Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government

So what? Trump use to be a Democrat. Doesn't mean leopards don't have spots.
The only thing that matters is what Trump is now, or what he pretends to be to hang onto his moronic minions:

Spearheading the effort is Russell Vought, who served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget during his first term and has remained close to him. Vought, who is frequently cited as a potential chief of staff in a second Trump White House, is president of The Center for Renewing America think tank, a leading group in a conservative consortium preparing for a second Trump term.
The only thing that matters is what Trump is now, or what he pretends to be to hang onto his moronic minions:

Spearheading the effort is Russell Vought, who served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget during his first term and has remained close to him. Vought, who is frequently cited as a potential chief of staff in a second Trump White House, is president of The Center for Renewing America think tank, a leading group in a conservative consortium preparing for a second Trump term.
I can’t wait for Trump to open his gulags.
Conservative xenophobes and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law.

However, whether out of ignorance or the belief that religious freedom and the first amendment does not apply equally to all religions, they fail to focus on the real threat to secularism.

We are talking about Christian Dominionism.

While there is no reason to believe that the few Muslims in our government harbor a desire to usurp secularism, there are appointed and elected Christians in our government right now – or are aspiring to high office-who have openly expressed the belief that the bible is superior to the constitution and cavorting with those who are like minded.

It is worth remembering that Barton is not only an influential Republican activist but also runs one of the main super PACs supporting Ted Cruz.

Barton is also the long time chairman of the Texas Republican Party

Here is more:

And guess who else is in bed with the Dominionists?

Donald Trump’s Amen Corner: Prosperity Preachers and Dominionists

So, you say that Trump and the others did not seek out this type of support and do not actually believe this drivel ? Well he seeks them out!

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!!

Dominionism comes from the same ignorant heresy as dispensationism and the rapture. See prophet Hal Lindsey.
Some of you need to read this.

Sharia, derived from the Arabic word meaning “a path to be followed,” holds a significant place in Islamic life. It encompasses both a personal moral code and a general religious law that can influence the legal systems of Muslim-majority countries. Here are some key points about Sharia:

  1. Source: Sharia is drawn from two main sources:
    • Quran: Islam’s holy book.
    • Sunnah: The example set by the Prophet Muhammad.
  2. Personal Relationship with God: Sharia is primarily about a personal relationship with God. Just as water is vital for human life, the clarity and uprightness of Sharia serve as the means of life for souls and minds.
  3. Living Body of Law: Sharia has developed over centuries and continues to be examined by Muslim scholars and believers today.
  4. Guiding Principles: Sharia aims to preserve life, learning, family, property, and honor. It provides guidance on various aspects of living, including marriage, eating, worship, and financial transactions.
However, it’s essential to clarify how Sharia interacts with American law:

In summary, Sharia plays a significant role in the lives of Muslims but does not supersede American law. The coexistence of religious practices and legal systems is a hallmark of religious liberty in the United States.
Some of you need to read this.

Sharia, derived from the Arabic word meaning “a path to be followed,” holds a significant place in Islamic life. It encompasses both a personal moral code and a general religious law that can influence the legal systems of Muslim-majority countries. Here are some key points about Sharia:

  1. Source: Sharia is drawn from two main sources:
    • Quran: Islam’s holy book.
    • Sunnah: The example set by the Prophet Muhammad.
  2. Personal Relationship with God: Sharia is primarily about a personal relationship with God. Just as water is vital for human life, the clarity and uprightness of Sharia serve as the means of life for souls and minds.
  3. Living Body of Law: Sharia has developed over centuries and continues to be examined by Muslim scholars and believers today.
  4. Guiding Principles: Sharia aims to preserve life, learning, family, property, and honor. It provides guidance on various aspects of living, including marriage, eating, worship, and financial transactions.
However, it’s essential to clarify how Sharia interacts with American law:

In summary, Sharia plays a significant role in the lives of Muslims but does not supersede American law. The coexistence of religious practices and legal systems is a hallmark of religious liberty in the United States.

Sharia is the well-worn path to life giving water.

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