Trump will condemn White Supremacy
But then he walks it back
Then his staff explains what “He really meant”
When has he refused to condemn White supremacy? Bring the clip.

Ummmmm.......Let me think

How about two nights ago?
You have to look for it to find white supremacy. And about one tenth of one percent of what we have seen over recent years is any so called supremacists. You just make it seem like it is bad. The other side is slowly getting active now. They are armed to the teeth and getting ready for you. You are hanging yourselves and blaming others for pain that comes with it. Killing the young and the old is vile. And that is what you are doing.
Trump doesn't condemn white supremacists because he is the biggest white supremacist in the history of the world, with the biggest base of white supremacists in history too, my friends
He has done it dozens of times. Try thinking for yourself for once in your life and don't just regurgitate what your moron handlers tell you to think.
He does....then he doesn’t .....then he does again

When forced, Trump will condemn White Supremacy
But then he walks it back
Then his staff explains what “He really meant”
When has he refused to condemn White supremacy? Bring the clip.

Ummmmm.......Let me think

How about two nights ago?
You have to look for it to find white supremacy. And about one tenth of one percent of what we have seen over recent years is any so called supremacists. You just make it seem like it is bad. The other side is slowly getting active now. They are armed to the teeth and getting ready for you. You are hanging yourselves and blaming others for pain that comes with it. Killing the young and the old is vile. And that is what you are doing.

He was specifically asked multiple times to condemn White Supremacy. He initially said.......sure

But when Wallace said then do it

Trumps stubborn streak kicked in and he wouldn’t do it.
Trump doesn't condemn white supremacists because he is the biggest white supremacist in the history of the world, with the biggest base of white supremacists in history too, my friends
He has done it dozens of times. Try thinking for yourself for once in your life and don't just regurgitate what your moron handlers tell you to think.
He does....then he doesn’t .....then he does again

When forced, Trump will condemn White Supremacy
But then he walks it back
Then his staff explains what “He really meant”
When has he refused to condemn White supremacy? Bring the clip.

Ummmmm.......Let me think

How about two nights ago?
You mean when he said "Sure" twice when asked that question?

Think again, Moron................or should I say for the first time.

Bring a clip. I'm not interested in your usual dumbassery and lies.
And yet, you're a willing tool for Marxist black supremacists?

Just be open with what your code words mean.

You know,

Western chauvinist = White supremacist
Globalist = Jew
BLM = N-word

And so on. It's not like anyone doesn't know what you mean.
How does western chauvinist mean white supremacist? Don't tell me you're that stupid.

All things conservative or Republican mean "white supremacist" to the unhinged left. Like they say, "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every fucking thing looks like a nail to you."

Funny premise. So you understand that having an ideoligical leaning doesn't mean you have to agree with the extremes of that particular leaning?

Like for instance... I don't know... being against racial injustices not meaning you condone looting or violence during protests?

Or is that a distinction only for Republicans?

Of course I understand that. The problem however, is that the left doesn't seen to understand that. There are two sets of standards: One for the left, and one for the right.

While it's perfectly ok for them to constantly badger President Trump to dissociate himself with any group deemed "white supremacists", even though he has no direct or indirect ties to them, Democrats are never held to the same standard.

This was evident during last night's debate. At no time was presidential candidate Joe Biden asked to denounce, condemn, or criticize in any way, the violent actions of BLM, antifa. the Black Hebrew Israelites, radical leftist eco-terrorists, radical animal rights groups, radical anarchists, or other groups causing violence and unrest in this country.

Joe Biden when pressed about antifa, who are his constituency btw, merely claimed "It's an idea, not an organization." Even Democratic members of Congress have refused to condemn the violent people who ultimately support them

For instance, NY Rep. Jerry Nadler claiming that "Antifa violence in Portland id a myth." Or Democratic NM Rep. Deb Haaland describing Antifa as “peaceful protesters." Or MN Rep. Kieth Ellison, when he posed with a book promoting the violent antifa movement.

Even Nancy Pelosi has refused to condemn them, claiming "You’re not talking about the far left of the Democratic Party — they’re not even Democrats", even though the majority of them will be voting for Joe Biden.
And yet, you're a willing tool for Marxist black supremacists?

Just be open with what your code words mean.

You know,

Western chauvinist = White supremacist
Globalist = Jew
BLM = N-word

And so on. It's not like anyone doesn't know what you mean.
How does western chauvinist mean white supremacist? Don't tell me you're that stupid.

All things conservative or Republican mean "white supremacist" to the unhinged left. Like they say, "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every fucking thing looks like a nail to you."

Funny premise. So you understand that having an ideoligical leaning doesn't mean you have to agree with the extremes of that particular leaning?

Like for instance... I don't know... being against racial injustices not meaning you condone looting or violence during protests?

Or is that a distinction only for Republicans?

Of course I understand that. The problem however, is that the left doesn't seen to understand that. There are two sets of standards: One for the left, and one for the right.

While it's perfectly ok for them to constantly badger President Trump to dissociate himself with any group deemed "white supremacists", even though he has no direct or indirect ties to them, Democrats are never held to the same standard.

This was evident during last night's debate. At no time was presidential candidate Joe Biden asked to denounce, condemn, or criticize in any way, the violent actions of BLM, antifa. the Black Hebrew Israelites, radical leftist eco-terrorists, radical animal rights groups, radical anarchists, or other groups causing violence and unrest in this country.

Joe Biden when pressed about antifa, who are his constituency btw, merely claimed "It's an idea, not an organization." Even Democratic members of Congress have refused to condemn the violent people who ultimately support them

For instance, NY Rep. Jerry Nadler claiming that "Antifa violence in Portland id a myth." Or Democratic NM Rep. Deb Haaland describing Antifa as “peaceful protesters." Or MN Rep. Kieth Ellison, when he posed with a book promoting the violent antifa movement.

Even Nancy Pelosi has refused to condemn them, claiming "You’re not talking about the far left of the Democratic Party — they’re not even Democrats", even though the majority of them will be voting for Joe Biden.
First of all. You do realize that one of the main arguments against Biden is that he is supposedly condoning, antifa? Constantly conflating BLM and riots, or protests.

You just now said you understood the difference and at the same time claimed that somehow Pelosi is responsible for them because the majority will vote for Biden.

Biden has unequivocally condemned violence at protests. Trump said "stand down and stand by".

Hmm...., Remember when: Not one so called White Supremacist has been arrested participating of arson, looting in the 71 cities that been attacked by the terrorist groups BLM and Antifa.

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Chris Wallace proves who he takes his orders from badgering Trump to denounce racism when
Trump has done that very thing many times before, including in that very debate.
Wallace: [Addressing Trump] …You have repeatedly criticized the vice president [Biden] for not calling out Antifa and other left-wing extremist groups —
Trump: That’s right
Wallace: — but are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacist and militia groups —
Trump: Sure

I wish Wallace had been as insistent to get Adderall Joe to condemn Antifa.
And I wish he had asked Joe why his vice president, K. Harris said his support for racist segregationists
was disgraceful and racist in itself.

Maybe Trump will bring it up next debate.
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From the lil Mamooth, October of 2016. I thought it appropriate to shove this down his throat being the pussbag that he is....

Yes, yes, you've been my pout-stalker for many years. Everyone understands that.

And they know why. The weepiest of Trump's pajama-boi beta bitches are starting to regret getting castrated as part of the Trump cult initiation ceremony. So they follow me around, hoping some of the alpha will rub off on them.

The same thing goes this year. Are you going to run after Trump's humilating loss, or will you stick around to take your lumps? After all, all of the liberals stuck around. But then, the liberals possessed gonads. I can't imagine any of Trump's weeping eunuchs here sticking around.

Mamu, you are just another leftard douchebag that offers zero in meaningful debate or dialogue. God knows that I have kicked your ass from one end of this forum to the other. You? "an alpha"????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You are the furthest thing from being an "alpha male". No leftard here has done as much bitching and moaning about Trump's win than you have. You and the leftards that didn't bail after the Hildebeast lost (that talked so much shit) have refused to accept Trump's victory....but here you are... wanting to know if those that supported Trump will accept a Biden victory. You are wanting what you and your fellow leftards refused to do.

As I recall, those that were unabashed supporters of Trump were more than gracious in victory. I couldn't claim to be apart of their celebration because I don't participate in the election process of this banana republic. I and many others that are far more informed than you and your ilk have been validated about the fact that there is indeed a shadow "gubermint" and a deep state that does their bidding with a compliant media.

Biden is a joke of a candidate and it will only be by voter fraud if he wins. The man is an even worse candidate than the Hildebeast. I am not going anywhere. I will take great delight in pointing out what a fraud Biden is should this shyster be cheated into office....good times!

Any other questions, Mamu????


What, and you're an alpha???'re not even a Beta...

Trump supporters are gracious, like Dumbo the elephant is great at ballet.
I saw very few posts of Trump supporters rubbing the noses of leftards in the dirt after the election though they certainly deserved to do so....leftards were trying to do it pre-election, Gumbo......and afterwards cried like little bitches.

P.S I am more of a man than you could ever hope to be.


You were a member of this board during the last election. I call you a liar....

Well, depends on your definition of a man. If Trumplethinskin is your idea of a man, then indeed you are more of a man than I could ever hope to be.

Your purse-swinging means nothing to me. You little commie fucks are going to learn the hard way and it's because you lack the stomach for the fight. I would rather fight for my liberties and to exist on this planet than be subservient to a one world "gubermint" of elites that have have used those of your ilk like a crack whore.
You are totally clueless, punkinpuss.

Well, well, well. Dale thinks he has a dick and balls, and he can swing them. Too bad he doesn't have a clue or a brain.

Still believing in that "one world governent bullshit" like the good little mark, I see. Trump loves the gullible and the stupid. If not for them, Trump wouldn't have any voters at all.

Dragonklunt releases yet another wet pussy fart...she is the queen of the "quiff".
Be gone, ye of foul stench......

That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

It's even worse that Chris asked the very same question in 2016 and heard Trump denounce the hate groups, so he of all people should have corrected Biden and called him out for lying about never denouncing groups.
But the way Chris shaped that question to imply the trouble is coming from the right and not addressing the actual trouble of radical leftist destructive behavior, it was so a MSM talking point spin that one must wonder if he is in on the same daily spin meetings these liberal media outlets source their parroted points from.
It's even worse that Chris asked the very same question in 2016 and heard Trump denounce the hate groups, so he of all people should have corrected Biden and called him out for lying about never denouncing groups.
But the way Chris shaped that question to imply the trouble is coming from the right and not addressing the actual trouble of radical leftist destructive behavior, it was so a MSM talking point spin that one must wonder if he is in on the same daily spin meetings these liberal media outlets source their parroted points from.

Just for you

How the hell, in anybody's language, is "do you condemn white supremacy?" a loaded question? Are you serious?
Sure they're serious. It's a loaded question in TrumpWorld, for obvious reasons.

The question was just one thing, of course. The response was pretty mind-blowing, even for Trump, but they didn't see any problem with it. For obvious reasons.

You are a fucking moron. President Trump condemned white nationalists right after Charlottesville happened. Those people vote for Biden now.

Since then he has repeatedly condemned them.

Biden refuses to condemn Antifa, in fact, he does not even believe it exists.

Total moron. Trump 2020!

I see that you deflect pretending it is smart. It is not, it is utterly stupid and you are completely wrong.
Trump was not ambiguous in the past. You people are lying whores. FUCK YOU.

And yet, on one of the most important stages of the world - a presidential debate - he couldn't say the simple word "yes" when Wallace asked him the question. Now it's Wallace's fault the Orange Buffoon can't answer a simple question? Interesting....

Have you stopped smoking crack yet, Dr Gump?

Simple question. Why won't you answer?

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