Chris Wallace - Saying for Trump to condemn white supremacists was proof of his shill, Democrat partisanship

That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

It's even worse that Chris asked the very same question in 2016 and heard Trump denounce the hate groups, so he of all people should have corrected Biden and called him out for lying about never denouncing groups.
But the way Chris shaped that question to imply the trouble is coming from the right and not addressing the actual trouble of radical leftist destructive behavior, it was so a MSM talking point spin that one must wonder if he is in on the same daily spin meetings these liberal media outlets source their parroted points from.

Wallace is your typical brain dead millionaire media suck up.

Let’s think about this, Wallace ignores the fact that the nation has experienced high levels of mayhem during the Summer of George, and asks about white supremacy. Good God, what a fucking jackass.
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

Chris Wallace - Saying for Trump to condemn white supremacists was proof of his shill, Democrat partisanship
Thanks for admitting the white supremacists are republicans.

Good job, dope.

Take your racism and shove it, Grand Lizard
I explained it in the op, empty headed hysterical teenage girl.

Are you a racist? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why haven't you already condemned it?

I'd hate to be inside your head. Continually seeing things that aren't there...

So no, you can't condemn white supremacy. That explains a lot actually

Oh, I thought you were being rhetorical and talking about Wallace questioning Trump. Of course I condemn white supremacy. Gee, that was hard.

Exactly what a white supremacist would say. They'd drop a they condemn white supremacy wherever you want them to.

So why are you giving the answer a white supremacist would say? That's disturbing. So do you actually condemn white supremacy? Don't say what a white supremacist would say this time. Do you really condemn it? No perfunctory answer like last time, actually condemn it this time
I explained it in the op, empty headed hysterical teenage girl.

Are you a racist? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why haven't you already condemned it?

I'd hate to be inside your head. Continually seeing things that aren't there...

So no, you can't condemn white supremacy. That explains a lot actually

Oh, I thought you were being rhetorical and talking about Wallace questioning Trump. Of course I condemn white supremacy. Gee, that was hard.

Exactly what a white supremacist would say. They'd drop a they condemn white supremacy wherever you want them to.

So why are you giving the answer a white supremacist would say? That's disturbing. So do you actually condemn white supremacy? Don't say what a white supremacist would say this time. Do you really condemn it? No perfunctory answer like last time, actually condemn it this time

I've heard that "that was hard" is well know ws "code word" for being "hard in the ws struggle".

Ask him to deny it, again, and see if he uses the exact same code words. Or other code words. I will fill you in on the other code words after he posts his answer.

AND, if he refused to answer, that is because he knows we are on to his ws-ness.

BOOM. We have him now.

JUst a simple question. JUst answer it. What a load of shit from their face anuses.
Dr Grump is an arrogant ass of a New Zealander snob who thinks he knows everything about how the United States is doing wrong and if we just listened to him based on his experience growing up in a country one 75th our size we'd be fine.

Get this. He thinks New Zealand where the closest neighbors are across hundreds of miles of ocean means he knows all about our open border with third world Mexico where millions of Mexicans just walk across our border. He actually believes it's the same thing.

His opinion of himself is inversely proportional to his knowledge about actually being an American

It's not hard to know a lot about the US. There's these things called books. And the internet. When you look at things like the BLM shit going in Seattle, are you on the ground there or are you looking at newspapers, the online news and television - IOW, the exact same sources I am? If you're living in Bumfuck, Iowa, and I'm in Australia, what advantage do you have over me as to what is going on in Seattle? Nothing. That's what. What does the size of a country have to do with anything. You go to our local primary school in a suburb like Mt Eden in Auckland, there are more than 200 cultures there, and just over 75 different languages being spoken. You think NZ isn't cosmopolitan? When I was growing up in the 70s and 80s about 1 in 1000 people walking down main street Auckland were Asian. Today two out of 10 we have the biggest Pacific Island population in the world.

No, I don't think it is the same thing. Where have I ever said that. I hardly comment on immigration.

So you know all about the United States because you read a book. Yes, that is quite revealing

I never said that.

Dr. Grump. It's not hard to know a lot about the US. There's these things called books


And I have a huge advantage over you in Seattle. I'm an American and it's American culture.

I'd be an idiot if I said I know as much as you about a New Zealand town as you when you're a New Zealander and I'm not. Just like you are for saying you read a book and the Internet and you know as much about Seattle as me.

And to be specific, you say you understand having an open border with a third world country when New Zealand has no borders with anyone. And you know if we just banned guns they would disappear and go away and criminals wouldn't have them anymore. Even though with our open border, criminals with guns can, hello, walk right in ...

No, you pile ignorance on top of ignorance. You're a total New Zealand snob
I explained it in the op, empty headed hysterical teenage girl.

Are you a racist? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why haven't you already condemned it?

I'd hate to be inside your head. Continually seeing things that aren't there...

So no, you can't condemn white supremacy. That explains a lot actually

Oh, I thought you were being rhetorical and talking about Wallace questioning Trump. Of course I condemn white supremacy. Gee, that was hard.

Exactly what a white supremacist would say. They'd drop a they condemn white supremacy wherever you want them to.

So why are you giving the answer a white supremacist would say? That's disturbing. So do you actually condemn white supremacy? Don't say what a white supremacist would say this time. Do you really condemn it? No perfunctory answer like last time, actually condemn it this time

I've heard that "that was hard" is well know ws "code word" for being "hard in the ws struggle".

Ask him to deny it, again, and see if he uses the exact same code words. Or other code words. I will fill you in on the other code words after he posts his answer.

AND, if he refused to answer, that is because he knows we are on to his ws-ness.

BOOM. We have him now.

JUst a simple question. JUst answer it. What a load of shit from their face anuses.

I agree, but notice in the post you quoted I did ask him to deny it again.

That's my whole point of what they are doing to Trump. They demand he condemn it over and over and over and no answer is good enough. Obviously it's to portray that he has to condemn it, he doesn't. Trump has never said or done anything racist. It's a sick, un-American hate delusion endlessly propagated by the left
I explained it in the op, empty headed hysterical teenage girl.

Are you a racist? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why haven't you already condemned it?

I'd hate to be inside your head. Continually seeing things that aren't there...

So no, you can't condemn white supremacy. That explains a lot actually

Oh, I thought you were being rhetorical and talking about Wallace questioning Trump. Of course I condemn white supremacy. Gee, that was hard.

Exactly what a white supremacist would say. They'd drop a they condemn white supremacy wherever you want them to.

So why are you giving the answer a white supremacist would say? That's disturbing. So do you actually condemn white supremacy? Don't say what a white supremacist would say this time. Do you really condemn it? No perfunctory answer like last time, actually condemn it this time

I've heard that "that was hard" is well know ws "code word" for being "hard in the ws struggle".

Ask him to deny it, again, and see if he uses the exact same code words. Or other code words. I will fill you in on the other code words after he posts his answer.

AND, if he refused to answer, that is because he knows we are on to his ws-ness.

BOOM. We have him now.

JUst a simple question. JUst answer it. What a load of shit from their face anuses.

I agree, but notice in the post you quoted I did ask him to deny it again

If he doesn't, you have to spend the next 50 years, bring that up repeatedly and constantly, ignoring the other times he did deny it.

AND if he get pissed about that, make a big deal about how angry he is, over a "simple question".

Must have struck a never, huh?
That is just a pure gotcha question. Trump's choices are:

- No, he won't condemn white supremacists

- It had to be asked, you finally condemned them

It's called a loaded question. There is nothing but a lose in the answer. That Chris Wallace would ask a loaded question like that shows he had no place moderating a debate. And of course there were no such loaded questions for Joe Dementia Biden.

Then again anyone who has seen him on Fox already knows he's a DNC stooge

It's also a lie, Trump does condemn them in his answer. He just recognized it for the trap it was and tried not to give Chris the loaded answer he wanted.

Watch Biden, "so do it." Biden saw just like Trump did that it was a trap and was trying to push him in

It's even worse that Chris asked the very same question in 2016 and heard Trump denounce the hate groups, so he of all people should have corrected Biden and called him out for lying about never denouncing groups.
But the way Chris shaped that question to imply the trouble is coming from the right and not addressing the actual trouble of radical leftist destructive behavior, it was so a MSM talking point spin that one must wonder if he is in on the same daily spin meetings these liberal media outlets source their parroted points from.

Biden clearly saw the trap and was trying to push Trump in. He was saying "do it."

It was the most flagrantly biased thing a "moderator" can do. Chris forces Trump to denounce racism, then Biden completes the ally oop and comes in for the slam saying "it's about time."

That was as one sided as a moderator can get, actually helping one opponent with a partisan attack against the other.

Chris knew that, he can't possibly be that stupid to think he was going to clear it up somehow
What makes the Proud Boys a group of white supremacists?

Describing themselves as "Western chauvinists" --- that is, the PC term for "white supremacist" -- kind of seals the deal there.

As does their spouting of white supremacist rhetoric.

Are you just trolling by playing dumb here?

Lol...oh my...please, tell us more...I'm interested in what white supremist rhetoric they are spewing?
I explained it in the op, empty headed hysterical teenage girl.

Are you a racist? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why haven't you already condemned it?

I'd hate to be inside your head. Continually seeing things that aren't there...

So no, you can't condemn white supremacy. That explains a lot actually

Oh, I thought you were being rhetorical and talking about Wallace questioning Trump. Of course I condemn white supremacy. Gee, that was hard.

Exactly what a white supremacist would say. They'd drop a they condemn white supremacy wherever you want them to.

So why are you giving the answer a white supremacist would say? That's disturbing. So do you actually condemn white supremacy? Don't say what a white supremacist would say this time. Do you really condemn it? No perfunctory answer like last time, actually condemn it this time

I've heard that "that was hard" is well know ws "code word" for being "hard in the ws struggle".

Ask him to deny it, again, and see if he uses the exact same code words. Or other code words. I will fill you in on the other code words after he posts his answer.

AND, if he refused to answer, that is because he knows we are on to his ws-ness.

BOOM. We have him now.

JUst a simple question. JUst answer it. What a load of shit from their face anuses.

I agree, but notice in the post you quoted I did ask him to deny it again

If he doesn't, you have to spend the next 50 years, bring that up repeatedly and constantly, ignoring the other times he did deny it.

AND if he get pissed about that, make a big deal about how angry he is, over a "simple question".

Must have struck a never, huh?

We are on the same page, my friend. Read my exchanges with RW in this thread where I've been doing exactly that. It's amazing how he got the message for himself I wouldn't accept any answer and he stopped answering, exactly what Trump did. But none of them are smart enough to get it. I clearly did to them what they do to Trump, and they don't register an IQ between them to grasp that. One after another walks down the same path and then stops answering when I won't accept any answer.

Exactly like Trump.

But I can only make the point. It's up to them to get it.

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you. I cannot comprehend it for you
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I explained it in the op, empty headed hysterical teenage girl.

Are you a racist? Do you condemn white supremacy? Why haven't you already condemned it?

I'd hate to be inside your head. Continually seeing things that aren't there...

So no, you can't condemn white supremacy. That explains a lot actually

Oh, I thought you were being rhetorical and talking about Wallace questioning Trump. Of course I condemn white supremacy. Gee, that was hard.

Exactly what a white supremacist would say. They'd drop a they condemn white supremacy wherever you want them to.

So why are you giving the answer a white supremacist would say? That's disturbing. So do you actually condemn white supremacy? Don't say what a white supremacist would say this time. Do you really condemn it? No perfunctory answer like last time, actually condemn it this time

I've heard that "that was hard" is well know ws "code word" for being "hard in the ws struggle".

Ask him to deny it, again, and see if he uses the exact same code words. Or other code words. I will fill you in on the other code words after he posts his answer.

AND, if he refused to answer, that is because he knows we are on to his ws-ness.

BOOM. We have him now.

JUst a simple question. JUst answer it. What a load of shit from their face anuses.

I agree, but notice in the post you quoted I did ask him to deny it again

If he doesn't, you have to spend the next 50 years, bring that up repeatedly and constantly, ignoring the other times he did deny it.

AND if he get pissed about that, make a big deal about how angry he is, over a "simple question".

Must have struck a never, huh?

We are on the same page, my friend. Read my exchanges with RW in this thread where I've been doing exactly that. It's amazing how he got the message for himself I wouldn't accept any answer and stopped answering, exactly what Trump did. But none of them are smart enough to get it. I clearly did to them what they do to Trump, and they don't register an IQ between them traspet that. One after another walks down the same path and then stops answering when I won't accept any answer.

Exactly like Trump.

But I can only make the point. It's up to them to get it.

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you. I cannot comprehend it for you

Good line from Churchill.
  • Thanks
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It's even worse that Chris asked the very same question in 2016 and heard Trump denounce the hate groups, so he of all people should have corrected Biden and called him out for lying about never denouncing groups.
But the way Chris shaped that question to imply the trouble is coming from the right and not addressing the actual trouble of radical leftist destructive behavior, it was so a MSM talking point spin that one must wonder if he is in on the same daily spin meetings these liberal media outlets source their parroted points from.

Just for you

View attachment 395909
That was dumb, at least be clever with your humor and demonization tactics.
Would that be you or are just a rank and file member?
It's long been known regardless of your ignorance. The adults have their eyes on them.

Long been known, why? Because you heard other like minded people say it?

Give an example of something racist they've said or done and then let their Afro-Cuban chairman know about it.
Long been known, why? Because you heard other like minded people say it?
Exactly. Like minded like the FBI and DHS.

Again, you're free to provide an example of their racism
Again, you're free to provide an example of their racism
So you are a member then. The FBI is watching.
"Stand by " for more forthcoming denial.
Would that be you or are just a rank and file member?
It's long been known regardless of your ignorance. The adults have their eyes on them.

Long been known, why? Because you heard other like minded people say it?

Give an example of something racist they've said or done and then let their Afro-Cuban chairman know about it.
Long been known, why? Because you heard other like minded people say it?
Exactly. Like minded like the FBI and DHS.

Again, you're free to provide an example of their racism
Again, you're free to provide an example of their racism
So you are a member then. The FBI is watching.
"Stand by " for more forthcoming denial.

Still waiting for your example
And yet, you're a willing tool for Marxist black supremacists?

Just be open with what your code words mean.

You know,

Western chauvinist = White supremacist
Globalist = Jew
BLM = N-word

And so on. It's not like anyone doesn't know what you mean.
How does western chauvinist mean white supremacist? Don't tell me you're that stupid.

All things conservative or Republican mean "white supremacist" to the unhinged left. Like they say, "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every fucking thing looks like a nail to you."

Funny premise. So you understand that having an ideoligical leaning doesn't mean you have to agree with the extremes of that particular leaning?

Like for instance... I don't know... being against racial injustices not meaning you condone looting or violence during protests?

Or is that a distinction only for Republicans?

Of course I understand that. The problem however, is that the left doesn't seen to understand that. There are two sets of standards: One for the left, and one for the right.

While it's perfectly ok for them to constantly badger President Trump to dissociate himself with any group deemed "white supremacists", even though he has no direct or indirect ties to them, Democrats are never held to the same standard.

This was evident during last night's debate. At no time was presidential candidate Joe Biden asked to denounce, condemn, or criticize in any way, the violent actions of BLM, antifa. the Black Hebrew Israelites, radical leftist eco-terrorists, radical animal rights groups, radical anarchists, or other groups causing violence and unrest in this country.

Joe Biden when pressed about antifa, who are his constituency btw, merely claimed "It's an idea, not an organization." Even Democratic members of Congress have refused to condemn the violent people who ultimately support them

For instance, NY Rep. Jerry Nadler claiming that "Antifa violence in Portland id a myth." Or Democratic NM Rep. Deb Haaland describing Antifa as “peaceful protesters." Or MN Rep. Kieth Ellison, when he posed with a book promoting the violent antifa movement.

Even Nancy Pelosi has refused to condemn them, claiming "You’re not talking about the far left of the Democratic Party — they’re not even Democrats", even though the majority of them will be voting for Joe Biden.
And yet, you're a willing tool for Marxist black supremacists?

Just be open with what your code words mean.

You know,

Western chauvinist = White supremacist
Globalist = Jew
BLM = N-word

And so on. It's not like anyone doesn't know what you mean.
How does western chauvinist mean white supremacist? Don't tell me you're that stupid.

All things conservative or Republican mean "white supremacist" to the unhinged left. Like they say, "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every fucking thing looks like a nail to you."

Funny premise. So you understand that having an ideoligical leaning doesn't mean you have to agree with the extremes of that particular leaning?

Like for instance... I don't know... being against racial injustices not meaning you condone looting or violence during protests?

Or is that a distinction only for Republicans?

Of course I understand that. The problem however, is that the left doesn't seen to understand that. There are two sets of standards: One for the left, and one for the right.

While it's perfectly ok for them to constantly badger President Trump to dissociate himself with any group deemed "white supremacists", even though he has no direct or indirect ties to them, Democrats are never held to the same standard.

This was evident during last night's debate. At no time was presidential candidate Joe Biden asked to denounce, condemn, or criticize in any way, the violent actions of BLM, antifa. the Black Hebrew Israelites, radical leftist eco-terrorists, radical animal rights groups, radical anarchists, or other groups causing violence and unrest in this country.

Joe Biden when pressed about antifa, who are his constituency btw, merely claimed "It's an idea, not an organization." Even Democratic members of Congress have refused to condemn the violent people who ultimately support them

For instance, NY Rep. Jerry Nadler claiming that "Antifa violence in Portland id a myth." Or Democratic NM Rep. Deb Haaland describing Antifa as “peaceful protesters." Or MN Rep. Kieth Ellison, when he posed with a book promoting the violent antifa movement.

Even Nancy Pelosi has refused to condemn them, claiming "You’re not talking about the far left of the Democratic Party — they’re not even Democrats", even though the majority of them will be voting for Joe Biden.
First of all. You do realize that one of the main arguments against Biden is that he is supposedly condoning, antifa? Constantly conflating BLM and riots, or protests.

You just now said you understood the difference and at the same time claimed that somehow Pelosi is responsible for them because the majority will vote for Biden.

Biden has unequivocally condemned violence at protests. Trump said "stand down and stand by".

Hmm...., Remember when: Not one so called White Supremacist has been arrested participating of arson, looting in the 71 cities that been attacked by the terrorist groups BLM and Antifa.

Hmm...., Remember when: Not one so called White Supremacist has been arrested participating of arson, looting in the 71 cities that been attacked by the terrorist groups BLM and Antifa.
Do you remember ever not being a retard?

Would that be you or are just a rank and file member?
It's long been known regardless of your ignorance. The adults have their eyes on them.

Long been known, why? Because you heard other like minded people say it?

Give an example of something racist they've said or done and then let their Afro-Cuban chairman know about it.
Long been known, why? Because you heard other like minded people say it?
Exactly. Like minded like the FBI and DHS.

Again, you're free to provide an example of their racism
Again, you're free to provide an example of their racism
So you are a member then. The FBI is watching.
"Stand by " for more forthcoming denial.

Still waiting for your example
Still waiting for your example
I don't need to present anything, dope.
The FBI and DHS have already classified them as such. Whether you accept their assessment or not is irrelevant to that reality.
Would that be you or are just a rank and file member?
It's long been known regardless of your ignorance. The adults have their eyes on them.

Long been known, why? Because you heard other like minded people say it?

Give an example of something racist they've said or done and then let their Afro-Cuban chairman know about it.
Long been known, why? Because you heard other like minded people say it?
Exactly. Like minded like the FBI and DHS.

Again, you're free to provide an example of their racism
Again, you're free to provide an example of their racism
So you are a member then. The FBI is watching.
"Stand by " for more forthcoming denial.

Still waiting for your example

Oh! Here you go!

Oh, wait. That doesn't work, does it.

And yet, you're a willing tool for Marxist black supremacists?

Just be open with what your code words mean.

You know,

Western chauvinist = White supremacist
Globalist = Jew
BLM = N-word

And so on. It's not like anyone doesn't know what you mean.
How does western chauvinist mean white supremacist? Don't tell me you're that stupid.

All things conservative or Republican mean "white supremacist" to the unhinged left. Like they say, "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every fucking thing looks like a nail to you."

Funny premise. So you understand that having an ideoligical leaning doesn't mean you have to agree with the extremes of that particular leaning?

Like for instance... I don't know... being against racial injustices not meaning you condone looting or violence during protests?

Or is that a distinction only for Republicans?

Of course I understand that. The problem however, is that the left doesn't seen to understand that. There are two sets of standards: One for the left, and one for the right.

While it's perfectly ok for them to constantly badger President Trump to dissociate himself with any group deemed "white supremacists", even though he has no direct or indirect ties to them, Democrats are never held to the same standard.

This was evident during last night's debate. At no time was presidential candidate Joe Biden asked to denounce, condemn, or criticize in any way, the violent actions of BLM, antifa. the Black Hebrew Israelites, radical leftist eco-terrorists, radical animal rights groups, radical anarchists, or other groups causing violence and unrest in this country.

Joe Biden when pressed about antifa, who are his constituency btw, merely claimed "It's an idea, not an organization." Even Democratic members of Congress have refused to condemn the violent people who ultimately support them

For instance, NY Rep. Jerry Nadler claiming that "Antifa violence in Portland id a myth." Or Democratic NM Rep. Deb Haaland describing Antifa as “peaceful protesters." Or MN Rep. Kieth Ellison, when he posed with a book promoting the violent antifa movement.

Even Nancy Pelosi has refused to condemn them, claiming "You’re not talking about the far left of the Democratic Party — they’re not even Democrats", even though the majority of them will be voting for Joe Biden.
And yet, you're a willing tool for Marxist black supremacists?

Just be open with what your code words mean.

You know,

Western chauvinist = White supremacist
Globalist = Jew
BLM = N-word

And so on. It's not like anyone doesn't know what you mean.
How does western chauvinist mean white supremacist? Don't tell me you're that stupid.

All things conservative or Republican mean "white supremacist" to the unhinged left. Like they say, "When the only tool you own is a hammer, every fucking thing looks like a nail to you."

Funny premise. So you understand that having an ideoligical leaning doesn't mean you have to agree with the extremes of that particular leaning?

Like for instance... I don't know... being against racial injustices not meaning you condone looting or violence during protests?

Or is that a distinction only for Republicans?

Of course I understand that. The problem however, is that the left doesn't seen to understand that. There are two sets of standards: One for the left, and one for the right.

While it's perfectly ok for them to constantly badger President Trump to dissociate himself with any group deemed "white supremacists", even though he has no direct or indirect ties to them, Democrats are never held to the same standard.

This was evident during last night's debate. At no time was presidential candidate Joe Biden asked to denounce, condemn, or criticize in any way, the violent actions of BLM, antifa. the Black Hebrew Israelites, radical leftist eco-terrorists, radical animal rights groups, radical anarchists, or other groups causing violence and unrest in this country.

Joe Biden when pressed about antifa, who are his constituency btw, merely claimed "It's an idea, not an organization." Even Democratic members of Congress have refused to condemn the violent people who ultimately support them

For instance, NY Rep. Jerry Nadler claiming that "Antifa violence in Portland id a myth." Or Democratic NM Rep. Deb Haaland describing Antifa as “peaceful protesters." Or MN Rep. Kieth Ellison, when he posed with a book promoting the violent antifa movement.

Even Nancy Pelosi has refused to condemn them, claiming "You’re not talking about the far left of the Democratic Party — they’re not even Democrats", even though the majority of them will be voting for Joe Biden.
First of all. You do realize that one of the main arguments against Biden is that he is supposedly condoning, antifa? Constantly conflating BLM and riots, or protests.

You just now said you understood the difference and at the same time claimed that somehow Pelosi is responsible for them because the majority will vote for Biden.

Biden has unequivocally condemned violence at protests. Trump said "stand down and stand by".

Hmm...., Remember when: Not one so called White Supremacist has been arrested participating of arson, looting in the 71 cities that been attacked by the terrorist groups BLM and Antifa.

Hmm...., Remember when: Not one so called White Supremacist has been arrested participating of arson, looting in the 71 cities that been attacked by the terrorist groups BLM and Antifa.
Do you remember ever not being a retard?

"SOME of the ws or criminals"?

And you fall for it hook, line and sinker.

That means that at most, some of them were antifa, some were local gang members and maybe ONE was possibly, maybe pretend wise, a ws.

And you fell for it.

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